Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hi. I'm currently 10dpo. Hubby and I have been ttc for 5 months (6 months if you count the month I didnt do anything but note my CF). This is my first time to chart my BBT. I've been using OPKs the last few months. So far this ttc business is driving me :wacko:
norma - it's ok to test if you're 2 days late! :D And if you're not, knowing that might help bring AF on and get it over with. And if you are you find out! Yay! :)

Sooshie, me too re 10 dpo. I was feeling pretty hopeful but just can't find it in myself to get remotely enthusiastic about my current temperatures :p I'm due on Sunday/Monday - how about you?
Hi ladies, hope you are all ok. I'm due next Tuesday and have mild cramping and a pinching feeling low down but trying not to get too hopeful as its our first cycle and don't think we even got the timing spot on. Can't help thinking 'well maybe' though...
Can't wait till next week when I can find out either way x
I love One Born Every Minute, gets my hopes sky high.

10dpo, my symptoms are much less than they have been on previous days. Whoooo knows?

Please please .....
I'm due next wed, gosh it seems so far away. My temps look iffy and our timing is not quite marvelous. Obviously the only great signs are well times intercourse and a longer than normal luteal phase....fingers crossed!
I should sign off of this thread as I've tested twice. BFN 9dpo, BFN First Response 10dpo.

norma - it's ok to test if you're 2 days late! :D And if you're not, knowing that might help bring AF on and get it over with. And if you are you find out! Yay! :)

Sooshie, me too re 10 dpo. I was feeling pretty hopeful but just can't find it in myself to get remotely enthusiastic about my current temperatures :p I'm due on Sunday/Monday - how about you?

AF is supposedly due on Sunday. i promised myself that I wont test until I'm a day late but I'll probably test on Saturday. I'm not too hopeful this cycle since my temperature is slowly coming down. I also refuse to acknowledge any symptoms since I thought I had a lot of symptoms last few cycles including a mettalic taste in my mouth and all I got were BFNs. How are you feeling?

Please can i join this thread? Been trying to concevie for 14 months now and nothing!

I try not to test as been trying for over a year and sick of negatives! Plus expensive! I cannot help it sometimes and do but always BFN!! V upsetting.

AF due Sunday/Monday so we'll see. Temp drop today so not looking good - promised myself i would not let this happen this month and would not get homes up but further into tww i get more anxious/nervous i get and i get my hopes up analysing every symptom i get even though most could be preg symptoms they are also AF symptoms!!

Thanks for listening feeling a bit stressed and crap today! I guess we all have these days x
Oh don't test on Saturday! Only test when AF is late! Otherwise it's just testing cos you're having your standard menstrual cycle! :) (that's my logic and I stand by it)

I feel fine. Slightly irritated at my mediocre temperatures. Still have very very mild and very very sporadic tiny crampy feelings in my tummy but breasts are feeling mostly better. Am also slightly irritated that I have TONS of nose slime but none of it is a fun symptom as I'm still getting over a horrible cold. Bah! Bah I say! :p
Hello, AF got me yesterday :( so on to next month :) see you girls about <--- hopefully in the first trimester!!! Not here! hehe

Good luck and I hope we see some more BFP's soon
Justmeinlove: Sorry to hear that you're irritated. My temps are far from being desirable, too. I will do my best to wait until Monday to test. Hopefully, we'll both have BFPs.

Hoping335: I hope you're feeling better. It can really be frustrating not being pregnant already. Have you and your bf/hubby been checked? Usually, they start testing after a year of ttc or 6 months if you're over 35. I know, this waiting game is getting to me, too. I dont know why it's so hard for us. I've got friends who got pregnant on their first month trying. But we have to keep positive. It's difficult for sure but it will happen sooner or later. We might just need more time or a little more least that's what I keep telling myself. We'll get there!!!
JustMe, hurry up and wake up so I can see your temp! :haha:

Well, I had my laparoscopy yesterday, with mixed results. With me they found that both tubes are open, which is good news, but that I have mild endometriosis, not so good! The doc says he removed the problem bits (I was still vey drowsy when I saw him!) and that its a good thing we did the surgery. I'm going to make an appointment to see him on Thursday to discuss the details and 'the way forward'. It made me nervous when he said that!! I really would prefer not to do Iui or ivf unless I really have to!!!

So sore today!!! How is everyone else doing this fine morning? (I'm chilling in bed and feeling sorry for myself). Lucky it's great weather to be in bed and I'll be able to stalk you lovelies all day!!
Argh, hmmm wha?
Oh, ok, awake now ;-) sorry to keep you waiting ;-) my temp went up! Only a tiny bit and I shall see what tomorrow brings but ! Am glad it changed some, I was starting to wonder if the thermometer was broken!
The lap sounds pretty positive, no? If things have been cleared etc that's totally an awesome step fwd! And clear tubes is great! I shall look fwd to chats today!!!
Looking good JustMe!!! I know what u mean, I hate it when temps don't do anything interesting! And considering your drop last month at 11 dpi, it's looking good!

Well, I guess it is good. I think I would have preferred it if they'd said I'm perfect and its just a matter of time though, but I guess beggars can't be choosers!!! Lol. I
Just sore and thirsty!

Also, I have decided to tell my mom that we're trying and about the op. I know if I ask her she won't put us under any pressure, bit its been really weird for me not sharing all this with her. In the beginning I was hoping it would happen quickly and I could surprise them with "guess what, I'm pg!!", but this is just going a bit too far now. Dh is great, but I want my mommy to talk to!! She had fertility issues, tried for 5 years!! So it'll be great to chat with her about it all.

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