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February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Yep savvy, I think I'll start taking the Prog tomorrow. Just have to decide if I'd prefer to take it every other day to start, and then just go from there if I get a faint bfp again. FF should be giving me CHs tomorrow after I enter my next temp. This will be a fun and exciting TWW since I'm feeling so positive. (It will also make a BFN that much more devastating too though, so I need to get myself in check... but I'm still talking to DH like we're gonna be prego, and I'm keeping only good thoughts :winkwink:.)
Cramping off and on continues. But it was more intense the day of the brown blood. Spotting continues but it is very little only when I wipe. I'm still hanging in there. May take a test for the hell of it.

We are on a delay at work, then a 3 day weekend. So I am feeling pretty lazy today. We plan to go outlet shopping on Sunday. Should be fun. Haven't gone in a while.
Erin, I am so glad you are staying positive! I really think you have such a great chance this cycle since you are back on clomid, used robitussin, preseed and now if you start the prog you are helping the bean implant safely! I see your CHs showed up today too!!

Beaglemom, wow you guys must be getting some horrible weather! But it is nice that you are able to stay home and relax. How does your hubby like his new hours at work?

Not much new here...still faint opks at CD9...

Happy Valentine's Day! :)
Erin, I am so glad you are staying positive! I really think you have such a great chance this cycle since you are back on clomid, used robitussin, preseed and now if you start the prog you are helping the bean implant safely! I see your CHs showed up today too!!

Beaglemom, wow you guys must be getting some horrible weather! But it is nice that you are able to stay home and relax. How does your hubby like his new hours at work?

Not much new here...still faint opks at CD9...

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

The day hours are much better. We had quite a bit of snow...about 3-4 inches. But the really bad part was afterwards was freezing temps & rain. My driveway still had ice on it this morning & I also slid a little on the road at one spot where I didn;t notice the ice. But overall today the roads are much better.

FYI, my test was again negative, but I am only about 11-12 dpo. Still having some cramping. Longest cycle on clomid was 32 days...so on Tuesday if I don't start I would start counting my days late.
The day hours are much better. We had quite a bit of snow...about 3-4 inches. But the really bad part was afterwards was freezing temps & rain. My driveway still had ice on it this morning & I also slid a little on the road at one spot where I didn;t notice the ice. But overall today the roads are much better.

FYI, my test was again negative, but I am only about 11-12 dpo. Still having some cramping. Longest cycle on clomid was 32 days...so on Tuesday if I don't start I would start counting my days late.

We still have about 2 foot of snow piled up outside from all the snow last month, thankfully the roads have dried with the sun but it will take a lot of warmer days to melt the rest of the snow. I like the snow in our yard, at this point of the year because it covers the dead grass. Of course little snow showers pop up and make the roads terrible again but usually melt within a day or two...now for my driveway (aka the ice skating rink) it is absolutely horrible! If I don't fall and break my neck this winter it will be a miracle!

The freezing temps and rain can really mess up the roads worse than snow I think. I am always scared of black ice since you don't know what you hit until you are slipping and sliding. 11-12dpo is still early for a bfp...in December I didn't get mine until 10 days after AF was due and I think Erin didn't get hers until 14dpo...stay positive beaglemom, good things come to those who wait! :)
The day hours are much better. We had quite a bit of snow...about 3-4 inches. But the really bad part was afterwards was freezing temps & rain. My driveway still had ice on it this morning & I also slid a little on the road at one spot where I didn;t notice the ice. But overall today the roads are much better.

FYI, my test was again negative, but I am only about 11-12 dpo. Still having some cramping. Longest cycle on clomid was 32 days...so on Tuesday if I don't start I would start counting my days late.

We still have about 2 foot of snow piled up outside from all the snow last month, thankfully the roads have dried with the sun but it will take a lot of warmer days to melt the rest of the snow. I like the snow in our yard, at this point of the year because it covers the dead grass. Of course little snow showers pop up and make the roads terrible again but usually melt within a day or two...now for my driveway (aka the ice skating rink) it is absolutely horrible! If I don't fall and break my neck this winter it will be a miracle!

The freezing temps and rain can really mess up the roads worse than snow I think. I am always scared of black ice since you don't know what you hit until you are slipping and sliding. 11-12dpo is still early for a bfp...in December I didn't get mine until 10 days after AF was due and I think Erin didn't get hers until 14dpo...stay positive beaglemom, good things come to those who wait! :)

Thanks...I appreciate the support. I am def trying to stay positive. If we go shopping on SUnday, I def plan to baby shop/window shop. It helps me stay focused & positive.

I wish I never showed up to work today. I have only dealt with one customer, but they have really pissed me off. I am just ready for the day to be over & it only just started.
Thanks...I appreciate the support. I am def trying to stay positive. If we go shopping on SUnday, I def plan to baby shop/window shop. It helps me stay focused & positive.

I wish I never showed up to work today. I have only dealt with one customer, but they have really pissed me off. I am just ready for the day to be over & it only just started.

Ugh, hope the day passes quick! TGIF!

Fun to window shop...also I love some baby pinning on Pinterest! Of course it is on a "secret" board! :baby:
I just started pinterest. I don't do pinning...at least not yet. My husband says I don't know how to do things right. I am not on Instagram yet.

So I am so done today. I don't feel like being here. And now, I almost literally feel like crying. Nothing that awful has happened. I am usually not emotional around AF. So I don't know. Maybe it is the clomid. One month on clomid I really flipped out...but something triggered it. Today nothing is really bad going on. I know this could be another ealry sign, but I am really trying to not get too wrapped up in symptom spotting. But I am just all of a sudden emotional. I almost feel frustrated to the point of crying, but nothing has been stressing me out...not to that extent. Plus I have had 2 days off from work. I have also started googling over & over but keep cloing the page trying to keep my mind off everything.
Just need to vent...my opk looks *almost* positive but I am pretty sure it is not. Waiting for 3 hours to test again just in case! :(
Just need to vent...my opk looks *almost* positive but I am pretty sure it is not. Waiting for 3 hours to test again just in case! :(

I know exactly how that is...went through that last month. Plus I was using a new kind of test. So at one point I was just like these tests are CRAP! But then I finally got a positive & was like oh yeh that is definitly positive. But I think with you doing the every other day, you are covered until you see the pos test. But I know you are just anxious to get a pos so you can feel productive. Otherwise you just are in the waiting game.
Savvy IUI went great yesterday! He said I did very well. Then he told me to shut my eyes and rest a few. So I did and envisioned a big baby bump almost the whole time. But I am worried that even though I took the ovidrel shot that I did not O because I took an opk the morning of IUI which looked - It was very close to + though so much so that I almost could not tell. I told him that and he said that I should have or should be since I did the trigger. I felt like I was the night before too. He thinks that I may have just missed it. Who knows?? DH count was great at 18 million with 50% mobility. They have him a grade 3. Anyone know what that means? When I got home I put a warm water bottle on my belly for a little bit then laid down. I also did the water bottle again last night. I was having major cramps yesterday so it helped a lot. Now I feel like I am getting a sinus infection:( Also, took another opk today which was -

Beaglemom No AF?? I hope not! A BFP would be awesome!!

And I agree that if you have pain on each side that you are O from both. That is they way I have felt that past 3 months on Femara because it causes both sides to O. Which is great seeing how I don't know if my left tube is blocked.

Hope everyone is well:)
Oh I almost forgot... DH sa cam back and look great. His count was low. Lower than I have seen it with both IUIs but he did drink pretty heavily the night before. He was at a diaper party. Any of your DHs been to one? Its funny because I went and hung out with another wife that night then met up with the boys later. There was a nurse there that my DH was blabbing too about his sa in the morning and she was like. Oh the alcohol with help. I said "umm I don't think so. Are you sure?" She was like oh yea. But I know alcohol kills sperm along with smoking/dipping and drugs. I was just like um ok. His morphology was a 4%. Anyone know what that means? Nurse said that was good but I have no clue.
Not sure what grade 3 means, but the 4 % morphology is a good number. I think morphology is the actual shape/form of the sperm. Motility is how well it moves. I think that is right. I don't know how alcohol could help the count. And drinking the night before should not effect anything bc the boys are made 3 months in advance. But I am no dr, so what do I know. That is a great count. Was that after the wash? Not sure about the whole opk thing...but I would trust whatever the dr is saying. He would know better. Glad you were able to take it easy. I have been doing the mind thing too...just imagining a baby growing...the night I had a lot of brown blood & bad cramping I thought for sure AF would come that night. In bed I told my husband to put his hand over my ovaries & said I need you to just imagine what is happening in there...imagine it to be true & real. I hope this TWW isn't too bad for you. I am a wreck. I still feel good. But every day I get closer I get more nervous. I never asked if my dr would just do a blood test since I had the IUI...but I think I would rather wait it out. Bad enough to get a neg hpt...don't need neg blood work & then just have to sit around & wait for AF. I didn't feel bad after the IUI at all really. But you are on way more drugs than I am, so I know it is all having an effect on you. Good luck, I really hope this is the one!
Not sure what grade 3 means, but the 4 % morphology is a good number. I think morphology is the actual shape/form of the sperm. Motility is how well it moves. I think that is right. I don't know how alcohol could help the count. And drinking the night before should not effect anything bc the boys are made 3 months in advance. But I am no dr, so what do I know. That is a great count. Was that after the wash? Not sure about the whole opk thing...but I would trust whatever the dr is saying. He would know better. Glad you were able to take it easy. I have been doing the mind thing too...just imagining a baby growing...the night I had a lot of brown blood & bad cramping I thought for sure AF would come that night. In bed I told my husband to put his hand over my ovaries & said I need you to just imagine what is happening in there...imagine it to be true & real. I hope this TWW isn't too bad for you. I am a wreck. I still feel good. But every day I get closer I get more nervous. I never asked if my dr would just do a blood test since I had the IUI...but I think I would rather wait it out. Bad enough to get a neg hpt...don't need neg blood work & then just have to sit around & wait for AF. I didn't feel bad after the IUI at all really. But you are on way more drugs than I am, so I know it is all having an effect on you. Good luck, I really hope this is the one!

I know that is the shape but I guess my question is what does that 4% mean? Only 4% is not shaped correctly or something?? Also, I was looking online about the alcohol thing after I got the results and somewhere it said that they tell you not to drink 72 hours before a test because alcohol is a depressant and can affect sperm production. Not sure if that is true or not. Have you heard that?
I never knew that the sperm is made 90 days out until yesterday talking with the nurse at my REs office. I was like oh well opps he doesn't take his multivitamin regularly. He better now! lol. The meds make me really tired. I am usually fine except for days like 7-15. Those days I notice I am pretty tired. Other than that I have felt great. I do get cramps a lot before and during O. Like period cramps which sucks but is good at the same time because I know I am O. The first one I was fine after but I think I am just getting sick. These kids I am around all day carry some nasty germs :wacko: I have not been sick ALL school year but today I have sinus pain, runny nose, sneezing, and a headache. Hope it does away soon! I have been taking Alka-Seltzer plus to help. I want this IUI to be it too! I hate having to go through all of this :nope:
The 4% is percentage of normal. Which I know sounds like a crazy low number, but I guess that's ok. I have not heard much about alcohol & sperm count in the short term...only long term being bad if excessive. My husband is not much of a drinker, so I don't pay much attention to that.

I hope you don't get sick! It can really mess you up when you don't know where your symptoms are coming from.

I am having some intense cramps now. I hope it is a good thing.

I hope we both get our pos hpt & we will be 2 weeks apart in our IUI pregnancy!!!
The 4% is percentage of normal. Which I know sounds like a crazy low number, but I guess that's ok. I have not heard much about alcohol & sperm count in the short term...only long term being bad if excessive. My husband is not much of a drinker, so I don't pay much attention to that.

I hope you don't get sick! It can really mess you up when you don't know where your symptoms are coming from.

I am having some intense cramps now. I hope it is a good thing.

I hope we both get our pos hpt & we will be 2 weeks apart in our IUI pregnancy!!!

That would be awesome!! And 4% does sound really low. This is so confusing.

So I just had a teacher who has been TTC for years literally just told me she is 12weeks pregnant! They were not even trying! It can happen!!!
The 4% is percentage of normal. Which I know sounds like a crazy low number, but I guess that's ok. I have not heard much about alcohol & sperm count in the short term...only long term being bad if excessive. My husband is not much of a drinker, so I don't pay much attention to that.

I hope you don't get sick! It can really mess you up when you don't know where your symptoms are coming from.

I am having some intense cramps now. I hope it is a good thing.

I hope we both get our pos hpt & we will be 2 weeks apart in our IUI pregnancy!!!

That would be awesome!! And 4% does sound really low. This is so confusing.

So I just had a teacher who has been TTC for years literally just told me she is 12weeks pregnant! They were not even trying! It can happen!!!

Thanks....I love hearing stuff like that. My husband says this month we did something really different & that's why this month it is going to happen. I just try to keep thinking like that.
Me too I keep going back and forth of yes this can happen to total doubt like this is never going to happen for me:.( last month was mostly negative but this month I feel like it can REALLY happen.
I just got my next DVD from Netflix & it is Law & Order. Just so happens the 2nd episode is about fertility clinics. Can I not get away from the topic?
Just need to vent...my opk looks *almost* positive but I am pretty sure it is not. Waiting for 3 hours to test again just in case! :(

I know exactly how that is...went through that last month. Plus I was using a new kind of test. So at one point I was just like these tests are CRAP! But then I finally got a positive & was like oh yeh that is definitly positive. But I think with you doing the every other day, you are covered until you see the pos test. But I know you are just anxious to get a pos so you can feel productive. Otherwise you just are in the waiting game.

Still waiting...of course the one at 5pm was clearly negative. I know what you mean, last month I wasn't sure if one was positive and a few days later it was so blazing positive there was not a doubt in my mind. Really hoping for a + opk on Monday (CD12)!

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