December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

I can relate Riley's! My bump is constantly tight and hard it's so uncomfortable and painful at times. Not to mention the sore ribs, somehow even with baby dropping he's still managing to constantly rest his foot near my ribs

I'm full term (nearly 38 wks now) but baby highly unlikely to show any early labour signs or to come out until 2 weeks late. This is third pregnancy and neither of my first two gave any indication they were on their way until day of delivery (and even then first was only cos I was induced that day else she'd probably have stayed in much longer)

Movements have not been reduced per se but I do have to consciously think about whether baby has moved during the day as often it's more subtle whereas at night it goes quite mad still

Sadly when pregnant with my first I remember at least 3 of the other ladies all due in same month lost their babies at the last min in third tri and I cannot stress how important it is to monitor regular movement and if you're worried you need to actively drink something fizzy to make baby move then if still not sufficiently reassured you MUST go to daycare. Do not assume things will be ok. There used to be an assumption that baby slowed before labour as not much room and to store it's energy...this is not the case
Full term here too. Lots of bh and cramping period like feelings in front along with increased lower back pain. No sign of the mucus plug yet. Baby has dropped as I feel tons of pain on my cervix when he moves. Also experiencing a loss of appetite, have to force myself to eat.

I keep going back and forth about wanting him to come soon. I am tired of being pregnant, but if he can wait until December my husband can take the whole month off.
Hi ladies anyone else feeling like there not going to be having baby anytime soon ?? I really hoped that his time is go a little bit early but no joy I don't even get much pressure or aches :(( Im 37 weeks tomorrow I know I have lots of time still lol ! Any tips on the birthing ball I'm bouncing on it , doing figure 8s on it , going clockwise ? Any other tips to get baby down at my last appointment baby wasn't engaged :( I just don't want to be induced again
Hi ladies anyone else feeling like there not going to be having baby anytime soon ?? I really hoped that his time is go a little bit early but no joy I don't even get much pressure or aches :(( Im 37 weeks tomorrow I know I have lots of time still lol ! Any tips on the birthing ball I'm bouncing on it , doing figure 8s on it , going clockwise ? Any other tips to get baby down at my last appointment baby wasn't engaged :( I just don't want to be induced again

if it's any reassurance, I was induced with first at 42 weeks and she showed zero sign of coming out. I was a week over when midwife felt my stomach and was somewhat horrified to say she'd disengaged and was free floating again. Midwife said first borns don't do this so at that point I figured she was never coming out!

Then when I had my second I figured she'd be late...sure enough she arrived exactly 2 weeks late and exactly 4 hours before I was due to start induction.

This gave me the confidence to wait it out so with this one I will not be succumbing to the push for induction at 42 weeks (though in my neck of the woods they only like you to go 10 days now). I will be insisting on waiting for up to a week longer as I do strongly feel that where they go on the scan date there is room for uncertainty around exact dates and sometimes babies are believed to be late when they're still happily cooking.

As I said on previous post, neither of mine showed any early labour signs at all and my second who was not induced just spontaneously decided when it was time. With this I will allow it the same decision and will be vigilant about monitoring movements to allow this
You have tons of time, and like pp said you definitely don't have to be induced if you choose not to especially without a medical reason. I know plenty of people that have gone over 42 weeks, baby can't stay in there forever :)

I'm just trying to keep this baby in for at least another 8 days then I will be ok for a home birth, I am really hoping to hang in until closer to my due date having a small 37 weeker was a real challenge last time :/
Would be an altogether different feeling to wait and watch baby signs... Good luck ladies.

Been to doctor yesterday. Baby is doing good. He says reduced movements looks ok but I should watch. Baby still in bad position, neither dropped nor engaged, which doesn't happen in my case due to pelvic disproportion. We will have c session next week when I am 39 weeks

I was kind of immobile since 4-5 weeks and gained rapidly in this 9th month. Unusual as doctor says. I am sad for 5lbs in 12 days!

Entered 39th week! Can't believe we made it this far. Just few more days to go. Wow!
Stacey - I could have written that word for word.

I'm only 34 weeks (almost 35) just come back from the midwife and he's head down which he has been since 26 weeks but he's not engaged at all. I was hoping with e pressure I feel when I've been walking that he would have been engaged at least 1 or 2/5ths but nope he's still classed as free.

I haven't been on my birthing ball since I got it so I'm going to get it out to get him to wriggle down, but then again I'm due on Xmas eve so him being lazy and not engaging might not be such a bad thing.

So now I'm all freaked out about reduced fetal movement - but probably without reason, except for paranoia.

Baby was really moving up a storm every morning and night recently, but last night and this morning I keep.nudging him for movement. I am counting movements for sure, but they aren't as firm as they were before. However, he has also shifted a lot, so it is probably just because of a harder to move in position!

Anyways, going back to my kick counts. And trying to not read any more sad stories - too hard on my heart and head, agh!
So now I'm all freaked out about reduced fetal movement - but probably without reason, except for paranoia.

Baby was really moving up a storm every morning and night recently, but last night and this morning I keep.nudging him for movement. I am counting movements for sure, but they aren't as firm as they were before. However, he has also shifted a lot, so it is probably just because of a harder to move in position!

Anyways, going back to my kick counts. And trying to not read any more sad stories - too hard on my heart and head, agh!

Good to avoid web stories. They scared me so much.

Hows he now? Hope its better.

My baby has been like this from around 34-35 weeks. He drove me crazy at least twice a week. My doctor mentioned that subtle movements at times can be all fine but if its like that for long, one should check with the doctor. He says there will not be big sudden kicks from 36th week but should have slow strong steady movements.

Do you have a Doppler? Probably Doppler is not the best thing to depend on but gives a bit of assurance. Possible that Lo developed a sleeping cycle (mine did). Still should be up in 2-3 hours max. Hope its all better now.
Thanks girls for the reassurance ! Suppose yous are right LO will come when it's ready :) still going to keep taking my tea & bouncing on the ball :) has any one any recommendations on evening primrose capsules ? Been hearing about it ?

Won't be long til we all have our wee babies here it's so exciting ! I remember when we were posting pics of our tests ! Good luck ladies and hope ur all hanging in there x
And trying to not read any more sad stories - too hard on my heart and head, agh!

i don't even read them because i know they will just send me into a panic. there are always articles flying around FB and i scroll right. on. by!!:ignore:
IndianMaa, Glad everything was ok at your appointment. Try not to worry about the weight gain-you'll have time to loose it after baby is here. So exciting he (?) will be here in a week!

I wouldn't worry if baby is not engaged, especially before 37 weeks. DS didnt engage for me till a week before his due date, and I think that was only 1/5.

I had a MW appointment today and declined the cervical exam, because I think they're kinda meaningless, and the lack of any signs (engaging, effacing, dilation etc) would have depressed me. I'd rather not know, and just operate under the assumption that he'll arrive when the time is best for him.
I had a MW appointment today and declined the cervical exam, because I think they're kinda meaningless, and the lack of any signs (engaging, effacing, dilation etc) would have depressed me. I'd rather not know, and just operate under the assumption that he'll arrive when the time is best for him.

i had an OB appointment today (38 weeks here too:friends:) and had the doc check, just out of curiosity, even though i was pretty sure there was no news. it wasn't too depressing since i have no other signs, but i imagine it would be if i was past my due date.:haha:
IndianMaa, Glad everything was ok at your appointment. Try not to worry about the weight gain-you'll have time to loose it after baby is here. So exciting he (?) will be here in a week!

I wouldn't worry if baby is not engaged, especially before 37 weeks. DS didnt engage for me till a week before his due date, and I think that was only 1/5.

I had a MW appointment today and declined the cervical exam, because I think they're kinda meaningless, and the lack of any signs (engaging, effacing, dilation etc) would have depressed me. I'd rather not know, and just operate under the assumption that he'll arrive when the time is best for him.

Thanks Elma. That's not the only reason to have the c-session. It's pelvic disproportion. Not a big baby but big head may be. Last time I dilated a bit was in labour for 2.5 days and then had a c-session. This time we don't have our family around. My husband is worried about me especially about age. Doctor says a repeat session will be safer. Above all baby is in breech transverse.

Happy that I can hold him next week and yell at him for scaring me through out this pregnancy. :)

Glad to know that you continue to work until you go into labour. That's what i did last time. I will forever feel good about that. Good luck to you!
Thanks girls for the reassurance ! Suppose yous are right LO will come when it's ready :) still going to keep taking my tea & bouncing on the ball :) has any one any recommendations on evening primrose capsules ? Been hearing about it ?

Won't be long til we all have our wee babies here it's so exciting ! I remember when we were posting pics of our tests ! Good luck ladies and hope ur all hanging in there x

I have been taking 500mg EPO orally since 34+5 and am planning on upping it to 1000mg today. At 36+5 wish I am planning on trying 500mg vaginally and upping it to 1000mg vaginally at about 37 weeks.
I'm also taking 1500mg red raspberry leaf tablets and eating 6-8 dried dates per day as well which is supposed to help.

Bit too much TMI but I noticed after giving OH should I say this...."lip service" and BH get really strong. My libido is crazy high at the literally 3 or more tines a day ! If semen rioens the cervix then mine is going to be very ripe by the time LO decides to arrive lol
hehehehehe your post made me chuckle. It's the protoglandins in semen that "can" help with the cervix. But only from direct contact with it...
Hi ladies, hope your all well. I ended up on the day assessment ward on Monday after ringing for advice on the pain I was getting in my stomach. Ended up on the monitor, had bloods taken and lots of tests. But everything came back normal so they're not sure what it is but it isn't anything to worry about. They said if I'm still getting the pain in a few days I'll have to go back as if it's an infection it may not show up on the tests just yet. Hope everyone else is good xx
TeddysGirl- Your post made me chuckle too lol. Although I have also read online ingesting semen is better. Not really sure how that works :-/.

Rileys.Mammy- Glad you and baby are fine. I had similar pain to yourslast week. Apparently it was the way baby was lying. Its thankfully gone now so hopefully yours will too.

Went for my midwife appointment today. Baby is 1/5 engaged . Kinda wish she was more due to the pains/pressure/twinges. Although she is my second baby.

Bought a ball yesterday so going to start bouncing on that. I already do an awful lot of walking so hopefully that will help too!!. I will be nearly 39 weeks at my next midwife appointment so hopefully baby is either here or I will be getting a sweep.

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