I would love her to be a few days early to spend Christmas with us but either way ir is bound to be an exciting Christmas! No baby shower for me, not really common in the uk, a few of my friends had them but I am not good at being the centre focus of gatherings, my wedding was more than enough attention for one lifetime hehe...
We have a lot of our bits and peices now, I just buy things as they're on offer and as I see them, could do with more in the way of sleep suits and blankets etc.
Not even thought about hospital bag, that seems really daunting!! Anyone been thinking about their birth? I am a mixture of emotions! Scared, excited, but at the moment more scared than anything, seems everyone seems to want to tell me their 'horror' stories and it isn't helpful!!!!! lol!!! I feel like my pregnancy has been so 'text book' that my labour is going to be a nightmare lol
Hope you are all blooming well
x anyone got any pics to share? we need to wake the thread up a little lol
p.s. check out the link
https://www.xmasclock.com/ lol