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Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

Good luck silverbell. Praying for a sticky embryo for you!
I know this is your cycle silver! I've got all of my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Lm-any updates?

Still super period-y. Very heavy, bloated and crampy. I wonder if its from the gonal f. I'm going in for my baseline ultrasound and blood work Wednesday afternoon. And so the process continues right?
Hey redhead, is 7/2/11 your wedding date?

Just wondering because it's mine! :)
Redhead- Hope all of that starts to pass soon. Yuck I hate feeling crampy :(

I went for my first tracking ultrasound... nothing too exciting to see. Can't wait to go back on friday and see how things have changed. I made a big mistake yesterday GRRR!!!! Yesterday was supposed to be my last day on clomid ( 2-6) well i took the pills out of the pack and forgot to take them. I didnt take them till dinner time the next day. Hope this doesnt screw things up . stupid me!
Lm-any updates?

No there's no update. I don't have any more tests and I refuse to buy them. AF was due yesterday and now is taking its precious time to get here. I suspect all the meds I was on is delaying her arrival. I'll most likely start today. So after doing some research this morning, I found out that the progesterone crinone suppositories I've been taking will delay the shedding of my lining, hence my absent AF. So I'm going to stop taking it so my cycle can show up in a few days.

I see your AF is taking you through a rough time, I hope you feel better :hugs:
Cbergs-it is! How funny!

Want2be-I wouldn't stress too much about the clomid. I'd mention it to the doctor though.

Lm-you aren't out til AF shows!

Thanks for all of the period concerns. All of the sudden this afternoon I seem to have turned a corner. I'm going for my baseline tomorrow and the last thing I want is to be bleeding out on the exam table. will ask the re if that's common for Gonal F. I'm calling freedom pharmacy to order the trigger.
Cberg-it is our wedding date! What a small world!

Lm-no giving up til AF shows up.

Want2be- I wouldn't worry about your clomid mishap. I would mention it to your doctor though.

Thanks for the period concerns everyone! I think I've turned a corner as of this afternoon. My period feels more manageable now. Ha which is good, because I didn't want to go in for the baseline with my period as bad as it was.

Silver-how are you feeling?
LM - be careful. You're only supposed to stop Progesterone once you've had a negative test on your test date (usually 14 days after insemination). So if you've passed that date you need to buy 1 test and just check, as stopping the Progesterone too soon would not be good if you were pregnant. I really hope you are :dust:

Redhead - I'm glad things seem to have settled down.

I'm feeling OK. I feel very attached to my embies already though. It's weird how different it feels to doing IUI. I can imagine an IVF :bfn: is going to be much, much harder than an IUI :bfn: Oh well - hopefully the 2ww will speed on by and I'll know soon enough.
Good luck Silver!

LM-Any update?

I went to the RE today and saw the other doctor in the practice because mine is out of town. I have a cyst on my right ovary from the Gonal F so I'm out this cycle. He said everything else looked good, but that explains why I've been having the pain on my right side. He said the period is probably so terrible because the Gonal builds up your lining and follies etc., so it all has to come out.

I asked him if it's common for women to be young like me and seemingly healthy and still not have success. He said "unfortunately yes." I told him that we have considered adoption and he asked if my usual RE talked to me about IVF (she hasn't). He said that because I'm 25, and healthy and everything looks good he really really thinks that IUI will work, and if not my chances for IVF are very high. So I guess we will see. Maybe it is a blessing that I'm out this cycle. I've been so emotional and just tired of doing so many failed IUI's. Maybe now I can get my head in the game and get rid of this cyst.

I hope everyone is doing well!
Sorry to hear that but glad the doctor was able to help you out with things. It's so frusterating when some people dont even want a baby and can get pregnant and the people that want a baby have to try so so hard. We will all get our chance one day !!! We just have to stick together.
Yes we will. And I'm so glad we have each other here. Especially because not a lot of people know that I'm going through this process. And those that do know (DH included), can't possibly understand the pain that comes with doing this. I really am glad that I have you all to talk to. I can't imagine how alone I would feel if I didn't have you ladies!:hugs:
Silverbell - We were the same with IVF, immediately attached to our embryos. Every day was so nerve wrecking just waiting for a call to tell us how they were doing and when we could transfer them. Hopefully your little ones stick!
I asked him if it's common for women to be young like me and seemingly healthy and still not have success. He said "unfortunately yes." I told him that we have considered adoption and he asked if my usual RE talked to me about IVF (she hasn't). He said that because I'm 25, and healthy and everything looks good he really really thinks that IUI will work, and if not my chances for IVF are very high. So I guess we will see. Maybe it is a blessing that I'm out this cycle. I've been so emotional and just tired of doing so many failed IUI's. Maybe now I can get my head in the game and get rid of this cyst.

I have to say I wish we'd gone to IVF sooner rather than go through 6 IUI failures, but hindsight is a wonderful thing and ideally it would have happened more 'naturally' through IUI for us. IVF has a much higher success rate and there is more certainty involved. How many more IUIs were you planning on doing? Sorry about the cyst. I had one this cycle too and it was drained at ER. My fibroid also got bigger due to the Gonal F (but still not worryingly large). We did take a months' break half way through our IUIs and it really did help with just not thinking about TTC for a few weeks, though I did find the last couple of weeks of waiting tough.


Silverbell - We were the same with IVF, immediately attached to our embryos. Every day was so nerve wrecking just waiting for a call to tell us how they were doing and when we could transfer them. Hopefully your little ones stick!

I'm so glad it's not just us. We felt a bit daft :blush: I kind of wish we weren't at all attached in case we don't get a good result, but I guess we're only human. Thank you. :hugs:
Thanks Silver. I'm at a loss as to which road we should go down. I'm going to talk to our RE about it next month when AF comes again. In the mean time I'm totally here cheering you on!
Well went for my second follicle tracking. Today was day 11 of my cycle I have longer cycles approx 34 days and ovulate approx day 18. Today on day 11 I had 3 follicles that seemed to stick out more then the rest. Left side 11mm, 11mm and right side 13mm.

Anyone know if those are good numbers so far? I go back monday for another scan!
Hey everyone just checking in...

AF got me yesterday as I expected and I'm not bummed bc I felt like it wasn't my month. I won't try again until March at the earliest so much luck to everyone and I'll poke my head in from time to time to check on everyone!
So sorry LM :hugs: Look after yourself.

Want - sounds great. My clinic triggered at 17 so I reckon they're growing nicely so far. AtMonday's scan they'll get more of an idea about what rate they're at. Do yourclinic allow 3 follies? Although it may be that not all 3 grow yet of course

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