Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hey, hugs! And what lotus says! As per usual ofc, those symptoms could go either way!!

As for me, I'm not giving up hope! Just didn't bother thinking what if this month as I'll got in the way of any sort of decent timing :)
Thanks ladies!! Well, AF came this morning. How very regular of me! Frustration doesn't come close to describing it. Oh well, whatever.

Hope you ladies have better luck this month!! Holding thumbs for all of you :thumbup:
Thanks ladies!! Well, AF came this morning. How very regular of me! Frustration doesn't come close to describing it. Oh well, whatever.

Hope you ladies have better luck this month!! Holding thumbs for all of you :thumbup:

:hugs: sorry :hugs:
Im not holding out any hope for this cycle.. I feel like I ovulated yesterday (who knows though :shrug: ) and DH probably wont be home until Monday now so I don't see it working out. :nope:
awww, sorry to hear that Plastik.

How is everyone else doing?
Justme: how's this cycle going?

Sorry Plastic lots of positive nrg for next cycle. :hugs:

One of the ladies from another thread was off our thread for a while she said she tried to relax and not obsess over sysmtoms. She came back after 3 weeks with a BFP and shared the news today. Much easier said than done lol!

We will get there ladies
11 dpo today for me. Annoyingly a tiny bit of 'ooh well you never know' has crept in, but I must admit it isn't finding much sympathy! I don't really have any symptoms (bar sore bbs, definitely an annoying thing that seems to have started happening each month!), we only managed to BD 4 days before I o'd, and well frankly, yeah :)

A tiny bit of cramping might have started up today, but I'd suggest that with AF due on Thursday or Friday latest, that's pretty normal...! Ho hum!
I'm 5dpo, fed up!!!! that is about all really!! Trying so hard not to symptom spot, and if I do I'm thinking of other thngs it could be.... eg. I have a tummy cramp... maybe I need a poo! hehe!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you justme xxx
Well, in my month's countdown to AF, today I have the nausea, the slightly 'urgh blood' internal feeling ( does anyone else get that before AF? ) and being freaking tired (lol though I've been busy so that's fair!). Pondering putting some sort of pad in place in case it starts today, but am tempted to try and hold off on that!

In terms of what % of me is thinking 'hey you never know, you might be pregnant', if you think of it as a room full of 10 people, one person keeps bouncing up occasionally and enthusiastically going 'oooh but!' and then the other 9 people turn round and glare at them in an unimpressed way :p

Fun my temp still being up, but I think this is just a useful month for realising that your temp will still be up at 12 dpo whether you're pregnant or not! :)
how many dpo are you today babe? I'm only 6dpo but feeling nauseus :( urgh! I'm itching to test and trying hard not to!!!
Well, you really DO never know!! Would be kinda awesome. But then again, all sypmtoms could be signs of AF too. I always get a little nauseaous a day or two before. Willl keep everything crossed for you none the less!!
Gnargh, the crazy has taken advantage of the time to think that work (sadly) provides, and now it's all a bit crazy; I think the one guy has taken over the room more than I am happy with (see above for that to make sense!).
Just to be clear, I don't realistically think I am - but the crazy wants to talk for a bit anyway :p

Essentially I'd say it has been brought about by:
12 dpo - but temp is still high, whereas previously it's been coming down by now except for last month
Am I breathless? Oh HOW easy it is to remember that symptom from last month and then decide you have it again when walking upstairs :p

That said I really have no symptoms - of anything! I did feel a bit nauseous this morning and my bbs aren't really sore any more. But that's it, no cramping yet OR brown d/c (a fairly standard feature of AF on the way).

Putting no stock in it though, after last month who knows what impact it will have on this month. Now, if my temps are still high and no AF by Monday, I'll consider testing. Lol, however I am in no way putting faith in that being the case, FREAKING AWESOME though it would be :p I would re-point out that the closest we got to BD'ing at the right time was 4 days before I o'd. So rly...
Wishing you the best Justme. It is such a time of limbo and there is nothing we can do but wait.

AFM- as you can see from my sig (click sig to see chart)I am not sure if I o'd early opk or the later ones that came up so I am just waiting I could only be 7 or 8 dpo. I will probably test after 18 high temps which I think is saturday that way I will be11/12 dpo if I O later. Crazy cycle. I have been lucky to be very busy at work and home. But it keeps creaping in my mind too. We are in Limbo together.
You too IOU-bird lol

All sounds promising Justme. I hate this limbo!!!!
Obviously I'm not testing!! 6dpo would be silly, and a complete waste of money!! I just have that poas urge every time I spot a new (imaginary?) symptom!!!
I'm feeling a lot calmer about everything this month!! Hehe... we'll see if that lasts through to later on in the 2WW!! I think I'm going to test the day before AF is due as last month I got so stressed waiting for it that I ended up delaying it by a day and a half!!! I must stay CALM!!!
Lotus: you are amazing not testing!!! :) Hope you get a nice :bfp: when you do test!
Good luck girls! I hope we get some nice BFPs on our thread this month!
Good luck ladies!!! Hope there are some BFPs this cycle!

Since I feel like I may have missed ovulation I havent been worrying so much about TTC this cycle and DH and I have been :sex: since he got back because we want to not just because we are trying and its been so great! So much more relaxing and the weather has been wonderful and sunny so ive been spending a lot of time outside which always makes things better. And of course its just nice to have DH home! :thumbup:
Pretty sure af coming tomorrow. Temp went up today, which on Every cycle I have had has been followed without fail by a crash the next day.
That said I shall talk my opportunity to whine about how I'm feeling - hope you all don't mind! :)

Last night I was SO tired I slept on the sofa for half hour, absolutely just felt too heavy to move. Which didn't really help, as I needed to learn lines, go to the gym and do the washing up! Gnargh! Oh, and raged out about the house being a mess for about 3 minutes (being really loud and angry about it kind of helps work it through!).

Today I again feel nauseous. And kind of achy and a bit bloody I'd say. All pretty standard pmt symptoms for me, and I honestly do expect AF tomorrow - if temp did anything other than crash I'd be thrown. However I suppose it's more of a 2 excited people vs the other 8 (see earlier posts!) scenario today, so I may as well be a tiny bit hopeful as that seems the path of least resistance compared to crushing all hopeful thoughts (even though they're silly!) :p Man, it would just be SO awesome though if I was... :\

Need to not be tired this evening, have gym to do and a rehearsal to go to!

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