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February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

misaacs, glad to hear the IUI went well! Fx'd the tww passes quick and you can test!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
I want the 2ww to pass quickly! I want there to be those two lines on the test more than anything! Hope this cycle brings BFP to us all:)
I want the 2ww to pass quickly! I want there to be those two lines on the test more than anything! Hope this cycle brings BFP to us all:)

Me too. I think you and I are right about the same point or so. I O'd on the night of Feb 11th, and you had your IUI on the 13th. :) It's really all I can think about, so I think I need to start a project or something so that I can stop obsessing, lol.
beaglemom, anything new today? Any spotting, crampiness, any new symptoms??

savvy, I bet you'll get your pos OPK any day now!

Allison, if you're checking in, I was wondering if you could tell me if you had any side effects from the Prog supplements you took?
I want the 2ww to pass quickly! I want there to be those two lines on the test more than anything! Hope this cycle brings BFP to us all:)

Me too. I think you and I are right about the same point or so. I O'd on the night of Feb 11th, and you had your IUI on the 13th. :) It's really all I can think about, so I think I need to start a project or something so that I can stop obsessing, lol.

That means we are testing buddies!!!
I am only 2dpIUI and all I have been doing really is googleing and sleeping lol. I feel like each day brings up a new doubt in my mind that I have to battle. Day of IUI was that my opk did not look absolutely + Then yesterday was what if the trigger did not make me O and can that happen? Now I have been looking up the ovidrel and others have had s/e with it like BT and moodiness and I have had nothing. I keep self diagnosing myself lol. Which I should really stop since I have my RE for this but can not help it. Also, the opks the day after IUI was definitely -. Do you do this? Maybe I have some obsessiveness going on LOL
I want the 2ww to pass quickly! I want there to be those two lines on the test more than anything! Hope this cycle brings BFP to us all:)

Me too. I think you and I are right about the same point or so. I O'd on the night of Feb 11th, and you had your IUI on the 13th. :) It's really all I can think about, so I think I need to start a project or something so that I can stop obsessing, lol.

That means we are testing buddies!!!
I am only 2dpIUI and all I have been doing really is googleing and sleeping lol. I feel like each day brings up a new doubt in my mind that I have to battle. Day of IUI was that my opk did not look absolutely + Then yesterday was what if the trigger did not make me O and can that happen? Now I have been looking up the ovidrel and others have had s/e with it like BT and moodiness and I have had nothing. I keep self diagnosing myself lol. Which I should really stop since I have my RE for this but can not help it. Also, the opks the day after IUI was definitely -. Do you do this? Maybe I have some obsessiveness going on LOL

Yes, I do this as well! Not every single cycle... but this cycle, i'm being really bad about it. I decided last night that I need to stay off google unless I'm looking up something positive. I keep filling my head with unnecessary negative thoughts, when I have a lot of reasons to be thinking only positive thoughts! TTC makes us crazy, doesn't it? LOL:wacko:
I want the 2ww to pass quickly! I want there to be those two lines on the test more than anything! Hope this cycle brings BFP to us all:)

Me too. I think you and I are right about the same point or so. I O'd on the night of Feb 11th, and you had your IUI on the 13th. :) It's really all I can think about, so I think I need to start a project or something so that I can stop obsessing, lol.

That means we are testing buddies!!!
I am only 2dpIUI and all I have been doing really is googleing and sleeping lol. I feel like each day brings up a new doubt in my mind that I have to battle. Day of IUI was that my opk did not look absolutely + Then yesterday was what if the trigger did not make me O and can that happen? Now I have been looking up the ovidrel and others have had s/e with it like BT and moodiness and I have had nothing. I keep self diagnosing myself lol. Which I should really stop since I have my RE for this but can not help it. Also, the opks the day after IUI was definitely -. Do you do this? Maybe I have some obsessiveness going on LOL

Yes, I do this as well! Not every single cycle... but this cycle, i'm being really bad about it. I decided last night that I need to stay off google unless I'm looking up something positive. I keep filling my head with unnecessary negative thoughts, when I have a lot of reasons to be thinking only positive thoughts! TTC makes us crazy, doesn't it? LOL:wacko:

Yes, it does!! I do it all of the time. I am always talking about it to DH. He even said to my mom when we were visiting her the other day that he rather stay because he knows that when he leaves he will have to listen to me talk about my eggs :laugh2:
Nothing new today. Negative cheap test & the spotting is very light which is similar to pre-AF for me. The cramping continues off & on. Sometimes it is pretty light & other times it seems pretty intense. Last night I ordered some food & we ate when my husband came home. I felt sick after & I didn't think I ate that much. But I drank a lot of tea & it is southern tea, so that probably filled me up really fast.

I am def a google crazy person these days. I started plenty of searches at work yesterday but kept closing the window. I am trying hard to be positive. A few things I like to do are think about how my baby room will look. I look online for furniture, wall decorations, bedding. I have too many ideas for themes. I think about names & I think about what I would do if it were twins. I think about how to tell my mom & my sister...when to tell people. Focusing on the end game really helps me. I went shopping today & browsed the baby stuff. Also went to the used baby store again. I bought a picture frame that says Life doesn't get any better than this...so I think about the kind of pic I want in it & if it will go in the baby room or in the family picture hallway. I know these thoughts can be painful for other people, so my way is def not everyone else's way. But I think this stuff is fun & it helps me.

Erin & misaacs, I hope this way goes by fast for you...I wish my wait would just end already!!!

My husband & I are going outlet shopping tomorrow. I am really looking forward to that. We have a lot of fun when we go shopping & it will be our first time at the outlets being able to think about baby stuff.
I just got my next DVD from Netflix & it is Law & Order. Just so happens the 2nd episode is about fertility clinics. Can I not get away from the topic?

Ok...so seriously? I am now watching the newest episode of L & O SVU, & Benson is buying a pregnancy test. IT'S EVERYWHERE!
Yep, me too...guilty of using google! :)

I feel so far behind everyone here...I am still waiting for a +opk and you girls are all in your tww! Hoping I can catch up soon...opks are still negative.
Yep, me too...guilty of using google! :)

I feel so far behind everyone here...I am still waiting for a +opk and you girls are all in your tww! Hoping I can catch up soon...opks are still negative.

Don't feel behind! I think according to FBG's chart, she's on CD5 or so right now, so just a few days behind you. :) Beaglemom is about a week ahead of me, I think, so probably on the verge of possibly getting some wonderful news. ;) I think between us and some of the others who haven't been chatting much, we're all at different points in our cycles. We have a nice mixed little group here.
So girls, since we were chatting about things to keep our minds busy earlier, I felt like jumping on and chatting a bit more, as I think my new project might do it for me! (and yes, I am a lazy loser, so I am at home on a Sat night, haha! Also, DH had a guys' night tonight, so I have the house to myself.) We have an office in our house, and I'm a book freak... like, obsessed with books (embarrassingly, one of my fave places to be is a bookstore). I have tons, and they've WAY overfilled the two shelves we have in there. I've ALWAYS wanted a library in my home, so I'm thinking about using one wall of the office and making floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. I want ones that are built into the wall and look like they were built w/ the house. We also have 12" ceilings, so I'm thinking its a good reason to put one of those cute gliding ladders in there, which I thought would be unique. So I'm thinking I might do this. I'm just feeling like I really need a project to stop obsessing over TTC. It's been all-consuming for me. I even thought about taking a creative writing class since I'm in the process of writing a novel (the baby thing has even given me writer's block, because all i think about are babies, babies, babies).

SOO sorry to ramble, and I'm sure most of you didnt even reach the end, LOL! And I dont blame you. But it felt good to talk about.
That's an awesome idea. I love books too. My favorite place is the library and used book stores. I am just not a craftsman. I wish I could write. I've never really tried. Just had this feeling not much would come out if I started.
Erin, I think that is an awesome idea and a gliding ladder is a must have! I think if you have an extra room in your house and some cash, go for it. I absolutely love home improvement projects and we are constantly working around our house on things...my next project includes knocking out a few walls, can't seem to convince my hubby on that one though! Luckily my hubby is quite handy and can do most of the work himself...I design and he builds!

Also a writing class is a great idea. Or instead of the novel right now...you could write some children's books!! :)

My comment on feeling behind the group was just me complaining more that my opks are still negative...I am getting way to impatient here and want to O sooner than later! :)
I think the book shelf and ladder is amazing!! I have wanted one since I was little and saw it in Beauty and the Beast lol. Disney nerd along with school teacher and this is what you get lol. I always reference movies and shows for the kids to relate to. I think I am going to start a new book. Since we have met with the RE I have not been reading like I usually do because like you said it's all consuming. All I read now is google lol. And I have a question about caffine. I LOVE anything caffeinated like pop/soda, coffee, and tea. But I have switched to caffine free coca cola and Mountain Dew but I am still drinking some coffee. Do you think that if I limit myself to like 1 cup of coffee every three days I will be ok? I have read on google, where else lol, that women have become pregnant when they completely gave it up. However my RE said no more than 200ml of caffine which is like 3 cans of pop or 2 cups of coffee. I just want a happy medium to where I get my coffee fix but am also not ruining my chances to become pregnant. But I am willing to do almost anything to have a little bundle of joy.
I also found out what grade 3 means. If you all are interested:

Grade 4 sperm are known to have progressive motility meaning they are the strongest and swim fast in a straight line.
Grade 3 sperm (non-linear motility) also move forward but tend to travel in a curved or crooked motion.
Grade 2 sperm are labeled as non-progressive motility because they do not move forward despite the fact that they move their tails.
Grade 1 sperm are immotile meaning that they fail to move at all.
Ideal sperm quality dictates that a man should have grade 3 or 4 sperm in order to fertilize an egg.
Thanks for the grade info. I have not run into that yet but I may soon. I will check the analysis and see if it had a grade.

I do one cup of coffee and try to cut out all other caffeine. I tried to ween off but couldn't. I also tried half caf. Maybe you can try that. Also my tea at home is half caf.
Thanks for the grade info. I have not run into that yet but I may soon. I will check the analysis and see if it had a grade.

I do one cup of coffee and try to cut out all other caffeine. I tried to ween off but couldn't. I also tried half caf. Maybe you can try that. Also my tea at home is half caf.

I am going to get the de-caf k-cups, if they have them, I think today or tomorrow. I just really like the taste. People think I am weird since most people drink it just for the caffeine. Then that way I will not be drinking any. Or half and half like you said to cut back. I quite pretty much cold turkey, which was awful because of the headaches but did that with first IUI and last month. But when AF showed up I was like give me some MD!!! lol
I also found out that his count is kind of low at 18ml. I have read that anything below 20 is low but my RE said not to worry. That they only worry if it is below 10ml. He does smokeless tobacco, gross I know, which I think is the reason. I plan on speaking with him about it today to see if he can begin to cut back. It is a nasty habit anyway plus completely unhealthy.
How is it going ladies? Any updates?? So quiet on here today..
How is it going ladies? Any updates?? So quiet on here today..

Nothing for me. Just waiting to see if AF shows. Didn't test today. Will probably tomorrow if nothing shows. I have been feeling nauseous today again. Today is cd 32 I think. So that is the longest cycle I had before. So if no AF tomorrow I think I am late. I will call the dr to see about a blood test if no pos got and no AF.

Also my laptop overheated and won't boot up. Sucks. Been googling but I think I will have to bring it to someone.

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