Hi ladies, how is everyone?... And buttercup how are you?
I'm well. I'm nauseous, but after having an mc, it just makes me happy to feel these pregnancy feelings. I'm biding my time until my early ultrasound, which will be March 6. 10 more days until we (hopefully) see a heartbeat! Thanks for asking!
Not tested yet, by signs of O I think I'm about 8dpo. Going to try and hold out until 14dpo which means I'll test Saturday morning. I do have symptoms - in fact day by day I'm getting exactly the same symptoms I had the month I got my bfp - sore bbs and bloating have started at exactly the same point. But trying not to read too much into it - I'm well aware despite my HCG going back to 0 the other hormones are likely to be all over the place and don't want to set myself up for disappointment. I don't temp or OPK so it's all guess work but we've BD'd enough to cover all bases (and still are doing in case I'm completely wrong!) That said I would so love to be pregnant again quickly. If anything the mc made us realise how much more we want children.
Anyone else testing soon? Bubsmom I'm going for 14dpo too so I think it's late enough!!
Baby1, good luck!! I have heard you have a higher chance of getting pregnant in the 3 months following a mc. I hope that proves to be true for you!! Thursday would be 5 weeks after mc, right? It's really great that you've already had signs of ovulation--it took me 8 weeks after my mc to have a negative hpt and finally have a period.
Bubsmom, I agree with baby1, I don't think 14dpo is too early. That's usually the day of the missed period, so I think pregnancy tests are usually pretty reliable. Did you test today?? Any news?
Ah am glad for you that you have good pregnancy signs even though it's leaving you feeling rough. Think I'll be the same as you after a mc - any symptom is good! Yep Saturday will be 5 weeks since mc, count myself very lucky that my body seems to have settled back into things fairly quickly
Hi all, yeah everything's good at this end now Baby1

. OH is a happy daddy

I'm feeling okay, especially now I'm past the stage that I had my chemical!
Good luck for saturday!

I tested at 10dpo and nothing, then tested again at 14dpo with a frer and a strong line
Ooh goodluck Bubs, you're not out until the red lady sings! You symptoms sound great, and after reading the leaflet on the frer it turns out that only a small percent are able to get a bfp before their AF! x
Thanks! Glad all is going well with you
OK, made it though Sunday and Monday without testing. Woo-hoo! Going to go on my lunch break from work tomorrow to buy some FRER's so there is no way I can test earlier than Wednesday morning! I am trying trying trying to be positive. Having 32 day cycles means I feel like I wait around a lot....

Please be hopeful with and for me ladies! Let's keep

Well done for not testing! My longest cycle since coming off the pill was 60 days - it nearly killed me, my 2WW became a 4WW!
Hey ladies! I'm normally a silent stalker but I need help to not test!!!!!!! We have been trying since September. Been for HSG. Hubby had low sperm count and an infection that cleared with antibiotics. I was on clomid for 6 cycles. I've always had cysts but never been actually diagnosed with pcos.......
So last Monday I was at the gynea. He confirmed that I have a large cyst on either ovary and advised I wait for AF and then go back onto contraceptives for 6 weeks to try get the cysts to dissolve. I was devastated and spent most of the day crying!!!!
NOW... I am 8dpo and for the first time since we started trying I've got some symptoms: sore boobies, funny spots on nipples, weeing alot more and cramps. FF says I should only test next Tuesday

That's miles away!!!!!
Welcome Dynamicmae - KEEP STRONG!! Can you keep yourself busy to take your mind off things? What has always helped me is that I always refused to test with anything but first morning urine. My logic is that using anything else wouldn't convince me if it was negative as I would always argue in my head that it could be that it was too diluted. So then to stop me testing I would rush to the toilet first thing to have a wee so then my chance for the day was gone. When I got my BFP I did end up testing in the afternoon but I was about 16/17 dpo by that point and pretty convinced that I was pregnant as I had more symptoms than ever before. Good luck and keep on here - we're here to help you
AFM you know how I said that my symptoms are matching day by day the same symptoms the month I got pregnant?
Well today is CD31 if you count the first day of the mc as CD1.
CD31 of my BFP cycle I had implantation bleeding - pink/red spotting for a few hours only when I wiped on the tissue (sorry TMI!)
Today I've had exactly the same.
Now desperately trying not to get my hopes up too much as I'm well aware it could just be AF showing herself early - I guess I'll know in a few days!
Will still test Sat (CD 36) if no AF. Last cycle I got a BFP on CD35.
Interestingly though the cycle days are the same I think the dpo is different (although I can't be sure as I don't temp / OPK)
Last cycle the IB occurred at 12/13 dpo. I have wondered whether the late implantation may have been something to do with why I miscarried.
If the spotting today is IB then it's at more like 9dpo which I'd be a lot happier with. Hope that makes sense!
Eek I'm going to find this week hard to get through! Desperately hoping I don't wake up to AF in the morning, wish me luck!