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February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

I still havent tested again... I just feel like af is coming, but no spotting or anything today and tomorrow is the due date. If i dont wake up with af i will test tomorrow.

I also bought some evening primrose oil for next month, how much are you supposed to take?
I still havent tested again... I just feel like af is coming, but no spotting or anything today and tomorrow is the due date. If i dont wake up with af i will test tomorrow.

I also bought some evening primrose oil for next month, how much are you supposed to take?

I think I may test tomorrow morning, too...but it is way early for me. I keep going back & forth in my mind. Do you normally start the same time of day? I usually start sometimes at night & wake up to it.

Good luck.
I still havent tested again... I just feel like af is coming, but no spotting or anything today and tomorrow is the due date. If i dont wake up with af i will test tomorrow.

I also bought some evening primrose oil for next month, how much are you supposed to take?

I took it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night before bed. Hope that helps!
Well, ultrasound for me tomorrow bright and early at 7am! I am hoping for some good little eggs in there!! Then I will also know day of IUI!!! Getting really excited about this month. I went out with friends this weekend and feel refreshed some how. More relaxed too. I am changing my mind from "I can't get pregnant" to "There is nothing wrong with me and I CAN get pregnant!"
Well, ultrasound for me tomorrow bright and early at 7am! I am hoping for some good little eggs in there!! Then I will also know day of IUI!!! Getting really excited about this month. I went out with friends this weekend and feel refreshed some how. More relaxed too. I am changing my mind from "I can't get pregnant" to "There is nothing wrong with me and I CAN get pregnant!"

Awesome attitude....I have changed my words from IF I get pregnant to WHEN I get pregnant. No more doubting it will happen! Just a matter of time.
I am loving the positive vibes from this thread!! Looking forward to seeing many bfps this month!

TMI...does anyone ever get a period that starts and stops for two days? It will stop completely then I will feel some major cramps and it will start back up for like an hour then stop again for a few hours...very confusing as I thought AF was on her way out...hoping my body is just preparing in its own way for my baby bean this month!
Hi Savvy, I sometimes take the normal dose four times a day (its the regular bottled robitussin, so just whatever it says on the bottle you got). Other days, I just take three doses because I forget or am close to running out or something. This time around, i've only been taking it three times a day because I keep forgetting one in the middle of the day, lol. I would be careful with your IBS though... maybe start low...see how your tummy handles on the first day. As for the strange AF.... I think I've had some like that before in the past... way back when I was on the pill though... it would maybe stop for half a day and I'd think it was on its way out, and then it would start up again. Not often, but occasionally.

I love the positive vibes everyone has too. :) This month, when I talk about it to my DH, I basically say "since i'm getting pregnant this month", or "When I find out I'm pregnant at the end of the month", or whatever. I talk and think as if I already know I AM getting pregnant this month. I never question it in my mind at all.
I am loving the positive vibes from this thread!! Looking forward to seeing many bfps this month!

TMI...does anyone ever get a period that starts and stops for two days? It will stop completely then I will feel some major cramps and it will start back up for like an hour then stop again for a few hours...very confusing as I thought AF was on her way out...hoping my body is just preparing in its own way for my baby bean this month!

Savvy, sometimes my period is like that...basically I have a few days of brown spotting, then heavy red bleeding which I call CD 1...sometimes I will have a day of nothing (maybe light light spotting) around day 3, then it goes back to a normal/light flow, then tapers off to the brown spotting again.
Hi Savvy, I sometimes take the normal dose four times a day (its the regular bottled robitussin, so just whatever it says on the bottle you got). Other days, I just take three doses because I forget or am close to running out or something. This time around, i've only been taking it three times a day because I keep forgetting one in the middle of the day, lol. I would be careful with your IBS though... maybe start low...see how your tummy handles on the first day. As for the strange AF.... I think I've had some like that before in the past... way back when I was on the pill though... it would maybe stop for half a day and I'd think it was on its way out, and then it would start up again. Not often, but occasionally.

I love the positive vibes everyone has too. :) This month, when I talk about it to my DH, I basically say "since i'm getting pregnant this month", or "When I find out I'm pregnant at the end of the month", or whatever. I talk and think as if I already know I AM getting pregnant this month. I never question it in my mind at all.

Erin, any luck on a + opk tonight or does it look like you will get a smiley tomorrow?

Thanks for the info on the robitussin. :flower: I haven't bought it yet...I have the mucinex at home that my DH refused to let me take since it caused me stomach issues a few years ago. That is why I thought maybe a baby dose of the robitussin would help and not cause stomach issues...since I don't notice any cm I am wondering if I should just stick to the preseed. I just ordered another tube from amazon!

I am just glad I didn't have any clots this time, that worried me last month (1st cycle after m/c). Hopefully tomorrow AF will be done...I want to start using opks!! :)
Savvy, sometimes my period is like that...basically I have a few days of brown spotting, then heavy red bleeding which I call CD 1...sometimes I will have a day of nothing (maybe light light spotting) around day 3, then it goes back to a normal/light flow, then tapers off to the brown spotting again.

Thanks beaglemom! I have had spotting towards the end before but never like this with the cramps and stuff for two days now. I sure hope this is my last period for a very long time!!
Savvy, sometimes my period is like that...basically I have a few days of brown spotting, then heavy red bleeding which I call CD 1...sometimes I will have a day of nothing (maybe light light spotting) around day 3, then it goes back to a normal/light flow, then tapers off to the brown spotting again.

Thanks beaglemom! I have had spotting towards the end before but never like this with the cramps and stuff for two days now. I sure hope this is my last period for a very long time!!

Ha ha! Me, too. But I think child birth is the price we pay for 9 months without it.
Hi Savvy, I sometimes take the normal dose four times a day (its the regular bottled robitussin, so just whatever it says on the bottle you got). Other days, I just take three doses because I forget or am close to running out or something. This time around, i've only been taking it three times a day because I keep forgetting one in the middle of the day, lol. I would be careful with your IBS though... maybe start low...see how your tummy handles on the first day. As for the strange AF.... I think I've had some like that before in the past... way back when I was on the pill though... it would maybe stop for half a day and I'd think it was on its way out, and then it would start up again. Not often, but occasionally.

I love the positive vibes everyone has too. :) This month, when I talk about it to my DH, I basically say "since i'm getting pregnant this month", or "When I find out I'm pregnant at the end of the month", or whatever. I talk and think as if I already know I AM getting pregnant this month. I never question it in my mind at all.

Erin, we are the same way at home. I was in the kitchen & said to the husband will you be upset if I'm not pregnant...& he said no, because you are. He actually surprised me today. I came home & he said he opened his bedroom (we have a 3 bedroom & one is his man room...soon to be baby room :) ) & the dog went in there & made a disaster mess. I walked in to a completely empty room. He even pulled up the carpet. We are gradually doing laminate in the house. So when I walked in the dogs all followed & I said guys this is the baby's room!
Hi Savvy, I sometimes take the normal dose four times a day (its the regular bottled robitussin, so just whatever it says on the bottle you got). Other days, I just take three doses because I forget or am close to running out or something. This time around, i've only been taking it three times a day because I keep forgetting one in the middle of the day, lol. I would be careful with your IBS though... maybe start low...see how your tummy handles on the first day. As for the strange AF.... I think I've had some like that before in the past... way back when I was on the pill though... it would maybe stop for half a day and I'd think it was on its way out, and then it would start up again. Not often, but occasionally.

I love the positive vibes everyone has too. :) This month, when I talk about it to my DH, I basically say "since i'm getting pregnant this month", or "When I find out I'm pregnant at the end of the month", or whatever. I talk and think as if I already know I AM getting pregnant this month. I never question it in my mind at all.

Erin, we are the same way at home. I was in the kitchen & said to the husband will you be upset if I'm not pregnant...& he said no, because you are. He actually surprised me today. I came home & he said he opened his bedroom (we have a 3 bedroom & one is his man room...soon to be baby room :) ) & the dog went in there & made a disaster mess. I walked in to a completely empty room. He even pulled up the carpet. We are gradually doing laminate in the house. So when I walked in the dogs all followed & I said guys this is the baby's room!

Awww. . . what a sweet surprise. I always wished my dh could do something big like that. I guess he will have to be creative. we just built our house so i hope he doesnt do too much bc i love my carpet and paint. You should post pics i love seeing renovations. i did buy a cute wall decore thing. its a flat metal cowboy holding his childs hand while walking. i hope someday i can capture this moment with my dh and child/ children.
BeagleMom we are watching dh cousins children but once the oldest one goes to bed i am going to try to get dh to play your game. i dont know what he will come up with. we might even try the game with names. Some how we named our dog in two names and totally loved the name. it fit her so well. now a child is a little harder. cant come up with any boys names. we would like to name our first boy after his brother who passed but not sure how quite yet.
Ha ha! Me, too. But I think child birth is the price we pay for 9 months without it.

Yikes, that is very true! If I can be honest for a moment...we got married right out of college and we were both young. We wanted a few years of just "us" but in that time I scared myself about morning sickness/childbirth...I finally realized I want a family and I will deal with whatever comes my way, it will all be worth it in the end :)
Hi ladies...just wanted to check in although not much to report. It's been the best TWW wait ever, mostly because we didn't try (although technically it's possible since we DTD once or twice around what was prob O time). I went ahead and scheduled the procedure for the 21st, b/c AF is due on the 14th (Happy vday right!! Lol) so on the off chance I was preg we would know and could cancel. It's really nice not temping or testing or worrying, and I think when I'm all healed up, I will be refreshed and positive again. It was beginning to take an emotional toll.

Anyway, I haven't written much lately, but just wanted to let you sweet ladies know I'm keeping up with you and rooting for you all!! Hugs!! Cheers to all of us getting our BFPs soon!!
So, I was totally surprised when I got home and got a smiley on my CB digital opk. I used an IC too. The line on the IC was blazing dark, and even the stick when I ejected it from the CB digital was blazing blue! Maybe darker than I've ever seen it! I was like whoa!!! So I'm certainly having a super strong LH surge. We BD again tonight, and I used the Preseed. Even though the hostile cm went away, I only have a little bit of cm at all, kinda watery, barely there. But I'm hoping the stretchy stuff will show by tomorrow. I'm now wishing we'd skipped last night, but what can ya do. We'll bd again tomorrow and the next day. Just kinda wish we'd left a day in between for his spermies to gear up, ha.

Crazy thing is, I used those OPKs this morning too, and they were pretty light.... Weird how they can go from being so light, to being crazy dark just from morning to evening.
Beaglemom and Erin - thank you for your comments, I also didn't think the robitussin was the cause of the pink discharge...I was basically scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a reason and that was the only thing I could think of :) Erin you are probably right that I might have had something like that happen before but just never paid attention to it.

I'm officially two days past due for AF and I'm trying to wait until Wednesday before I test just in case this is an usually long cycle. I feel like I have the good angel/bad angel scenario going on right now...part of me feels like -WHY WAIT?!, where the other part feels like - why test wed? That's too early, wait til Vday and make it more dramatic? Haha I can come up with legit reasons for both!

I was thinking today...what if I do get my BFP? Since my DH is out of town until Sunday, do I wait to tell him in person or do it over the phone? I talk to him at least couple of times each day and I'm not sure I won't spill the beans (or the secret about one specific bean!)

Any thoughts ladies? I would love to hear all thoughts/opinions as I'm totally confused! Heck I still don't even know if I'm preggs yet!
Erin - I'm so happy to see you got your pos OPK :) you have such a good attitude about this month and you've been working hard to get that sticky bean ;)

Beaglemom - I bet we are all on pins and needles waiting for the results of your test if you do it in the am. This is a good month for you, snow and all! I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way the IUI was a success and the AI backup wasn't necessary! I'm totally playing that timed list game when DH gets back - we both are so competitive (in a good way!) :)

Savvy - hopefully your AF will make up its mind so you can get back to business soon! Makes it a bit more difficult when you're waiting on something that you have no control over.

Sara - I hope you get a nice surprise this month and have to cancel that appointment on the 21st!

I can't wait to hear the updates and BFPs for this month...I'm so pumped and send out tons of baby dust to everyone!
So I took a FRER this morning & got a neg. No surprise there. It is still too early. At best, I am 8 dpo. But my husband is too excited so I had to do it.

As far as telling your husband, I have thought of so many ideas. I will never be able to surprise him if I get a pos on a day he is off. But on the other days I could. I actually thought if I got a pos on V-Day, I would go to a florist & buy a rose & tie the test to it...then drive to his work & put it in his car. But the ideas change with each cycle based on what is going on & if there are any holidays. I also thought about buying a box of chocolates & cutting out space inside to put the test. As for my mom, hers is all planned. When I find out, I am going to cafepress.com & ordering a personalized onsie & matching hat. It will have a fish n the hat & on the onsie & it will say Gone fishing with Grandma...then at the bottom I will put Surf City, NC which is where her favorite pier is.

As for the timing of BD....my dr always told me every other day even before we were told he had a low count. But other women on here had doctors tell them the exact opposite. I don't think it is really something to know for sure until you know the count. But I also just think it is whatever makes you feel secure. Just don't beat yourself up if you don't have sex every day. It is ok to take a break.

Still no word from my psychic...it is driving me crazy...I just want to get my reading so badly. There are snow flurries here, so with any luck, I will get to go home early.

Well maybe I should get some work done. Have a good day ladies!

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