December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

With DS no heartburn at all and he had a lot of healthy hair.

Elma, hope you are doing good. My OB says rest only can help. I am almost on bed rest and started putting on lots. Baby is in breech and can't lie down properly too. It's uncomfortable for baby and me too. Lot of troubled movements. Just praying that we hang on for 5 more weeks. Can't think of an emergency c-session with another doctor who is on call. Would really like to be in my OBs care.

Best of luck! I'm having slight pelvic pain, but no where near as bad as you are describing. For me, pretty much the baby's head seems to be head butting me in the pubis bone. Ouch! And my muscles just seem sore a lot. Stretched really fast - went from looking just chunky to PREGNANT this week!

So good luck, and hope you can hold on. *hug*
With DS no heartburn at all and he had a lot of healthy hair.

Elma, hope you are doing good. My OB says rest only can help. I am almost on bed rest and started putting on lots. Baby is in breech and can't lie down properly too. It's uncomfortable for baby and me too. Lot of troubled movements. Just praying that we hang on for 5 more weeks. Can't think of an emergency c-session with another doctor who is on call. Would really like to be in my OBs care.

Hang in there! Is there anything fun you can do to help pass the time. A book or TV show you've really been wanting watch? Do you have any help taking care of your son?

I've been getting lots of Braxton hicks contraction, I'm not sure if that counts as false labor. They aren't painful at all, but I sure hope it's not a sign of baby coming early. Though it's strange to think I'm just 2.5 weeks from being full term :wacko:

Anyone else been peeking in on the Baby Club forum? It's reminding me of all the not-so-glamorous aspects of having a newborn, which I'd been trying not to remember :dohh:
Kallie, doctor says such pain is normally worse for second and third time moms as pelvis cant take so much as before. Glad to know that its not as bad for you. You will be fine. I also have sore muscles all around and weak joints. I am also growing all of a sudden from all sides. Here's my only bump picture at 34 weeks

Elma, I think what I mentioned as false labour is more or less Braxton hicks. In my case I got back pain and irregular contractions lasting upto 2 hours with periods like cramping. Doctor says its ok to have that at this stage. I think I will be much more at ease if baby goes head down. Just praying for that. School is just two blocks away. I still manage to drop him and pick him up. That's the only exercise I get :) and little bit of cooking. DH helps a lot for everything else. I am tired and find myself sleeping around 4-5 hours during day time. Nights are bad- baby gets uncomfy and moves irritated and I forever sit on that glider snacking every two hours.
Yes just 2.5 weeks away from full term. Wow! I have a date for c-session at 39 weeks. I guess we both will have babies around thanks giving time.
Hi ladies I haven't been on in months !! Been super busy with work hope ur all hanging in there it's crazy to think we only have a few weeks left now !! I'm currently 33 weeks + 2 days ! Haven't had much trouble apart from heartburn & an umbilical hernia lol ! Hope ur all keeping good


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Hi! Hope all is well. Were doing a-ok.
A little heartburn here and there but nothing to write home to mom about. We're 32 and 3 today. Oh my how time flies! I'm so excited!
Gorgeous bumps ladies :flower:

32 week bump, taken yesterday :) xx


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Aw such lovely bumps coming along now from you ladies.

Here is mine from yesterday at 31 weeks. Onto the homestretch now :thumbup:


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ElmaWG, I was rereading the thread and realized you asked awhile back what was in my postpartum basket.... Let's see, I have a couple of those horrible GIANT pads the hospital gives out, some more regular sized pads, one of those squirty bottles for the perineum, some tucks witch hazel pads, two cans of the blue-cap Dermoplast (it worked SO WELL for me last time, I loved it), giant pp underwear, breast pads, and lanolin ointment. I think that's it... I'm so dreading needing all that stuff again. But at the same time, I'm starting to get excited. I'm still waiting for it to feel real. I think in a few more weeks, it might start feeling like we're really going to have a baby! I'll attach a bump pic. One on the left is 27 weeks, the one on the right is 34.


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Someone told me just recently to make sure I put baby wipes in my hospital bag - because otherwise they want you to use a cloth to clean up the baby diaper area! They seemed rather emphatic, so I guess I'm throwing those in my bag, haha
Hi Kallie yes the hospital will recommend cotton wool and water or a cloth for newborns, but my two never had problems just using sensitive (fragrance free) baby wipes.

Rileysmammy I'm just uncomfortable day and night. Not painful I just ache all over and combined with the heartburn it's not pleasant :(
Yes kallie they gave us paper towels and said to just use water at the hospital! They weren't soft at all and you really have to scrub to get the tarry poo off :/ we have always used the Kirkland wipes from Costco, you can get a box of 900 for about $25
Yes kallie they gave us paper towels and said to just use water at the hospital! They weren't soft at all and you really have to scrub to get the tarry poo off :/ we have always used the Kirkland wipes from Costco, you can get a box of 900 for about $25

I love Costco!
Anyone else just feel generally kind of crappy? I feel like baby is really pressing on my diaphragm and so I'm not breathing as deeply as I'd like, and my belly muscles ache, and I've just been tired and headachey. Today is definitely a 'feet up' kind of day!
Definitely feeling like poo today, I had that hard to breathe feeling with Devyn because he was so high, this baby just sits right on my bladder all the time...not sure which is worse!
I've been feeling a bit rubbish these past few days. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the flu jab but I ache, my face hurts - one side of my jaw feels sore which is giving me a headache and for some reason under one of my eyes feels bruised so I'm not a happy bunny at the minute.

I'm not too bad with sleeping so far, it takes me a while to find a comfy spot as every time I do lay down I get pins and needles under my left rib. At the minute I keep waking up on my back but I usually ache on a morning so have to get straight up.
Huh, that's weird that the hospitals where you guys are don't do baby wipes. They definitely do here in the US. They provided us with a whole pack of them when my son was born.

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