Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Have not been checked, no. Will give it next month (so I have 2 months of temps) and am then going to go and whine extensively at Dr.
Not sure about pic, poor kitty :|
Thanks for hugs though :) Am annoyed that the tiniest bit of me is going 'but no AF! Maybe you are!!!!', but also sort of think that if I think about it too much I will just want to burst into tears, and being at work that would be distinctly rubbish.
So I couldn't sleep and my temp was up again, went to the bathroom at 6:45am.

:happydance: :bfp: :happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

I don't know what to do now, I hadn't thought this far ahead!

Beautiful pic - Massive Congratiulations to all the BFP's oh my this is great news :happydance::happydance::happydance:

next cycle i am taking the relaxed approach... will see where it gets us:thumbup:
Well I am guessing I am out. More brown this morning with cramps and I felt shaky which is something I associate with AF. Will see how it goes the rest of the day. Couldn't temp as at a different house so will double check tomorrow.
Kicker is this would be cd 21, dpo 10, should I get myself to the Dr? :-(

:hugs::hugs: on to the next cycle hun :hugs:
JustMe, last month my temp started droppin 2 days before AF. I think that I really knew I was out, but I didn't really get any cramps and my bbs were just agony!! Of course I was poking them every two seconds to make sure, so that might be why they stayed sore. Anyway, when the temps dipped and there was still on AF, I was still hopeful, and started looking up charts of ladies who's temps dipped more or less when af was due, and then still got their :bfp: Obviously that's not what happened to me, but it does happen!!

I guess what I'm trying to say, is plan for the worst, but hope for the best!! Holding thumbs for you hun! xx
gratz to all the new BFP winners! ;) :)

Managed to take my temp this morning and it has dropped from 98.06 on fri to 97.88 on sat to 97.52 today.
So am guessing I am out :| And in that regard am grateful for temping as the brown has stopped again and without this I'd probably still be in that horrible 'omg maybe I am' stage.

Although I'm not denying I'm rather :( and also starting to get a bit freaked out about whether I actually have a biological problem. Is SO not going to be fair if I do from waiting - met my hb in 2008, moved in together in 2009, spent the next 2 years or so recovering from mental health issues (induced by a very bad prior relationship) and trying to actually have some income between us (stupid recession!) and now we come off the pill and what?! *slump* Not fair :(

Aww that sucks hopefully all will come out cleared. :hugs:
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. Just trying to get an appointment with the doc now, which is always easier said than done. Decided not to mention I'm pregnant til I'm there and then they can't fob me off without an appointment. I was reading online some doctors don't even bother to test they just have you fill in forms for the midwife and you have to wait until 9/10 weeks! Seems crazy to me.

Plastik - that cat picture is so cute! Good luck with your appointment and let us know how it goes.

justmeinlove - I agree with plastik, I've seen plenty of charts where people have had a dip before a BFP. Also remember some people still bleed and get a shorter period. Fertility Friend is a great source of hope, use the "search for charts like mine" and just make sure you look under pregnancy, you'll always get some results. So it's true what they say, you really are not out until AF shows. As for income, I hear ya! I literally spent last night looking around the house for things we can sell to help pay off some debts. It wouldn't be so bad if we could get a council house but we have to rent privately because we both work and just wouldn't be considered "in need". However we spend a fortune on rent each month that would be a lot less if either we had a mortgage or a council property. Buying is out as everything we get goes on bills so we'd never be able to save the deposit.
Thanks Panda! And Big Hugs! am really pleased for you :) Am concluding that maybe me and my lovely hb just need to do more :sex: :thumbup: Proper effort may have to be applied! :p
Although it really is hard sometimes as every other week he works until midnight which is not conducive to these things :|
Your char is looking GREAT, btw!!

My chart from 5th dec looked very similar, i had none of my usual pre af spotting so I got very excited and tested 12dpo only for af to arrive the next day as a new years gift..
What bugs me is that my breasts actually do feel firmer (!) and a bit sore this month so I thought it really was the real deal!
Ho hum! :p
**waits slightly irritably for AF to kick in - am betting on tomorrow earliest now - could do without this spotting nonsense though!**
Congrats carlyjade and flamingpanda, I am still stalking this thread now and again :haha: So pleased for you ladies! x

I have also been watching this thread and I am so happy for the both of you! I never commented because I've become addicted to POAS.. all negatives of course! AF is due the 23rd.
Thanks more babies. Oh and don't worry you'd be more than welcome here, as you'll have noticed despite our promises between us all we seem to pee on lots of things! :)

I'm counting the minutes til home time today. Couldn't sleep last night because I had heartburn, so got up as I'd woken my partner up trying to get comfy. Managed to prop myself on the sofa in a comfortable position then the dog jumped up next to me and every time I shut my eyes he prodded me with his nose. So needless to say I'm knackered! :sleep:

Partner has a bunch of people round this evening too so no rest for me.

Quick question to everyone - what stage will you tell people (or if you've got a child already, when did you tell people you were pg with them)? We agreed initially we'd wait until after my boyfriends sisters wedding, which is the end of March. But suddenly that seems so far away. I'm having real problems not just telling my mum. Would it be wrong you think to tell one side of the family and not the other? Also I was quite surprised to learn the doctor has no interest in seeing me and my first appointment is with a midwife in April! Seems really weird not saying anything til then.

justmeinlove - I know we keep saying this but ... you're not out til AF shows. ;)
You do keep saying it :p And I love you for it, all of you ;) Heh.

If it were me, my plan is to avoid telling most people for ages ;) I'd probably tell my best friend cos she'd hate not knowing, another friend who is saving up baby/pregnancy stuff for me :p Would hope my hb might tell someone too if he needs to vent. Um basically I think venting at one person makes sense, but for me I'd hold back on 99.9% of people for AGES. LOL though I say that - the difference between my desire to gossip and my actual tendency to do so is vast :p

And I would like to say that I have not peed on a single thing since coming off the pill! Not that this pleases me though as I'd love to get to the late AF stage where there's an actual POINT in doing so! Not yet! :p
I've told family already. Told them the same day! Have told 3 of my best friends too ( not that oh knows) but I just had to!! Won't b telling anyone else til the scan tho. I told people @ 8 weeks with my 1st.

I kno wat u mean about being tired! I still can't switch off totally so I'm not sleeping... My hips have been aching like mad, I threw up wen I brushed my teeth last night and I've been havin a bit of nausea today. I don't like things in my mouth it seems! Lol. Had passed by afternoon.

Off to Weight Watchers now... Seems a waste of time lol xx
Thanks more babies. Oh and don't worry you'd be more than welcome here, as you'll have noticed despite our promises between us all we seem to pee on lots of things! :)

I'm counting the minutes til home time today. Couldn't sleep last night because I had heartburn, so got up as I'd woken my partner up trying to get comfy. Managed to prop myself on the sofa in a comfortable position then the dog jumped up next to me and every time I shut my eyes he prodded me with his nose. So needless to say I'm knackered! :sleep:

Partner has a bunch of people round this evening too so no rest for me.

Quick question to everyone - what stage will you tell people (or if you've got a child already, when did you tell people you were pg with them)? We agreed initially we'd wait until after my boyfriends sisters wedding, which is the end of March. But suddenly that seems so far away. I'm having real problems not just telling my mum. Would it be wrong you think to tell one side of the family and not the other? Also I was quite surprised to learn the doctor has no interest in seeing me and my first appointment is with a midwife in April! Seems really weird not saying anything til then.

justmeinlove - I know we keep saying this but ... you're not out til AF shows. ;)

We told our parents at about 8 weeks and the rest of the family at 12, just because we wanted to make sure everything was okay on the first scan.
Ideally I'd like to wait til at least 12 weeks before telling parents and close friends who know we are trying and up to 15 weeks before telling colleagues at work and posting it on FB.

In reality it will prob be 6 weeks for the parents and friends and the whole world by 12 lol!!
Appointment with gynea in 3 hours!! Nervous/scared/excited!

I think I'd tell my parents right away, my close friends will figure it out and I won't deny it, my riding coach immediately coz I'll stop riding as soon as I know, and then anyone else at 12 weeks :)
I'd tell my parents at 8 weeks and everyone else at 12 weeks...:thumbup:

Plastik good luck with ur appointment and keep us updated.:hugs:
Appointment with gynea in 3 hours!! Nervous/scared/excited!

I think I'd tell my parents right away, my close friends will figure it out and I won't deny it, my riding coach immediately coz I'll stop riding as soon as I know, and then anyone else at 12 weeks :)

Good luck hope you get answers or a plan of action lol!
Woah! Woah! My temperature was back up this morning to 98.06 (from yesterday's 97.54 and matching it's all-time high for this month). Explain!

(I am so stunned I am even going to include this darn fertilityfriend chart!)
My Ovulation Chart

Spotting has so far stopped although the crampiness this morning REALLY did feel like AF had started. Am - um not quite sure what to say. Should I be leaping to conclusions...?

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