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Due around the middle of may 2013?

Hi everyone

I got my BFP on Monday (10 Sep) and found out from my doctor my due date is 19 May. That makes me 4.5 weeks, same as some of the other ladies on this board! We're really nervous as it's our first pregnancy, and a bit of a shock as I had PCOS and this was our first cycle trying (ovulation through Clomid).

Keep worrying about the baby and can't wait for the 6 week ultrasound to check the sac is there and he is in the right place (ie uterus). Seems so far away!

Everyone doing ok and any symptoms yet? Other than really sore bbs, slightly heavier discharge and really high temps at 37.23 celcius (i know, i'm still charting...it's almost a habit now) I don't have much else. Maybe a slightly better sense of smell (although i could just be thinking about it more) and very very bloated! Almost looks like a bump although it's squishy and not hard so definitely just water retention.

Let's support each other through this wonderful journey!

We've got the same due date! This little mudbug is also a clomid baby, though not my first round. I have no symptoms to speak of at this point, my boobs and nipples are sometimes a bit tender, but that's about it. HCG is doubling nicely though (every 31-32 hrs!) so I'm just going sit back and try to enjoy first tri! I declined a 6 week scan, so won't see my little one until late Oct/early Nov.!
1st docs appointment today :D at 2pm. Anyone else seen a doc yet? x
Hey ladies mind if i squeeze in? Got a faint BFP last night and got a definate this morning https://m1171.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/stevensmummyxx/9ff6b1b0.jpg.html?newest=1 my lines :D! Based on my last period my due date is the 19th of may x
I haven't scheduled one yet, as I hear they don't want to see you until you're 8 weeks along. Maybe I'll call today though.
I haven't scheduled one either. They wanted me to come in next week for an early scan, but I have to get some insurance stuff straightened out first before I start the maternity stuff, so I just declined that and said I'd wait until the standard 12 week one unless I feel like there is something wrong. Idk if he'll want to see me before then though. Once the insurance is figured out I guess I'll find out :shrug:
I went to the docs all good at the mo, they want me to go for early scan cus i told a little lie and said i wasnt sure how far gone knowing they would want a scan asap so booked in for sunday 9.15 (didnt even no they did them at the weekends) but super excited even tho not sure what i am actually going to be seeing this early x
Hey ladies mind if I join? I was suppose to be due April 27th according to my lmp but my ultrasound today showed I ovulated later in my cycle so Im due May 11! So excited I got to see the heartbeat! 114! I go back Oct 11! :happydance:


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I love this growing thread so many of us due withing days of each other!! will be so nice when we all have are bubs and can share the pics of them x
I have my first appt on Monday. I'm looking forward to telling my Dr. She has been my Dr since I was in the womb as well :)
Also looking forward to getting my bloodwork done and just making sure everything is looking good. Does everyone get bloodwork done at this stage?
Can I join you all? :)

I got my BFP last Tuesday, I think I'm due around mid-may - according to my LMP I am due May 3rd but my cycle was all out of wack and I think I ovulated a lot later than "normal" so I'm guessing I'm rather due mid-may instead.

I have an appointment to see my doctor on Tuesday. I have a 9 month old too and he, as well as work, has been keeping me busy so far so the days are actually passing by quite quickly. I don't think it has truly sunk in that I am pregnant yet though!

Looking forward to getting to know you all :)
I didn't get offered any blood test or early scans of nothing, after 2 miscarriages it would have been nice but I guesse what will be will be! I'm feeling good though, I feel good bout this pregnancy!
cant you ask for blood test or scans?
Yes I can ask but its really up to the doctor/midwife you see. I did ask for a early scan and they said no to that, said it wasn't necessary. We are going to pay for one though at 9 weeks. I had one then with my daughter and it was a great time to have one, it made the 4 weeks between that and the 13 week one enjoyable! X
I'm so excited to go to my dr. appt on Monday. :happydance: I'm not sure what tests she will run but I'm hoping for bloodwork (I'm only 4.5 weeks so it's too early for a scan)!!
I think she'll do a urine and blood test to confirm you're pregnant. That's what they do out here anyways.
Oooh im off to the docters tomorrow too :D! Just to start getting the ball rolling for midwife appointment, my gp is drop in at certain times so dont have to wait for appointments :)! How is everyone? X
So i had my scan there was nothing there, so had bloods and they came back at 490 hcg, have to have them repeated tomorrow to check they are rising. The nurse said not to worry as they dont expect to see anything on scan untill hcg levels are at 1500-2000 which if everything goes ok I should be at that by thursday and may get a scan friday or over the weekend x
For anyone who uses FB more, i have set up a private group for the may mummies if anyone wants to join, add me, inbox to tell me you're from B&B and i will add you too the group https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=12&ref=stream x
Charbaby I'm sure web you go back you will see what you've been waiting for :) it's just so early. Hope everyone is ok, my daughters gone on holiday with my mum and dad for 5 days, im feeling lonely already lol xx
Charbaby youre still early im sure when you go back little bean will be there patiently waiting and waving :D!

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