Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Wow Justme that's so exiting if its implantation bleeding! I've got everything crossed for you that it is and soon you'll be getting your BFP!!!!

Good luck to both you ladies! Ill be checking back to watch and see how things turn out but FX! And hey why not throw a little :dust: at you guys :winkwink:

I can't believe im on 6 months of TTC already... it went by so fast...
Temp is up! Yay!! :happydance: test was :bfn: . Boo!! :growlmad: was just a regular 'test after you're period is late' test, but I was still hoping for something!!

Also, cervix seems to have gone all soft which I don't see as a good sign. Out of tests, so now I guess we wait. :wacko: :coffee:
Temp is up! Yay!! :happydance: test was :bfn: . Boo!! :growlmad: was just a regular 'test after you're period is late' test, but I was still hoping for something!!

Also, cervix seems to have gone all soft which I don't see as a good sign. Out of tests, so now I guess we wait. :wacko: :coffee:
soft cervix is supposed to be a good sign! but not very accurate :) keeping my fingers crossed for both of you xxxx
What are you going to do plastik? Get another test or wait? This is so exciting! :)

Justme - what day will you be testing, providing the temps stay up?
I'm not sure Panda. We don't really get any super sensitive tests here, so I'm thinking I'll get another regular test and maybe a clearblue digi, and test again on Sunday morning if there is no :witch: and my temps are still up. Would it be pointless to test again tomorrow? Doesn't it take hcg 48 hours to double, or something like that?

JustMe, we are really following a similar pattern :haha: I see you had a rise aswell today :happydance: How long is your luteal phase usually? I can't seem to recall.

Thanks IOW! I definately don't monitor my cervix often enough to know what it usually feels like at this time of the cycle, so I've decided to keep my fingers out of my 'hooha' and just ignore my cervix. :blush:

MoreBabies, I know, the time flies even as it seems to drag. It's been nearly 10 months for us now!! And before that we went for about a year with no bcp and using the not-so-fool-proof pull&pray method!

AFM, headache today, hope its not a pre-AF one. BBS are still really sore on the sides and I'm exhausted even though we were in bed at 9.30! Last night I dreamed (very clearly) that I woke up and took my temp and it was 31.1 degrees celcius! I was so convinced that I was out that I was suprised when my alarm woke me up and I hadn't actually taken my temp yet. I think DH was a bit dissapointed this morning when we got the :bfn: . He's trying so hard to be strong for me but I know that he's as desperate as I am!

Plastik, I know, I think it's funny our temps are copying each other ;) I have a suggestion. HOW ABOUT we wait until Wednesday? For you that would put you at 18 days of high temps, if they're still up, which is a great sign, and for me, it would put me on my AF due date (and 5 days after the blood yesterday which is apparently how long ish it should take for a bfp if it WAS IB). Plus then you don't get sucked into testing every other day and getting stressed about it.

Whatcha think? And big hugs to both you and your hb, I REALLY hope this works out as our month!

BUT in the meantime, go and read this It's REALLY funny and I think we both need our minds talking down a tiny bit from the ledge of 'HOLY CRAP I MUST BE PREGNANT!'

And breathe


Well, if I'm honest, I'm really bummed out today. With the blood at 9 dpo and then a weekend of massively high temps and tiny twinges and cramps, I honestly would have sworn to you that we were heading for a bfp.

Then of course, you take a look at my temp this morning and realise that yet again I have been delusional.

And yet, what else am I meant to have done? I had blood at the point when IB is most likely to happen. I have had huge temperatures. EVERYTHING has pointed at me being pregnant. And yet, today my temp plummets. Even if it goes up tomorrow, I will be thinking it's most likely to be doing so, ready to crash on Wednesday.

I don't really know what to say. I'm really pissed off. It seems that my initial thought that this isn't something that is ever realistically going to happen for me, was right. Even in the months where it's looking Fantastic, it doesn't happen. I'm thinking of ditching all of this temping and crap because it isn't helping. Certainly for next month, I have much better things to do for my birthday than faff around trying to achieve things that won't happen.

And yet. It's going to be my 35th birthday. Is leaving it to chance at that point just stupid? And you know, once I'm 35, my urge to punch people who say things about fertility crashing at 35 is going to be so much stronger. We started trying for babies as soon as we could. We only MET when I was 31. We got together when I was 32 1/2. I was suffering from anxiety and depression from my previous relationship until I was over 33. We then spent a year trying to stop being cripplingly (no exaggeration) broken. Then we started trying for babies. So we couldn't do it earlier. Heck, it seems like we can't do it at all.

I don't know what to say. I can't believe that even with huge obvious symptoms, I'm not. I think I want to go and smash something. Or possibly someone :p
:hugs2: I'm not even going to tell u to be optimistic and 'it'll happen for you' and all that crap. I feel exactly like u do, like there's no hope and it'll never happen. I had a bloody triphasic chart, massive temps, cramps, cramy cm, bbs sore in the right places, and what for?! So my body could once again say 'haha! Fooled you!!'. I feel so betrayed by my own body.

DH is amazing. I've given up on temping and clokie and pressed and all that other crap. I'm done putting my life on hold and changing things around for this. I'm going back to my gynea and telling him to make me a baby and call me when he's done.
:hugs2: I'm not even going to tell u to be optimistic and 'it'll happen for you' and all that crap. I feel exactly like u do, like there's no hope and it'll never happen. I had a bloody triphasic chart, massive temps, cramps, cramy cm, bbs sore in the right places, and what for?! So my body could once again say 'haha! Fooled you!!'. I feel so betrayed by my own body.

DH is amazing. I've given up on temping and clokie and pressed and all that other crap. I'm done putting my life on hold and changing things around for this. I'm going back to my gynea and telling him to make me a baby and call me when he's done.

hey plastik. BIGGEST HUGS btw. And yeah, I couldn't believe it either when your temp dropped! :o I think giving up on temping is a great plan, and would suggest taking that chart out of your sig too if you're going to do that ;) I'll take mine out when/if AF comes.

HOWEVER I did want to say something! I still have fingers all crossed for you, just because the endo treatment was 3 months ago now, which afaik was effectively a reset for you. So it makes it just 3 months of trying (although I do understand that for you, it's been a lot longer, but biologically, I think my argument makes sense). So am hoping it will still happen for you! :o Also, I can't remember how far in advance of ovulation you guys bd but whilst it doesn't seem to have worked for me, I do get the impression that effectively the SMEP timings (every other day from day 8 on the basic level) can be the way forwards :)

Anyway, yeah, I guess I'm thinking that go with the BDing every other day (as that's always fun) :) and see if anything comes of it, but definitely stuff this temperature nonsense. It's entertaining to watch the temps but it always ends in stress and raised expectations :(

Are you going to stay on B&B? If not, do you want to swap emails?

And I'm SO glad you have a lovely hb. Honestly, when I thought I was, I was freaking terrified. I just get so scared of a baby getting in the way of me and my hb. Which is silly I guess but I have little experience of children, and lots of interaction with media 'children=DOOM'. ALthough I suppose they also say 'marriage=DOOM' and that's clearly nonsense.

Anyway...BIG HUGS! Do you want to swap emails?
(also - clokie. LOL!) :)

Am currently having (no) fun looking up causes of vaginal bleeding. Basically it goes 'ah go and see your Dr'.

From Wikipedia:
Forgotten tampon (can cause septicaemic shock - "toxic shock syndrome") - NOPE
Miscarriage - 9 dpo? Doubt it
Ectopic pregnancy - alway s consider it there is a late period, pain especially shoulder pain. Also see The acute abdomen - a surgical emergency - lol not at 9 dpo
Infection - see Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Yay...
Cervical polyp - can be seen at an examination for cervical smear. Yay...
Cervical erosion - can be seen at an examination for cervical smear. Yay...
Thinning of the vagina (can be a problem of the menopause). Yay...
Thinning of the vulva (can be a problem of the menopause). Yay...

•Implantation Bleeding/Pregnancy - well, exactly
•Miscarriage - as before
•Hormonal fluctuations - aka 'random, go to dr if it keeps happening'
•Starting, stopping, or missing oral contraceptives or estrogens - nope
•Low thyroid levels - er no? I don't think so
•Stress - well I wasn't stressed until after that happened!
•IUDs occasionally cause slight spotting - no
•Injury to the vagina from insertion of objects - no
•Malignant cancers - !
•Undiagnosed vaginal infections - er? don't think so. Who knows!
•Certain drugs, particularly anticoagulants Vaginal dryness - no
•GYN procedures - no
•Some women have spotting during ovulation, which is normal - n/a
EEEK!!! Bad girl, JustMe!! Dr. Google is EVIL! Stay away!! Check this out rather: , should keep you entertained for a while :D I LOVE damnyouautocorrect! Thanks!

I'll probably stick around, but I'm not going to be on as often. I've grown close to some ladies and want to keep track of their progress :hugs: Would just LOVE to swap e-mails though! I'll pm you :happydance:

Apologies for the morbid post earlier, having a down day. I'll pick myself up soon though, that auction for the horse is on Saturday, so getting really excited and nervous for that! If I get her I think I'm going to be so obsessed and distracted with riding that it'll be easier to forget about all of this nonsense and see what happens. If I don't get her I have no idea what I'll do. Sulk for a month. At least. :haha:
I hope you do get your horse :)

And I am also being distracted by (in the context of not being dead keen on my work sector) good things happening with job, namely new boss, who is writing me a new and better job description, letting me choose my new job title and ordering me to go online and choose 2 professional training courses to go on! ;)
Urgh, but I'd rather be having a baby with my hb, especially as I don't really like my job anyway :(

Went to loo earlier, a tiny bit of red when I wiped. I mean TINY. But yeah somewhere between a temp drop and spotting, it doesn't exactly look good does it. Am just feeling really - poo :(
:hugs: When I started AF this weekend I went out with my folks, had an awesome draft beer, then shared an amazing bottle of pinotage with the family, then had a shot of jager and a shot of patron. I'd rather have been preggers, but dammit, since I wasn't I just drank everything I have been missing :haha: And sushi tonight!!

Sorry about the spotting, sweets. Wish I could make it go away! :flower:
Oh, and appointment with my Gynaecologist is set for Wednesday morning, 8am. I'm scared to hear what he's going to say. He told me to come back if I wasn't pregnant after the 3 rounds of clomid. I never thought that would happen to me, I just knew that I would be pg. *sigh*

DH is coming with me, he is just amazing. Sometimes I think maybe I'm pushing this too much? Maybe I should just wait and see what happens naturally? Thing is I want a baby. I have since we started trying nearly a year ago. I don't WANT to wait!! I want our miracle NOW. It's also scary coz I know that getting pg is just the first bit, staying pg is something else all together. What if I get pg and then have issues like my friends who have lost 2 babies in the space of 6 months? I just don't know if I could bear that.

But I guess, step 1 is actually getting preggers. It's proving to be quite a big step.

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