Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

I'd be scared to tell my parents even if I was 30 and married for like 10 years. :haha: I was only 19 when I was pregnant with DS and they love him to bits :)

I was 17 when i told my parents about my son. 17 yrs and 3 days to be precise! Found out the day before my 17th that I was pregnant... It was the most horrendous experience ever!! But he literally is their world now. But that didn't stop me cryin and shakin when I told them about number #2 on Saturday. Even tho they didn't shout at my 18yr old sister when she told them about my nephew, I was still scared to death... Can't keep secrets from them tho. Well my my mam... She knows everything about me. No exceptions.

Sorry AF come girls :( massive :hugs: get on the wine xx

Aww :) I'm close to my mum too, she wasn't angry at me at all and we were ntnp when I fell pregnant, I just got overwhelmed at the idea of having to announce it! I dreaded telling my work too!

My parents were furious! But they hated my boyfriend at the time. And still do. And they were right all along! He's a A-hole. Even my son doesn't really like him and only sees him to see his sister. My dad only started speaking to me again when I started showing @ 6mths. My mam came round quicker thanks to my nan convincing her it could be worse! I had a well payin job and at least I'm not on drugs. Gotta lotta love for my nana! Haha

I can imagine it being tough for parents to take at the same time, cause after all we are their babies! I hope I can bring my son up to treat women with respect, and hope that if he did impregnate someone he'd do the right thing. I'm glad they came round in the end :)
Aw more babies. Sorry AF got u. It sucks but u'll get there... It just can take that bit longer than we hope! Just see it as a new cycle and a new chance to succeed. :hugs:

Thanks. I know. But now due dates are getting closer to christmas and now its like do we wait or just got for it, you know? My daughter birthday is dec. 7th and its tough with christmas and also if I were to conceive this next time around not only would it be the month before christmas but also so close to my daughters. BUT at the same time I don't want to put it off..

I am thinking this too, I think we're going to wait until it would be a january due date at least cause my DS birthday is september, so it would be all birthdays and Christmas at the end of the year.
I think im out :nope: ..just went to the bathroom and CM was tinted brownish.. I can't believe I really gave myself all these symptoms. I thought for sure my bbs hurting this bad was a sure sign. How depressing.

Aww really sorry hun :hugs:
Hi Ladies!!

So quiet here, what's going on? I was away for the week but I'm back now!! 8 dpo and nothing special to report. Bbs started being sensitive yesterday or the day before, and that's pretty regular for me. I keep hoping for some weird and wonderful sign that I'm pg, or lack of symptoms as a sign. Know what I mean? I'm really hoping that everything can just feel regular and normal and maybe I'll still get my :bfp: . This is cycle 5 of trying, and if nothing comes of it then Im going in for a laparoscopy on 15 March to check all the bits and pieces out.

What news from you ladies?
Hey plastik!
I'm good thanks... Just super tired! Other than that I've got no complaints! And no morning sickness thus far!

Aww I really hope this is ur cycle!! 5 cycles isn't that many mind... I did 14!! So don't panic as it will happen when u r not expecting it! Got all crossables crossed for u tho!! :hugs:
Hey plastik!
I'm good thanks... Just super tired! Other than that I've got no complaints! And no morning sickness thus far!

Aww I really hope this is ur cycle!! 5 cycles isn't that many mind... I did 14!! So don't panic as it will happen when u r not expecting it! Got all crossables crossed for u tho!! :hugs:

Thanks Caryljade! I know 5 cycles really isn't long, I'm just so impatient!! My friend announced she is pg like a month ago and they weren't even trying!!!! It would be so awesome to be pg together, never mind the fact that I'm actually terribly jealous of her while being very happy at the same time. An aweful combination of emotions. I think if she had been trying I'd feel a bit better about it (only a bit mind you!). My DH was so cute, he called and told me coz the boyfriend of my friend told him. And when I spoke to DH later and told him how I felt, he laughed and said that his first reaction (in his head) was "YOU *******!!". So at least it isn't just me :happydance:
Hi Plastik! I think some people might be taking a break to avoid not having a baby over the Christmas period. I can understand that, the idea of going into labor on Christmas Eve does seem vaguely miserable!

I must comment and say your chart is looking good! If you're up again tomorrow wouldn't that be triphasic?

All is well here. I finally told my mum and dad the other day and they seem really excited. We tell my OH's parents on Saturday. Other than that just the usual symptoms here - light cramps, sore BBs. Feel sick every now and then but no sign of morning sickness yet. Oh and I feel quite bloated still. I seem to go from being massively hungry to not wanting to even look at food.
Yea I know what u mean. I felt the same over the last yr with so many of my friends gettin pregnant!

I've had such a crud day... My OH is just super selfish. He's had me cryin in work out of pure frustration! All he's concerned about is how he's being affects becoz in tired! And apparently I have no reason to be tired coz I'm not even big yet. I'm just lazy and poor him has to do things for himself, - like a big boy does! So I'm takin Elliot and going to stay with my mam and dad for a few days! Y should I force the energy to clean up HIS mess, if he hasn't got the respect to keep it clean! He seems to have mistaken me for the maid that we DONT have! I'm so drained and fed up :( I thought he might just keep his promise of 'looking after me' and helpin me a bit more... No such luck! :( :( :(
Yea I know what u mean. I felt the same over the last yr with so many of my friends gettin pregnant!

I've had such a crud day... My OH is just super selfish. He's had me cryin in work out of pure frustration! All he's concerned about is how he's being affects becoz in tired! And apparently I have no reason to be tired coz I'm not even big yet. I'm just lazy and poor him has to do things for himself, - like a big boy does! So I'm takin Elliot and going to stay with my mam and dad for a few days! Y should I force the energy to clean up HIS mess, if he hasn't got the respect to keep it clean! He seems to have mistaken me for the maid that we DONT have! I'm so drained and fed up :( I thought he might just keep his promise of 'looking after me' and helpin me a bit more... No such luck! :( :( :(

Sorry CarylJade!! That really sucks!! Hope that a bit of time off will help you to chill out and him to come to his senses!!!
Plastik, I may be mistaken but you're triphasic today!

Eeek!! I know! Trying really hard not to get all excited coz I'm pretty sure I had a triphasic looking chart in November and nothing came of it 😒

Not giving up yet though!! Was really crampy and constipated yesterday eve. Or maybe I was crampy BECAUSE I was constipated. I just dunno.

How u feeling Panda?
Bureau! I've been waiting for this thread to come back :) I'm still here, just not at an interesting stage yet! Fingers crossed plastik! I really hope you are :)
Got everything crossed for you. :) Totally going to keep stalking your chart. :D

I'm ok, still feel pretty much the same really. I get random feelings like AF is due (cramping, twinges) but she never comes. No morning sickness yet, just the odd bout of nausea that seems to go after I eat.

I stick by what I said originally, my only real clue was that my BBs feel... different. A bit bigger and way more sensitive. Oddly when I told my mum the other day one of the things she said to me was "I always used to know because my BBs gave it away!"

We're telling Paul's parents today. Oh and I'm hoping to drag him into mothercare whilst we're out. We haven't looked at anything "baby" yet so we don't jinx anything but it would be interesting to see what we'll need.
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been around lately. OH is being a cock and we're taking a break anyway supposedly.

Got everything crossed for you. :) Totally going to keep stalking your chart. :D

I'm ok, still feel pretty much the same really. I get random feelings like AF is due (cramping, twinges) but she never comes. No morning sickness yet, just the odd bout of nausea that seems to go after I eat.

I stick by what I said originally, my only real clue was that my BBs feel... different. A bit bigger and way more sensitive. Oddly when I told my mum the other day one of the things she said to me was "I always used to know because my BBs gave it away!"

We're telling Paul's parents today. Oh and I'm hoping to drag him into mothercare whilst we're out. We haven't looked at anything "baby" yet so we don't jinx anything but it would be interesting to see what we'll need.

Mothercare do a baby plan where you can add to/take away from the list of products you need and pay it off in installements/lump sum if that's any help. Tbh though mothercare is stupidly expensive, if you can shop around you'll save a lot, kiddicare is especially good. :)
Panda, how did it go with telling Paul's parents?

Well, my thermometer is officially screwy. I get 3 different temps if I take it 3 times in a row. Battery must be stuffed. It was a crappy cheapy anyway, so if AF shows up this month I'm going to order a propper BBT one online. Maybe I should just order it anyway, not feeling positive at all about this month for some reason. It's such an emotional rollercoaster!! I'm going to test on Fri or Sat if AF doesn't show up on Thurs.

Tested yesterday like an idiot. At 10 dpo. With a digi. I mean really, how ******* am I?? So angry at myself for caving and doing something so idiotic. I mean, no suprise it was a :bfn:, but that didn't stop me from getting all depressed about it. *sigh*

Apologies for the pity party ladies.
I would say get a proper thermometer. Is it a .1 your have or .01? When I switched to .01 I got much better readings. Don't feel bad about the tests, like you say - at 10dpo they most likely wouldn't show anything anyway.

Telling Paul's parents was fine - they were super excited - but we've had an awful weekend. As we were getting ready to leave his parents house I just nipped to the toilet as it's a long drive back and it took me by surprise but I was bleeding, there was a bright red stain on the paper. :( So we went to the nearest hospital and they took blood/urine and told me to come back for a scan on Tuesday. There was no more blood at the hospital, but I had some brown mucus when I finally got home.

I've actually got a doctors appointment at 11am this morning too because I've been crazy thirsty since I found out. I'm waking up at 2am with a dry throat, downing a pint of water and waking up feeling the same 2 hours later. :(

So not good. I've lost a lot of my faith in this now.
Aw plastik we have all been there! I used to test from 8 dpo as I thought seein all those bfn would soften the blow for web AF came... It didn't work! Lol. TTC turns us all a little unhinged. Order it anyways - u might have 'sods law' on ur side! Myself, I went to pick up BCPs and sods law kicked in... Lol. U'll get there. It will happen! May even already happened! Everything crossed :hugs:
Panda. Has the blood Loss stopped? Really prayin everything is fine! In fact, I have every confidence it is!
I've had no more since that night, just the red at his parents house and brown when we got home. Sadly I do still have the cramps though. :(

Just wish it was tomorrow so we can get some answers, the waiting it awful.
I get cramps too. It's just everything moving around in there I'm sure... My back aches, my hips ache and I get a sharp intermittent pain every now and again... I am sure everything will be fine tomoro and then u can relax a bit :hugs:

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