Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

hey girls i wont be testing til the 26th- and im driving myself mad wondering!
pinkribbon I've got tests that sensitive too and ended up doing a lot of googling about them!! Depends on the brand I guess but mostly they seem to be ok but reviews etc said to be prepared for the line to be very faint and not to show up immediately when testing early. So if you did conceive and the egg only implanted a day or 2 ago, it could just still be too early for you to see a result. If you can bear it, maybe leave it for a couple of days?
the chances of me getting a bfp are so slim that im trying not to get my hopes up- so im just gonna wait out and see if the witch arrives :)
im only 3 days passed having unprotected sex (no idea when i o'd) but (tmi) my cm is leaving marks on my underwear- something that only happened when preg with lyss, and i keep getting crampy feelings in my breasts- so who knows? could be ovulating now i suppose but it'd be rather late for it wouldnt it?
Oh crap so I caved and bought some cheapy ones from boots over lunch. BFN of course but then what did I really expect?

The temping has been interesting. Sadly mine has only been done post ov so I never saw the initial rise. It does give you something else to focus on though, which can be helpful.
I am definately always waiting until I'm late for AF otherwise I won't believe it anyway so whats the point? lol although I am impatient just as everyone else is! lol I am either 7 or 8 dpo today and earlier on had the weirdest random sharp twinge! I hope it means something it only lasted a few seconds and then went away fingers crossed! I think I am due either Sunday or Monday x
:haha: I am such an idiot!! I am overdue for my yearly appointment with my Gynaecologist, so I called and made an appointment for tomorrow! What a ******! I JUST started my period! :doh: Anyway, once I realised this I called back and moved it to Friday morning.

At leas it's something to keep me occupied while I wait to O. Will talk to him about trying for 3 or 4 months and ask about one or two things. I seem to have this dull ache on the right side of my lower abdomen almost all month long, so I've just abou diagnosed myself with PCOS already. Glad I'm going to see him so either he can tell me that there is something wrong and we can sort it out or that I'm being paranoid.
Ok I've been thinking. I'm fairly sure I'm not pregnant now. Two tests in the last two days can't be wrong. So I'm just waiting for AF to arrive. But it's not the end of the world. It means I can do a full month of temping (new therm arrived!), test for ovulation (opk arrived!) and really have a proper go at it. So lets hope she speeds up and I can join you ladies on a brand new cycle.

I still think I'm probably going to make an appointment regarding my bleeding a few days ago though. That was really unusual for me and there must be a reason. Trying not to worry without need though.
hugs flamingpanda, its good that your being so positive :)

my body is randomly producing massive amounts of cm that it wouldnt usually produce x
I'm pretty sure I'm out too flamingpanda. All the signs of AF, neg tests. Although I'm not due AF until 23rd. Wish this headache would P*ss off it's really getting me down. Had a bit of a cry today too. :cry:
Don't give up ladies!!! Until AF is here there is always a chance! I found that starting to think about the next cycle was a good way of passing the time though, so don't stop doing that :hug:

I've started temping again, so there is one lonely dot on my chart :haha:

Hope all of you ladies have a rocking day!!
Thanks for the support guys. AF is on her way, I know it. I've just had a cry in the toilets here at work and I've caved and bought a chocolate bar. No surer sign!

I feel so stressed today. I mentioned my partner's sister is getting married? Well last night he came home and told me he was going to be sitting separately for the meal. I'd been dreading this. I had an awful experience at my brother's wedding when I was the only member of my family not involved with the wedding. I didn't have my partner then and I ended up sat for a meal for a few hours with complete strangers (who all appeared to know one another). I'm never comfortable meeting people for the first time and I have an awful fear it's happening again. So I think that's made me weepy. Trying not to make it an issue, or at least not talk about it til AF is here and I'm feeling calmer.

It has made me sure though that when I get married tradition can take a running jump and people can sit where they bloody well like.

Ugh, hurry up :witch:

plastikpony - welcome to the wonderful world of temping. So far it's been completely useless for me. :D Take a look at my chart if you like, it means nothing. :haha:

Siyren - that's a good sign! Or so I've read.
If it makes you feel less alone, I'm in a foul mood too. DS isn't very well so I was up and down all night with him, plus OH is complaining he is ill so still in bed so I've had to take the day off even though I'm really behind on work. It's not the fact that DS is ill, it's more OH sleeping all night and then again all morning. Grr. I feel headachey too!

So many rows have happened in my family over seating arrangements flamingpanda, two of my aunties haven't spoken in like 4 years over one :dohh:
ugh seating arrangements!!1
thanks hun, the cm is a lot less today so was most likely a post ovulation thing :( trying not to get my hopes up, cos im pretty sure the witch will be along x
The thing is I don't want to be that person. You know, the one who's all "I'm not sitting there, you need to rearrange it all for me, what about me, blah blah blah". But I can't help how I'm feeling about it. They're not my family, they're not my friends, I just would have liked to have been with the person who is the only reason I'm even invited. But every way I word it in my mind sounds very self involved.

pinkribbon - It's madness, when it's our turn we'll just let people sit where they're most comfortable. I'd hate to think I was making anyone feel uncomfortable or unwanted over a seating arrangement.

Oh that doesn't sound fun. Do what I did and have a chocolate bar, the sugar rush has really helped my frame of mind. :D I guess this is what I have to look forward to when we do actually manage to conceive?

Siyren - No worries, it's just something I read. But then as my "IB" proved the other day, symptoms can't be trusted. :( I think it's amazing the symptoms we can find when we're looking for them. I'm sure if our men felt like this all the time they'd call in work sick! :haha:
haha im in the minority of women where my ideal wedding is very small. and def seating planless!

ah i'll try not to get too down but im seriously expecting the witch to come x
Yes, afraid you've got it all to look forward to :haha: he's a mummy's boy and always wants me when he's ill and in a way it's nice to know that you are that comforting person to someone else. Getting up through the night wouldn't actualy affect me too much if the workload and deadlines weren't there. It's all worth it.

OH would like a small wedding when we finally do plan one, I hate the whole 'oh I've invited you so now how to invite you and I better invite your SO since such and such has their SO, even though I've never met said SO. It's all crazy people go mad over weddings!
I've just been for lunch with my mum and had a good rant. She agreed it was a bit off but like me felt I just had to suck it up and deal with it so I don't cause a rift. Grrr.

I'm starting to get cramps this afternoon, I wonder if my cycle is actually shorter than 28 days?

Siyren - Oh I want a small wedding too. I can't think of anything worse than the whole idea of a top table. It would just feel like being on show. My idea of a great wedding is outdoors, bbq and a party. People can sit/stand with who they please and nothing gets too formal. Hopefully my bf will pull his finger out at some point and ask! :p

It's ok being down, we're all going through it. Just come and have a moan with us if you need. I feel very PMSy today. It's not fun. :(

pinkribbon - haha that reminds me, did you see this video posted the other day?

Doesn't every child just want their mummy when they're ill? :)

Oh your wedding sounds perfect to me! I just said to my mum over lunch that if I ever use the phrase "but it's my special day" to just please have me shot. :D
Ugh I have 4 hours left here and I feel like I could curl up in a ball and go to sleep. I might make that my plan for this evening.
Ok so I've woken up a bit and finally stopped blubbing. Well I was reading I will start by saying I still believe I'm not pregnant but I was looking at this page:

SO interesting. I have no confirmation on my ovulation this month because it was before I started monitoring but I've been presuming it was on the Sunday (rather than the previous Thursday like my app suggests). I felt super hormonal and ill. Which was CD 17. Why is that interesting? Because it would mean out of those pictorial examples of "good" testing days mine would be most like the second (except with 2 green days rather than 1). So that means if I ovulate later than day 14 next month I should keep in mind not to test early again like I did this month. I'd simply be peeing on money. :haha:

That means if I'm working this out correctly the very earliest I should have tested is tomorrow. If I'd realised that I could have saved myself some money this month! :D Might not mention this to my boyfriend.

Worth reading if any of you ladies haven't done already. :thumbup:

EDIT - added some pics to demonstrate what a difference this makes. Red is my predicted "normal" cycle, green is if my symptoms were correct.


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