Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

How you doing JustMe? And what on earth is your temp doing?! Is that just from taking it at odd times?
Going to try to wait until AF is late myself. Been spending loads of $$ on tests because I have "sore boobs" or early cramping...hmmm, to think of it, that happens just about every month! Lol, it does get addicting seeing if you can "beat AF with a bfp! One day I tested 4 times! Feel like a darn drug addict, only a hpt addict! Going to try to save my $$ this month. Lol, I should know it's prob not going to happen since bf has low sperm..well at least no time soon so I might as well wait instead of wasting all my $$ testing for what is most likely going to be a bfn, then getting myself all moody and depressed over something I know is probably going to happen (bfn i mean).. Am due between june 18th - 20th so I guess we will see what happens within those 3 days
Hey Everyone
I need some help.. In April my AF started on the 26th and has yet to show her face. I didnt chart or anything because i gave up TTC.. I was at a pool party y-day and nausea had me feeling so awful. My cervix was very low and open 2days ago but now is closed and has moved up. What do you think i am so afraid to test.
Plastik, standard silly pre O stuff I think ;-) am fine :) fingers totally crossed for you though!!!!
Hope things are going well for everyone?

AFM, I must admit, despite a combination of indifference and nerves, I do still seem to have some 'eeee want to get pregnant' left. Namely when I worked out that O'Day was probably approaching soon, and started pondering how much we could possibly make out beforehand :p
Hello lovelies!!

JustMe, so glad that you still have that in you!! Would make TTC a little difficult if you didn't!

Panda, I was only usuing them once a day, last time I got my positive I was using them twice a day. Kinda gave up on them this month and am just doing the every-other day thing.

AFM, not sure if I've ov'ed yet. Think I might have. Had a day or two with REALLY sharp, painful twinges in my ovaries. The left side one day and the right side the other. I wonder if that means I ovulated from both sides this month?? :shrug: Then, yesterday evening and last nigh, I had the most aweful cramps, bloated feeling and lower back ache, JUST like when AF arrives. It was so weird, that has never happened to me before. Usually I just get a few minor cramps at O time and that's it. I wonder if it means anything. Probably not. I've learned to not trust my body anymore, it's kinda mean and tricksy!!

Well, father's day this weekded and I've booked suprised tickets to take DH to see Jeff Dunheim (SO funny!!). Then next weekend it's off to another province with the family to watch a school's rugby match at my little brother's school (it's kinda a tradition, we do it every year.) This is when I will be due for AF, yay. THEN the weekend after that it's off to the horse auction to see if I get that beautiful girl I want so badly!! SO EXCITED!!
good luck girls!! I really seriously hope this is your month!!!!
I'm pretty sure I've oved from both sides last month Pastik :) double the chance of a BFP! Sounds like your keeping yourself nice and busy which is awesome, the less you think about it and all that!
I had next to no symptoms this month, so I hate TWW symptom spotting.
Hello all, we just got back from our scan (which was amazing) and the tech said she was about 70% sure it's a girl. :) My partner is over the moon and he's gone off to work with a big grin on his face.

Plastik - Ah I see. The reason I ask is I found I got much better results if testing twice. The first test around 2pm and the second around 9pm/10pm. I was shocked at how fast the stick could turn in the space of a few hours, and also how fast it could then disappear. Of course OPKs just don't work for everyone but if you're unsure I'd say test twice. Although hopefully that won't be necessary as I see you have ovulated! I can return to stalking your chart each morning now. :)
Aww, thanks Panda!!! You make me feel all special and stuff!! This month we managed to dtd 2 days before O and the day of O, so we'll see what happens!!

Really hope I don't have to, but if this cycle doesn't work out I will most definately be doing opk's twice a day leading up to ov. But I might take a chilled cycle if AF arrives, as we'll be going back to the gynae to discuss the way forward. This is my last month on clomid, can't believe it's been 3 months already!!

Oh well, if I don't get preggers this month and I DO get the horse I want at the auction, at least I'll be able to ride her for a bit before I get knocked up! :haha:
hi every one

congrats to all BFP

i need help big time

i dtd on cd6 and from cd 12-14 i had af cramps not normal for me
i dont think i ovulated because i did not have ewcm just watery cm and a lot of it
now on cd19 and i get dull cramps and my bbs are very sore now and then i get back pain and my stools are runny or non existant (tmi sorry) and im so so tired

i dont really know what to think..

any advice would be greatly apprieciated


:wacko:Hi Ladies!! How is everyone doing?

JustMe, have you ov'ed yet? Was trying to check but it seems FF is under maintenance or something :wacko:

Well, AFM, who know that being all hormonal and moody (thanks clomid) could actually have it's uses? I feel like a bit of an idiot, but I just know you ladies will understand.

So this morning, I'm driving around (I'm a rep so I drive around alot), there's this truck in front of me going really slowly, so I overtake it. Nothing serious, nothing scary, I didn't even speed to do it. Anyway, a few min later there's a cop care behind me flashing at me to pull over. So I'm like "what now"? For some reason I always get pulled over on this specific road, but last time I was talking on my cell, which I know is wrong. Anyway, that cop tells me that I overtook illegally on a solid line. Now, to be fair, the line is hardly visible it's so old, how the hell am I supposed to know this? Anyway, we have issues with cops looking for bribes in our country, and I'm one of those sticklers who refuses to bribe anyone, if I did something wrong, then just fine me. So he tells me it's going to cost R2500!! :hissy: That's like 200 Pounds for all of you in the UK. :dohh: So he says "Must I charge you" and I'm like "I guess so", then he says again how it's so much money and what do I do? I BURST INTO TEARS!!!! :cry: At which point he called his boss over who told me that we all make mistakes and I must just calm down and look carefully at the signs on the road. And that was that. Goodbye, no fine.

So I guess I really due owe clomid some thanks, even if it hasn't helped me get pg yet!!! :haha: :rofl: :rofl: :haha:

And that's my story. 5dpo today, nothing special going on. BBS might be slightly tender, which is a bit earlier than usual, but whatever. I think I'm going to take the money I nearly lost on a fine and buy myself a nice hot pair of black boots!!
Vampy - not really sure what to say, I'm not much help when there's not a chart involved, but pretty much for sure, cd 19 is way too early to test so I hope you managed to hold off :)

HUGS Plastik! :) Yay for Clomid! ;) :D I think the boots plan sounds pretty good so long as you can actually AFFORD to do that ;)

AFM, pretty sure my temp is going up, so clearly we are back in the 2ww. Although tbh between nerves and apathy, I'm not that fussed at the moment and hope to remain so until at least 15 dpo! :) Got in a reasonable amount of bd'ing so I'd say there's a chance things will happen, but yes, as per usual, we shall wait and see as I'm not betting on it.

Actually I was thinking - Plastik is it just me and you left?! Apologies if I have now forgotten someone, this isn't an incredibly thought through theory! :)
Hi ladies, just noticed this thread. I am definitely not an early tester! In January I was 5 weeks pg before I tested (and lost 1 week later due to mc)

I am now 10/11dpo (depending on whether I believe bbt or opk - I'm inclined to go for opk as it's my first month charting) and am planning to wait another 7 days before testing.

My temps are still high, but are decreasing by 0.01C over the last 3 days. Not a huge amount, and they are 0.3C above my cover line (or my assumed cover line as I use an iPhone app which doens't include this) so am still pretty happy...but waiting and ever hopeful.
Doggy, good luck!!

For whatever reason I have it in my head that this month is a bfp. I can't remember exactly which bd'ing it was, but as we were reaching a, er, peak, I had this image of us surrounded by faces, in a kind if who wants to be the one to be born from this way. Obviously don't quote me on this later on ;-) but I thought I'd share. And it totally sounds creepy the way I just described it but it wasn't that way, it was just an image in my head :)
That's not creepy at all! Despite all the evidence to the contrary, my head is telling me that this cycle is IT and I remember after we bd one night thinking "Oh my gosh, we just made a baby!"

I will now seem nuts when the witch arrives in 2 days time...

(Fingers crossed she doesn't but hope is fading lol)
Doggy, yay! Someone who understands my inadvertent crazy :) and I will Entirely sympathise if af comes, I promise! After all it's pretty impossible to do much about hunches, accurate or not! I guess they just happen! Hope you're right :)
Whilst they're this good, could I just take the opportunity to say "look at my awesome temperatures!" :)
Hello Lovelies!!

How is everyone?

JustMe, those temps are looking great! Allow me to reciprocate and say (while they still look good) "Look at how awesome my chart looks!" :haha: And yes, I thinkg you're right! It's just us left! :cry: OUR TURN!!!! :happydance: :rofl:

Well I had a nice weekend with my parents and then took DH to see Jeff Dunham. He was hysterical!! Always good to have a nice laugh! Now we are going away to my brother's school this weekend to watch a bit Rugby match. That's going to be so much fun! And then the weekend after that we're going to go and try and buy the horse I want at the auction!!

Now this might sound weird, and feel free to slap me for saying it, but half of me is SO hoping for my :bfp: this coming weekend, and the other half is hoping for a :bfn: If I am preggers before I buy the horse, it means I won't be able to ride her until I've had the baby! (I know a lot of people ride while preggers, but it's a personal choice. She's a yound horse and unpredictable, so I wouldn't chance it after struggling for so long.) On the other hand, if I'm NOT preganant I'll get to ride her for a month at least :blush: Oh well, what will be, will be!

Doggy, has the :witch: stayed away for you?
Hello Lovelies!!

How is everyone?

JustMe, those temps are looking great! Allow me to reciprocate and say (while they still look good) "Look at how awesome my chart looks!" :haha:

Well I had a nice weekend with my parents and then took DH to see Jeff Dunham. He was hysterical!! Always good to have a nice laugh! Now we are going away to my brother's school this weekend to watch a bit Rugby match. That's going to be so much fun! And then the weekend after that we're going to go and try and buy the horse I want at the auction!!

Now this might sound weird, and feel free to slap me for saying it, but half of me is SO hoping for my :bfp: this coming weekend, and the other half is hoping for a :bfn: If I am preggers before I buy the horse, it means I won't be able to ride her until I've had the baby! (I know a lot of people ride while preggers, but it's a personal choice. She's a yound horse and unpredictable, so I wouldn't chance it after struggling for so long.) On the other hand, if I'm NOT preganant I'll get to ride her for a month at least

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