Buffy- good luck on Monday! I ate two dinners the night before mine to try to ward off too much hunger. The drink is not bad at all, I had the fruit punch and it just tastes like strong Gatorade that hasn't been mixed properly. The 1 hour was easy peasy, not really as bad as everyone makes it out to be. The worst part about the 3 hour test was right around the 30 minute mark when I seriously thought all the drink would be making another appearance. Thankfully it stayed down! I don't do well with fasting and I don't think I've ever had 100g of sugar in one sitting, much less within 5 minutes! I also ate a huge burger right after both my 1 hour and 3 hour tests
Lala- I am so sorry to hear how you were treated at your appointment! That is so unacceptable, especially from other women! I hope you don't have to deal with that OB or her nurse again!
I've gained almost 30 pounds! Which is already over the weight the nurse told me I could gain for the entire pregnancy, but well under what is considered "on track" for what my twins and multiples book told me I should gain (48-56 pounds!!!) I can't win
I just don't quite understand why all these OBs are on such a weight kick. Shouldn't the focus be on growing a healthy baby, not giving women complexes and eating disorders and such? We get enough of that from society as it is. As long as we are eating healthy and the baby is doing fine, who cares?! Sorry for the rant, but I just hate to hear these stories. We have enough on our plates as it is, not to mention all the hormones. Hugs to all of you who have to deal with insensitive people
I'm glad we are all here to support each other.
I did pass my 3 hour GTT but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I almost wanted to fail it so I had a not-so-scary reason for Baby B's fluid levels being higher than normal. We go back to the high risk doc next Wed for another scan. I'm trying not to worry because we've had regular scans and nothing has shown up so far. I'm hoping he's just a big baby that pees a lot
So the RN teaching the birth class told us last night that at this point, we should call the OB if we haven't felt baby move every 60-90 minutes. I flipped out. Baby A is constantly moving and is so so busy, but my Baby B only gives me a couple big kicks and rolls a day, definitely not every 60-90 minutes! I asked her about him and she said that I needed to get into the habit of waking him up when I don't feel him moving (drinking something sugary, laying on my left side, and having DH talk to him). I feel like I would be doing that all day long because of how much he sleeps!
She also told us about Braxton Hicks contractions and said we have them from the beginning but don't notice them because the baby is so small. I guess that's why I'm feeling them probably more than others because combined, my twins are already over 5 pounds. She said they aren't a concern unless you have 5 in 1 hour, lasting 1 minute each, and hydrating, rest, and moving around doesn't stop them. I have about 10-15 every day, but they aren't very consistent. They don't hurt, just kind of uncomfortable. My whole stomach tightens, gets hard to the touch, and my little baby lumps are just kind of frozen in place wherever they are. Crazy. Pregnancy is seriously weird y'all.