Decembers little darlings now in first tri

Yay Wonders! Congrats on 3rd tri:)

I love all of the names you ladies are picking! DH and I have been together for 7 years and were TTC for a year and a half so our names were pretty much set in stone before we got pregnant.

Boy: Anthony Brandon (Anthony is DH's name and Brandon is the name of my cousin who passed away)

Girl: Aurelia Marie (Marie is MIL's middle name that's become a family name)

I'm super happy with both and I know we will keep the other one in our back pocket depending on which one we need to use this time.

I was reading today on this facebook page that I'm part of about a Dad who said he wants his wife to abort her baby if it's another girl (they have 4 girls and 1 boy) can you imagine!!! Also it turns out she's actually pregnant with twin girls and hasn't told him yet. I would lose my mind if DH ever said anything to me like that. Not that he would! We are both happy either way.
Spicy- I think Esther Grace sounds best :flower:

We are pretty sure we are going with Freya Elizabeth Jayne (never thought my baby have two middle names, but here we are!) Elizabeth is my MIL's middle name, and Jayne is my mum's name as she has no middle name. Jayne also happens to be my middle name. Our other name is Ava if my cousin happens to use Freya :p

Wonders: happy 3rd tri! I'm almost there. I can't believe it!!

I'm off to a first birthday party today after our open house inspection for a girl I used to work with. Her daughter will be 1. God I hope people come to our open house. Then we are going to visit our families for the weekend. I'll be visiting my cousins little baby boy. He is a month old now. His name is Ryan. So that will be fun. Then I won't see DH again until Thursday :(

He was only gone for 3 days this time, but it was hard. I was so exhausted last night when he got home. I cried for ages. So I can only imagine how the next 9 weeks are going to turn out...and he will be gone for almost 5 days at a time.
I was reading today on this facebook page that I'm part of about a Dad who said he wants his wife to abort her baby if it's another girl (they have 4 girls and 1 boy) can you imagine!!! Also it turns out she's actually pregnant with twin girls and hasn't told him yet. I would lose my mind if DH ever said anything to me like that. Not that he would! We are both happy either way.

That's awful! I had this awful dream last night that there was something wrong with the baby and everyone wanted me to have an abortion and I was flown to America for it (no idea why!!) But I didn't want it, and I kept saying that the baby might be ok and everyone kept telling me I had to terminate. I woke up in such a sweat!

I feel like things have really ramped up in the last week or so, my bump feels much bigger and baby is way more active. Had to come in from the conservatory because I can't stand the heat anymore, which is so unlike me. Starting to get really bad acid reflux when I'm hungry to. It feels like things are getting serious and real! Lol.

Got our first antenatal class on Wednesday, I'm excited but nervous about meeting the other mum-to-bes. I hope I make some friends.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I have my Glucose test this morning. Already starving and I haven't even left for the appointment yet :haha:

Spicy, you'll have to tell us how your class went :flower:
Good luck Buffy!! Will be thinking of you.

I love everyone's name choices :) <3
It's hard with dh being a teacher, there are just SO MANY names ruled out because of it, and he really doesn't want any future students to ruin the name either.
He is very, very verrrrryyyyyyyy adamant on wantingto use Albie for a boy. Even though I don't loveeee it, I'm giving it to him because I think that if I loved any name as much as he loves this name then he would let me use it. So we are sorted for a boy.
For a girl, we have two ideas. I really like Lola. But I read recently that it has boomed in popularity over here, and I really don't want an overly popular name.
Dh loves Dottie for a name. I think it's so cute, I just worry a little bit about it. Not so much other kids picking on them (there are muuuuch weirder kids names around here, seriously), but adults sneering at it. I more so like the idea of giving her a full name of Dorothy and using Dottie as a nickname but DH doesn't like Dorothy.

Either way, we won't be telling anyone until baby is born because we know that we have unusual taste and that people will always make mean comments.

My other dilemma is to do with middle names.
Dh doesn't believe that they need to "flow" and that it should only be about significant meaning, and I really like the idea of them to have meaning,but I alsoooo want them to flow!! Anyway, we want to use my sister's name Holly as a middle name, but it doesn't flow when the first name ends in a y sound.
Dh wants his dad's name Colin as a middle name for a boy, and I adore his dad, but seriously haaaaate the name. I asked if we can compromise and use "Cole" instead, because that's what people call him. Dh liked the idea but only if we spell it "Col" *facepalm* which is just ridiculous. So we are stuck hahaha
Haha Lala- it's crazy how much thought we all have to put in to a name!! So much to think about. I think Albie is actually quite cute, and I can also see it on an older man.

As for Dorothy, I think I've told you before, it was my grandmothers name & my mums name. Mum hated it, so she changed it to Jayne (which was her middle name). And now the name is ruined, I think because my mum always talked about how awful of a name it is. Dottie is really cute, but I agree that you should probably have a longer "proper name" - although neither go with Holly :( I'm all about the flow. I really like Lola, and don't know any in real life.

Really like Cole, but not a huge fan of Colin. Although I think Albie Colin sounds nice?

I have about 30 minutes left for my test! Then I have my anti D injection. I'm not nervous about it, but I have NO idea where I have to go to have it done. I looked it up, and it makes no sense to me. Plus there is barely any parking in that area. Stressing.
Thanks Buffy :)

Yay for your test being over by now!

Ugh I hate feeling lost and rushed. I am lost a LOT though lol.
Hopefully you find it easily.
Just as I was leaving the pathology place the hospital called and they said they need to have these results from this morning before I get my injection. WHY would no one have told me that? How frustrating. So now it's rescheduled to Wednesday afternoon. Also annoying, because I was supposed to be waiting at home for a washing machine service guy to come then. Ughhh!
Back to work after my week off today. Not looking forward to it one bit.I've been ill the last few days to but I'm feeling better today.
Glad things went ok buffy.
Blah Buffy that sucks!! Why would they not tell you earlier???

Oh spicy that sucks, it's always so hard going back to work after two days off, let alone a week!

I only have 5 weeks left at work :) wheeeee! I know it's a bit early but I figure then if baby comes 2 weeks early, I still have some time off beforehand.
My work keeps saying they are dreading me leaving. It's only a really small workplace (5 of us, and one is a newbie) so it's nice that I will be missed, I am lucky to work with nice people. So happy I don't have to be there to fix up newbie's mistakes for too much longer though lol. My boss is nice, but she's tooooo nice and hasn't fired this new lady who is just soooooo frustratingly bad :/ she's been here for 5 months now, and hasn't gotten any better.
Anyway, soon it won't be my problem! Yay haha
Haha lala - I work with a lady who is totally crap at her job, yet she's been a dental assistant longer than I have. I only ever work with her on a Wednesday morning though, thank god. She's actually probably the dumbest person I've ever met (I know that sounds mean, but it's true!)

I have 9 weeks left of work, but who knows if I'll last that long. I also have no idea who is taking over from me. I work the most hours, so they better find someone soon if they want to train them up.
Hahaha that's funny Buffy :haha: yes this lady has worked in jewellery for yeaaaars (longer than I've been alive!!!) but she's so bad with customers, and just makes up her own rules. Like when customers ask questions, instead of asking us about what our policies are regarding something, she just makes it up. Or like, if someone asks if we have something, and she doesn't know, she just tells them No instead of asking...
She is just bad with customers. They don't like her. She is pushy, or just snobby. It's unnecessary, unlike most stores we don't work for commission so there's no reason to be pushy. And no one likes an old snob! Just because we work with nice jewellery does not mean that you can judge people!
Ugh and she stuffs everything up. Stuffs up stocktake, stuffs up orders, stuffs up ring sizes, over charges customers, and the till has been wrong so many times since we hired her :/
Hahaha sorry I know this is all petty and silly, but I'm so over her. And she never admits to doing anything wrong, that's why all of this annoys me. If she just said sorry once in a while, I probably wouldn't care.
So jealous, I have another 11 weeks of work (although I'm on holiday one if them), I really wish I'd said I'd go a week earlier (at 37 rather than 38) I hope baby isn't two weeks early!! I expect it will be late though. I'm not being replaced, I'm the only one in my team as the other person is on mat leave So I'm already doing two jobs. No idea who will do our work!!
I'm super jealous too! I have 11 weeks left as well and I just want to leave now! Luckily, they are in the process of hiring my replacement and think they have found someone that they like so it might actually be possible to sneak off early or at least work reduced hours at the end. My back is starting to hurt a lot from my work chair.
Today I brought a bouncy exercise ball to sit on if my back gets sore but I don't think it will be tall enough to actually work at my desk for an extended period. Other than that, I just have to convince myself to walk around the ground more often. I just find I'm so tired! Motivation to get off my butt is non-existent:(
I am about to make you all hate me but... I haven't really worked in almost a year. I hurt my knees last year at work so they cut my hours down majorly to 8 hours a week, and I am always travelling back and forth between countries so it was hard to keep even a casual job, especially when they weren't happy I hurt myself. But now I don't work at all and I really miss it :( I still chat to my work mates from that job but I feel out of the loop. I sit around the house all day wondering what to do.. I am positive if I was working, I would not be so tired! Sounds silly but when you have nothing to do all day, you get lazy and bored. I have things to do but... meh. I wish I worked at least a couple of days a week just to break the cycle. Some days I don't even want to get out of bed because it's the same old thing. I also hate relying 100% on my husband for money, like a kept woman.

Poooooor me!!!!! :p
Sweetpea try a lumbar cushion, I have back problems and it's made a massive difference to me, my problem is now that my bump presses against the desk and if I move further back I can't see my screen too well,I wear glasses but probably need a new pair, I was told there's no point when you're pregnant because your eye sight changes but then changed again after the baby so I'm not shelling out for new glasses then needing new ones again in a few months!
Hi ladies! Hope you all had a great weekend!

Thursday is my last day working this school year but I will be working for a friend of mine who has her own practice this summer (I'm a speech pathologist). I figured just a few hours but she finally got back to me with what she had in mind for me to do and now I'm scared it might be too much, plus the drive is on the long side. I can't win lol. But its good money and we can really use it since I don't get a paid maternity leave. Guess I can only do the best I can and if I feel like I need to stop working earlier, I will.

My Dr appointment is on Friday and I'm really trying to watch what I eat to keep my weight gain in check this month. I lost a pound from last week which is fine with me and proof that my smarter choices are paying off. Hopefully I can keep it up the next few days. It's hard with end of the year festivities!
Apparently they take baby showers here VERY seriously! I thought it would be 10 people and some cupcakes, but my SIL who is in her 50's organised for me to have a meeting with an event coordinator and go over themes, colours, and catering ideas! It's turned into this big event with 30+ women attending and I had to do a baby registry and everything! Crazy but so exciting. I've realised there hasn't been a baby born on my husband's side of the family for 26 years! So this little girl will be beyond spoilt.

The event coordinator sent me the proofs of my invites (I told her I love black and pink, and butterflies.) I am so in love with them... and they look a lot better when I haven't savaged them on Paintbox for the removal of private details lol
Although I do hate you Caribbean :)haha:), I think I'd go a bit insane if I stayed home for a year. But in saying that, I've never done it, so maybe I would love it! Your baby shower invitations look great. I had about 25 at my shower, but I didn't even have an event co-ordinator for my wedding, let alone my baby shower! That's crazy.

Lala- yep, sounds like the dummy I work with!! She keeps talking about moving t QLD. Everyone at work hopes she does lol. We can't figure out how she holds a job. She can't even hold a conversation.

Good job wonders. I haven't weighed myself in weeks because I am far too terrified. I seriously need to gain some self control with my eating!!

Sweetpea, my back has been really giving me trouble over the past couple of weeks. Sitting in the car for a long period hurts my back, and my back kills me at work.
Spicy, sounds like your work will really miss you when you leave! It's funny, I feel like some workplaces get into denial about people leaving, which sounds like it in your case lol.

Wonders, great job on your weight!! Just being able to maintain weight, let alone lose any, during this stage of your pregnancy is really great!! :)

Oh sweetpea I can imagine how painful it would be sitting at a desk all day. It's weird, I thought that being on my feet would be hurting a lot more than usual, but it really isn't any different. I take short breaks occasionally to sit down but I think that sitting all day would be more uncomfortable. And yes- I love my gym ball thing, but they are so low :/

Haha Caribbean your post made me laugh. But I get it! On days I have home, I am so lazy and sleepy lol. I only work as a casual (but my work is very flexible and would give me whatever hours I asked for) and only work 20 hours a week on average now and it's perfect for me, just the right amount of work/home ratio. Do your knees still give you problems? Knee injuries are terrible.
Oh i love your invites!! I ordered mine just from vistaprint a couple of days ago, nothing too fancy. An event coordinator sounds hardcore! Lol and can you imagine ever doing a registry here in Aus?? Lol :haha: it's so nice that his family are being so great to you :)

Buffy- yep, when people like that always talk about leaving, you just wiiiiish they would hurry up and do it lol.

So happy to FINALLY be past the "is she or isn't she" phase. My bump is pretty small (and always overshadowed by my booooobies) so I was always self conscious but now it's obviously baby and not extra belly weight. Getting lots of strangers at work asking when im due etc.
anyway, at night time my bump gets so much bigger! Does that happen to you guys at all? I should take a comparison pic actually so I have a picture lol

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