Decembers little darlings now in first tri

On Buffy :hugs: I hope that time flies by on the days that your DH is away xxx
It will be worth is once the house sells & we have our own place back home. But it's just overwhelming right now. I'm trying to be positive, but it's hard when you're a crazy hormonal pregnant lady :haha:
What are you guys buying clothing-wise? Until today I only had one newborn sized piece of clothing. We have quite a lot 0-3 months. It's hard when you don't know how big the person is that you're buying for!
We only have a couple of newborn onesies. I don't know how many we should get!
It's so hard when you have no clue how big babe will be hey? Some people use NB onsies for a long time and others skip that whole stage! Based on mine and DH's size when we were born, I'd be surprised if our babe was eight pounds or over. I think we'll use the NB onsies for a while.

As I'm team yellow, I don't want to go crazy buying yellow, green, and white stuff so I'm not stalking up too much. I know my sister will bring me either a big pink bag or a big blue bag of clothes to the hospital after babe is born lol!

Buffy, I hope this time goes by fast for you, it's always tough when DH is away.

I'm so glad some of you feel like time is flying. I'm so anxious to meet this bundle that I feel like it's taking forever! Can't wait to find out everything about him or her:)
Back from the festival. Dh was wonderful and didn't let me carry anything in the end,I think he realised that I needed to take it easy. Apart from the portaloos even camping was fine, the band's were amazing. Although my face has totally dried out and feels quite itchy.
Just popping my head in to say hello. I lurk all the time but don't have anything much of interest to say. I am back over in the Caribbean with my husband now, hadn't seen him for 10 weeks so it's nice to be with him again :)

I just moved house the week before I left, which was a stupid thing to do.. but I had to do it either now, or when I get back in July when I am ready to burst.. and I didn't want to leave it to chance that we would actually get a new house before bubs made her appearance!

I had a scan last Tuesday, at 27 weeks.. but she refused to budge her arm from her face!

Here she is:

My husband now calls her 'Popeye' due to the scan showing her forearm as giant compared to her upper arm. He doesn't want to hear it was just the angle of the scan! He just responds with 'Ack ack ack ack ack' in popeye fashion. Always the joker :haha:

My ticker shows I have 79 days left but due to having gestational diabetes, I will have c section at about 38 weeks, which means I really only have about 65 days to go. Oh dear. Shit is about to get real!!!
Wow Caribbean, that's coming up so fast! I'm super excited for you. That pic is adorable and your DH sounds hilarious:)

Spicy, I'm glad it wasn't so bad for you! I plan on camping a bit this summer but we'll see how it actually goes as I get progressively more uncomfortable
:hugs: Buffy! My DH was gone for almost all of my first trimester, I can definitely empathize. I hope the time goes quickly for you and your house sells quickly with as little stress as possible! We have no idea what size of clothing to buy either so we haven't bought much. Our boys could be super-preemie if they come early or full size (and quite large based on our genetics!) if they come on time around 37 weeks. We've only bought 3-12 months stuff and plan on just relying on the preemie and newborn clothes that friends have given us in case they come early.

Lala- I have horribly dry skin (no glow at all!) and my eczema is out of control! My chin has also been breaking out in these last few weeks, probably the worst it's ever been.

Caribbean- I can't believe how close it is for you already! How exciting! :happydance:

Sweetpea- I always think it's so cute when the OHs play the protective, sheltering role. I'm with Buffy though, I think my hubs forgets I'm pregnant sometimes. And I'm the worrywart--that man never seems to worry about a thing! Which is good sometimes I guess, one of us has to stay sane around here :wacko: This is my last week off from school and he's given me a list of things to do around the house! Hahaha, I definitely have the time to do it, and I have been putting this stuff off for weeks now, but really? LOL. It interferes with my sleeping, eating, gestating schedule!! :winkwink: But he is on me more about drinking water now since I confessed to him that I'm only drinking half of the daily amount recommended by the RN last week. Oops.

So I had my 3 hour GTT on Friday, no news from the doctor yet, which I am hoping is a good thing? With the holiday yesterday, I am trying not to get my hopes up yet that no news is good news. Only 1 lab result posted to the hospital's website (out of the four draws)... I passed that one, but it just seems weird that the others didn't post to the website yet. :shrug:

I've also been having Braxton Hicks like crazy for the last few days. What a weird thing! When my tummy tightens, I can see where the babies are laying... craziness! Still can't tell a butt from a head, but the bulges are definitely there!
Praying you will probably go before me with your twins!
My friend just gave birth to twins. She was 29+5 weeks! Eek.. they were about 3 lbs each. So tiny but doing quite well despite their early arrival. She did well to keep them in, she's been in hospital since she was 24 weeks as they kept wanting to come out.
Caribbean you're lucky you've already moved! I'm moving in 9 weeks & I don't even know where I'm going :p

We actually had an offer on our house yesterday, and although it's a little under what we wanted, we have accepted it. My real estate agent was going to hear back from her today to see if she is still wanting to go ahead. She wanted to sleep on it. Her original offer was $20,000 less than what we got her up to, and apparently she was going to look at another property last night. Fingers crossed she's still wanting our place, because the timing would be absolutely perfect! And we could start looking for a place & probably be in before the baby comes. And hubby is leaving today for work for a few days. Super stressful at the moment!

We went on a long walk yesterday. It was 8-10km and my god was that a bad idea. My body was hating me when we were on our way back. I'm so unbelievably sore in my legs and hips today :( So I think it's safe to say I overdid it!

Spicy, I'm glad your hubby took care of you while you were away :)

Praying, I don't think I've had BH yet. And I really don't want them :haha:
Buffy glad to hear your have an offer, hope it works out now. 10k sounds like you over did it to me!

I've not had bh yet, dunno when to expect them to start, does it hurt? Staying with our friends and their 3 kids (aged 10, 8 & 6) at the moment for a couple of nights. It's a bit mad to be honest.
Ever since camping I've had an itchy dry red rash on my cheek and neck, don't know if it's prickly heat or something but it feels horrid.
I think it's a tightening and cramping feeling in your stomach from what I've read? On the FB group lots of girls are getting them already, so I'm sure it'll be soon if we get them?! I'm scared!! Lol

I'm not sure what your rash could be, but could definitely be heat?

The lady who made an offer is coming to look at our house tomorrow again with her parents. Please send us positive vibes!! :flower:
Good luck Buffy!! Hope everything goes well today with the showing:)

I've been having BH for a few weeks now. Apparently I have an active uterus:( They don't hurt really but they are annoying and they kind of take my breath away. Apparently to get rid of them you should drink some water, empty your bladder, and either get up and move (if you were relaxing) or sit down and relax (if you were exercising). My belly definitely looks different when I get them. I feel around and I feel bulges here and there but I can't tell a butt from a head lol.

Spicy, some ladies don't get them at all! Apparently they actually start around 6 weeks but it's just whether you can feel them or not. Hopefully you don't start feeling them until late in your pregnancy. I honestly just don't know how I'll tell when real labour starts. Everyone keeps telling me "you'll just know" but what if I don't?!
Buffy - hope the second showing goes well and you get that offer soon!

re: BH - I don't think I've had any yet either. A little scared for when they really kick in and I'm closer to my due date. I'm scared I won't know if its real labor starting or not.

AFM, yesterday was my birthday and I had a really nice day. Had a great weekend with the OH and a nice day getting lots of attention from my students at work. But baby girl was getting annoyingly quiet the past couple days. And as soon as I would really start to get worried, she'd give me a good thump or two. Today was day 3 of her quiet behavior and I was really getting scared so I literally ate every sugary thing in my lunch bag and drank a coke. Finally, I started getting some more of my usual movements so feel better. Even with my doppler yesterday, I was worried something was wrong.
Happy Birthday Wonders!!! Glad it was a good day for you. Baby girl is probably just sleeping lots so she can grow big:) It's tough not to worry though!
I've had it when I've had cramps that felt like period pain cramps, sometimes only one, sometimes a couple, I have to stop what I'm doing to ride it out as they take my breath away, I don't know if that's a bh? I've never felt if my tummy is hard then. I just concentrate on waiting till it stops. It's only happens a couple of times, usually if I've been over doing it.
My rash has calmed right down, now my skin just feels really dry and a bit scaly where it was.
Been spending a few days with our friends and their Kids, no way am I having 3!!! I love then all but they are a handful. Home tomorrow.

Happy birthday wonders, do contact your maternity unit or mw if your are worried it's much better to be safe, just in case. Sure it's fine
My SIL has 3 kids and they came to stay with us one weekend. Honestly it even put me off having 1 child haha. I was about 13 weeks pregnant, so too late to change my mind then!! :haha:

Wonders - happy birthday. Glad you had a good day! :flower: I still have days where baby is way more active than other days.
Praying- I hope you get back your gtt results soon!
I think I've had a couple of BH, but I'm not 100% sure. So weird/cool that you can see the babies when your tummy contracts!!

Caribbean- glad to hear from you!! Ah so jealous that you're overseas. Taaaaake me with youuuuu next time. I'm tidy(ish), can cook, and make pretty decent small talk :haha:

Buffy- ugh 10kms... Ouchies!! Look after yourself crazy lady! :haha:
Oho ooh I really hope this lady buys your house! It would be perfect timing :)

Spicy- haha staying with three kids (and the ages that they are too) sounds like my idea of a nightmare right now. I don't think I could have 3 kids. 2 is what I want... My husband used to want 3, but I think I've convinced him to stick to 2 lol.

Sweet pea- I'm the same, I can feel lumps etc but can't distinguish between a head or a bum lol

Wonders- happy birthday!!! :) yay!! Aww quiet days with baby are so scary. I had one last week, baby wasn't moving at all and I was at work so couldn't use my doppler. I even bought a frozen coke because it usually moves away from cold drinks, plus all of the sugar would make baby dance around- or so I thought. Stayed so still afterwards!! It made me freak out even more.... But the next day, baby didn't stop kicking ALL DAY! seriously I couldn't figure out when it had time to sleep lol. If you're worried, maybe go get checked at the dr :) I'm sure bubs is just going through a bit of a growth spurt and putting on some baby fat :)

As for me, everything is going fine.
I had a bit of a terrible day yesterday though. I had appointments all day the hospital (got there at 8.30 and left at 2.30). Saw the dietitian in the morning, I had initially pre-booked that appointment incase my gtt came back positive for GD, but I kept it anyway just to talk about expected weight gain etc. she was lovely, really doesn't want me to lose anymore weight and wants me to either maintain or gain from now on.
Then I had my OB appointment. I had a different OB this time. Anyway, it was a bit of a disaster. The appointment was an hour and a half late, but I didn't complain.
She kept asking me questions, like Why did my OB run for these bloods, or why did he order another scan etc etc, and why was I here??? I told her I'm just here for my antenatal appointment, and that she was the doctor and I don't know why he's written those things. I said it nicely though, I was just annoyed. She kept going on and on about my weight and didn't focus on anything else. I wanted to cry. I also told her I needed my anti d shot, and she said that they don't do it there. I said that the last OB told me specifically not to get it done at my gp and that he would do it at this appointment. Then she called for the nurse, who came in very cranky. The OB said she's lost my chart, and it made her crankier. The nurse looked at me and said she'd deal with me later.
Then the OB checked my blood pressure, which was fine, but didn't do anything else- didn't feel for baby, didn't check fundal height or use the doppler. It was a bit of a shamble. She then told me that I was seeing the anesthetist later (which I already knew because it was a separate appointment) because "you are so incredibly overweight". And that's how that lovely appointment ended.
Then I had to wait for the nurse. When she called me in, she said that they had to ask me a bunch of questions because they don't have my chart to know who I am. But she was so rude, like it was ME who had lost it? Then she got out the needle and I took off my cardigan because every needle I've ever had has always been in my arm. Then she looked at me and said "well actually you have a lot more fat on your backside and that's where I was going to give you the injection, but if you know better than me, I will do it in your arm!". Embarrassed I said oh no no, I just assumed, sorry. And she said "well where do you want it then?!" And I said sorry again (ugh why do I apologise so much) and told her it's up to her.

Anyway. Then it was time for my anaesthetist appointment. Usually anaesthetists are pretty rude, they get paid a lot of money to not make mistakes and I've never met a very nice one before.
Well anyway, I walk in and he asks me if I know why I'm there. I say yes, it's because of my high BMI and that he needed to check out my back to see that I'd be able to get an epidural during birth.
He just smiled and shook his head and said "you're not that big, you're fine!" And then, because he was nice, I started CRYING, it was so embarrassing. But I had had such a horrible day and then he was being so nice to me and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I apologised so much. He was really nice about it and said that my OB had really over worried about my weight and that it was definitely fine! that he wouldn't look at me and consider me very big at all, and then he checked out my back anyway and he said he would never have a problem with it. Then he had a little bit of a rant saying that my OB didn't know what she was doing today and that she was overcompensating by focusing on my weight and calling me fat (I didn't say these things to him, so I'm guessing he must've spoken to her beforehand?). Then he went to hug me goodbye and I awkwardly patted his shoulder because I'm awkward as hell.

Anyway that was my shitty, shitty day. Sorry about the novel. Ugh. Then I cried for the rest of the day and had the world's worst headache all night. I am so emotionallllllll.
Oh lala that sounds truly awful. I'm sorry it was such a crappy day & experience! Honestly, women need to be more thoughtful with the way they are talking to other women. Surely they know how sensitive we all are?! I hate talking about my weight. I also dread the doctor appointments etc in case they bring it up.

The only reason I know the anti D injection goes in your butt because someone on the Facebook group mentioned it. No doctor or midwife has told me either! It's our first babies - they can't expect us to just know everything! (I'm getting all worked up for you! Lol) But I did giggle at your awkward hug/pat with your anaesthetist :haha:

I'm annoyed at my husband's new job because he was meant to come home tomorrow for 4 days, but they told him today that it's only for 2 days this time. I have my glucose test & anti D injection on Monday. I was hoping he could at least drive me to the appointments.

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