Hi everyone
Welcome ourlilflu - how are you doing holding out on testing?! Only 2 days to go now, hope AF stays away for you.
How's everyone else doing?
I've had a rough few days. AF arrived full force last Sat and I was gutted. Then Sun it was my SIL's baby shower (she's 38 weeks) with my 2 other SIL (28 weeks and 9 weeks) there - a really lovely time but still hard on my emotions. And I did get one insensitive 'so when are you going to pop one out' comment. Didn't even bother trying to explain about the miscarriage. I just still can't believe how many people think it's ok to ask you about TTC - before I started TTC I would never have asked anyone anyway but even more so now - you just have no idea what other people are going through and what your words might do to them. Sorry - RANT OVER!!
Then this week I'm in the middle of a flare up of the stomach problem that landed me in hospital just after the miscarriage. Off to the doctors later but it looks like I'm going to have to have a camera down to see what's wrong

In the meantime I can barely eat and keep being doubled over with pains.... still suppose I should embrace the weight loss!
Hope you're all ok, sorry for the moan