Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

And I think telling your mum is a really good idea if she will be awesome about it :) HUGS!!!

Time for my tiny rant (between work things).
Honestly, I don't see how I'm not pregnant! Which is a sentence I Despise writing as it's so full of getting hopes up and I really don't want to! I Really don't want to and I am going to feel really stupid if AF appears on Monday. But also I'd be grateful to rant here and then maybe everyone can at least tell me that it's perfectly understandable to be thinking that way, even if I'm not! Please?

I'm ignoring anything before 5dpo cos imo that's just too early...(surely?!)

Basically 5dpo onwards I've had cramps. The early ones were quite light cramps and now they are the kind of cramps that make you run for the loo cos you're sure AF has just started! Last night was really rubbish as I was fine until I ate, and then my tummy area started to feel really tender and sort of sickhurty when I pushed on it, exactly like the really horrible bit of a period :( I can't think how best to describe it but it REALLY felt like AF was going to come on and I had to do some serious 'I am only 10dpo, it CAN'T be coming on' talking to convince myself to go to the gym and swim/jacuzzi.
From 6dpo to 9dpo I had sore breasts in the armpit area (much better now, although still a TINY bit 'ow' when I take my bra off and also the water in the shower yesterday was a bit 'ow' when it bounced off my nipples!) :p

More spurious symptoms:
My nose is running like crazy (but I imagine this is related to my cold which is wearing off - though I wish it would stop, it's the only thing left bar a very occasional sneeze!)
I am drooling! WTF?! I inadvertantly drooled on the road the other day when eating an apple, and today when er, wiping my face after blowing my nose, I drooled! Which is just silly!
Feeling weirdly full and uncomfortable after eating.
Stabby pain in back last night - no idea what that was but am listing it for a sense of completeness.
No spotting at all, though I have had that for the last 2 cycles.
My temperature went back up (though I have my doubts, we will see how that pans out).

So yes. These are my spurious symptoms and they are driving me nuts as I didn't even WANT any symptoms :( I am refusing to let myself think about it Too much but some of me is Convinced I am, and I'd really appreciate some replies saying that with these stupid symptoms it's perfectly understandable to think that!

Man, it's going to suck if/when I'm not :(
lol and now I am watching bondi rescue and nearly cried when I saw a guy stuck in the water drowning. Omg :| **snuffles** :(

(for those worried, he was ok) :)
I've heard excess saliva can be a symptom!!! Really hope it is for you! Had a good laugh at the thought of you drooling! Although laughing isn't fun at the moment, I am so sore!! And we're supposed to be going to a comedy dinner tomorrow night, I think I'm going to die! Got a bit of Popcorn stuck in my throat earlier, then tried to cough and ended up crying it is so sore!!

Excuse the pity party!! Told my mom everything and she was just amazing! So lucky to have the family I do!!

When are you due JustMe? 2 days?
Awww biiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs!! I was coughing so much earlier (left over cold) that I gave myself a headache! :D And if it helps, the drooling made me laugh too :p

Yep, due Monday. Don't know what to think really - it feels like I could be but I can't possibly let myself believe it as symptoms don't really mean anything do they - AF could easily rock up on Monday.

You can tell it's all going bad when I am wondering whether I could use up by Clearblue plus test tomorrow...allegedly it's 98% accurate at this point AND apparently they kind of suck as tests, so then if it was BFN I could get a First Response (apparently better) for when I'm actually late :p
And my first drooling fit was really my own fault as I was blowing on an apple and giggling at the silly noises it made (I know, but it was funny!) ;)
Blowing on an apple!!? Hahaha!!! I know, symptoms mean bugger all, but that doesn't stop you wondering!!! My mom said today, when I asked her about her infertility experiences, that it turns into an obsession! She's so right! Men manage to go off to work and not really th
Ink about it, while we sit there analyzing every bodily function possible!! Scuse the weird post, iPhone thinks its cool!
Don't test JustMe!! Hold out until Monday at the earliest!! Do stuff to keep you busy. Paint your nails and toenails pink or blue, or pink AND blue! Make cupcakes or cookies and send them my way :) Just do t test! But if you do, post a pic of it ��
Well from talking to my husband, I think it's basically because we're the ones physically experiencing it, whereas whilst they care, they're not physically going through it.
So for me, it's really hard at the moment cos I am not thinking about it, but then weird cramps start to happen and it puts my mind right back on it. Whereas ofc my husband doesn't have that physical reminder to make him think about it.

I really TRY to not talk about it incessantly either to him as if it's AF I then feel bad for it not being BFP, but that's not going so well so far. Although we have made a game about guessing if my temperature will go up, same or down every night :p (I feel this could get quite an edgy game on Sunday night...)
I think cupcakes might be a bit mouldy by the time they reach you...! :o ;)

The testing 'logic' partially came about cos it's either tomorrow morning or next Saturday/Sunday! (possibly Sunday cos I am acting next Saturday and I'll be rubbish if all I am thinking is HOLYCRAPI'MPREGNANT! (if I was) :p
I'd love to jump in the wait with you ladies! I am trying not to test and after reading your posts I'm more inspired to wait. I *think* I'm 9 dpo. After 63 days (post miscarriage) I met with a new doc and he urged me to start temping again and using opks. Used an opk that afternoon and got a :). Next day nothing. So assuimg I o'd around March 7th.
Not much to mention in regards to early symptoms. Some odd chest heaviness one evening but that's it. It took DH and I 18 months to conceive the first time. After seven rounds of clomid, three months off of no medicine and no temping I decided to try soy (the next month we had an appt with a specialist) we got pregnant on the soy round with identical twin girls and were able to cancel that appt :)
Our girls are now 2 1/w and we've been trying for over a year+ to have another baby. Two miscarriages later, here I am.

Not 100% sure when to test. LP is normally 15 days. Started temping a few days ago. so far my temp has climbed .2 or so each morning. Good sign?

Sounds like some of you have been having symptoms. I didn't have symptoms last time until a day or two before I tested. The last two I didn't test until the day of my expected period. November I lost within a couple days and this last on I made it to six weeks. Staying positive though. Making statements outloud telling myself I'm pregnant. Sounds silly but I think it impacts my mental health and outlook.

You guys are motivating in the waiting process! Thanks!!
Thanks sooshiewoosh! It does get so depressing. Got ad today- knew it was coing with temp drop but from charting for last 2 months lp has been 17 and 25 days do wasn't expecting it today.

Been set for some bloods and an ultrasound and sperm analysis- all good and normal so far. Now been referred to infertility clinic- have app in next month- not sure what to expect I've read it may be laparoscopy? Who knows. Hope your okay? I'll cross my fingers that you get your bfp- keep us informed!

Babydust to you all still in this month x x x
AllieIA your story is quite inspiring good luck I hope you get your bfp but hopefully your girls keep you going x x
Hopeful- we has a lot of challenges to overcome a few years ago as well. sperm count/motility was less than ideal and my cycles were out of whack...went 104 days without af at one point. I did nine months of accupuncure, herbs, chiropractic care, clomid, hsg to check my tubes, iui with hsg shot etc...
I think what finally made the difference was my emotional/mental outlook. I had a statement I made outloud every single day, multiple times a day. I think changing my thought process made the difference. My last two bfp's were after using soy as well.
It was a challenging ride, hit bottom along the way. Keep positive! State your intentions outloud!
Hopeful- we had a lot of challenges to overcome a few years ago as well. sperm count/motility was less than ideal and my cycles were out of whack...went 104 days without af at one point. I did nine months of accupuncure, herbs, chiropractic care, clomid, hsg to check my tubes, iui with hsg shot etc...
I think what finally made the difference was my emotional/mental outlook. I had a statement I made outloud every single day, multiple times a day. I think changing my thought process made the difference. My last two bfp's were after using soy as well.
It was a challenging ride, hit bottom along the way. Keep positive! State your intentions outloud!
Sorry for the double phones really aren't that smart...
Hopeful: I'm sorry to hear that af caught you. I'm crossing my fingers (and toes) that you'll get a BFP next cycle! As for me, I had to discard my temp from this morning because I only slept for 2 hours and it was higher than usual so I'm pretty sure it was inaccurate. I will know tomorrow. Currently 12 DPO today. As for symptoms, I dont know if I'm just ignoring them since the last time I had multiple symptoms, I got af a day early. So, here's hoping that if I dont feel anything, maybe we were lucky? Crazy, I know. This whole thing is making me insane! Keep up the faith, the stork will find us soon!!!
AllieIA: It's amazing how you're coping with all this. I can hardly keep my head on straight. The rising temps are promising for sure. I really hope that you get your BFP this cycle!!!

Hope everyone is doing well and hope to see more BFPs!!!
Temp the same this morning for me but I think it will be bfn as I saw the Tiniest bit of brown when I wiped last night. Can't be bothered to test, right now I think the challenge will be getting AF to hold off. Until Monday :-/ feel ok about it! :)
My temp stayed more or less the same...maybe a little lower but I broke down and tested. I got BFN! Now, I wish I didnt test. I'm just so disappointed.:cry:

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