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February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Well ladies I have 3 follicles again. One at 23, another at 21, and a little one at 8!! So I am doing the Ovidrel trigger shot TONIGHT!! Then IUI on Thursday morning! DH is not happy about missing some work since he doesn't have very many days to use but we know this is what we want. Now just hope that he can since it is such short notice! We also need to fit in a BD session tonight. I am so excited minus the $325 that I had to spend on the ultrasound. I about died when she told me how much. Do you all think I should take a half day of work after the IUI? I have to be there at 7am, wait for the washing, the IUI at 7:30. Should be done around 8am but then I would have to go straight to work after since the office is 30 minutes away. I kind of want to not stress about getting there, ya know??
Well ladies I have 3 follicles again. One at 23, another at 21, and a little one at 8!! So I am doing the Ovidrel trigger shot TONIGHT!! Then IUI on Thursday morning! DH is not happy about missing some work since he doesn't have very many days to use but we know this is what we want. Now just hope that he can since it is such short notice! We also need to fit in a BD session tonight. I am so excited minus the $325 that I had to spend on the ultrasound. I about died when she told me how much. Do you all think I should take a half day of work after the IUI? I have to be there at 7am, wait for the washing, the IUI at 7:30. Should be done around 8am but then I would have to go straight to work after since the office is 30 minutes away. I kind of want to not stress about getting there, ya know??

Congratulations & good luck! Very exciting. I think it depends on what kind of work you do. I did not have any issues coming in to work after the IUI. I had originally planned to take half or a whole day off, but the timing was just nuts & we had snow days & there was no way I could be out that day for the whole day. But if you have the time & an understanding boss, then take the time off & relax.
I totally forgot to mention...I had a dream last night I had a baby boy with bright red hair...I am a red head. Only weird thing was he grew too fast...it was like I couldn't remember really being pregnant & he was so big when I brought him home. Weird. I actually joke with my husband that is we need donor sperm, I am choosing a red head!
I am a teacher so I am up and down all day. I think I have decided to do a half of a day so that way I am not late and I can go home and relax for a bit. Put my feet up and nap a little. I am really excited about it but DH is more stressed about the $ than anything. He is so focused on that. Maybe because he is a guy... I am not sure. He is like how much is that and that?! I am like ummm a lot! lol
I am a teacher so I am up and down all day. I think I have decided to do a half of a day so that way I am not late and I can go home and relax for a bit. Put my feet up and nap a little. I am really excited about it but DH is more stressed about the $ than anything. He is so focused on that. Maybe because he is a guy... I am not sure. He is like how much is that and that?! I am like ummm a lot! lol

I am the one worrying about money on my side. But I set up an HSA last year & put the max of $2500 in. So we are tapping in to that. It automatically comes from my check & I hardly miss it...plus I got a raise at around the same time. So that helps wash it. The good thing is I have the $2500 available Jan 1 even though I haven't deposited it yet. I am also going through insurance. The dr office refused to send it for reimbursement. They say I don't have coverage, but I think I do. So I sent it on my own...still waiting to hear back.
Well ladies I have 3 follicles again. One at 23, another at 21, and a little one at 8!! So I am doing the Ovidrel trigger shot TONIGHT!! Then IUI on Thursday morning! DH is not happy about missing some work since he doesn't have very many days to use but we know this is what we want. Now just hope that he can since it is such short notice! We also need to fit in a BD session tonight. I am so excited minus the $325 that I had to spend on the ultrasound. I about died when she told me how much. Do you all think I should take a half day of work after the IUI? I have to be there at 7am, wait for the washing, the IUI at 7:30. Should be done around 8am but then I would have to go straight to work after since the office is 30 minutes away. I kind of want to not stress about getting there, ya know??

I am a teacher so I am up and down all day. I think I have decided to do a half of a day so that way I am not late and I can go home and relax for a bit. Put my feet up and nap a little. I am really excited about it but DH is more stressed about the $ than anything. He is so focused on that. Maybe because he is a guy... I am not sure. He is like how much is that and that?! I am like ummm a lot! lol

How awesome! Right in time for a valentines baby!! I would definitely take a half day, like you said, relax and not worry about racing in to work when the IUI is done. Tests, IUIs and ultrasounds might seem expensive now...but wait until you have your sweet LO, average cost of raising a child is $250,000!! That number freaks me out...luckily it is spread out over 18 years but it is still a lot of cash! My cousin had her sweet baby 8 weeks early and was on bedrest for 8 weeks before he was born. Her bill was close to $750,000 that thankfully insurance paid...but we joked that he is a million dollar baby!

Keep us posted on your IUI, super excited for you!!!
So, I was totally surprised when I got home and got a smiley on my CB digital opk. I used an IC too. The line on the IC was blazing dark, and even the stick when I ejected it from the CB digital was blazing blue! Maybe darker than I've ever seen it! I was like whoa!!! So I'm certainly having a super strong LH surge. We BD again tonight, and I used the Preseed. Even though the hostile cm went away, I only have a little bit of cm at all, kinda watery, barely there. But I'm hoping the stretchy stuff will show by tomorrow. I'm now wishing we'd skipped last night, but what can ya do. We'll bd again tomorrow and the next day. Just kinda wish we'd left a day in between for his spermies to gear up, ha.

Crazy thing is, I used those OPKs this morning too, and they were pretty light.... Weird how they can go from being so light, to being crazy dark just from morning to evening.

Awesome!!! Wow, good thing you tested last night! It is crazy how they go from light to blazing positive in the matter of hours. The same thing happened to me last cycle - clearly negative at 6am and blazing positive around 2:30pm, it was the day I almost forgot to test in the afternoon.
Super excited for you this month, when do you start the prog supps?
TLBundle, it would be so hard to wait to tell my hubby but it would also be so cool since you have a few days to put something big together to tell him! Last time I just ran through the house waving the pee stick in my hand...not really romantic!

I have ideas on how to tell my parents but no ideas for my hubby yet!
I am a head of myself but I already bought my husband a coffee cup that on the outside says two becomes three and the inside lip says congrats daddy. I can't wait until I get my BFP and can give it to him:)
Awesome!!! Wow, good thing you tested last night! It is crazy how they go from light to blazing positive in the matter of hours. The same thing happened to me last cycle - clearly negative at 6am and blazing positive around 2:30pm, it was the day I almost forgot to test in the afternoon.
Super excited for you this month, when do you start the prog supps?

I guess I will start taking the P once I get my CHs. So about three days after O. I'm considering only taking it every other day. I dont know that I'm low on P, so I'm not sure i want to take it everyday. But since Clomid "can" thin the uterine lining, I would like the P to help thicken it up nicely. I was thinking every other day might be perfect. My Dr is really completely indifferent and laid back about it. He said P can't hurt...it can only help if someone gets pregnant.
I totally forgot to mention...I had a dream last night I had a baby boy with bright red hair...I am a red head. Only weird thing was he grew too fast...it was like I couldn't remember really being pregnant & he was so big when I brought him home. Weird. I actually joke with my husband that is we need donor sperm, I am choosing a red head!

I have a red-headed nephew by my brother, and a red-headed niece by my younger sister. My sis is red-haired too, so I expected her to have a redhead. But my brother isn't, so we're not sure where that came from. :)

Your baby in your dream sounds like Edward and Bella's daughter in Twilight. LOL. Yes, Twilight fan here... go ahead and make fun of me now. LOL But that's what your dream reminded me of. She grew super fast. hehe!
I guess I will start taking the P once I get my CHs. So about three days after O. I'm considering only taking it every other day. I dont know that I'm low on P, so I'm not sure i want to take it everyday. But since Clomid "can" thin the uterine lining, I would like the P to help thicken it up nicely. I was thinking every other day might be perfect. My Dr is really completely indifferent and laid back about it. He said P can't hurt...it can only help if someone gets pregnant.

Sounds like you have a perfect plan! Excited to see your CH's in a few days and a bfp in a few weeks!! :)
Thanks ladies! I can not believe how much it is to have a baby. And in our case to have one. But I am thanking God that its not IVF. That's a crazy amount. What makes me sad is that a lot of insurances don't cover infertility. Just makes me said that we have a lot of assistance for other things but not with this. For the ones who WANT a baby so bad! Crazy to me!!! Anyways, I really think that this cycle is better with more mature eggs because I have just relaxed more. That can make it happen, right?!

And the dream made me think of Twilight too! I LOVE those books. I read them one summer in like 4 days. I did not sleep LOL
Sorry, guys...not a Twilight fan...although I have seen the movies so I know what you are talking about. I would love a red head, but my hair is a mystery as well, so just not sure if the gene is strong enough.

So I have some lower back pain right now & some AF like cramping...very very very faint brown discharge...can barely see it. The lower back pain could be because today was crazy & I barely had time to pee. I am a little discouraged by the AF cramps, but trying to stay positive.
I agree, I hate that most insurances don't cover infertility. I think of all the crazy things I can get for free because of my insurance and I don't even take advantage of half of that stuff. I am thankful that I do have great insurance and a family friend who is a doctor for free checkups and stuff. Of course the family friend does ultrasounds...but I wouldn't be able to tell him why I want one! I honestly have no idea what my insurance covers infertility wise, I didn't want to stress myself out so I just choose not to know until/if I need to know.

I think relaxing and enjoying life is a good way to have a better cycle. I am trying to eat healthier and just spend more time with family and friends. I do have to say ttc has brought DH and I closer than ever before. :)
It is quiet around here today! How is everyone doing? It looks like we are all waiting to test either opk or hpt...hoping for some + tests!!

AFM: Still barely spotting, (TMI) just a bit of brown spots when I wipe...CD7...will this ever end? Anyone know if you can ovulate while still spotting from AF? I started the opks today and this afternoon was kind of close to positive...I doubt I am ovulating though. Probably just a darker test. Going to BD tonight just incase.

Hope everyone is having a great day! :)
Well I took my first ovidrel shot last night. I made my DH do it for me. Wasn't too bad. Now I feel really bloated today! I hate feeling fat:( How are you Savvy and everyone else.

T-minus 15 hrs until IUI :)
Good luck with the IUI.

The psychic messaged the winners & told us we would have the reading by Friday. Also I learned you can hide your likes on FB...so I did that & liked all the psychics :)

We are having a snow day. So I am inside playing Sims & watching Hulu while my husband plays in the snow :) Based on today's weather, we will probably be delayed tomorrow :) I feel like I have wasted the day away, but it feels nice.

I am having some pretty intense AF like cramps today. No spotting at all. I am really hoping this is a good sign. I am getting so nervous.
Well I took my first ovidrel shot last night. I made my DH do it for me. Wasn't too bad. Now I feel really bloated today! I hate feeling fat:( How are you Savvy and everyone else.

T-minus 15 hrs until IUI :)

Yay! Good luck with your IUI tomorrow morning! :)
Bloating is the worst...with my stomach issues I get random bloating a few days a week. The best thing I have found for bloating is to lay face down on your stomach for about 5-10 minutes, then I usually roll over on my back and alternate legs bringing them up to my chest. I do this on the floor and it seems to relax and relieve some of the bloating.
Beaglemom, when you mention the Sims I want to start playing again...best game ever! :)

I think it is great to enjoy an extra snow day and not do any housework! You work hard all week, it is like a reward! Fx'd the cramps are a good sign!

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