Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Hi ladies!

Had such a nice weekend with my family. Our school participates in a walk for autism and my boyfriend and mom came with. After days of rain and yuckiness, it was so nice being outside! And it was great to have my boyfriend back with my family after such a yucky time we had last year.

I feel like I may be feeling baby move? I don't know - it seems almost impossible since its my first, I'm chubby, and have an anterior placenta and I'm in my 16th week. It feels like a hard pop, but they are near my belly button and feel different than gas, almost like a burp in my stomach and they happen about 3-5 times, then stop. I guess I will know soon enough. I have my monthly checkup tomorrow so I think I will ask her.

LaLa - sorry if I'm missing something, but why were you at the hospital? Was it a tour?

I'm really starting to have pregnancy brain. I did two silly things last week and then this week I somehow place an order at Ann Taylor online (it was just delivered) and I wore two different shoes on Saturday. All day. I told my boyfriend that being pregnant is making me dumb, he just gave me this sweet look and said, "yeah, I think so too" lol.
Sweetpea- I hope this is the end of your sickness! I've noticed a rather incredible change this week too. I haven't been able to eat anything and everything quite yet, and my stomach is still super small from my m/s, but I feel SO much better. Hopefully it will be the same for you!

As far as dealing with your DH being gone :hugs: I know that's hard. When mine was gone this last go 'round, I was so sick that I couldn't do what I usually do, and that is schedule fun things to do with friends and family to make the time pass more quickly. So it really dragged on. But that's what I would recommend as long as you are feeling up to it! Or treat yourself to a pedicure or facial or something relaxing, give yourself something to look forward to later in the week :thumbup: I guess mine's gone so much that I don't get nervous at night by myself, and the glock under my mattress helps with that too. I usually just end up watching Netflix and eating unhealthy food in bed until I fall asleep :winkwink: I seem to finish entire seasons while he is gone!

Wonders- Glad you had such a wonderful weekend! You may be feeling the baby, from what I've read, that sounds like it! I thought I might be feeling the "flutterings" last week that everyone talks about, but they've gone away now, so it must have just been gas or something. I can't wait until I do, it will be great reassurance that everything is alright!

AFM- I woke up to red spotting again today. It didn't follow sex, a BM, or a sneeze like it has in the past, so I got all worked up again. It was just that once when I wiped and then stopped again like usual. So odd. The OB I saw last week didn't seem worried about it at all, at least the OB I regularly see checked everything on the u/s to make sure there wasn't a bleed somewhere. It's happened like 5-6 times now about every 1-2 weeks. After seeing so much activity on the scans from the twins, I can't help but imagine them rough housing in there and breaking things :haha:
Haha just be firm with them!

"Don't you kids make me come in there!!" :haha:
Aw sweet pea I know it sucks if your hubby has to go away. Mine doesn't go away regularly but sometimes he goes for camping/fishing holidays for a week at a time and I always miss him so much. I find that having my dog makes me feel safe. Download lots and lots of seasons/movies to watch :)

Wonders- so nice you had a lovely weekend :) it sounds like you might be feeling baby!! So exciting. I hear lots of people talk about "pops" and "bubbles". I just get flutters, like butterflies. Pops might freak me out lol. I was at the hospital because that's how they organise it in aus. I had to meet my midwife and they had to go over all of my blood results, and ask me about 2 hours worth of questions! It was pretty exhausting. I have to go back there in a couple of weeks to meet my obstetrician, and I also have to meet the anaesthetist so they can inspect my back and see whether I will be able to have an epidural. Usually I would be going back every month, but I have asked if I can have shared gp care (rather than midwifery care), so that I see my gp most of the time and only have to go to the hospital occasionally (my gp is 5 mins away and I feel comfortable with him... The hospital is 35 mins away and it gives me the heebie-jeebies). If my next results all come back ok and I don't have complications they will allow me to have shared gp care.

Praying- aw you just can't catch a break with your bleeding!!! Lol it's so cute picturing them in there being little rascals! Are you Rh negative?? That'd be a lot of anti d shots you'd be needing if you are!

I have taken the day off uni today so I can just have a day with no work, no uni, no chores... Just me! I need it.
So dh and I started having sex last night, but it hurt so much I had to stop. I don't know if it's just because I'm anxious?? So... Then I cried. Talk about attractive. Blah! Feel like such a failure of a wife.
On a lighter note, I booked our antenatal classes, so glad they weren't booked out! Looking forward to learning things, because I'm pretty clueless lol.
My husband doesn't go away but he works 2 night shifts a week and they are 2 nights in a row. It sucks when they fall on weekdays, because it means I don't see him at all for those two days because I'm at work when he gets home in the morning, and he's at work when I got home at night. The first night is never that bad, but by the second night im ready for him to come home. I'm the same as lala - we have dogs, so I always sleep with the staffy on my bed & it makes me feel safe :)

Wonders: I bet that's baby! I've been feeling on and off flutters for a week or two now. It's not every dat though.

Praying: sorry about the spotting, but it's good that it stopped right away.

I'm actually feeling really good over these past few days. I've been eating really well, and exercising. It's funny how I just automatically feel skinnier since exercising, even though I'm clearly not. It's such a mental thing.
Lala, I'm Rh positive. Just a bleeder I guess! Don't feel like a failure of a wife, I am sure your DH understands. It's become almost a joke now between me and my DH, makes me sad sometimes but at least he doesn't seem too concerned with our lack of a sex life right now. He's busied himself designing and building cribs the last few weekends and even gave me the lowdown on a "family c-section" today... He even talked about skin to skin and wanting to find out how long to wait to cut the cord, etc. It's quite shocking to me to hear him talk about that stuff, especially since I haven't even started thinking about it yet. Love that patient saint of a man!

I am so clueless too! We have our classes scheduled too, have to "graduate" by the end of June because of the good chance of them coming early. I am such a dork... I am way too excited about them!!
I have just been booking in at the hospital for shared care with my GP, but its such a long process before I even see a midwife! Next week I go to a healthy pregnancy seminar for 3 hours, then I have a pre-admission meeting on 7th April, then I can start having regular appointments with a midwife out of the hospital! I have finally also booked with a midwife in NZ who my mum found for me and seems good based off her reviews. Now need to book antenatal classes either here or in NZ depending on timing! Argh! Also hopefully submitting first full draft of my thesis next week sometime, so scary as its 4 years of work and it all comes down to the next few months before I submit in start of May. Feel good that it may all be coming together now though and I will have some freetime before baby arrives to destress and finally just focus on me!
Praying- so annoying about the bleeding! Seems like all is ok though and glad to hear it.
My partner just ordered a doppler!!! So excited! Finally can listen in to our bub at home! Its the cheapie AngelSounds one so hope it will cut the mustard.
I'm not even sure that I'll go to any classes to be honest. Is that bad of me?
I'm not even sure that I'll go to any classes to be honest. Is that bad of me?

Not at all! You have to do what you are comfortable with. Don't let anyone else (aka your midwife) tell you any different.
I just want to do it because neither DH or myself have ever really been around babies so I feel as though the last classes in particular (where we bathe a newborn baby, learn how to look after the umbilical cord etc) will be valuable to me.
I would probably contemplate going to something like that I suppose, but I don't imagine my husband to be interested at all. He has however, been around babies a lot more than I have.
Hi ladies!

Praying - yuck for spotting but glad it has stopped. I had unexplained spotting too but nothing in a few weeks, even after sex. Knock on wood, I don't have it again! It's so frustrating to not know what is causing it though!

Classes...hmmm, I'm still undecided if I want to take a class or not. I have experience with babies but its been awhile and my boyfriend has none. I don't think he's even held a baby ever. Deciding if I need the birthing one, the newborn one or both lol. They are free at the hospital, but only after you register for delivery so I have time to decide.

I have my monthly check up today. Not really anxious about it although I am worried about getting weighed. Last time, she didn't get angry, but she just gently reminded me that I don't need to gain a ton of weight since I have some extra weight to start, but also said she doesn't want me obsessed with it. But she doesn't know me - I'm always obsessed with weight lol. So I switched up some of the foods I was eating and tried to only splurge on the weekends. I seemed to be maintaining and then this morning, it is up 2 stinking pounds! I'm blaming it on needing to poop and having asian stir fry for dinner last night but I'm now terrified that by the time I actually get weighed this afternoon, I'll be up 5 lbs when in reality I've been the same for 4 weeks! I guess I can't let it bug me. My weight is going to fluctuate day to day and I'm going to gain some so there isn't much I can do as long as I keep watching what and how much I eat and weigh myself at home a couple times a week to monitor my weight.

Oh and a question about my doppler. When I got it last week, the heartbeat was loud and clear. The past two times I've tried, I can pick it up, but its too faint to even register a heart rate and I can barely hear it. I'm guessing its because of how the baby is positioned? I do have an anterior placenta so maybe she is in a nice little hiding spot and the other times, she had moved to an easier to hear spot? Its cool to hear her move on the doppler though! Hoping the Dr will be able to pick it up today.
Praying I'm really sorry about the bleeding. My sister had it throughout her pregnancy and she was always a nervous wreck. Her son was born right on time and very healthy though!
Lala I totally know how you feel about the sex! We had sex the other night before DH left and even though it went fine, I start crying after. For no reason!!! lol it was ridiculous. DH was pretty concerned but I was like "honestly nothing is wrong!". It was the weirdest thing but I think we're allowed to be a little more emotional than normal. Don't feel like a failure, at least you tried! Lots of ladies wouldn't even do that:)
Wonders that happens to me with my Doppler a lot. Like you said, I think it depends on where the baby is at a particular time. As long as you can still hear it, I think it's all good!
Also, thanks for all the advice on getting through the week without DH! I have an American Bulldog puppy so I feel pretty safe with him in the house (especially since he looks just like a pitbull) but I did sleep absolutely terribly last night. Tossing and turning all night long. It was annoying! I did get through the day feeling okay which was exciting but this morning I'm not feeling as great. I had a Pepsi last night for the first time in months and I think that might have triggered the bad feelings this morning. Obviously I got a little ahead of myself!
What are your bumps like girls? Mine doesn't seem to be getting any bigger, I popped out a few weeks ago but it's but really grown in a couple of weeks. I've gained 3lb since my 8week appointment, and I don't feel particularly pregnant so I'm worrying myself a little. Mw appointment is three weeks away and scan in 5 weeks. Are your bumps growing much yet?
Spicyorange- Yesterday I was so worried something was wrong because my bump was about half the size it was over the weekend, but today it's back for sure! It's hard and my stomach is tight on the sides and I feel like my skin is stretching :wacko: Crazy how it can be so different from day to day, I think so much depends on bloating and where the baby is hanging out. The OB told me last week I looked to be measuring 22 weeks for a singleton pregnancy, but I have such a long torso that the bump has been expanding lengthwise and not out, so it's not super noticeable. I haven't gained any weight though, I'm still not able to eat as much as I should be. I agree with you though, I don't really feel pregnant- my m/s is gone, my boobs don't hurt, and I don't feel like I need a nap every couple hours :shrug:
I've changed shape and have a belly I didn't before but it's not hard at all :a. My nipples are still sensitive and I did fall asleep in the sofa but I worry about lack of belly size
I definitely have a belly. By the end of the day it is really hard but not as hard in the mornings. No idea if that is normal?
Spicy Orange - Its hard for me to tell if my belly is growing as I had a belly to start with lol, however my overall stomach is getting larger, and I don't think its from food, but I don't think I look pregnant yet, at least not to strangers. I noticed right at 16 weeks that my lower abdomen got a lot harder higher up so I guess my belly is coming. Everyone's body is different so I wouldn't stress too much about it. Plus I have days where I really notice it or notice how hard my belly is and then the next day I feel like it all went away.

AFM, I had my check up yesterday. All went well and dr said I'm looking good and happy. I did gain 2 lbs (despite a bathroom visit, tons of water and not eating much yesterday) but she didn't say anything about it. I'll just continue doing what I'm doing and try to make the better choice as much as possible. She did a quick ultrasound to see where baby was and then used the doppler. She was able to find the heartbeat right away but didn't keep it on for very long. All in all, a good visit. I go back in 4 weeks and my anatomy scan is March 23! It still does not feel real! I feel like I'm in complete denial sometimes and soon it will be August and I will have not prepared at all!

Oh and I asked about the popping sensation in my stomach. She said it is probably not baby doing that since its so early to be that strong and with my anterior placenta, it may be even more tricky to feel. She showed me on my leg what it is similar to feeling like - sort of a light tickle? Definitely not what I've felt so I'm still on the lookout for her first movements!
Wonders it's great your dr appointment went well :)

I don't have a bump yet, but when I touch my lower abdomen it's hard. I don't think I'll have a noticeable bump until late 20 weeks or even longer.

Up late doing uni worrrrrk. Why do I do this to myself?? Haha
I have a little bump. I'm normally quite thin so most people say I'm showing because I have a bit of a belly. Honestly I think it's mostly bloat. Only the very bottom above my pubic bone is hard but I feel like my whole stomach up to my ribs is bigger!

AFM- Missing DH a little less for me. I always miss him so much right when he leaves and then I get used to being by myself over a couple days. Today is our nephew's first birthday so I'm baking a cake and heading to my SIL's for supper. So excited!
I've also been pretty busy at work which is a blessing for sure. I hate my job but the work I'm doing lately isn't bad at all:) My next checkup is on the 19th. I'm not very excited about it cuz I don't think it'll be all that interesting. Looking forward to mid-april when I get my 20 week scan. Even though we won't be finding out the gender, I'll still post a pic on here and ya'll can guess!

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