December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

I have been 'packing mine this week' since 24 weeks lol! Something keeps happening to make us have no money to buy a few bits of toiletries and mattresses (maternity towels) etc for the bag so not packed the clothes yet either. Need to do it soon thou. Last time I packed it about 10 times because I was in and out of hospital so much I ended up taking the bag in with me all the time then when I finally delivered at 34 weeks I had nothing left in it and had to send everyone to get more stuff for my stay after the section lol!
Got the call from my doctor's office that I passed my one hour glucose test, and I'm so glad! I've had bouts of really excessive thirst lately, so of course I've been self-diagnosing myself and thinking that I probably have gestational diabetes, but it's a relief to know that I don't!

That's great!

I've really struggled today due to horrible groin pain which is shooting down my leg. It hurts to stand, walk, sit, do anything. I'm ridiculously slow walking and look like a lame duck, I'm waddling that much. Not sure if it's SPD or not as its only really triggered when I'm at work. I was fine yesterday. Anyway, I've left work early to go home and polish off my 3 year old's birthday cake :)

Hi Willow, that's exactly what I have. When I move around, I get it worse. I had too many visitors last month and I was literally dragging myself around in home to do chores. I was very emotional feeling helpless and kept crying alone. But I could rest a lot since the beginning of September and I am much better. I did not even ask doctor, because I don't like pain killers during pregnancy, it can improve if we take rest and last time I had it ; it just vanished after birth. I think its normal for some of us. slowing down makes sense. Hope you get to rest and feel better soon.

I thought this is something to do with PGP

Thanks for this. It looks like that's what it is. So annoying! People keep commenting on the way I'm walking at work, they're being nice and showing concern but I'm feeling a bit self-conscious about walking like a lame duck! I think I'm going to get the bus to work instead of walking to see if that helps.
I don't have mine packed as such but I do have everything I'm taking inside it in some sort of fashion lol I just need a change of clothes I think, and then I need to move the baby's things into the changing bag so it's all in one place.

I keep thinking I've forgotten things so I keep going and rechecking

Thanks girls.. My knee is still pretty sore but thankfully it's not happened again.. Kinda worried in case it does. I'm going to mention it to my GP next time I go.

I have started putting bits aside for my hospital bag. Want mine done early so it's out of the way! Last time I packed way too much stuff ! X
I haven't started packing, but I have started a list! My hospital bag list seems really long though... I might have too much crap on there!
I always forget what I need to pack. Last time I really did over pack and I didn't pack anything for hubby to eat or change into. This time the hospital is only 2 minutes away but I'm still going to pack him a change of clothes to keep in the car and some snacks as he is terrible for snacking when he's not doing much.

I still need to buy a bikini top for the birthing pool, not sure whether to just go with a normal bra type top and then a tshirt over or a tankini top. I'm thinking just a bra type as then I won't feel too restricted.

Almost into the double digits for me.

How is everyone else doing?
You ladies are so organised! With DS I was out buying bits and pieces for my hospital bag on the day I went into labour with the result that much of it left behind in the panic. He was only 5 days early!

Had my 27 week midwife appointment this morning and forgot to get my matb1 form. Doh! I have to go back to get my anti-d jab next week so will have to get it then. Baby was measuring on track and heartbeat sounded good. I told the midwife about the pain I had been having and she's told me to give up walking to walk and is referring me to physio.
Hello! Not been on here for an age.

Im planning to homebirth so as not to jinx it I'm putting everything I might need in a box. It's easier to find at home and if we decide on a transfer my oh can tip it all in a bag.
I am so underprepared. Need to make space for lo in my ds's room but not started yet!

Pram has arrived tho :) my in laws to be bought it so went for dinner last night and had a look :).

Proper impressed. Pram with foot muff change bag rain cover and car seat for £130 (my pick, I'm so tight lol) it's hauck (a German brand) and it's really sturdy and compact. Very funny watching oh work it all out as it's his first pram :)

Was exciting thinking there's gonna be a tiny person to go in it soon! :)
I packed the hospital bag around 34-35 weeks last time and I'll plan to do about the same this time around. I'll definitely be packing less, as I used almost none of what I packed last time.
I packed the hospital bag around 34-35 weeks last time and I'll plan to do about the same this time around. I'll definitely be packing less, as I used almost none of what I packed last time.

What do you suggest as "must haves"?
I don't think I'll pack a bag, we live close enough that if we have to transfer to the hospital hubby can just run home and get stuff. With Devyn we didn't have time to grab anything out of the car before he was born and we were fine plus the hospital provided diapers and pads...a big pack of granny panties are definitely useful and stuff to do because the hospital is sooooo boring
Kallie, the things I definitely could not have done without:
1. Water bottle (they gave me a big plastic mug but it wasn't very good)
2. Comfy clothes to leave in
3. Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, makeup (if you want it), shampoo and conditioner, and body wash or soap.
4. Several outfits for baby (we brought size newborn sleepers and short sleeve onesies to go under them and that was perfect)
5. Blanket for baby to leave in
5. Phone charger
6. Bag of snacks and change of clothes for hubby
7. Nursing bra or 2

That was about it as far as things we needed, other than ID, carseat, etc. I packed lots of clothes not knowing that they'd make me wear the gown the whole time. I also packed diapers, pp pads, and breast pads and the hospital provided all of those. I would also recommend bringing some change for soda machines, as your OH will definitely need the caffeine!
We were induced so suddenly that we never even had time to think about what to bring. It's kind of funny because I remember at the hospital I wrote down things I wanted my husband to bring, and my priorities/expectation for labor were SO OFF lmao. I asked him to bring a board game and a book, thinking I would actually be awake/not in pain enough to do either. But it was nice to have them around. Of course if you go naturally you probably won't be sitting in the hospital room for 20+ hours doing nothing.

Other than a change of clothes and some baby blankets/clothes, tbh we didn't end up needing much. Money for vending machines for sure. The hospital provided me with these weird mesh underwear things to hold the pads in, and they provided me with tons of stuff for PP care like the giant pads, tucks, and some steroid cream thing because I got stitches. They also fed us really well haha.

Unrelated...anybody ever had kidney stones before? I apparently have them now and it sucks majorly.
Thanks for the list justplay :) I think I'm going to start packing mine in the next few weeks . Had any one else ever had a lletz procedure on their cervix ? I've had one for severe cell changes & have heard loads having cervical length checks throughout their pregnancy I haven't had any ? And the midwifes know of the lletz ? Going to bring it up at my appointment on Friday for sure , hearing how some go preterm with babies after lletz :(
Well my high BP isn't cuff related like we thought it was. Today's reading even with the lasrge cuff was 135/90. They want it below 140/90 so they've started me on 75mg aspirin daily and review in four weeks. If no change then or it has continued to go up, they'll start of more aggressive BP meds.
It's really scary. I'm praying that we can keep her in there as long as is physically possible. The idea of having to deliver any earlier than 37 weeks due to the high BP is scary. And so is the idea of pre-eclampsia, which apparently I now have a 50% chance of developing
Fingers crossed Laura! Hopefully it will get under control in no time.

Hope you are feeling better knees!

That sounds scary Laura. Hopefully the medication will keep everything under control.

My doctors surgery rang today about the 28 week bloods I had done on Friday. I missed the call and wasn't able to speak to anyone due to being on holiday and not having reception on my phone for most of the day. They rang me 3 times in total though which has got me worried. I've also been feeling really light headed. :(
Well my high BP isn't cuff related like we thought it was. Today's reading even with the lasrge cuff was 135/90. They want it below 140/90 so they've started me on 75mg aspirin daily and review in four weeks. If no change then or it has continued to go up, they'll start of more aggressive BP meds.
It's really scary. I'm praying that we can keep her in there as long as is physically possible. The idea of having to deliver any earlier than 37 weeks due to the high BP is scary. And so is the idea of pre-eclampsia, which apparently I now have a 50% chance of developing

Ok darling don't panic. My BP was yo-yoing from 31 weeks with Nathan and they simply monitored it. I then had him at 35 + 4 - and developed post-natal pre-eclampsia - but Nathan was fine.

They've had me on 75mg aspirin daily since 7 weeks with this baby just in case - so it's good they are monitoring you and giving you meds.

Nathan was 6lb 11.5 oz at 35 weeks and was never in NICU so try not to worry - of course going into labour before 37 weeks isn't great, but it's not always a totally terrifying experience :hugs:

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