December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Nikie, Good to know that I have a company for transverse breech baby. I read its very rare - 1 in 2500 babies. As Laura said, the baby is doing fine what's there to worry? I think you and baby will just be fine. I had a c-session before because I had something called Cephalopelvic disproportion last time. I was scheduled to have a repeat session this time too as my previous doctor doesn't expect any better. From my experience, there's nothing to worry about c-session. You will need a little more rest after birth for sure though. With right pain control and rest, you will be fine. I never felt any pain last time. I felt my baby is trying to change position but there's something which is stopping him. May be a short cord or cord around neck. We don't know. Don't stress about it. May be this position is for good. Your bag is ready but you need nothing extra for a c-session. May be 1-2 pair of night dress because stay will be a bit longer. Good luck and hugs!

Kallie, have you ever had hemorrhoids?. I got it in last pregnancy and when that shrunk back after birth it became just like a skin tag; which is swelling up again this time. If you don't experience pain, swelling, constipation or bleeding, I think its just going to be fine.

I cant sleep because of babys transverse position. He kicks and push me a lot when I sleep on both the sides. If I don't move, he gets bad hick ups for long. I catch up max 2 hrs of sleep sitting on a recliner. Then by afternoon I get very tired and take a nap for 1 hr or so when DS naps.
It's funny all the stuff I thought I absolutely had to have the first time around and I hardly used any of it :haha:

Lols! I am unpacking my bag today to take out all baby items. After the hospital tour I realized, all we need is a car seat and going home outfit :wacko:
Try not to worry, you honestly don't need much for the early days just somewhere for baby to sleep, a car seat, some clothes and diapers. Anything else you just figure out along the way :)


as i planned for baby, i focused on what i consider the 5 must haves:

1. a way to get baby home (carseat)
2. a place to sleep (crib, rock n play, maybe a bassinet, but still undecided)
3. something to eat (hoping to breastfeed because i'm cheap!:haha:)
4. something to wear (hello thrift store and facebook swap pages, i love you!)
5. diapers (disposables for a bit then planning to cloth diaper)

everything else is a bonus or can be bought on an as-needed basis. we don't have a lot of money to "do" a nursery or any pinterest worthy stuff, so i've focused on those 5. then when there is a bit of wiggle room in the budget, i have slowly bought things from my "would like to have" wish list.:thumbup:
Kallie, have you ever had hemorrhoids?. I got it in last pregnancy and when that shrunk back after birth it became just like a skin tag; which is swelling up again this time. If you don't experience pain, swelling, constipation or bleeding, I think its just going to be fine.

No, I don't think I've had hemorrhoids before. Not that I've known at least! Don't have pain or other issues either, so that's good. I just won't worry about it ;)
Hi guys, I haven't posted in a while! Been checking in periodically to make sure everyone was doing okay but figured it was time to drop by for a minute. I've been super exhausted and depressed and in pain and ugh. Can't wait for baby. Can't believe how close it is to time already - basically a month?! What in the world.

In regards to what you need for baby - please don't stress too much! Seriously, for the first few weeks of her life, literally all you need is your boobs (if you are going to breastfeed, otherwise bottles/formula obviously which is only marginally more complicated), a bed big enough for you your partner and your baby, diapers and wipes, baby clothes, and blankets. I mean I guess it is different for everybody but that's how it was for us. We slept with her and I breastfed (mostly nursing, maybe the occasional bottle) and we changed lots of diapers and cuddled and that was pretty much it. Bottle warmers and wipe warmers and a crib and a bassinet and a mobile and fancy outfits and bouncers and swings and all those things just aren't necessary. Honestly I think people way overplay how hard newborns are hahahaha. It's toddlers that get you :dohh:

Come onnnnn Decemberrrrr!
Hi knees, totally agree it's easy when you can put them down and you know they will stay there and not be going through cupboards, crawling towards stairs etc! ;)
Thank you ladies! I knew I could rely on you lot to reassure me! I think I am ok then - we have car seat with isofix base, crib, hoping to breastfeed but also have bottles, steriliser and prep machine in case I can't for any reason. Have lots of clothes thanks to my baby shower! And lots of different size nappies! On top of that we have Angel monitor/video, bouncy chair for use from birth, nursery is pretty much all set up....I'm starting to feel a bit more in control!

Which is good because I have been hit with a terrible cold! I feel awful!
I don't know why this has just hit me, and I've done it twice before, but in about a month a real life person is coming out of my body........
Been for my 34 week appointment today, little miss was very naughty lol. Her heartbeat was racing and she was dancing around so they couldn't get an accurate picture of her heartbeat. So I had to go back out to the waiting room and wait for 15 minutes, then go back in to listen to her again. By this point she had calmed down a lot so they had a better heartbeat reading. I was intending on going straight to work after my appointment but OH asked me to stay home to rest up even tho I told him I was feeling well. Had a bit of a sicky feeling earlier tho :( and to add to that my 3yo is home as he spent most of last night coughing as he's full of cold xx
I don't know why this has just hit me, and I've done it twice before, but in about a month a real life person is coming out of my body........

I'm in denial. Surely, all I need to do is press an eject button when I'm ready (which will probably be in about 3 months) and then baby will magically appear. Isn't that what happens nowadays?!

Hurrah, I'm no longer aneamic so I can stop taking iron tablets :)
Great news about the iron levels Willow, I bet that is such a relief for you.

I like the idea of an eject button. At the moment I'm feeling positive and looking forward to having baby here but I know the closer it gets I will start getting nervous and keeping remembering my last labour.

Baby has started to drop now so I no longer have painful ribs :happydance:

Having just taken a chunk (not big enough) off my credit card bill, I have one goal left now:

Get to next pay day without going into labour.

Packing my bag is a nightmare as I can't forget I was held to ransom for 6 days last time.
I like your goal floss! Congrats on the credit card bill as well.

I've got my bag about 60% packed I'd say, baby's bag is good to go. I just need some food bits for OH, isotonic drinks for me, cameras and chargers as well as a going home outfit for me, slippers, dressing gown and some more pads. I think that's about it but I still feel I'm missing something.

The car seat is waiting to be installed but I have our work Xmas party in December and I'm driving so I need the car space lol

Wow everyone is so organised...I'm semi organised (this is my third) except we've just moved and I can't even find half my children's school uniform let alone the baby stuff to wash :doh: I'm 37 weeks today so I need to pull finger out really but I guess in my mind I truly feel I still have 5 weeks left as both my first two were exactly 2 weeks late. If this baby arrives early I'm stuffed as I won't be ready mentally or at home!

Glad everyone is doing well and our first December baby arrived safe and sound.

Willow - excellent news for you on iron levels, no more black poo for :)
Oh and I forgot who but a couple of pages back someone asked what brim is where baby is at Edge of where they need to engage but still not in position. With my first she engaged then shocked my midwife by disengaging when I was a week overdue and then went to brim until induction when she was forcibly evicted. It's usual for a first to engage in advance but not a given whereas a second can free float right until labour!
Thanks it was me who asked about what brim meant!. Wish they would explain things better haha.

On a separate note. Has anyone experienced severe lower pain on one side. I woke at 5 this morning usual toilet trip lol since then ive had constant pain just on my lower right side actually hurts when I press. My right leg also feels heavy :-/ .

Usually I get period type pains all across my stomach so this is a new one for me!.

Thanks .
Oh and I forgot who but a couple of pages back someone asked what brim is where baby is at Edge of where they need to engage but still not in position. With my first she engaged then shocked my midwife by disengaging when I was a week overdue and then went to brim until induction when she was forcibly evicted. It's usual for a first to engage in advance but not a given whereas a second can free float right until labour!

I wanted to know - thanks for updating!

Anyone else stop taking vitamins? I know I should still be taking them, and I do occasionally (maybe 50% of the time?) but I have been feeling more sick again lately, and last couple times they made me throw up :sick:
Anyone else stop taking vitamins? I know I should still be taking them, and I do occasionally (maybe 50% of the time?) but I have been feeling more sick again lately, and last couple times they made me throw up :sick:

the first 3 kinds i tried made me sick (i stopped taking vitamins most of 2nd tri) but now i take some gummy ones that have been much nicer on my stomach. i do think they still make me queasy if i eat them too early in the day with not enough food in my stomach...the pediatrician said that taking them in the 3rd tri really helps with milk production after baby is born, so i have tried to be very good about taking them. but again, if they make you sick and you can't keep food down, it would seem more beneficial to not take them and then try to get as much of the vitamins you need from eating well.:shrug:
I take my vitamin right before bed or else it makes me sick :/

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