Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Justme, your chart looks pretty good! I like the look of that little dip around 10 dpo. Also don't forget you are (possibly) looking for a second temp rise too, so your temp going up isn't necessarily a bad sign! It ain't over til the witch shows up. Your temps look a lot more stable this month for some reason, did you get a new thermometer?

Sorry about AF coming Plastik. ((hugs))

more babies, iow_bird, lotus - do you ladies have temp charts?
Same thermometer :) and I know, you're totally right but unless it stays up tomorrow I find it pretty hard to believe in advance. I really Do think af will start tomorrow. But I hope you're right and I'm pregnant instead! :) ;-)
Good luck Justme!! Keeping everything crossed for you!

I don't temp. I would like to start but I don't typically sleep all that well so im afraid would mess it up.. am I right in thinking this? From what I understand (feel free to correct me if im wrong) you basically need to take it at the same time every morning after at least 3 hours of sleep? So I haven't started doing it because I figured it wouldn't be accurate for me.
Hi everyone!! Can I join you guys?? I don't test early like I used to! So much disappointment/confusion. Babydust to alll :)
Morebabies, it's hard to say for sure; for me I do tend to wake up earlier than I temp (especially in summer!), and I take my temp between 6.30 and 7am. And it all turns out the same. The only thing that seems to affect mine is either talking or drinking water.

So I find it pretty easy and I think I'd find being off contraception a lot more stressful without it; at least it gives Some insight into what's going on :)
Morebabies, or getting up obviously! I just lie there quietly and doze until my alarm goes off.

Mandy, hello! Absolutely welcome! :-D
Well I guess it can't hurt to try. Ill get a thermometer some time in the next two weeks and start temping next cycle and see how it goes. It would be nice if it works out right!
Justme - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)

Of course you can mandy_grovie1! Welcome. :) Tell us a bit about yourself.

more babies - You know I've never been a great sleeper. I tend to wake at 4:30ish every morning needing to pee. I was worried this would affect my temps because I get up for work at 7am. What I would say is you're looking for an overall pattern, not an exact reading so as long as you're consistently a poor sleeper it should be fine :). My temps never looked as neat and nice as some others (in fact the ladies in here have much better readings than I ever did) but I could effectively read the chart to see what happened and when.

So you want to see low temps before ovulation and then a rise to confirm you did ovulate. Ideally if you use OPKs you can pin point ovulation really well. I think my chart is still in my siggy but you can see I ovulated on day 17 (picked up 2 days prior on the OPKs). Then the temp goes up to confirm ovulation and at around 8 DPO my temp takes a second rise which was the triphasic bit.

It gave me something to obsess over which was quite fun in the sense I learned a bit about my body and how it works in the process. I was driving my partner mad but I was getting something out of it.

All I would say is if you go for it make sure you get a .001 thermometer rather than a .01. I started on the less sensitive one and results were much better when I switched, there were smaller fluctuations which the other one just completely missed.
Thanks! My main problems are I get up to pee at least once every night and DH snoring. Ill start looking for a good thermometer now. I have been wanting to temp.. just didn't think it would work for me but im definitely going to give it a go! :thumbup:
Justme, your chart looks pretty good! I like the look of that little dip around 10 dpo. Also don't forget you are (possibly) looking for a second temp rise too, so your temp going up isn't necessarily a bad sign! It ain't over til the witch shows up. Your temps look a lot more stable this month for some reason, did you get a new thermometer?

Sorry about AF coming Plastik. ((hugs))

more babies, iow_bird, lotus - do you ladies have temp charts?

Yes I temp if you click my sig below it will take you to my chart. I started in Jan and I am so glad. I felt so in control until this month with my wakadoo cycle, positive OPK's all over the place lol and my temps all over. My other charts look nothing like this one lol. I still recomend it. I usually temp within 6 - 6.30a.m DB can be up at 5 at times. Usually within in the hour the temp will be the same.
More babies I highly recomend charting too. That and BB stop me driving DB mad lol.

Justme good luck hoping you get your BFP I know it is so hard to be hopeful but not too hopeful lol :dohh:

mandy_grovie1 welcome looking forward to getting to know you and you joining the madness and fun lol

Ok so I just spent s few hours reading every post so i had to make an account and join. I'm ttc #1 and this is the first month that we are really trying but have been off birth control since July. I would love to test early but im not going to. I Dpo 7. I have a lot to learn about lingo and Charting but felt the need to join. Love reading how others feel and think the same way I have been.
I don't chart, still BFing my 19 month old so my sleep is all over the place as she wakes a lot at night for feeds.
I kinda wish I could as it would be nice to have an idea of what is going on!!

(Edited to removed the depressingness of my post)!
sorry for the depressing post earlier!! I'm overtired as my wee girly scratched her cornea yesterday and we were up and down all night! Not even sure where all that came from, back to be cheerful again now :)

How are you doing today justme?
iowbird, the 'er' wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at my temp chart! I'm sorry if it came over wrong!

Anyway. This is my unimpressed face *pulls deeply unimpressed face* Today my temp stayed up - UNHEARD of. And this was totally going to be an 'eeeee' kind of post. Then I got into work, went to the loo to put on a 'just in case' sanitary pad, and guess what? Little bit of brown cm in my pants. A bit more when I wiped. So presumably AF will be starting today/tomorrow morning, and keeping my temp up at this point for the FIRST TIME EVER was just another 'hilarious' thing to get my hopes up and then stamp on them.

I am Not amused. Especially as before my body pulled this dumb trick, I didn't even think I was in the first place! I wonder if it's to do with the CP last month.

*mutters dark and rude words and glares at her cup of tea*
Also welcome Hpe_1 - let us know if we can be of any help getting you started charting. It can be so confusing at first.

iow_bird - Don't worry, you don't have to delete. We're here to listen. We're all allowed our bad days.
Panda, I don't want to test until (if) my temp stays up 18 days. Last month I tested after AF was due, got a positive and it turned out to be a chemical :( And that really sucked, so I just - I'm not doing it until Monday at the earliest, even if AF doesn't start. It would be far too rubbish to get a positive two months in a row and then lose them both :\ If I wait until Monday - well I guess I'm hoping it might be more likely to stay around if I got a positive. Pah.
Understandable, your chart just looks so exciting. :) I wouldn't worry too much about the brown CM, some women get it through an entire pregnancy so that alone isn't enough to rule anything out (yet). How are you feeling other than that?
Hi Hpe!! You came to the right place! The ladies here are fabulous and always ready to support or offer advice! I love it here. I might never leave. (Seriously.)

IOW, we're most definately allowed our down days. Sometimes I like reading back on my down days and thinking how great I'm feeling then. But most times not.

Panda!! How you doing hunny? My new goal is to get pg before you have your baby. You think that's possible? How are you feeling? Bump pics yet?

JustMe - :hugs: I hope the brown cm isn't anything serious and just vanishes miraculously! Weird that your temp is still up if AF is on her way, I guess your temp tomorrow will be one to watch! Don't you hate how our bodies find these creative and awful ways to trick us so that hope creeps in? Like with me last month I got LOADS of creamy cm, in gushes, and I was like "Wow, so diffenrent! Maybe I am!" I wasn't. STILL holding thumbs for you though!!

AFM, nothing much to report. CD 5 so I start with clomid today. I went to get it from the pharmacy yesterday. This is supposed to be my last clomid cycle, 50mg, then back to the gynae if I don't get pg. It's weird, I've almost resigned myself to the fact that it's not going to happen. It's like I've lost all faith in my body to do what it's supposed to be able to do on its own. When I got home and opened the box, I saw that they gave me 10 pills instead of 5. I was SO tempted to boost my dose to 100mg this cycle, since it's my last on clomid, but then I reckon if the Dr wanted me to take 100mg he would have perscribed me 100mg, not 50mg. And I DO ovulate on the 50mg, but then I ov on my own anyway, and look where that got me. :bfn: I know I shouldn't self-medicate, and I won't, but it's tempting, you know? I'm just so impatient and tired of waiting and tired of trying. I just want to feel like I have a chance. :dohh:

And despite that horribly dreary update, I'm feeling pretty ok :thumbup: Might have to do with the AMAZING husband I have and the FABULOUS jumping lesson I had this morning. :happydance:

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