Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

AF is on her way, cervix has gone soft, I'm cramping the same as I would and another neg test. Don't even know why I tested. I feel teary and don't feel like talking much but I'll make a better post when I'm out of my fettle :cry:
AF is on her way, cervix has gone soft, I'm cramping the same as I would and another neg test. Don't even know why I tested. I feel teary and don't feel like talking much but I'll make a better post when I'm out of my fettle :cry:

Pinkribbon - I've heard a lot of the beginning signs of pregnancy are similar to AF. Don't give up until she shows up! Sending you hugs and hope that if it isn't this month, February will be your BFP!:hugs:
AF is on her way, cervix has gone soft, I'm cramping the same as I would and another neg test. Don't even know why I tested. I feel teary and don't feel like talking much but I'll make a better post when I'm out of my fettle :cry:

Pinkribbon - I've heard a lot of the beginning signs of pregnancy are similar to AF. Don't give up until she shows up! Sending you hugs and hope that if it isn't this month, February will be your BFP!:hugs:

:hugs: thank you. I was in 'one of those moods' yesterday !
:hugs: It's not over til she shows. Don't worry about being down, I was terrible yesterday. If someone had said boo to me I'd have sobbed.

Speaking of AF showing, I think she has for me. Well sort of. I had a very weird night. After my usual PMT yesterday and bursting into tears several times it was just a waiting game.

I got home, went to the toilet and when I wiped there was tiny specs of mucus with brown blood in there. This is the tell tale sign she's hours away usually. Although generally there is more than spots (sorry if this is TMI), it's usually like one long string with the brown blood mixed in. Anyway I resigned myself to it all being over. We were getting ready to go out with my workmates last night and just before we went I nipped to the toilet one more time to put a pad on (just incase she suprised me mid meal!). When I wiped I saw what I can only describe as pink mucus. I'd read about this and thought people were being colour blind :D, but there it was, it was a very cute pink colour. Wiped again just to be sure and there was no more but a big spot of watery red blood. Then nothing again all evening. Still nothing more this morning other than lots of cramps and feeling very AF. So just waiting for her to show now.

It has been a very strange cycle though for spotting. Still not sure if I should go to the doctor.
Hello Ladies!!!

Panda, that's definately not AF. Yet. So I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Pinkribbon, how are you feeling today? No AF yet?

AFM, I think I was one of those brides you ladies would have hated! I had a big wedding, 150 people, and had the time of my life!! I think I worked on the seating plans for like, 5 months to make sure that everyone sat with someone that they knew. It was tough though, coz this person wasn't talking to that person, and that person was divorced from this person, and my sister didn't want to sit withing seeing range of my cousin.... It was endless!!! I also did the whole 'head table' thing, but then again, I just LOVE attention :D

So sorry for being your worst nightmare ladies!! :haha: I also recall using the term (but it was more because it was funny than anything else, and it was only to override my DH's weird decisions) "I'm the bride, I win!" :doh:
Hi plastikpony!

I'd have more faith if I didn't feel like she was coming but I think my cycle is just screwy this month for some reason. A little more brown mucus just now. I need to stop going to the toilet every 20 mins to check, people will think there's something wrong with me. :D If I don't come on before lunch I might have one last whirl with the pregnancy test I have shoved under the passenger seat in my car! :D I didn't like those boots ones very much so might as well use them up.

LOL, you know each to their own. I can totally understand why some people would want a huge wedding, it's just not me. I'd feel so uncomfortable knowing everyone was looking at me. I think I was only ranting because I was hormonal and I felt like my bf hadn't really considered me (I never expected his sister too). I told him all this last night and he looked like he was going to cry. So then I felt guilty. God, yesterday was horrible. :p
Plastikpony :haha:! If I didn't have to worry about people arguing or being offended I'd be more likely to have a big wedding. I don't think I'd have as many as 150 though maybe like 50, I'm just not that popular :haha:

AF is still not here, not due til 23rd but I have a feeling it might come early :s my cervix has also gone hard again :dohh:

Panda I agree with plastik it sounds nothing like AF to me :wacko:
Sadly I think I've worked out what my symptoms mean. I had a twinge around a week and a half ago like a UTI pain. Thought nothing of it as it passed off. But I got another last night and again today. Looked up UTIs and apparently they can cause spotting. :(

So I'm going to make a docs appointment in the morning.

Of course it doesn't mean I'm out but it does mean that I don't have any symptoms I can't attribute to something else. :(
Can't I just be pg already :( I guess if it was easy maybe we wouldn't appreciate it so much, but really, I just want to have a family :(
Any updates?

I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. I think whatever is wrong with me is just messing up my cycle this month. Today is the day AF should show and I'm sure she tried this morning with some watery red blood but I'm just back to brown CM now (and only on tampons, nothing otherwise). I'm fairly sure I have a water infection from everything I've read but apparently it's a training day at my health centre so I couldn't just make an appointment. In the last week I've bled all but 2 days though, and that's all spotting or coloured mucus. Something is wrong. :( I'm normally very regular.
Flamingpanda, maybe you're PG and that's whey everything is weird!!! I'm really holding thumbs for you. Have you thought about testing today yet?

I had an awesome appointment at the Gynea this morning!! He did a pap smear which I'll get the results of on Monday, but we did one last year and all was A ok so can't imagine that would have changed. Also chatted about trying to get pg. I assumed he was going to tell me to just keep trying since we've only been trying for 3 going on 4 months, but he was awesome. Did a scan of my uterus and ovaries which all look great (YIPPEE!!) and also ordered a whole battery of blood tests for me and my DH and a semen analysis for DH.

I am SO thrilled right now. Can't wait to get all the tests done early next week. He said that the fact that my husband cycles (mountain biking) isn't great coz, in his words "they wear tight pants, bounce up and down on their balls and cook their eggs". This doesn't excite me very much, but I'm not allowing myself to worry even a little until we get the results back!

So next week will be a whirlwind of tests, :sex: :sex: :sex: , and entertaining the brother in law and his wife who land from Germany today. Before I know it I will have ovulated and be back in the TWW!!

How is everyone doing today?
Sounds good Plastik, let us know how all your tests go. Seems really early to be getting so many tests, do you have any reasons to worry?

Finally got an appointment with the doctor. He seemed to agree that it sounds like a UTI. Oh well, there's always next month. My only concern now is because it's messing with my cycle will I be out of it next month? Going to have a good chat when I get there, providing I get a nice GP to chat to.
Hey girls. I am out, had some cm streaked with blood, so took a test just to be sure an a :bfn:. So just a matter of time before AF is in full swing.
Aw sorry to hear that Pinkribbon. I think I'll be joining you though. My cramps seem to be picking up and the blood is coming a little faster now. I imagine this time tomorrow it will be in full swing. Oh well, here's to February babies!

I went to see the doc and she was super nice! Told me not to worry about anything and to take those vitamins everyone keeps recommending. She said there was nothing in my urine other than blood, but she wasn't worried about that because of the spotting. She's sent it off to be tested to be sure but said I should go back if things get worse. That was it really. As I was sat in the waiting room I could feel AF was coming on so I'd counted myself out by the time I got into her office.
:hugs: here's to our feb BFPs! I'm glad the doc was nice! I've had some ones that seem to look down their noses, I'm sure it's because I'm young (preg at 19 with DS) so I've now moved doctors so will see how helpful they are!

It's stupid, I'm 2 months away from finishing my degree give or take, live in my own house, OH and I also work and we aren't on benefits but because I'm young I'm looked down at? :dohh: I have it together more than some people! Annoys me! (can you tell AF is coming?? :haha:)
That's the spirit! Positive thoughts can do great things.

Oh it's luck of the draw with doctors. The last one I spoke to about ttc said I needed to lose weight first. She was a bit scary and so it put me off mentioning it again. I do need to lose weight but the way she was looking you'd think they'd had to take the wall off my house to get me there. :haha: This one was just really kind, said not to worry and things would all happen naturally in a few months but if not to go back then. Told me about vitamins and seemed pleased I neither drink nor smoke.

You sound in a great position. We're similar (except we rent rather than having our own house). I do think sometimes we're poorer for doing things the right way but I do feel better for it. Ignore those who look down on you, they don't understand (and probably don't want to).

Ha, it's ok you sound like me 2 days ago, I was on the edge! Sad to report the :witch: is finally here for real and it's quite painful. :(

Oh and the wedding drama continues. I'm feeling loads better as it turns out they have invited cousins on the bride's side and the kids, but not their partners. That would be fine if the cousins were 16 but the cousins are in their 30s, married with a brood of children each. So now the cousins are boycotting it all. I said it the other day, and I'll say it again, it's more trouble than it's all worth. When our time comes it's a ceremony for immediate family and a massive party for all with no seating formalities!
I will not test til I'm late, I will not test til I'm late!

My chart looks very flat this month from CD13, whats all that about? Its usually quite jagged. To make sure it wasn't the thermometer or it's batteries I have tried the thermometer at different times of the day and on my OH and the temps do change!

I'm wondering if it's because I started to take vitamin b50 complex from CD7, maybe it is actually doing it's job? I decided to start it because I spot really early and my LP was 12 days max lets see if it helps.

I'm 7dpo, 6 days of waiting for AF left! :happydance:
Oooh I mean clearly I'm a big baby bump noob here but that chart is looking good to me! How long is your cycle normally? I was just checking when my temp takes a dip and it's around CD 26. I was really hopeful before that because it had been climbing. :(
Cycle is normally around 25 days but has been longer up to 31 days. Ff put my o date as cd17, i originally thought it would be the earlier rise but that didn't tie with my opks and obviously ff decided on the other more obvious one.

I swear not half hour after i posted above i saw spotting when i wiPed - i hope it's not af starting amazingly early, i'll see what the temps do over the next few days :thumbup: it may go away (i tend not to get too excited at possible IB as research shows spotting in LP is more common in non Pregnant charts , esp as in the past i had had spotting from 8dpo until af
Also you should be able to scroll down from my current chart to my previous two, it looks so oddly diff this month. I actually own a centigrade therm (which i started off with for my first month) and a farenheigt (sp) one, i may run them together for a few days to check the F one isn't on the blink.

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