December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Knees- thats a bummer about the kidney stones :( I've never had any, so I can't really sympathize but they sound awful! Hope they resolve quickly for you.

Stacy - I've never heard of the lletz procedure. I did have my cervix checked quite often for a while, because I had some bleeding from 7 - 14 weeks. I asked my doctor at my last appointment if they will routinely check my cervix now and he said no. He said cervical changes always come with contractions, bleeding or strange discharge so, they don't cervical length unless you are having a problem. I hope yours is doing ok though and I bet if you ask they would check it for you just for peace of mind.

laura - ugh, that is a bummer that your BP is kind of borderline. Its great they are taking it seriously though and it sounds like they are doing everything they can to make sure you end up with a good outcome. I'm crossing everything that your BP stays stable and fine and that Eden gets all the time she needs in your belly!

And for me: I just found out I failed my glucose screening test. I was only four points over, so it might be fine, but it looks like I will need to do the longer test. Sigh. I'm kind of bummed. I'm actually concerned that I do have a sugar problem, I know I feel weird when I eat sugar. It can make me feel pretty terrible sometimes. I think even if it turns out that everything is fine, I will try to avoid sugar more rigorously for the rest of my pregnancy. I think I don't do so well with it and its not like its something the baby needs :)
So I'm anaemic. I have to take iron tablets 3 times a day which apparently have horrible side effects. :( At least it explains why I've been feeling so tired and being short of breath though.

That's annoying about having to do the longer glucose test Poco. Hope that you pass it ok.
Hi Willow,

I've struggled with anaemia in my last pregnancies and as a teenager (hereditary problem) and I can highly recommend spatone iron water. It comes in sachets and you can have up to two a day in orange juice. You can get it in boots and other places (sometimes it's even on 3 for 2) and it's bloody amazing. Boosted iron levels and no bad side effects :D
Hi Willow,

I've struggled with anaemia in my last pregnancies and as a teenager (hereditary problem) and I can highly recommend spatone iron water. It comes in sachets and you can have up to two a day in orange juice. You can get it in boots and other places (sometimes it's even on 3 for 2) and it's bloody amazing. Boosted iron levels and no bad side effects :D

Thanks for this. I'm going to give the tablets a go and see how they affect me. If I'm struggling, I'll have a look into the spatone. I have seriously no energy at the moment. I have a ton of washing to hang up but I can't motivate myself to get off the sofa!
Is anyone else really thirsty all the time? .. I mentioned it to my midwife today at my 28 week check. She said nothing in my urine sample but I have to go for blood test in two weeks and to mention it again at my next appointment if still the same.
It is one of the signs of gestational diabetes so I would keep an eye on the amount you drink. On average we should drink about 4 pints a day. Not just water, all count towards it. If you are regularly still feeling very thristy after drinking that amount every day, getting changes to your vision or other symptoms give the MW another call. I have had the odd day where I have suddenly seemed very thirsty in the evening and felt like I have not stop drinking all evening and woke up during the night and had a drink, but those were particularly stuffy days and nights and I had been up and about a lot which can increase your fluid intake and even thou it felt like I drank absolutely loads, when I thought about it I hadn't drank since a few sips of water at breakfast so my body was probably just catching up and rehydrating! I have been keeping a mental note of how much I drink since then just incase. My BP and urin were perfect on monday and I have no other symptoms so think the odd day of being more thirsty is normal.

You not having any indications of sugar in the urine is a good sign thou.
I seem to be drinking loads even waking through the night. My mouth is constantly dry which is annoying! Its been like this for about 2 weeks now.

I will keep a closer eye on what and the amounts I am drinking. See how it goes. Everything else seems good BP is fine etc

Here's to hoping were just more thirsty than normal!. Thanks for reply! X
It is difficult, they tell you a list of symptoms to watch out for but all of them are also very common general pregnancy symptoms, or can be symptoms of something like migraine, low iron, just generally being worn out from not being able to get comfy and sleep properly etc so it's hard to know if you should worry or not. I am just going by if I feel ok in general, I am most likely doing ok lol!
It is difficult, they tell you a list of symptoms to watch out for but all of them are also very common general pregnancy symptoms, or can be symptoms of something like migraine, low iron, just generally being worn out from not being able to get comfy and sleep properly etc so it's hard to know if you should worry or not. I am just going by if I feel ok in general, I am most likely doing ok lol!

Lol yeah other than being a little more tired because I cannot get comfy at night I feel fine. Think I will take your approach unless I feel unwell ! Xx
Willow, I also have to take iron supplements. I was taking one a day, but have upped it to two after my iron (or Hemoglobin) levels took quite a dip on my recent blood work report. I've never had any problems or side effects with them, though if you're going from taking 0 to taking 3 all at once, that might cause issues. Be sure you're getting enough fiber, that's a must!

And i just wanted to mention, in case your doc or MW didn't, it takes a while (I wanna say 2-3 weeks, but I may be mis-remembering that) after starting iron supplements to see improvement in energy level. Also, taking iron with vitamin C and avoiding milk right afterwards are supposed to aid in absorption.
Thanks Elma. I've been taking them on an empty stomach with orange juice and then waiting an hour before eating. I've been having some mild stomach pain which is manageable. I hope that's the worst of it!
Anemia is no fun. I was on iron supplements for a while and the only thing that happened that surprised me a little was (excuse the TMI) it can turn your stool black. I didn't know that was a side effect until after I called the doctor in a panic thinking I had blood in my stool, so watch out for it!
I just got some good news! My 2-hour glucose test came back totally negative, no diabetes for me :) The nurse told me I should celebrate with cake, so I might just do that!
Anemia is no fun. I was on iron supplements for a while and the only thing that happened that surprised me a little was (excuse the TMI) it can turn your stool black. I didn't know that was a side effect until after I called the doctor in a panic thinking I had blood in my stool, so watch out for it!

Yeah, can't say I'm looking forward to that. I guess I'll get used to it though!

Congrats on passing your glucose test! Enjoy your cake :)
My first bump pic this pregnancy. Can't decide if I'm big small or about right lol boobs feel like they're going to pop!


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Lovely bump 2ndtimeAbz. Hope everyone's well, I'm now into my third trimester and to celebrate I had my first bout of leg cramp during the night and am now limping as it's still pulling a little :dohh: lol here's my 27 week bump pic, feeling huge! xx
Lovely bump pictures ladies. 2ndtimeabz, i would say you look about the same as me so, I'm guessing the norm for third time round... My 2nd will be four in November, so its been a few years since i was pregnant, I guess my memory may not be that great with the whole bump sizes :)
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. DS has been sick with a stomach bug the last two days, so that's kept me on my toes. It's actually kind of nice (that sounds horrible lol) because it has forced us to stay at home, so I've been able to get laundry, cleaning, sorting, etc done.

I feel so big at this point. I keep running into tables and chairs with my stomach :dohh: i don't have a good sense of how much room my body actually takes off. But other than these damn pesky leg cramps that wake me up at night, I've been feeling pretty good.
Stubbed my little toe twice in two hours yesterday on the cot - still sore today. Think it might possibly be fractured sigh
Hey all - ive missed so much on here. I do wish i had bit more spare time to post more.

How is everyone? :)

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