Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hi justmeinlove - welcome to not testing! :)
I used MyDays for a little while, nice app. Now I use one called OvuView. It's got a lot more functionality for adding symptoms (so if you're anything like I am you'll be able to obsess about every little detail. If you're interested take a look here: If you really want more to look at too you could sign up for an account at - I tend to duplicate everything onto that chart in case I have a question about my chart and I can show people on here. Also it's a nice backup incase I ever lose my phone.

Thanks plastikpony, if I didn't feel like AF was right around the corner I'd be excited. My temp dropped about 3 days before AF last cycle, so I was expecting the same to happen. However an explaination for that could be that I was spotting at the time. I haven't spotted at all this month so maybe it's normal for my temp to remain high.

Great, my bf is suprisingly all for the preseed. I think it's finally something we're buying for this that he'll be able to enjoy too lol.

I'm all for posting pics. I threw away my last poas but I can share my OPKs from this month. The picture was taken a few days after so all of the lines look more faded than when they were fresh. I've added on a little pic of my positive the day it happened too.


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Wow Panda, awesome to see such a nice progression on the opk's!! I've never used them, but if I wasn't so broke this month I'd totally be heading out to buy some! I spent ALL my money on three of the most FABULOUS belts though, so maybe next month :)

JustMe, I LOVE your avatar!!! It is SO cute!! It's great to chat to some ladies who aren't encouraging me to test every second of every day. I love them other ladies, but this thread keeps me grounded. How long have you been TTC?

AFM, had dinner with friends the other night, including the girl who 'accidentally' got pg! It's hard, I really am so happy for her, but I so wish it was me! On the bright side, at least we got to talk about baby stuff (even if it was her pg stuff and my other friends 2 yr old stuff) coz absolutely nobody but DH and I (and you ladies) know we are even trying, so it was nice talking about what it is like to be pg.
DH is at the clinic right now, just finished giving his 'sample', so i'll phone and make an appointment with the doc for us sometime next week when we get ALL the feedback about SA and blood tests. Excited and nervous!!! oh well, will have to wait and see!!!
@plastik, is it bad that belts for you seem a much more awesome way of spending the money? :-D
we came off yasmin beginning of December just gone so not long! Although (bar my occasional crazy symptom hunting moments) we are taking a deliberately relaxed approach, as whatever happens, the.main thing is that we love and are with each other :-D *does soppy happy dance* :-D
And I know, my avatar makes me giggle it's So cute! :-D I figured everyone on here has days where they need something to make them smile. :-D
Yes they seemed to work quite well for me! I did have some faint lines that came and went for several days before that which I didn't include but it was such a massive relief when it went dark!

That kitten is so cute! I think despite the fact we do slip up and test on this thread we at least wait until a little later. I don't think I could take testing each month from 8dpo onwards. I'd go nuts. Also despite telling ourselves that we'll be fine if it's negative because it's early, it's still so gutting. I decided when I used my last test up, no more until I'm actually late!

I understand the frustration of it seeming like everyone is pg with no effort. Over here we have a TV show called One Born Every Minute and it's basically just a maternity ward being filmed. Each week they follow two couples from labour to birth. It's really lovely and heartwarming and I cry every single week. However the past few episodes seem to have had a lot of young unplanned teen pregnancies. Watching the way some of those girls are can be very frustrating. The last few weeks it's left me with a feeling of, why them and not me. I think if my partner's sister were to fall pg before we did I'd feel very frustrated. To the best of my knowledge they're not even trying as they're getting married next month but it's crossed my mind a few times now. So I understand. :)

Oh how exciting. Let us know when the results are back. Like I said before, it will just be nice to *know* how things are. Gives you something to work with.

justmeinlove - I was on Yasmin too. I came off it because for some reason it seemed to upset me. I couldn't find another good alternative. However if I'd known how difficult it was to get pg I might not have bothered with it at all! :D

Today is the day. AF is due. I feel like she's just around the corner too. My temp is still up though which is confusing me.
Wow Panda, awesome to see such a nice progression on the opk's!! I've never used them, but if I wasn't so broke this month I'd totally be heading out to buy some! I spent ALL my money on three of the most FABULOUS belts though, so maybe next month :)

JustMe, I LOVE your avatar!!! It is SO cute!! It's great to chat to some ladies who aren't encouraging me to test every second of every day. I love them other ladies, but this thread keeps me grounded. How long have you been TTC?

AFM, had dinner with friends the other night, including the girl who 'accidentally' got pg! It's hard, I really am so happy for her, but I so wish it was me! On the bright side, at least we got to talk about baby stuff (even if it was her pg stuff and my other friends 2 yr old stuff) coz absolutely nobody but DH and I (and you ladies) know we are even trying, so it was nice talking about what it is like to be pg.
DH is at the clinic right now, just finished giving his 'sample', so i'll phone and make an appointment with the doc for us sometime next week when we get ALL the feedback about SA and blood tests. Excited and nervous!!! oh well, will have to wait and see!!!

holding thumbs that the tests come out perfect :hugs: and OPKs i've used them once - they damn expensive...but i think i will be using them as well from my next cycle...

justme - i agree with the ladies - dat kitten is adorable...

how is everyone else holding up?
Hi girls,
Hope you don't mind me stickin my ore into your thread but I'm currently undergoing to struggle not to test...
I used to chart but stopped before Christmas as after a yr of ttc, it got too stressful for me an my partner. Especially as I was "one of those teens that caught accidentally" with my first. :p (whos 8 next mth... Wowza :( )lol.

I thought I'd give charting a go again this mth but by day 15, I couldn't be bothered with it so put the thermometer away! I know me and oh bd'd on day 15 and I'm sure shortly after, he started moaning about how hot I get when in bed.... My boobs have been agony and my face broke out last week, so I assumed AF was enroute.... I have a 26/27 day cycle as a rule so i was ready for it Tuesday, it didn't come. Wednesday? Nope. Now it's Friday. Cd30 and still no flo thus far!!

I'm feeling cynical about it... Im sure I'm not pregnant. It won't happen to me attitude. In fact after all this, it will probably be here by the end of the day!!! But if not... I'm refusing to test until next Wednesday! I'm sure it's just my body messing with me as my 2 friends have just announced theyre pregnant, and the 3 others if the group had babies last yr mths apart... Guess my body feels I shud be the 3rd 1 this yr?? Aw I'm babbling now, sorry. It's just nice to get the 1000000000 thoughts running thru my head, out!! Lol x
@carly well I gather that waiting until AF is a week late is the way to go! :)

Panda - I'm in the UK too! Can't watch OBEM, all the women falling apart whilst giving birth freaks me out far too much! I've seen ONE awesomely calm woman on there and am holding on to that mental image! :p Also I don't cry when I see the babies at all! :\ Heh, maybe it's just not my thing :p

My paranoia has kicked in a bit, purely from temping...! Got a 98.06 today. It has now been the same for 4 days :) **inserts paranoid dramatic music** Except on Wednesday when it dropped to 97.7! **dun dun DUN!**

:p stupid paranoia!
I know it goes against the entire thread but - carlyjade86 - go test! :) It's sounding good, and you're already late (and we're not talking 1 day late either). So even by our rules that's fine. :thumbup: Fingers crossed for you.
@carly well I gather that waiting until AF is a week late is the way to go! :)

Panda - I'm in the UK too! Can't watch OBEM, all the women falling apart whilst giving birth freaks me out far too much! I've seen ONE awesomely calm woman on there and am holding on to that mental image! :p Also I don't cry when I see the babies at all! :\ Heh, maybe it's just not my thing :p

My paranoia has kicked in a bit, purely from temping...! Got a 98.06 today. It has now been the same for 4 days :) **inserts paranoid dramatic music** Except on Wednesday when it dropped to 97.7! **dun dun DUN!**

:p stupid paranoia!

You know it's always the men that make me cry. They're all laughs and jokes until they actually see their baby and they just sob. It's so lovely. Perhaps I'm just super hormonal? :p But yes it does look like it hurts a bit doesn't it? :D

This is the problem with temping. I feel like AF is here too but my stupid temps are still up. It's very easy to read things into it. Do you have an online chart justmeinlove?
Obem just makes me cross at how pathetic some women are! There is no need for all that noise! I was a baby when I had my baby n I didn't make a sound when I was in labour! I don't understand how u can push and scream at the same time?? Lol

Aww panda!! Ur not supposed to say that lol!! I think if I had cheapies in the house I would. But I've only got 1 CBD which I've had since August. So for now I'm going to be the cynic and wait it out... A negative result hurts too much too :/

What cd are u on Just?
Yes they seemed to work quite well for me! I did have some faint lines that came and went for several days before that which I didn't include but it was such a massive relief when it went dark!

That kitten is so cute! I think despite the fact we do slip up and test on this thread we at least wait until a little later. I don't think I could take testing each month from 8dpo onwards. I'd go nuts. Also despite telling ourselves that we'll be fine if it's negative because it's early, it's still so gutting. I decided when I used my last test up, no more until I'm actually late!

I understand the frustration of it seeming like everyone is pg with no effort. Over here we have a TV show called One Born Every Minute and it's basically just a maternity ward being filmed. Each week they follow two couples from labour to birth. It's really lovely and heartwarming and I cry every single week. However the past few episodes seem to have had a lot of young unplanned teen pregnancies. Watching the way some of those girls are can be very frustrating. The last few weeks it's left me with a feeling of, why them and not me. I think if my partner's sister were to fall pg before we did I'd feel very frustrated. To the best of my knowledge they're not even trying as they're getting married next month but it's crossed my mind a few times now. So I understand. :)

Oh how exciting. Let us know when the results are back. Like I said before, it will just be nice to *know* how things are. Gives you something to work with.

justmeinlove - I was on Yasmin too. I came off it because for some reason it seemed to upset me. I couldn't find another good alternative. However if I'd known how difficult it was to get pg I might not have bothered with it at all! :D

Today is the day. AF is due. I feel like she's just around the corner too. My temp is still up though which is confusing me.

EEEK!!! Keep us updated!! Your chart is still looking seriously good. Holding thumbs!!!
What does cd mean? o_o

Online chart, ummmmm looking at the app I don't think so. I can email the list of temps but really, that's just something I could type out! :p I'm definitely in the higher end of the month as far as temps go! Does typing it out help with interpretation? And are we in fact making ourselves crazier by doing this?! :\
@carly well I gather that waiting until AF is a week late is the way to go! :)

Panda - I'm in the UK too! Can't watch OBEM, all the women falling apart whilst giving birth freaks me out far too much! I've seen ONE awesomely calm woman on there and am holding on to that mental image! :p Also I don't cry when I see the babies at all! :\ Heh, maybe it's just not my thing :p

My paranoia has kicked in a bit, purely from temping...! Got a 98.06 today. It has now been the same for 4 days :) **inserts paranoid dramatic music** Except on Wednesday when it dropped to 97.7! **dun dun DUN!**

:p stupid paranoia!

You know it's always the men that make me cry. They're all laughs and jokes until they actually see their baby and they just sob. It's so lovely. Perhaps I'm just super hormonal? :p But yes it does look like it hurts a bit doesn't it? :D

This is the problem with temping. I feel like AF is here too but my stupid temps are still up. It's very easy to read things into it. Do you have an online chart justmeinlove?

Panda, the more I look at your chart the more I'm convinced it's triphasic!! What does FF say? And if you don't come on today, when are you going to test?
Plastik, the kitten in your avatar is so cute, I want to hug it! Poor kitty, you're not broken! :)
LOL!! I know, right. I love cute kitties!! CD means cycle day. And yes, in my opinion we definately do make ourselves a little crazy. But at least it doesn't cost anything!! I enjoy temping coz it makes me feel like I'm doing something productive toward ttc, other than just having fun with my hubby. And I get a little thrill every month when I see that Thermal Shift after Ov that means i DID ovulate. And it's a little warning for me every month when that temp dips a day or two before AF that the witch is on her way. I think it helps me prepare for the dissappointment, if that makes any sense??
totally, is what I am finding temping great for too! Although I do wonder whether I will just stay really interested in the numbers and forget the significance of them. Can just imagine saying to my hb "ooh ooh my temp has been high for THIRTY days now!" and him going "um lovely..." and me going "?! oh!" *faint* :p

CD - 19!
My fabulously exciting :p temp. list is:

CD3-11 temps between 97.16 and 97.34
CD12 - 97.52
CD13 - 97.7
CD14/15 - 97.88
CD16 - 98.06
CD17 - 97.7
CD18/19 - 98.06

:) Lol that felt a bit crazy :p Oh well! You are all keeping me fabulously cheerful during a day of work where no-one else is in and I'm a bit bored! :p Thank you!
I understand what your saying plastik but what use to stress me out was knowing that I had bd'd on all the right days, and still wasn't pregnant. The 'ignorance is bliss' method is much easier for me. I only bd if I want to, not just because of what day my cycle is. But each to there own! Wish I was in work today to stop my constant toilet checks lol

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