Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Panda - huge hugs! I hope everything is fine, I know I have read about pregnant women in the first month or two still getting bits of blood on and off and also cramping, so it could easily be Really normal.

Plastik - HUGS! See, crazy tests! Totally understand the urge though :) I agree with Carly, order a thermometer anyway! Sod's law can be awesome sometimes! :p And fingers TOTALLY crossed :)


For me, I think I'm heading towards ovulation day! Lol! Hilariously (I find it really interesting) my temperature PATTERN has been identical this time round to last time round - just slightly higher. According to that, it should be happening in the next day or two. We :sex: twice in the last two days, so fingers crossed and all that :p I'm really interested to see if the post-O pattern is identical as well!

HUGS to everyone!!
You ladies are all so sweet! I feel much better already and am in the process of ordering my new BBT thermometer as we speak!! Actually quite excited about it. Chose the cheap postage option which means that I'll have it in 4-5 working days :D Now if only my online banking would kick in so that I can pay for it!!! :haha:

WOOHOO, JustMe!! Hope your are having fun trying to catch that egg!

Panda, I'm holding thumbs for you!!! Sure that everything will be just fine. Please please please keep us updated!!
YAY!! Ordered and paid for, now just the wait. Only good things now, if I don't get my :bfp:, I get to play with my new thermometer next cycle!! OR I do get my :bfp: and I don't need the new thermometer!

Feeling happy already :D
Justmeinlove, there's funny! I wonder if it will? Only this time keep going up and up obviously!! ;)

Happy new thermometer day plastik!! Lol.

I've been lookin at the inside the womb pictures on webMD and have decided I am secretly (sans u guys) goin to call my bean Littlefoot, seeing as he/she looks like a mini dinosaur! I wasn't goin to name it coz I think it's weird, but I guess I have turned weird too!
It's a bit odd, 'knowing' that ovulation is just round the corner - I kind of feel a bit like a sperm bank at the moment! :wacko: Definitely not something to think about too much! :p
That said, I am feeling very relaxed about the whole thing at the moment and REALLY hope that will be the case still in about 10 days time (how I hate the 2WW brain...)

HUGS to all! :)
DH and I have decided to try again this month even though we would rather have a spring/summer baby. Neither one of us really wants to wait that long to try. I should be ovulating this weekend while we are on vacation. If it doesnt work this time around I think ill start trying the whole temp thing. After being more disappointed then I thought I would be by the negative last month, im not going to test until the day or day after AF is due this time.

Question for you ladies if anyone knows anything about this... ill be going to the doctors in a little while because I don't think I've fully gotten over the pneumonia I had 2 months back. What im wondering about is if they put me on antibiotics again does that mess with ovulation? I know I've read before that people on birth control need to be careful because it can make the birth control not work and they can get pregnant so I would think it wouldn't affect it..but then I did a little googling and read it can be bad for it so im a little concerned now. Ill only be seeing a nurse tonight because my doctor was booked up. Ill ask her about it anyways but I wanted to see if anyone knew anything about this.

Panda - I just wanted to say I know someone who spotted for the first couple months of her pregnancy and everything turned out just fine! Ill keep my fingers crossed everything is ok with you too because it can definitely be normal!
CarylJade, I love the idea of a name!! When my good friend was pg we called her bump 'Buddy' for ages!! Even for a month or two after he was born :baby:

JustMe, :haha: :haha: A sperm bank!!! I totally get where you are coming from! Hope all that bd'ing is going well!!! :blush:

Panda, how are you? Any more bleeding? Let us know as soon as you have been to the doctor, ok?

AFM, I am SO sure that I'm going to be getting use out of that new thermometer!! I feel like I'm going to come on any minute, even though :AF: is only due on Thursday. I suspect I may have ovulated a day earlier than FF suggests, so that would make the :witch: due tomorrow, maybe that's why I'm so sure. This morning I took my temp 3 times. First time was 36.4, not good!! Second time 36.6 and third time 37.1!!! So there is definately something up with my thermometer (SO glad I ordered the new one) but now I'm convinced that this isn't the month due to those first two low temps.

Last night before I went to bed I got this cramp in my right butt cheek and upper thigh! I thought maybe I pulled a muscle while swimming at gym (haven't swum in ages) but this morning its gone, so it can't be that! Found some threads saying it can be a symptom. But then I've had 'the runs' yesterday and today, which ALWAYS happens before AF and I've been having bubbles in my lower tummy and slight cramping. I've never had cramping a few days before AF but I guess there's always a first.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a little part of me is still clining to a thread of hope, while the rest of me is just down and depressed and telling me that it's just not my month and I must get over it.

On the bright side, if the :witch: does show up, I have my LAP on 15 March which means I get 3 days off work and get to stay in bed. What could possibly be better than that? I don't want that though, I want a baby. :cry:
BD - none last night as hb has the plague and I think I am getting it too (wah!)
Plastik - big hugs! The end of the 2ww is enough to drive anyone crazy and you're being awesome!! Can we talk about something not baby related to take your mind off it? And when's AF due?

morebabies, welcome back! :) Just wanted to say I TOTALLY empathise re wanting a spring baby but not wanting to wait that long...!

Temp. went up today (as per the pattern...!) from 93.54 to 97.7 - so am guessing I am officially 1dpo. Plastik, you'll be happy to know I am updating fertilityfriend for you so you can stalk should you be inclined :p :)
YAY YAY YAY!!! Happy ovulation day (for yesterday) :happydance:

I'm due on Thursday according to FF, and Wednesday according to me. I'm convinced I ov'd a day earlier than FF thinks, plus with my thermometer all screwy I think my body is more reliable than FF.

I most definately AM inclined to stalk and have been stalking and will continue to stalk :haha:

My bbs are sore :holly: and my right nipple keeps itching spontaneously. Trying very hard not to scratch it in my open plan office...
lol! :)
Incidentally how on earth do you get fertilityfriend to 'detect ovulation'? I don't especially care what a stupid computer programme says, but with my temp. spike I'd assume it's happened - so what on earth does the stupid thing need in order to acknowledge it? **confused**
FF will wait for 3 days of raised temps before it puts in your crosshairs. It's kinda frustrating, but on the bright side, when it DOES put those red lines in it means you are 3dpo :D

looking at your chart I would say you've ov'd yesterday, but you have to wait for three high temps in a row (sustained thermal shift) before Ov is confirmed :D
Ye u need 3 temps to ensure it wasnt just a 'fluke' temp. But if you r familiar with ur cycle you know if it's a fluke or not! Happy 1dpo!! Let the madness begin... Hehe
I'm back. I had no more bleeding after the brown CM on Saturday. Everything is fine and we even saw a tiny little flicker which is apparently the baby's heartbeat. I had to have an internal scan as nothing much could be seen with the normal ultrasound, but there it was, like a little light going on and off. We were so relieved. She says she thinks it's younger than 6 weeks too. I know my Ov date doesn't match with what it says on my tickers but even so it should still be 6 weeks at least.

Also you should have seen Paul's face when she showed us the device for the internal exam. I know it took great effort for him not to laugh at that. :)
Oh yay Panda!!! That is just fantastic news!! Congrats on the little one's heartbeat, that must be so amazing to see.

I'm feeling much better at the moment, not like AF is going to show any second. Still don't think this is our month but slowly coming to terms with it. Off to ride a horse now, chat to you ladies tomorrow!!
Thanks, it was amazing. I think it was Paul's first real acceptance of there being something inside me. Seeing is believing and all of that. The best news is the sun is shining and we both have the rest of the day off so I can finally get some rest after tossing and turning all last night.

I'm not counting you out yet plastik, I see you're temp was up again. ;)
Witch got me yesterday evening. I tried so hard not to show DH how devastated I was. I don't want him to feel too much pressure because of his crazy wife. I was doing well too, held off for about 2 hours before I just burst into tears. He just held me and told me that I'm not doing this alone. That we're in this together and we can share the heartache. I love him!!

Guess I won't be trying this month coz I've got my LAP scheduled for 15 March, right before I'd be ovulating. Also I heard no sexy time for like a week afterward, so there goes March. Only good thing is I'm going to have a 5-day weekend, which can only be a good thing. And maybe not constantly waiting for something (fertile period, ov, tww, AF) will help me chill out a bit. I think I'm going to keep temping though, coz I'm getting my new BBT thermometer early next week. YAY!!
:hugs: Plastik. Let me try to help and list good things instead:

- You get to try your new thermometer! :D
- Christmas babies are a pesky timing so it's good to avoid it I suspect (I think for my next cycle I am going to be worried about that so not trying Terribly hard...!)
- the laproscopy (that's what you mean by lap I'm guessing?) may either shake things up or discover an easy solution that will mean in a couple of months from now, you'll be proper good and knocked up, and bemoaning being so tired / etc ;)

And I think you're right, having some time off from fretting might be good. I think I might be lucky in that I do get caught up in the last week of the 2WW and get sad when I know AF is coming, but about a day later I'm ok, and just enjoying hugging my lovely husband. Could I recommend that - yours does sound very nice :)

Anyway Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig :hugs: We are the house of plague here at the moment, so I'm more interested in us both feeling better than anything else right now :p I shall update my temp for today though! It's crazy, maybe it's spring but everything is definitely much higher than last cycle! :o Maybe it's my body back to normal after stupid BCP!

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