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February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Yep still spotting. Before the meds I would o around day 10. However, this cycle will probably be longer since the blood work on day 2 indicated that I had not started my period on that day. I am not using the monitor this cycle. I'll temp until wed and then we'll see. Can you bring a thermometer on a plane?
Oh, I am also on a psychic thread here & a lady who thought she was out apparently just got a positive so Cheri was right for her...which is very exciting.

Suzy raine had feb for me with a cycle that started in Jan - since I didn't have a cycle start in Jan - I don't think this will be it.

Cheri - had april for me...so still have some time.
Beaglemom, fx'd that it was a little morning sickness and implantation cm. Will you be testing at the end of the week?
Beaglemom, fx'd that it was a little morning sickness and implantation cm. Will you be testing at the end of the week?

If I don't break down with a cheap test sooner, I will def be testing the morning of the 14th. I am not much for valentine's Day, but it would be cool to get a positive that morning.
Beaglemom, fx'd that it was a little morning sickness and implantation cm. Will you be testing at the end of the week?

If I don't break down with a cheap test sooner, I will def be testing the morning of the 14th. I am not much for valentine's Day, but it would be cool to get a positive that morning.

I agree! Fx'd for a sweet surprise! :)
Does anyone know how many months you can take clomid for before taking a break. I thought they reccommended 6 months. I then how long of a break are you supposed to have? I have been taking it cd3-7 do you think i should try 5-9? Also i was thinking about asking to up my dose. I have taken 50mg and it has made me ovulate but i havent gotten pg (i guess we dont know for sure this month yet). Could trying 100mg help me or should i stay at 50 cause it makes me ovulate? Sorry about all rhe questions, i just want to hear other opinions.

Hi curly, I've heard the same, six months. As for which days, I do take mine days 5-9, but its because I was O'ing early and my Dr wanted to push my O date out a few days. So I would talk to your Dr about that, because he/she may have a specific reason why they thought 3-7 would work best for you. As for upping the dose, I agree with beaglemom... If they're monitoring you, they'll know how many and what size follies you're getting. That might help determine whether or not they want to increase your dose. I'm not monitored, but my Dr was okay increasing my dose from 25 to 50mg, but that was only because I was on a ridiculously low dose to begin with. If I were to ask to bump up to 100, he'd want to do an u/s on my current dose first. I think its worth asking though.... On my lower dose, I was O'ing exactly when my Dr wanted me to, so it was doing what he wanted it to do, but I did not get prego. When we upped the dose, I felt like it def made my O even stronger, because I had several side effects during my LH surge, and I felt O more than I normally ever had in my life, and I just had this feeling that I was gonna get pregnant, lol! And I did end up getting prego that month. It ended in m/c, but I believe that increase in the clomid did the trick in my case.
Beaglemom, fx'd that it was a little morning sickness and implantation cm. Will you be testing at the end of the week?

If I don't break down with a cheap test sooner, I will def be testing the morning of the 14th. I am not much for valentine's Day, but it would be cool to get a positive that morning.

That would be SUCH a nice V-day surprise. FXd crossed so tightly for you. Can't wait to find out!! :flower:
Hello everyone - I typically just read everyone's posts on here and try to learn from everyone elses experiences. I've only been ttc for 2 (sort of 3) months - sorta 3 bc I knew NOTHING about my cycles and still don't. This is the first month that I actually know exactly when my last period started, ended, and when the next one started. I did happen to use OPK sticks last month and found I O'd cd17 (so late compared to everyone else on here!), and my LP was 21 days. Needless to say I have super long cycles and I basically have about 9 chances a year to get preggs (I'm such a numbers person!)

So from me basically stalking you ladies and checking this thread DAILY (LOL, I'm sincerely sorry if that creeps anyone out) I decided to try one of the suggestions erode mentioned back in November for my last cycle in January - the robitussin the few days before my expected O. I tried using the OPKs again, but ran out before I got my O smiley face. But very possible I misse the surge.

Ok, sorry to ramble, the real reason I'm actually posting is that while taking the robitussin I had one morning of very faint pink 'stuff' when I wiped in the morning. This has never happened the week leading up to when I was supposed to O - especially CD13 (or at all in my life to this point). I happened to have run out of the robitussin the afternoon before (and I attributed this spotting to the sudden stop of the robitussin) i know this doesn't necessarily make any sense, but nothing else would make sense as I wasn't supposed to O for another 2 days. :/ Currently I am 21 DPO (which from last cycle is totally normal :( )...and I just bought a pregnancy test today. I'm really trying to wait until Wednesday to pee on the stick but I'm DYING! And to top it off my DH is out of town all week...so either way, BFP or BFN, I'm left by myself! Not fair at all!!!

I guess there really weren't any questions involved in any of this but NO ONE knows DH and I are ttc and I'm ready to burst! Thanks for letting me ramble :) wishing everyone BFPs!!!
Hello everyone - I typically just read everyone's posts on here and try to learn from everyone elses experiences. I've only been ttc for 2 (sort of 3) months - sorta 3 bc I knew NOTHING about my cycles and still don't. This is the first month that I actually know exactly when my last period started, ended, and when the next one started. I did happen to use OPK sticks last month and found I O'd cd17 (so late compared to everyone else on here!), and my LP was 21 days. Needless to say I have super long cycles and I basically have about 9 chances a year to get preggs (I'm such a numbers person!)

So from me basically stalking you ladies and checking this thread DAILY (LOL, I'm sincerely sorry if that creeps anyone out) I decided to try one of the suggestions erode mentioned back in November for my last cycle in January - the robitussin the few days before my expected O. I tried using the OPKs again, but ran out before I got my O smiley face. But very possible I misse the surge.

Ok, sorry to ramble, the real reason I'm actually posting is that while taking the robitussin I had one morning of very faint pink 'stuff' when I wiped in the morning. This has never happened the week leading up to when I was supposed to O - especially CD13 (or at all in my life to this point). I happened to have run out of the robitussin the afternoon before (and I attributed this spotting to the sudden stop of the robitussin) i know this doesn't necessarily make any sense, but nothing else would make sense as I wasn't supposed to O for another 2 days. :/ Currently I am 21 DPO (which from last cycle is totally normal :( )...and I just bought a pregnancy test today. I'm really trying to wait until Wednesday to pee on the stick but I'm DYING! And to top it off my DH is out of town all week...so either way, BFP or BFN, I'm left by myself! Not fair at all!!!

I guess there really weren't any questions involved in any of this but NO ONE knows DH and I are ttc and I'm ready to burst! Thanks for letting me ramble :) wishing everyone BFPs!!!

good luck on testing. As far as the pink, not sure why the Robitussin would make a difference. Some women spot around O time
I'm really trying to wait until Wednesday to pee on the stick but I'm DYING! And to top it off my DH is out of town all week...so either way, BFP or BFN, I'm left by myself! Not fair at all!!!

I guess there really weren't any questions involved in any of this but NO ONE knows DH and I are ttc and I'm ready to burst! Thanks for letting me ramble :) wishing everyone BFPs!!!

Welcome! No one knows my DH and I are ttc except the wonderful ladies here and two of my doctors. Good luck when you test this week, hoping you get a valentines surprise!
So now my husband is bugging me about when to test. And I looked at the calendar & realized V-Day is actually on Friday. For some reason I thought it was around Wednesday.

So we played this game last night...we set a timer of 1 minute & then we each made a list of things we would need for a baby. It was pretty fun & you wouldn't believe how blank your mind goes when there is a timer...even when you never go one shopping trip without going through a baby department. Then we compared lists. We had an argument (jokingly) about whether his item of shoes was legit. I told him babies, newborns, do not wear shoes. And he said my item of a teddy bear was not necessary.

He also told me last night he is nervous about having a baby around because he mind break it. He is too funny. He has always been nervous about holding babies.

I had some cramp feelings last night, but again, it was probably my eating habits. I was so hungry waiting for my husband I was eating mac & cheese out of the pot & pork chops. So when he got home, I ate an actual of food. Not good at 8:30 at night. Don't get any ideas...that behavior is pretty typical for me. Some more color in the cm this morning & what I thought were abdominal cramps (still thinking about the night before) but I didn't have to go to the bathroom. Then when I get to work I felt slight AF like cramps. But again, none of this really means anything. I am 10 days past the IUI (I think, can't see my signature when I am posting). And I believe possibly 7 dpo.

Oh & they are calling for dumb snow again!!! Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. I just hope work doesn't shut down...although I wouldn't mind as much this time...it's not the end of the month when there are deadlines. Also I am not waiting out an IUI. Maybe this is a sign...snow before my IUI...snow before my BFP. One can hope.

So something bizarre just happened. A lady who works in another branch stopped by & I had some pastries & asked if she wanted one. I knew she would say no because she is always watching her weight. So then she casually mentions being pregnant. I find that interesting because she is only 10 weeks, but is not shy to tell everyone. It's not a bad thing, just don't think I would. Anyways, I was very excited to hear it (not jealous at all). And that is when you start realizing how hard it is not to tell people about ttc. It is a hard conversation when you try to talk to someone who is pregnant & you constant do a quick edit of everything you say...trying not to let something slip. Anyways, I just think it is good timing she showed up with this news...I really hope this mean the pregnancy bug is going around & I am going to catch it.
So now my husband is bugging me about when to test. And I looked at the calendar & realized V-Day is actually on Friday. For some reason I thought it was around Wednesday.

So we played this game last night...we set a timer of 1 minute & then we each made a list of things we would need for a baby. It was pretty fun & you wouldn't believe how blank your mind goes when there is a timer...even when you never go one shopping trip without going through a baby department. Then we compared lists. We had an argument (jokingly) about whether his item of shoes was legit. I told him babies, newborns, do not wear shoes. And he said my item of a teddy bear was not necessary.

He also told me last night he is nervous about having a baby around because he mind break it. He is too funny. He has always been nervous about holding babies.

I had some cramp feelings last night, but again, it was probably my eating habits. I was so hungry waiting for my husband I was eating mac & cheese out of the pot & pork chops. So when he got home, I ate an actual of food. Not good at 8:30 at night. Don't get any ideas...that behavior is pretty typical for me. Some more color in the cm this morning & what I thought were abdominal cramps (still thinking about the night before) but I didn't have to go to the bathroom. Then when I get to work I felt slight AF like cramps. But again, none of this really means anything. I am 10 days past the IUI (I think, can't see my signature when I am posting). And I believe possibly 7 dpo.

Oh & they are calling for dumb snow again!!! Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. I just hope work doesn't shut down...although I wouldn't mind as much this time...it's not the end of the month when there are deadlines. Also I am not waiting out an IUI. Maybe this is a sign...snow before my IUI...snow before my BFP. One can hope.


That is exactly what I thought when I was reading what you wrote about getting snow again this week...it is like a sign!!

How cute that you and your DH had a fun game...shoes are definitely not necessary...but usually look so cute, but it seems like socks and shoes always fall off babies! My hubby is the same, he used to be so nervous around babies - though he is great around little kids. I think the first baby he held was his niece because I didn't give him a choice. We were babysitting and I had to get her bottle ready and she was crying, I handed her over and she immediately stopped her crying...super sweet!

Not much new here...just patiently waiting to start testing... :)
So something bizarre just happened. A lady who works in another branch stopped by & I had some pastries & asked if she wanted one. I knew she would say no because she is always watching her weight. So then she casually mentions being pregnant. I find that interesting because she is only 10 weeks, but is not shy to tell everyone. It's not a bad thing, just don't think I would. Anyways, I was very excited to hear it (not jealous at all). And that is when you start realizing how hard it is not to tell people about ttc. It is a hard conversation when you try to talk to someone who is pregnant & you constant do a quick edit of everything you say...trying not to let something slip. Anyways, I just think it is good timing she showed up with this news...I really hope this mean the pregnancy bug is going around & I am going to catch it.

The pregnancy bug is one bug I wouldn't mind catching this winter!
Sorry to hog the thread today. I really need to be getting to work. but I entered all these psychic contests on facebook. I get a lot of links from Cheri22's page. Some I can't enter because they require you to like or share a status or like the page. I don't want people seeing me liking psychic pages...especially if they specifically say TTC. So anyways...I WON! SO excited. I won an indepth reading from Crystal Mezzona. Can't post a link cause I am at work. I don't really know what this entails, but I had to send her a picture. I also mentioned we were TTC...but nothing else. Can't wait to see what she says.
Sorry to hog the thread today. I really need to be getting to work. but I entered all these psychic contests on facebook. I get a lot of links from Cheri22's page. Some I can't enter because they require you to like or share a status or like the page. I don't want people seeing me liking psychic pages...especially if they specifically say TTC. So anyways...I WON! SO excited. I won an indepth reading from Crystal Mezzona. Can't post a link cause I am at work. I don't really know what this entails, but I had to send her a picture. I also mentioned we were TTC...but nothing else. Can't wait to see what she says.

Awesome, congrats!!

I am not sure the exact steps but I think there is a way share a facebook status and not have it show up on your page. Where the "post" button is there should be a drop down menu and it lists a few options like: "friends", "public", "only me"...when you choose "only me" it will show a lock symbol and will post to your facebook but only you will be able to see it. I have done it for a few freebies that want to post garbage/ads on your facebook page...I just set them to "only me" and that way they don't clog up my friends feeds.
So something bizarre just happened. A lady who works in another branch stopped by & I had some pastries & asked if she wanted one. I knew she would say no because she is always watching her weight. So then she casually mentions being pregnant. I find that interesting because she is only 10 weeks, but is not shy to tell everyone. It's not a bad thing, just don't think I would. Anyways, I was very excited to hear it (not jealous at all). And that is when you start realizing how hard it is not to tell people about ttc. It is a hard conversation when you try to talk to someone who is pregnant & you constant do a quick edit of everything you say...trying not to let something slip. Anyways, I just think it is good timing she showed up with this news...I really hope this mean the pregnancy bug is going around & I am going to catch it.

The pregnancy bug is one bug I wouldn't mind catching this winter!

I'll let the pregnancy bug rub off on me. lol hehe.
Hello everyone - I typically just read everyone's posts on here and try to learn from everyone elses experiences. I've only been ttc for 2 (sort of 3) months - sorta 3 bc I knew NOTHING about my cycles and still don't. This is the first month that I actually know exactly when my last period started, ended, and when the next one started. I did happen to use OPK sticks last month and found I O'd cd17 (so late compared to everyone else on here!), and my LP was 21 days. Needless to say I have super long cycles and I basically have about 9 chances a year to get preggs (I'm such a numbers person!)

So from me basically stalking you ladies and checking this thread DAILY (LOL, I'm sincerely sorry if that creeps anyone out) I decided to try one of the suggestions erode mentioned back in November for my last cycle in January - the robitussin the few days before my expected O. I tried using the OPKs again, but ran out before I got my O smiley face. But very possible I misse the surge.

Ok, sorry to ramble, the real reason I'm actually posting is that while taking the robitussin I had one morning of very faint pink 'stuff' when I wiped in the morning. This has never happened the week leading up to when I was supposed to O - especially CD13 (or at all in my life to this point). I happened to have run out of the robitussin the afternoon before (and I attributed this spotting to the sudden stop of the robitussin) i know this doesn't necessarily make any sense, but nothing else would make sense as I wasn't supposed to O for another 2 days. :/ Currently I am 21 DPO (which from last cycle is totally normal :( )...and I just bought a pregnancy test today. I'm really trying to wait until Wednesday to pee on the stick but I'm DYING! And to top it off my DH is out of town all week...so either way, BFP or BFN, I'm left by myself! Not fair at all!!!

I guess there really weren't any questions involved in any of this but NO ONE knows DH and I are ttc and I'm ready to burst! Thanks for letting me ramble :) wishing everyone BFPs!!!

Hi there! Don't worry about stalking us, we've heard that before, hehe.... :flower: There have been other girls that said they just read our posts for a few weeks (or even a couple months), and then finally decided to jump in and join. We're happy to have you, and it's nice to know that some of our posts help others out a little. :flower:

As for the CM and how it would relate to the robitussin... I have no idea about that. I used it in the cycle that I got my BFP, and when I ran out of the robitussin, I didn't have any pink in my CM. As for what else might've caused it for you, maybe you did miss your surge after running out of OPKs and ended up O'ing early, so maybe it was a little pink from that. Although I know you said it's never happened before in your life. I can honestly say though, since I started TTC, I have noticed things in my body that I will go "Hmm, thats never happened before!", but then I wonder if I just never noticed it because I was never really looking or paying attention! Anyway, sorry I can't be of more help. :(

GL with testing soon!! We'll be cheering you on, and can't wait to hear!! Keep us updated, we're happy you chimed in. :)
beaglemom, so cool about the free reading!!! If you decide to share, I'm looking forward to hearing it. :)

FBG, it is very possible that the pregnancy bug has already caught you, missy! I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up, but your chart is still triphasic. Even today's 98.3 temp is in a set of higher temps for you... if tomorrow's stays between that one and the higher one, your chart is def considered triphasic. Of course, that doesn't always mean pregnancy, but it sure does look good right now! Fxd!!!

Savvy, how are you feeling today?

Anyone else have any updates?

AFM, I used my CB digital OPK and also a cheapie to test for LH surge. They are negative, but I pretty much expected that, and I think I'll get it on cd13, which will be tomorrow. I really hope it is positive tomorrow.... I'm going to be so upset if it isn't, because I'm just such a worry wart these days about what my body is doing. Plus, I'm so ready to be in the TWW. DH and I have already been BDing. I guess since they say the spermies can live in there up to five days, we might as well, right? I might use an OPK tonight, and if it's still neg, then we might skip one night of BDing, just so that his spermies are nice and ready for the most important days, hehe. If it's pos in the morning though, I will be ready to BD as soon as we get off work, unless I can catch him before he goes to work.
Savvy, how are you feeling today?

AFM, I used my CB digital OPK and also a cheapie to test for LH surge. They are negative, but I pretty much expected that, and I think I'll get it on cd13, which will be tomorrow. I really hope it is positive tomorrow.... I'm going to be so upset if it isn't, because I'm just such a worry wart these days about what my body is doing. Plus, I'm so ready to be in the TWW. DH and I have already been BDing. I guess since they say the spermies can live in there up to five days, we might as well, right? I might use an OPK tonight, and if it's still neg, then we might skip one night of BDing, just so that his spermies are nice and ready for the most important days, hehe. If it's pos in the morning though, I will be ready to BD as soon as we get off work, unless I can catch him before he goes to work.

That is great you have been BDing the last few days and my fx'd for a + opk for you tomorrow! I think it might be a good idea to skip a day if your opk is negative tonight...or you could always skip tonight and get a morning session in if you want to make sure you have some fresh swimmers! I kind of regret BDing 5 days in a row last cycle, I wish I would have taken a break one night just because I don't know my hubby's sperm situation! But seriously don't listen to me, I know you said your hubby had a great SA! :)

btw...do you just take the recommended dose of robitussin like you would if you were sick? I am really thinking I might try it this cycle...or at least a kiddie dose because it hurts my stomach...or just stick to preseed...too many decisions to make!!

AF is almost gone just a spot or two left...cramps were a bit intense this morning which was odd. Going to start opks tomorrow and probably start SMEP on Wednesday. Super excited this month! :)

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