Mmm, yes. Not impressed with my temp going down a touch today, and even less impressed that I won't get a decent temp tomorrow since I'm getting up an hour earlier than usual for work
AF due Fri or Sat, FF suggests I test on Sat. I'm away with my folks this weekend so would actually like to know beforehand so I know if I can indulge in a beer with my dad or not. But I don't want to test early. Decisions decisions!!!
Maybe I'll test Fri morning if my temp is still way up there. If it continues down then I'll just leave it as AF will probably be flying in.
No symptoms for me really. Still a bit crampy and gassy, bbs are sore, but these are all the usual thing before AF. Nothing to make me think "HAZA!! I must be pg!!"
Vampy, I agree with JustMe, if you are pg you still will be in a day or two. And every day you wait is a day of hope
We know this couple who got pg just after we started trying and had a miscarriage at about 15 weeks, then they got pregnant again and she miscarried again last night
SO scary!! Just goes to show, getting pg is only the first bit...