Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Thanks Buffy.

Ugh so annoying about your hubby's work. I am so clingy with my DH right now, I think it's the hormones.
Good luck on Monday! I'm sure everything will be fine :) the test sucks, the liquid isn't the worst, it's just really having to have it sit in your stomach for so long after having fasted. But afterwards, reward yourself with a big burger!! Seriously. Eating afterwards makes you feel so much better. I ate a whole footlong subway (but then vomited it up, so maybe just go 6 inch hahaha) x
I'm always clingy!! I think because where we live, he's all I've got. We have a couple of friends, and I've got my work colleagues, but it's still not the same as my back-at-home friends (who I'll be reunited with in 9 weeks! Hooray!)

He left me such a nice note on the bench when I got home from work yesterday, so obviously, I cried. Haha. We are all insane!!

Re: the glucose test - the only time I ever feel nauseous now is usually in the morning and when I haven't eaten right away. That's why I'm dreading this test :( My appointment is at 8.15 & they open at 8, so it's the best I could do. Then I have my first anti D injection in the afternoon. I'll definitely need a burger. Or a 6 inch. Lol.
Haha Lala next time I go, our babies will be about 2 months old. Not as appealing :p
LaLa - that does sound like a crappy day! Glad its over with and at least the epidural shouldn't be a problem! I'm curious when does it become an issue as I am overweight as well. I wouldn't say a lot of my fat is in that area though lol.

Buffy - Hope the glucose test goes well. Bring a snack for right after to hold you over until your next meal.

AFM - After my lunch, baby girl started moving more, then at home she was moving and I laid on my left side while watching tv before bed and she went nuts so I'm feeling better even though I haven't felt much this morning yet lol. Although she may be head down because when I walk, I get this annoying feeling near my bladder and cervix that sort of tickles, sort of makes me want to pee. It's delightful. And I think I'm already starting to waddle sometimes!

My next dr appointment is next week and I think I've gained 4 lbs. I know in a month, thats not that bad, but after my disastrous appointment last month I really was hoping I would only gain 1 or 2. End of the school year festivities are not helping with the eating either!
Wonders, I am an australian 16 in tops/dresses and 18 in pants, which is a US 12/14 (if that means anything?). He said that some people carry weight in their backs and that's when it can be a bit tricky, but if you don't feel that you do then I wouldn't worry!!
Glad to hear your little girly was being more active :) 4 pounds is great for a month, you are getting further along in your pregnancy and it is absolutely a safe number for you to be gaining. Try not to worry too much :hugs:

Haha you're right Caribbean, it suddenly doesn't sound so appealing :haha:

Buffy, awwww for sweet notes <3
I was on the cusp of a 14/16; large/x-large in US sizes when I got pregnant. I'm wearing XL in maternity clothes and some of my regular clothes (like shirts and dresses) are still wearable at the moment. Hopefully I'll be ok - I'm really counting on that epidural even though it terrifies me lol.

I had only gained 9 lbs total leading up to my 20 week appointment so dr was pleased at that point. Then at 24 weeks, I somehow gained 10 lbs in a month when I went for my dr visit and it is no surprise that it is exactly the month I started swelling a lot. So I feel like half of that is water weight, but my dr sort of lit into me about it, even when I pointed out the swelling. So I just don't want to keep hearing it at every dr appointment, even though 4 lbs is not that much. I know I'm overweight, but I really do not see how I can not gain anything the rest of this pregnancy and I sort of feel like that is what she is wanting from me.
Lala I'm so sorry about your awful day. That OB makes me see red, how rude!!! Also, a size 12/14 in the US or Canada is not big at all. That's crazy. I'm so glad there was at least one pleasant medical professional that you dealt with:)

Wonders, I had also gained 19 pounds at my 24 week appointment! It's so weird because I honestly don't feel like I've been eating more or anything. Mind you, a lot of my weight gain was at the beginning and I think that was because I was so sick I honestly couldn't be bothered to move some days. Anyways, I think you're right on track, I hope your doctor is kinder about it this time!

Buffy, good luck with the test:) I was allowed to eat before mine but I had the test about three hours after breakfast and I didn't realize how much you have to drink! It's a decent sized cup and they gave me a time limit of when I had to finish it, I think that's what made me feel a little ill. I had an Eatmore chocolate bar after and it was magical lol.

AFM- Everythings pretty quiet over here. Next appointment isn't until June 11th and then we go down to appointments every 2 weeks instead of every 4. That feels pretty exciting! DH randomly read an article about delayed cord clamping the other day so now he is totally into the idea. I checked it off on my birth plan anyways but it'll be nice to have him on board and understanding why he doesn't get to cut the cord right away.
I'm on the same side as sweetpea - I'm a size 12 and I was healthy BMI when I fell pregnant. I'm confused?! That's just the average size I would have thought. I know I'm on the taller side (5'9) but I just feel if that's what you're wearing then they shouldn't be ripping in to you like they are!

Wonders - what you've described with the bladder tickling and stuff is exactly what I get! I also think I'm starting to walk differently.
Buffy- good luck on Monday! I ate two dinners the night before mine to try to ward off too much hunger. The drink is not bad at all, I had the fruit punch and it just tastes like strong Gatorade that hasn't been mixed properly. The 1 hour was easy peasy, not really as bad as everyone makes it out to be. The worst part about the 3 hour test was right around the 30 minute mark when I seriously thought all the drink would be making another appearance. Thankfully it stayed down! I don't do well with fasting and I don't think I've ever had 100g of sugar in one sitting, much less within 5 minutes! I also ate a huge burger right after both my 1 hour and 3 hour tests :winkwink:

Lala- I am so sorry to hear how you were treated at your appointment! That is so unacceptable, especially from other women! I hope you don't have to deal with that OB or her nurse again!

I've gained almost 30 pounds! Which is already over the weight the nurse told me I could gain for the entire pregnancy, but well under what is considered "on track" for what my twins and multiples book told me I should gain (48-56 pounds!!!) I can't win :haha: I just don't quite understand why all these OBs are on such a weight kick. Shouldn't the focus be on growing a healthy baby, not giving women complexes and eating disorders and such? We get enough of that from society as it is. As long as we are eating healthy and the baby is doing fine, who cares?! Sorry for the rant, but I just hate to hear these stories. We have enough on our plates as it is, not to mention all the hormones. Hugs to all of you who have to deal with insensitive people :hugs: I'm glad we are all here to support each other.

I did pass my 3 hour GTT but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I almost wanted to fail it so I had a not-so-scary reason for Baby B's fluid levels being higher than normal. We go back to the high risk doc next Wed for another scan. I'm trying not to worry because we've had regular scans and nothing has shown up so far. I'm hoping he's just a big baby that pees a lot :thumbup:

So the RN teaching the birth class told us last night that at this point, we should call the OB if we haven't felt baby move every 60-90 minutes. I flipped out. Baby A is constantly moving and is so so busy, but my Baby B only gives me a couple big kicks and rolls a day, definitely not every 60-90 minutes! I asked her about him and she said that I needed to get into the habit of waking him up when I don't feel him moving (drinking something sugary, laying on my left side, and having DH talk to him). I feel like I would be doing that all day long because of how much he sleeps! :dohh:

She also told us about Braxton Hicks contractions and said we have them from the beginning but don't notice them because the baby is so small. I guess that's why I'm feeling them probably more than others because combined, my twins are already over 5 pounds. She said they aren't a concern unless you have 5 in 1 hour, lasting 1 minute each, and hydrating, rest, and moving around doesn't stop them. I have about 10-15 every day, but they aren't very consistent. They don't hurt, just kind of uncomfortable. My whole stomach tightens, gets hard to the touch, and my little baby lumps are just kind of frozen in place wherever they are. Crazy. Pregnancy is seriously weird y'all.
Praying, I think she may have been a little overeager about the movements. I feel like I have the most active kid in the world but I'm pretty sure I go an hour here or there without feeling anything. Maybe it's just the way B is positioned. Definitely something to talk to your doctor about but I wouldn't stress too much.

I get probably the same amount of BH's that you do. At first I was super worried about it but now I just deal with it. They're annoying!
I go more than an hour without feeling anything, that's for sure. Unless your doctor is talking about movement at all - from either baby? Not 5 movements each? My movements are definitely getting more frequent and stronger though from baby.

DH and I have 99% agreed on a name now. My cousin gives birth to a baby girl in June, so unless she uses the name, we are set on one! Anyone else??

The girl came with her parents last night to look at the place again. She is STILL deciding. I really hope someone comes to the open house tomorrow and just buys it from under her nose!! She's being so annoying. Her problem is that she thinks the kitchen area is too small - as in bench space. We have already knocked money off the price we were asking, so can't she just use the left over to extend the bench? It's 4 bedroom (master has walk in robe, while other 3 have built in wardrobes), 2 bathrooms (both with double basins), 2 living areas, kitchen & alfresco. Surely that's big enough for one person?! I'm getting all bitter because I just want this thing sold so that I have one less thing to worry about (although only Been on the market for 3 weeks.) :haha:
My midwife (and count the kicks) says that your should get to know your baby's pattern and only be worried if this changes, if baby 2 is always less active then that's normal I'd only be concerned if it changed. gives really good info about movement.
I think I'm getting varacous veins in my lady parts (gross!!)
So glad to be home, been a lovely week but really nice jest to chill out at time and sleep in my own bed.
I'm on the same side as sweetpea - I'm a size 12 and I was healthy BMI when I fell pregnant. I'm confused?! That's just the average size I would have thought. I know I'm on the taller side (5'9) but I just feel if that's what you're wearing then they shouldn't be ripping in to you like they are!.

A US 12 is an Aus 16 :haha: I'm obviously overweight, and I understand that at a medical standpoint it needs to be addressed, I just felt like that's alllllll she addressed my whole appointment. I mean not even checking for the heart beat seems ridiculous, right? Blah anyway so glad it's over!
Praying definitely get a second opinion on the movement thing, because I think they have over-worried you. I've heard that so long as baby's movements are regular to what they normally are, then not to worry. And also that babies need to sleep (and it can be up to 4 hours at a time too). Poor baby b is giving you a lot of worry.

Ugh Buffy that woman sounds annoying!! Hopefully it sells ASAP!

Spicy, my lady bits are swollen and gross looking haha. Oh well, it's not like I really look at them anyway :haha:
Yeah, she definitely said every 60-90 minutes we should feel some kind of movement from baby. She said it to the whole class (we are the only ones with twins) so I am definitely assuming she didn't mean for both babies. I am going to ask the high risk doc about it next Wed because everything I've always heard is exactly what you all are saying-if the movements have slowed down or decreased, then call. Funny thing is though, I've literally sat around and done nothing today except pay attention to their movements and Baby B actually does move at least every 90 minutes (I did have to wake him once), but most movements were super subtle and I bet if I was working or moving around more I wouldn't feel it at all.

Buffy- Yay on a name! :thumbup: We still have no names :dohh: We have a short list: Elijah, Ethan, Nathan, Samuel, Joshua, Daniel, and Landon. None jump out to me at all though. We just found out one of my friends who gave birth a few days ago named her son Ethan and they kept it a secret, so I feel like maybe we should take that one off our list? I don't know, what do you all think? I haven't seen her in five years and we only really keep in touch on facebook (likes and comments, not really even direct messaging)... not like I'm stealing her kid's name, it was already on our list! But I know Ethan is super popular right now too. Definitely don't want my kid to be one of five Ethans in his class :haha:
My cousin has an Elijah & another cousin has an Ethan. I really like both of those! And I'd say it's totally fine for you to use Ethan in your situation. I also really love Sam/Samuel :thumbup:

That's really strange about the kicks. As lala said - babies sleep! I didn't feel my baby at all until midday today. If I had have had your teacher lady, I'd have called my midwife by now! Lol. But as spicy is saying, it's normal for my baby to do that, so I'm not overly concerned.
I had I total panic one day we were away thinking I hadn't felt baby all day about 5pm and I was staying to panic then I realised I'd been rising ant and hasn't really been looking for it either, as soon add I sat down for half an hour kicks came.I think it's so easy not to notice until you actually pay attention.
Praying, that's a nice short list, Samuel, Joshua and Nathan were all in our list. We have settled on Esther for a girl with Grace and/or Leah for a middle name/s (we can't decide if 2 is too many or which one to pick), and Noah Alexander for a boy, (I don't think dh loves it but can't think of names he likes more) boys names have been a huge struggle for us, but we are keeping it a secret much to my mom's annoyance who is desperate to know at least our short list. I'm not telling anyone Incase they say negative things
This baby was going to be a Samuel if it was a boy. We will probably still use it if the next (?) baby is a boy.

My bub is going nuts this morning. Not so much kicking but it's like she's locked her legs against my back and pushing herself out front ways. It is very uncomfortable!
My doctor told me I'd have more regular movements by my next appointment, which is next week, and she is right. Baby girl is definitely moving more (other than those annoying couple days where I was close to panicking). But she also pointed out that I won't feel her every single hour because she will be sleeping some of the time or I will be moving around and not notice. Plus my stupid anterior placenta and she also mentioned my own belly in a very nice way. It all makes perfect sense. Although when she moves, I can really feel it and see it so I can't imagine what its like if I were thinner or had a posterior placenta!

OH and I decided on a name a couple months ago. Its hard for me to always call her by that name though, still call her "the baby" a lot lol. Anyway, her name will be Molly Frances (Frances is my mom's name and I realy wanted to use it. When I told her, she started crying so I know I made the right decision). Speaking of telling, I really wanted to keep the name a secret until she was born except for my mom but OH just keeps blabbing it to people so that idea went out the window lol. I guess I should appreciate his enthusiasm.

Oh, and last night, this little girl was really doing a number on my bladder and cervix. She hit it so hard at one point when I was in bed, that I actually said "ouch" out loud. And literally as soon as I stood up from the toilet, I felt like I had to go again. I can't imagine how much worse its going to be in a couple months!

And one more exciting bit of news! 28 weeks today...officially 3rd tri!!!

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