Oh wow congratulations hon. Hope they keep darkening up and this is a sticky bean.
Let me know if you want me to add a
next to your name on the front page or I can understand if you want to wait a few more days.
Least someone got a Christmas BFP.
Hopefully we will all get ours in January
I can see a line and so fx for you.
Cd14 and still no peak opk and no ovulation.
Getting panicky now I’m not going to ovulate again.
Officially late now as my normal is cd13 but was cd18 last cycle but that’s not the norm for me I’m normally early for ovulation.
Been getting a little ewcm and my opk started getting darker yesterday but then went faint again last night. Digi is still flashing. not done any opks today because I just no it will be negative again.
I hate all this worry so much and right on top of Christmas it’s so hard