Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Buffy- Sorry to hear about the crappy day. Have you thought about getting pet insurance? I pay about $12/month and get 70% of my vet bills back so I end up saving money as my dog gets herself into trouble all the time (she once poisoned herself getting into our compost heap!). I know how you feel re the headache. I had one both days over the weekend and it was awful! Finally caved and took a panadol as I wasn't able to do anything but lie down and I had too much to get done!

My MS has been much better these last few weeks, just evenings mostly but I still try and eat some dinner as my partner has been putting lots of effort into yummy healthy meals for us. I still have this yucky dry mouth a lot of the day though so I just drink lots of water to compensate.

Congrats on the scan results Lala and Wonders. Very exciting that you are having a girl Wonders!

My partner and I are probably going to move to NZ in July when I am about 7 months or so, so that we can raise bub around my friends and family. We are really sad but it looks like we may have to leave my dog here in Aus for a number of reasons. She is very unsure of children (she might get used to a baby I know), and she really scared me recently when she killed a number of our backyard chickens- I know its instinct but still I just can't risk her harming our baby. Finally, we are moving in with my parents until we get settled and they have a cat, and Bree chases cats so really no option there. She is a lovely dog and lots of fun, but she just isn't suited to a home with small children (or small animals it would seem), so we will have to re-home her. Very sad as I brought her over from NZ with me when we moved 4 years ago and she has been my constant companion through thick and thin. Really hope we can do her justice and find her an awesome new home.
Omg wonders congratulations!!! :wohoo: :pink: amazing news!! Are you telling friends and family the sex yet?

Sweet pea- ah morning sickness sucks, doesn't it? Blah! Stupid body giving you false hope haha. I hope it leaves soooon! I just had the last 3 days off, and now I am back at work today. It's the busiest time of year for us (I work in a jewellery store and its nearly Valentine's Day) so work is no fun :(

Buffy- I'm glad you're feeling better today :) x

Piha- so sorry you have to rehome your dog :( I know how hard it is to rehome a pet... But honestly can't imagine how much harder it is to rehome a dog. I just love my dog so much... :hugs: good luck with the move to NZ.
Pihabella - yes we did actually have insurance but we decided not to keep it in the end. I'm not sure, but maybe we will get it again. It's just that with 3 animals, by the time we pay health insurance and probably not even use it, we will end up paying what it costs anyway for 1 of them to go to the vet..if you know what I mean?! I would probably get it for one pet if that's all we had.
Sucks that you have to rehome your dog. I couldn't do it.

Wonders: I'm excited to hear if you're thinking of any names !
Blah girls I just had a massive freak out.
I think it was just really due to being so emotional and drained from sickness and hungry because I haven't been able to keep food down today, but I just cried and cried and cried after getting off the phone. I called my private OB and then my private health insurance, and this pregnancy was going to cost me at least $5000 out of pocket, and that's if everything goes as planned :( and I have the top private health insurance that the company provides! It just seems ridiculous. I can't justify spending that much and when I already spend so much on my health insurance each year anyway :shrug:
So I think I will cancel those plans and go public now. Are any of you Aussie girls going public? I heard it is good, I just have never used the public system before so I don't know how it is or what to expect really. I've booked an appointment with my gp for Sunday so I will talk to him about everything.
Feeling very down, very emotional and just exhausted.
Lala- seriously do not stress. I've had private health insurance my whole life, and recently dropped OB/GYN off it to make it cheaper. My sister in law has had 3 of her kids in a public hospital and that's what I'm doing. The exact reason I didn't keep that part of my insurance is because I heard you're still thousands out of pocket. What's the point? Seriously don't worry about something like that. Everything will be fine. :hugs:
Lala- seriously do not stress. I've had private health insurance my whole life, and recently dropped OB/GYN off it to make it cheaper. My sister in law has had 3 of her kids in a public hospital and that's what I'm doing. The exact reason I didn't keep that part of my insurance is because I heard you're still thousands out of pocket. What's the point? Seriously don't worry about something like that. Everything will be fine. :hugs:
Thank you
Omg wonders congratulations!!! :wohoo: :pink: amazing news!! Are you telling friends and family the sex yet?

I've told my family and they are SO excited! My sister in law even had a dream it was a girl a few weeks ago! I've told a few people at work and if they ask later on, I have no issue telling them. I wasn't planning a special party or anything so its fun just spilling the beans randomly to people. I also just finally told work yesterday so that's been exciting!

Wonders: I'm excited to hear if you're thinking of any names !

I've got a short list but I'm not sure the boyfriend is on board with any of them. He threw out some names that I hate so we will definitely have some compromising lol. I think I have the edge though :winkwink:

Blah girls I just had a massive freak out.
I think it was just really due to being so emotional and drained from sickness and hungry because I haven't been able to keep food down today, but I just cried and cried and cried after getting off the phone. I called my private OB and then my private health insurance, and this pregnancy was going to cost me at least $5000 out of pocket, and that's if everything goes as planned :( and I have the top private health insurance that the company provides! It just seems ridiculous. I can't justify spending that much and when I already spend so much on my health insurance each year anyway :shrug:
So I think I will cancel those plans and go public now. Are any of you Aussie girls going public? I heard it is good, I just have never used the public system before so I don't know how it is or what to expect really. I've booked an appointment with my gp for Sunday so I will talk to him about everything.
Feeling very down, very emotional and just exhausted.

I know nothing about healthcare in other countries but :hugs:, hope Buffy reassured you and it will all be ok!
Aww Lala I'm sorry that you're struggling with that:( I don't know anything about it either as I'm up in Canada. Public health can't be too bad down there though right?
Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day in terms of MS but I'm feeling it already a bit today. Will probably sneak out of work early if I can:) I've been using my Doppler lots lately, it's become pretty easy for me to find the heartbeat. I just love it!! I can an appointment on Feb 19th and after that, I will feel free to tell the world. Anyone else getting ready to make an announcement? I don't think we'll do a facebook thing but who knows!
Pretty much everyone around me knows. I actually told 2 of the teacher assistants at my school today and they got so excited and hugged me, we are not close or anything. Made me get all choked up. It makes me realize how truly amazing and exciting all this is...sometimes I forget the reality of it, I'm having a baby!

My niece and nephew (14 and 12) don't know yet, but will next time I see them - I wanted to wait until I was past the early days and my sister in law wants me to tell them in person, with cupcakes and confetti or something lol. I will probably do something on facebook, but not until I'm even farther along. Maybe the halfway point or something?
Anyone else getting ready to make an announcement? I don't think we'll do a facebook thing but who knows!

We will be after this weekend!! We should have the genetic screening results back by then and my NT scan last week was the last time I'll see them until our anatomy scan on March 23rd (which I could possibly be the size of a small house by then). So we're going to start telling folks next week. Family and a couple good friends already know, but I'm so ready to tell everyone! We will probably do a Facebook announcement too just because we've lived all over the world and it's been hard to keep up with all our friends except through social media. It will be weird having everyone know and it just makes everything so much more real! :flower:

Awww, I want to get a Doppler so bad! So great you can check up on your little one all the time!!
I will be going public in NZ- I have heard great things from my friends there. Its all completely free, including any scans etc. They really look after mums!

I had a terrible night last night- thunderstorms here and my dog was pacing around the house or trying to jump on the bed, grrrrr! We tried locking her out of our room but she just kept bumping the door. I already get up a few times to pee, but I am so tired this morning from broken sleep- I guess I should get used to it huh! I also was feeling really bloated and yuck when I went to bed after I had a soup with lots of pulses and beans for lunch and it gave me grief all afternoon! The joys of pregnancy!!!
I had a couple of surgeries - my knee & for lady problems in public hospital and have lived to tell the tale! It's really not much different. You will probably just have to share a room.

I'm 12 weeks today (hopefully!) and I have my scan on the 17th. I'm dying now because I knew I just wanted to get to 12 weeks, and now I can't even tell anyone until I know everything is ok in there. It is so frustrating, and keeps feeling even further & further away!
Lala I am going to Mater mother's public and I also had my daughter there almost 15 years ago. It's a good hospital.

Waiting for my harmony test results... it's killing me. I should have known 3 weeks ago :( but now I can barely sleep as I am back over in the Caribbean so the hospital will email me my results. It's been a week so every single time I get an email, my heart stops lol... it's driving me nuts!!!
Hi ladies,

I had my monthly dr visit yesterday. All seems ok. Apparently I have an anterior placenta so she couldn't get the heartbeat on doppler but she did do a quick scan and saw our girl doing some twists in there. I also got a very nice lecture about making sure I don't gain too much weight since I'm already a little "plump". I'm very sensitive about my weight as I've had weight and food issues most of my life so while I know she is totally right, I felt very down about it.

And I had a weird brown watery discharge this morning, but nothing since and I've been in the bathroom twice. Very strange. Just monitoring it since I literally just saw baby and all is well.
So glad your appt went well Wonders! Could the brown be leftover from any "checks" they did? (if they did any)
So glad your appt went well Wonders! Could the brown be leftover from any "checks" they did? (if they did any)

No pelvic exams, no sex and she didn't even push hard on my belly with doppler or ultrasound :shrug:
Sounds like everything is great wonders! The worst part about spotting is that it could be at any time for any reason. I honestly dream about it at night and when I get up to pee I'm convinced there will be pink or brown. So far, nothing. Sorry she lectured you about the weight thing:( Must be frustrating. I feel like a lot of people don't realize that women are a lot more aware of their own body issues than other people. We never need to be told to watch our weight cuz we are already so aware of it. I'm sure you are doing everything you can to keep your little one healthy!

I'm still trying to decide if we'll do a facebook announcement. I'm not one for being the center of attention but I'm thinking of saying something subtle like "I've been walking around with my pant button undone for a month and no one has even noticed!" lol. It's either that or I'll have to call-up/email all of the aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and semi-close friends to let them know. That sounds like a pain!
Buffy- aw I know how much you've been wanting this scan... It just seems to have taken forever doesn't it? Less than a week away now :)

Caribbean- I'm going to mater as well. I'm such a stalker. Lol. Awww I hope you get your results of your harmony test ASAP!!

Wonders- sorry you're spotting (so strange) and that the dr spoke about your weight. I'm lucky that I've been with my gp for a while and he has been through my weight ups and downs and everything with me, so he is very sensitive about it :hugs: so great you saw your baby wiggle :)

Sweet pea- lol I like your subtle Facebook idea. I wasn't a fan of the thought of putting it on Facebook, but it wS just so much easier than calling everyone lol. My dh makes woodworking videos and puts them on fb a lot, so he made this little stand which he then placed the ultrasound pic into at the end, and posted that calling it "my best creation yet (and Lara helped)" lol
I love these ideas for announcements! The main reason I wanted to do an announcement is that my partner and I are from two different countries, and have lived in a few others, so we have people around the world we would like to know our news. FB just makes it easier than a massive email list, or calling everyone. It is a bit weird to us as we are the first generation to use social media, but maybe its just the new method to do these things (if you are happy to do it). Some of my friends have, and others haven't, but I am ok with the idea and so is my partner. My mum has already told half of my home town anyway!

Sorry to hear about spotting and weight issues (or insensitive doctors), we are always on high alert I think to what is going on in our bodies.

So I wonder if we should lighten this thread a bit and maybe point out the things that we are enjoying about pregnancy so far? What are you most looking forward to (apart from the gorgeous wee bub at the end)? What nice things are your partners doing to look after you/make things easier?

Personally, I am loving the bigger boobs (I am usually and A-cup but now a C! Whoop whoop). Also loving having a bit of a secret from everyone (for another week or so at least). I guess I also love feeling that I am capable of creating another life, feel more like a woman that ever before (I am not particularly girly). I am looking forward to this next step in my life, a break from academia, the ups and downs, being supported by friends and family, and finally being a mum (for some reason I never pictured myself having children, until I met my partner and everything just clicked). He has been so great, cooking for me, giving me massages when I get sore muscles or back, driving me to uni so I don't have to bus, doing the dishes every night (he won't let me near them!), carrying things for me....he is just so excited to be a dad! He talks to our baby already through my belly lol.

How about you ladies??

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