Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Nothing majorly exciting but remeber this post a while ago?

Well I made a routine appt at the drs 11 days away, then I rang back for a quick telephone consultation to put my mind at rest. I've noticed it happens with (TMI ALERT!) bowel movements. My dr is going to do some bloods for me and I'll get the results when I go in for my appointment I already have, where she will do an examination at the same time

I had my thyroid hormones, progestorone, FSH and LH, and testosterone checked and the results of that have come back absolutely fine.
The doctor I saw today was so nice and understanding, she was so lovely. I made sure I didn't go in all "fertility aware" as I was worried if I did she'd just send me away, tell me to stop stressing and tell me to come back in 6 months. So I basically explained the problem was I was spotting in the week up to AF, the frequency is a nuisance but I can't have it controlled by contraception as I'm trying for a baby

She quickly had a check down there and said it all looks and feels normal and she took some swabs to check for any infections (though she said I've had lots of these swabs due to spotting and no infection has ever come back so she doesn't think anything will this time).

She said if the swabs come back clear at the end of the week she will have me referred for an ultrasound. I don't 'expect' anything to be found on there as I had a scan after a suspected ectopic in 2007 and nothing was mentioned then but I am determined to get the spotting resolved, so I'll just see where the journey takes me.
I don't feel like we've done it this month at all. In fact I'm disappointed in our timing with it all.

Your timings look fine, I think the problem is on here is we become obsessed with shoving as many spermies as we can fit up there because it is all recorded and on charts.

When you look at how often you have to BD to get a "high" rating on FF at chances of conception it is completely unsustainable and unrealistic for all but the most rampant of us.

I'm wondering whether to give the opks a miss this month and just try every other day (or two..) until a temp change confirms ovulation. Instead I want to focus on drinking plenty of water as I tend to dehydrate myself for my opks....not a good idea for CM! Shall I try it?
Is it possible the spotting is stress related? The reason I say so is I went a bit baby crazy last month and I found the week leading up to my period I had spotting. I have never had it before in my life. It's not normal for me and I began feeling a bit ill with it all. So much so I became convinced I might be pg! So I've put it down to too much stress. This month I've tried to go in with a more relaxed attitude. So far it seems to be working better but I still have the odd day I get a bit worked up.

Oh I'm so glad you said that. I came to the same conclusion yesterday. (Sorry for TMI but...) The last BD I put on there for accuracy but I actually don't think it counts. The reason being we didn't "finish". So That puts our last try 2 days prior to OV (if I have my timings right) which isn't as great as I'd hoped. The problem was I actually expected to OV earlier so it was a surprise to find out I don't until CD17. We now know to hold off a bit next month at least. It's quite fascinating learning about my body!

Haha, indeed. I mean we enjoy it but we're normally a twice a week sort of couple so this is exhausting us.

It's worth a try. Also without OPKs you won't have that mad rush for BDing when they go positive. So it might just relax the whole experience.
Would be hilarious if it was stress related - given as I've had it for years and I'm usually the sort of "meh whatever" kind of person. The spotting had caused me to change many types of contraception as I just kept spotting once my body get used to it.

I'm making an extra special effort drink plenty of water for once to help with CM and also with my general health (I can manage fine on just 2 or 3 drinks a day but I really must make an effort!)

Twice a week, yeah that's us too, my DH thinks all his Christmases have come at once now! I find my O day is either 13 or 17 I got thrown out this month as I was all geared up for a cd13 eggie - so had to get a second wind lol!!
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been sO quiet, I'm away all week for sales conferences which have been really hectic, but good for keeping me occupied! AF is due tomorrow and this month my temps are still up. Not excited though, I just don't believe I could be pg because I have absolutely no symptoms. At all.

I missed you ladies terribly and Promise I'll be back in full force next week!
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been sO quiet, I'm away all week for sales conferences which have been really hectic, but good for keeping me occupied! AF is due tomorrow and this month my temps are still up. Not excited though, I just don't believe I could be pg because I have absolutely no symptoms. At all.

I missed you ladies terribly and Promise I'll be back in full force next week!

Hey hun - hope AF stays away from you... well, this cycle i'm not using OPKs or anything...just going the natural way - BD'ng every other nyt...but DH is sick now - hopefully he will get better by Sunday coz we have to catch that eggy...:haha:

how is everyone else keeping up?

who's testing?:happydance:
Just wondering. My partner was dead against me testing at the end of the month and he said we should just wait and see what happens so I don't get depressed if it's BFN. Only after I'm late can I test. I kind of see his point but I know as I get closer I'll feel really anxious to find out. Reading posts it seems like almost everyone tests early, anyone else not testing and waiting?

Hi, thanks for the not test till after due...what a good idea..Seeing as there are no tests in the house I should do well at holding off too..I hope...I am at 6dpo with nothing to decare (if I don't count being emotional wreck/tired)...good luck all :howdy:
Hey ladies!! This thread has gone quiet!

Well, I'm officially out. Too depressing. AF got me right on time, the punctual witch!!

You ladies got any advice on stuff to do to take my mind off of TTC? I think i'm a bit obsessed at the moment and really would like to just chill out about it. It just feels like no matter what I do it's always in my head!
OH!! Also very proud to say that last cycle I DID NOT TEST!!! Not even once! :) Of course it made it easier that I was away on sales conference for the last week of TWW, and couldn't get to a pharamacy even if I tried, but it still felt really good to not obsess over a little stick with no double line.

I'm proud of me :)
Aw I'm sorry about the witch showing. Well done for not testing though, that's what I'm aiming for this month - 8 dpo today. AF due Friday.

I'm a lot more chilled this month but I'm not sure why. I think perhaps I've been busy. It seems like when I'm not working I have housework to do and when I don't the boyfriend wants to play games on the computer. So we're always doing something. My problem last month is I seemed to spend far too much time on the computer reading about it all. This site can be a great source of information but it's also possible to read anything into your symptoms or lack of by just having a search on here. You can always find someone who felt like you who ended up pregnant. Which can be inspirational but also can make the BFNs much more disappointing. That coupled with OPKs and temping and you can be spending a very large portion of the day thinking about it. So do you have any hobbies that you could throw yourself into? I know some ladies like to cross stitch or in my case I like to read a good book. Anything that forces you to concentrate on something else.

I think I'm out this month too. I don't feel anything and my temps seem to be similar to what they were last month at this time. However I feel good that we pinned down my ov day to much later than we were trying. But it's only my second month TTC so perhaps it's easier for me to stay positive. My partner did say if nothing happened after 3 months he'd be more willing to try some other things so we'll see! :)
Hi girls,
Haven't been keeping up with this much written since!
well, after being all 'i won't test early' of course I ended up testing early (dpo 11)- getting in a panic about a evap line - squinting at it for hours - willing a line to appear more and then getting a clear BFN the next morning. zero symptoms now...wish this waiting was over already!
Congrats to those who have the two lines or interesting symptoms. All the best :)
I just did added a signature ..think I'm a bit clever now! Ok get on with my day already!
You ladies got any advice on stuff to do to take my mind off of TTC? I think i'm a bit obsessed at the moment and really would like to just chill out about it. It just feels like no matter what I do it's always in my head!

Get off the computer lol, seriously. Read a book or do something together, otherwise you will always navigate to BnB! Make plans for TWW, tackle a task you've been meaning to do or do some exercise, go for daily walks! I've blitzed downstairs and had a great clear out and over the next few evenings me and OH are going to go for walks now the weather is not as cold.

I start to obsess from about 5dpo so I have moved the FF app into a folder on my iphone so it's more awkward to get too (otherwise I just look at my chart like 10 times per day...well hour), I'm even considering taking it off my iphone altogether and writing down the stuff for my OH to input on the laptop instead or us to input together once a day - probably a nice way to get OH involved.

I've hidden the pregnancy monitor on FF too, its a terrible thing to have and I don't see how it would help your TWW in the slightest knowing that by 10dpo XX% of people got the BFP, it just encourages people to test early, I really think it is a bad thing to have on there.

Good luck!!
I know it's Valentine's day but I'm feeling super stressy and I want to slap my bf. I think AF might be on her way. :(
I know it's Valentine's day but I'm feeling super stressy and I want to slap my bf. I think AF might be on her way. :(

:hugs::hugs: hope u feel better hun!

how is everyone else holding up?

plastikpony - sorry that AF showed her ugly ugly face :hugs: on to the next cycle...
Hi Ladies!!

Just popping in for a quick hello! How is everyone doing?

I spoke to my Gynae eventually, coz I'm still waiting on results of blood tests I had done ages ago. But he has been waiting for my DH to have his SA done so that we can both come in and go through everything. Only DH hasn't done it yet, will only go in on Friday morning to 'sort it out' so I'll probably only hear toward the middle/end of next week.

Oh well, I'm a bit nervous but I guess I'd rather know everything than nothing at all!!

Chat soon ladies!
Good luck for next week then! These appointments seem to take ages to come around don't they!
Thanks plastikpony, I do feel a bit better. I was having a bad day!

My temp was still high this morning (compared to last month) but I've been having AF cramps for the past two days. I'm due tomorrow sometime. I also cheated again and tested Tues, :bfn: of course.

Good luck with the tests, I know if it were me I'd just like to know too. Regardless of whether the news was good or bad. At least if there is something not quite right you get a head start on trying to work around it.

Just want to start my next cycle now, I feel like we learned so much this cycle that we can have a better run at it next time.

Also has anyone here used preseed or conceive plus? We're thinking of giving it a go.
Hurrah, I'm so happy to find this thread! :) Not that I don't enjoy reading the other threads when I am feeling particularly compulsive, but it is nice to find one where people aren't testing every 2 days. I refuse to allow myself to try a test until at least AF is late (hasn't happened yet!) and would be inclined to wait for another week or so (although I imagine my willpower would crumble, my holding back theory is that nothing's going to change in a week without a test and it saves money) ;)

I'm using a temp. tracking app called MyDays which is nice as it doesn't offer any opinions on whether you are pregnant or not :) It's added a green line now (am in TWW) which I imagine is my 'baseline', but overall it's letting me keep track of temperatures without forcing comments on them! :) Also I'd recommend it as a fun way of distracting yourself as I don't really understand my temperatures so could be anywhere between dpo 6 and dpo 2 :p Which makes it really easy not to worry! :)
Don't count yourself out yet Panda!! That chart is really looking good!!! I usually get a temp dip 1 or 2 days before AF and yours is still up there! I know everyone is different, but looking at you last chart your temp had already started to go down by this point, so I'm holding thumbs for you!!!

Impet, I know what you mean. For heavens sake I wish I could just skip ahead a week or two and KNOW what the hell is going on, if anything!

Panda, I have used preseed, but only once (literallly, one time, not one month) and I really liked it. Planning on using it all through this month, if I can find where the hell I put it!! :haha:

I think we need a deal here. You pee on it, you post a pick of it. Whether its a opk, hpt, bfn or bfp. What do you ladies think?

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