December Testers!

I hope we see a ton more :bfp:s from this thread! 1nce I'm sure things are going to turn out perfect. Fx'd for you!
My beta came back today at 412. I am 15dpo. I go back on Wednesday to see if it is rising appropriately. FX it is. I am very nervous. It hasn't really sunk in yet....doesn't feel real.

Sounds good hun! I look forward to Wednesday and seeing your numbers have doubled! :happydance:
Well 12 DPO today and a complete BFN & a temp dip. Just goes to show that good temps mean absolutely nothing. I think this cycle Im going to stop temping once I get my crosshairs. THis is too much work just to get a BFN. I thought for sure we would have gotten pregnant. I really don't understand why Im not. Something has to be wrong.... we BD EVERYDAY during the fertile week. I just don't get it. :(

I think Im done with all this TTC stuff. This forum, temping, opk's. Im just over all the work for such a huge let down.
5DPO To soon to feel anything worth getting excited about.. But my bb's get more soar every day.. Started 3 days ago :wacko: I looked at some of past symptoms and bb's dont usually start to hurt until 2 or 3 days before :witch: So this is kinda new for me.. :shrug: The twinges like to play with my head yesterday they were on the left today they are slightly starting on my right side but they are really light right now.. My nose has been runny for 2 days now.. This progesterone is being mean to me :wacko:
Well 12 DPO today and a complete BFN & a temp dip. Just goes to show that good temps mean absolutely nothing. I think this cycle Im going to stop temping once I get my crosshairs. THis is too much work just to get a BFN. I thought for sure we would have gotten pregnant. I really don't understand why Im not. Something has to be wrong.... we BD EVERYDAY during the fertile week. I just don't get it. :(

I think Im done with all this TTC stuff. This forum, temping, opk's. Im just over all the work for such a huge let down.

I know it frustrating hun :hugs: I can't help but to have hope for you until the :witch: shows her ugly head.. It's all so stressful. We are all here to support you.
blessme - :hugs: I know it seems like a lot of work for nothing. Unfortunately with TTC, even if everything is done perfectly there is still only a 25% chance of conception in any given month. Which means that even with BD every day and OPKs and everything, those sperm have to go through a LOT just to get to the egg, and they have a low chance of actually getting there. Check out The Great Sperm Race (you can watch it on YouTube) which outlines exactly what sperm have to go through to get to the egg. It's insane. It's okay to be upset, frustrated, and angry over a BFN. But you can't give up.
Well 12 DPO today and a complete BFN & a temp dip. Just goes to show that good temps mean absolutely nothing. I think this cycle Im going to stop temping once I get my crosshairs. THis is too much work just to get a BFN. I thought for sure we would have gotten pregnant. I really don't understand why Im not. Something has to be wrong.... we BD EVERYDAY during the fertile week. I just don't get it. :(

I think Im done with all this TTC stuff. This forum, temping, opk's. Im just over all the work for such a huge let down.

So sorry blessme. I know what you mean by it gets to be too much sometimes, especially when you bd at the right times. I felt the same way last cycle. We bd'd at the perfect times for 4 months in a row and some months I had perfect temps and got AF right on time. This month I thought I was out for sure because my temps were all over the place. Just goes to show that you never know which cycle is your lucky one.

Just hang in there, it'll happen. Keep having hope and you'll get your bfp before you know it. Even if it means taking a break from tracking for your sanity.
Well 12 DPO today and a complete BFN & a temp dip. Just goes to show that good temps mean absolutely nothing. I think this cycle Im going to stop temping once I get my crosshairs. THis is too much work just to get a BFN. I thought for sure we would have gotten pregnant. I really don't understand why Im not. Something has to be wrong.... we BD EVERYDAY during the fertile week. I just don't get it. :(

I think Im done with all this TTC stuff. This forum, temping, opk's. Im just over all the work for such a huge let down.

blessme, I can 100% relate to your frustration. We've been TTC for over a year and NTNP before that. There were so many months where the timing was perfect, my temps looked fantastic and I even had textbook "symptoms". And still a BFN every time. What helped for me was being proactive and going to see a doctor. I don't know if you've done that yet, but it's a lot better than beating yourself over the head every month. In our case it turned out that I have zero issues but my DH has problems with his swimmers due to diabetes. It seems like things are improving now that he's on meds, and we would never have even known he was diabetic if it wasn't for TTC. Whatever you decide, try and be kind to yourself, and it's totally fine to take a break from time to time.
So I'm 15dpo and AF still hasn't shown herself but I'm too afraid to test after seeing that stark white BFN at 13 dpo. I've been feeling AF cramps for 3 days straight now so it's an impending doom.

I don't know if this matters but when I got my BFN on 13 dpo, it was midday urine but I did a proper hold (3-4 hours) and it was very yellow pee (TMI lol). That shouldn't change the result, right?
chocolatechip - the time of day should not affect anything. They used to say FMU but I've done a lot of research and found that it doesn't matter what time of day as long as you do a 3-4 hour hold. With both my CPs I got the BFP in the evening around 5pm with a 3 hour hold. Actually should be better than FMU because FMU uses the urine that's been sitting in your bladder frm the previous day, and by mid day the next day you have had more HCG produced so it should be better. Theoretically anyway. :)

HCG increases daily, but by every 2-3 days it has doubled f rom the previous amount so I would think you might be able to get a BFP today more so than 13DPO, especially if you had a late implantation. I wonder if the cramps you are feeling are actually from implantation? Maybe wait another day or two and if AF doesn't show then test?

:hugs: FX for you!!!
Thanks for the info! I won't get my hopes up but I will keep that in mind for next time :)
Thank you so much ladies. Your words mean a lot. I cant believe... I even cried this morning. I wrote that right after I got my BFN and had soul crushing disappointment. It's just really hard to deal with. But you ladies are awesome. My best friend gets pregnant really fast and when I told her she's like "Do you want me to have a baby for you?" as a joke. SO NOT FUNNY. Im going to tell people we want to wait just so I don't have to hear the comments anymore... "Are you pregnant yet?"... Oh and my mother.... ugh... her comments... the worst

I haven't seen a doctor yet because this was my first month tracking (the last two months I didn't know when I was ovulating. So I do consider this month as our first failed attempt.

Im wondering if I should lose 5-10 lbs. I weigh 140 and Im 5'3". Maybe too heavy?

So now... just waiting around for AF and on to the next cycle. I will keep temping and using OPK's.
Thank you so much ladies. Your words mean a lot. I cant believe... I even cried this morning. I wrote that right after I got my BFN and had soul crushing disappointment. It's just really hard to deal with. But you ladies are awesome. My best friend gets pregnant really fast and when I told her she's like "Do you want me to have a baby for you?" as a joke. SO NOT FUNNY. Im going to tell people we want to wait just so I don't have to hear the comments anymore... "Are you pregnant yet?"... Oh and my mother.... ugh... her comments... the worst

I haven't seen a doctor yet because this was my first month tracking (the last two months I didn't know when I was ovulating. So I do consider this month as our first failed attempt.

Im wondering if I should lose 5-10 lbs. I weigh 140 and Im 5'3". Maybe too heavy?

So now... just waiting around for AF and on to the next cycle. I will keep temping and using OPK's.

I hope you are feeling better, blessme. You are not out yet!

I have been AWOL for the last week, ladies. Its a effing rollercoaster. First I did some FF clean up, I had a lot of weird 1 day cycles and wrong cycles, etc. testing date is now the 19th, not the 15th.

I guess that is good and explains why I was out there drinking at networking events at 12 and 13 dpo only to get a positive on 14 dpo. My LP stats were off a bit.

I pink spotted last night. Was convinced it was a period as I used to cycle every 28 days (and that is still my average). But today I wiped and it was brown (super light) CM. Now there is nothing at all when I wipe in terms of color. Tests have all been negative, including today, but that makes sense if I happened to have implanted on 12 dpo.

Symptoms are: very gassy, very sore boobs, veiny boobs (as of today), fatigue, crazy vivid dreams, insomnia, feeling hot at night when trying to fall asleep, stuffy nose even though I am over my cold, a mouth ulcer, chapped lips (keep moisturizing them), sore gums. Used to have a lot of funny twinges and pangs in the uterus too, but those have pretty much died out.

The thing that is worrying me other than the BFNs on the tests are dropping temps. I woke up cold yesterday, but was nice and toasty warm....annnd the temp had fallen even more. Still above coverline, but I do not like that trend! :growlmad:

So, you can update me for the 19th for a test date. Feel free to analyze and stalk away!!!

PS: just now had some bright red spotting while wiping after straining on the toilet a bit. Just not feeling very confident.
My Ovulation Chart
Bless me: BFNs and AF showing are crushing for me, and in that moment I'm an emotional, hormonal mess. This past cycle I had a good cry in my car on the way to work and then pulled it together before heading into a meeting (I hate crying but it was cathartic). It helps me to understand that this all hits right as estrogen and progesterone dip along with our feel good neurotransmitters. A day or so later estrogen bumps up a bit, and I feel hopeful again for the next cycle. It's tough, but it passes. Hang in there, know you're not alone, and all the best to you!
Thank you so much ladies. Your words mean a lot. I cant believe... I even cried this morning. I wrote that right after I got my BFN and had soul crushing disappointment. It's just really hard to deal with. But you ladies are awesome. My best friend gets pregnant really fast and when I told her she's like "Do you want me to have a baby for you?" as a joke. SO NOT FUNNY. Im going to tell people we want to wait just so I don't have to hear the comments anymore... "Are you pregnant yet?"... Oh and my mother.... ugh... her comments... the worst

I haven't seen a doctor yet because this was my first month tracking (the last two months I didn't know when I was ovulating. So I do consider this month as our first failed attempt.

Im wondering if I should lose 5-10 lbs. I weigh 140 and Im 5'3". Maybe too heavy?

So now... just waiting around for AF and on to the next cycle. I will keep temping and using OPK's.

Oh hunnie don't I understand about that comments and the did it take are you pregnant my mom was the worst my DW and I tried for 6months 2 years ago and my mom each month kept telling me if you would just sleep with a guy once it would work.. And all i could do was shake my head at her and tell her you only think its that easy.. So this time we decided not to tell ANYONE.. So I thank god I can come here and vent and talk..

I also had a friend that got pregnant before me when I was trying and she told me now she was barely 2 months pregnant with her FIRST child and had the nerve to tell me "maybe one day if your lucky enough to have a baby you can call me and I can give you all the advice you will need" :growlmad: Took everything in me from hitting her.. The other thing I can't stand hearing is oh man you can have mine they will make you never want kids.. :growlmad:
So I just defeated myself.. I been letting myself get all excited at the fact my boobs have been hurting and feeling all these twinges and such.. Then it hit me I'm 5DPO only because I took that +OPK out on the 7th.. If I left it I would be 8DPO and 6 Days away from :witch: Soo even though FF didn't give me a Definite O on the 7th if its right I would start feeling AF about now.. So the light crampy feeling and soar boobs.. So I'm pretty much guessing that even if that OPK didn't look 100% + maybe I did O on the 7th. I don't know I just feel like crying and glad I figured all this out before I let myself get to excited thinking I actually had a chance this month :cry: I will be crying to myself my drive home from work today :cry:
blessme - :hugs: I know it seems like a lot of work for nothing. Unfortunately with TTC, even if everything is done perfectly there is still only a 25% chance of conception in any given month. Which means that even with BD every day and OPKs and everything, those sperm have to go through a LOT just to get to the egg, and they have a low chance of actually getting there. Check out The Great Sperm Race (you can watch it on YouTube) which outlines exactly what sperm have to go through to get to the egg. It's insane. It's okay to be upset, frustrated, and angry over a BFN. But you can't give up.

wow! its a tough job being a sperm!!
Sorry I haven't posted since asking to be added! I have been very busy with illnesses, appointments, etc.

I see that there are some :bfp: s. Congrats to you!

I'm only 2dpo and I already feel symptoms. lol I guess it is my unicorn in me.

Yesterday I was at an appointment for my son, Ty, who has a groin hernia and needs surgery to repair it. It's set up for February 11th and he will need to stay over night because of his heart issues. He was born with his aorta and pulmonary vessel switched, small aorta and right ventricle, and many holes in his heart. After he had his 3rd heart surgery he ended up having an irregular heart beat so he gets monitored a lot and for the surgery he will have a cardiac anesthesiologist.

You can imagine how happy my husband was when I finally made it home as I was at the appointment from 2:30pm until 5 and it was an hour and a half away and I went and stopped by my in laws as I hate driving in Milwaukee's rush hour traffic. He was losing his mind with the twins fighting a lot.

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