February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Hi girls, sorry I've been missing for a few days, I've been coming up with more ideas for projects to keep my mind occupied. But of course, my mind does always still wander back to BABY. LOL. Thought I'd check in today.

Oh savvy, so sorry you're so sad today... I know the feeling. And I know your story about your MIL drifting away a bit when your BIL had his 1st baby, so I'm sure this 2nd one felt like a bit of a smack in the face. I'm truly sorry you're feeling like this. Well, you just wait... when you finally have your little baby in your arms, your MIL will come running back. Although it doesnt sound like she deserves you! But I know you'd like to have that closeness back. As for the OPKs, don't worry... remember your last cycle... didnt they do the same thing? They got lighter, and then you went from a really light one to a super dark pos one practically overnight, right? Thats probably going to happen again this cycle. I know you didnt want to O late again since it made your LP short, but you've been taking B6, which is supposed to lengthen the LP, right?? So even if you don't O until cd17 again, hopefully the B6 will help. Chin up girly!! If the B6 doesn't work, then you know you could talk to your Dr about your LP, and they can fix that for you, no problem! :)

Beaglemom, I'm sorry IUI#1 wasn't it for you, but I really feel like with IUI#2, you'll have better timing and no snow to worry about. I hated that you had so many obstacles this last time around. So for this new cycle, I think you've got a GREAT shot, and i can't wait to hear!!!

Misaacs, glad you got good news from the Dr's office! I know you were worried about those OPks, but you never know...you might've missed the surge on that Wednesday that you didnt test!! Keep us posted! Looking forward to being testing buddies. Although I'm going to admit something... I tested at 8dpo this morning, ugh. I'm so stupid. I'm usually really good about waiting until my 14dpo rule (or at least closer to it, around 12dpo). But I'm not being nearly as patient this time around. It was obviously neg. I'm not going to waste my tests again until I'm closer to 14dpo!
Hi girls, sorry I've been missing for a few days, I've been coming up with more ideas for projects to keep my mind occupied. But of course, my mind does always still wander back to BABY. LOL. Thought I'd check in today.

Oh savvy, so sorry you're so sad today... I know the feeling. And I know your story about your MIL drifting away a bit when your BIL had his 1st baby, so I'm sure this 2nd one felt like a bit of a smack in the face. I'm truly sorry you're feeling like this. Well, you just wait... when you finally have your little baby in your arms, your MIL will come running back. Although it doesnt sound like she deserves you! But I know you'd like to have that closeness back. As for the OPKs, don't worry... remember your last cycle... didnt they do the same thing? They got lighter, and then you went from a really light one to a super dark pos one practically overnight, right? Thats probably going to happen again this cycle. I know you didnt want to O late again since it made your LP short, but you've been taking B6, which is supposed to lengthen the LP, right?? So even if you don't O until cd17 again, hopefully the B6 will help. Chin up girly!! If the B6 doesn't work, then you know you could talk to your Dr about your LP, and they can fix that for you, no problem! :)

Erin, thanks for always being so positive and encouraging! You are right, my opks were getting lighter before I got my positive one last month...I was mad I threw them away so I couldn't compare/remember. I just spent a while looking at the old January threads to realize that what I thought was true, but glad you confirmed it too. Unfortunately I just started the B6 so I doubt it will help much this cycle but I am hoping last cycle maybe my LP could have been cut short due to my Grandmothers passing.

I want to add that I am happy for woman that get a bfp, especially woman here that struggle and really deserve that bfp. Just upset right now because I feel like DHs family has pushed us away because we don't have grandchildren for them...hard to explain my feelings and it makes me feel like an awful person for being so upset.
I am not too scared of all the meds with an RE...it is just the process. For 1 they are about an hour away & 2 if I have 3 failed unmonitored IUIs, I am scared they will try to make me go straight to IVF. And I really just don't think I should do that without at least 1 monitored cycle. I am in NC & the weather is def starting to turn around. Lots of rain last night but the sun seems to be wanting to come out. I am excited for spring.

Savvy, I am sorry about the pregancy announcement. I think it is awful your MIL decides the one providing grandbabies is more of a priority. I myself am nervous in how my mom will react. She has a tendancy to see negative before positive & also sees these life steps as bittersweet, but only the bitter shines through at first. I really hope she is super excited because I will be so upset otherwise. She did that to me when I announced my engagement. She was sad I was getting married because I am the youngest & I also don't think she is a fan of marriage in general. But she came around, but that first sting is hard to get over.

As for some positivity...I think you are stressing too much on the opks. And believe me, this is from my own personal hell I create for myself every month. I don't think that just because it gets lighter means you are on the downward slope. That clear as day pos is on it's way. And remember what we said before...stress delays O which is what delays AF. I am so sure that I def stressed myself into a later O last month. I am not sure if you are able to drink on your diet, but if you can, please have a glass of wine tonight & remember I will be drinking with you ;)

Erin, I am def more positive about this cycle. No damn snow & I am confident of a pos opk mid week. So my timing will be much better. Hopefully after AF, I can go ahead & start trying to get my husband in a better mind set sexually so we can have more backup. And honestly, I think it would just help in general with our moods & stress. I am so excited about your cycle day. I was so count up counting my days, that I didn't realize O has come & gone for you. So good luck testing & don't feel bad...I don't think any of us really hold out until 14 dpo like we should.

Last night my library had a book sale...so cheap & I am a total book whore. So I grabbed a bunch of pregnancy books. They were like $1 each & very good quality.

I have to say being on clomid gives me another set of days to be excited about...so I count down to CD 5 then to O...so it helps pass the time.

Ugh, bossman is in my ear...back to work ;)
Hi girls, sorry I've been missing for a few days, I've been coming up with more ideas for projects to keep my mind occupied. But of course, my mind does always still wander back to BABY. LOL. Thought I'd check in today.

Oh savvy, so sorry you're so sad today... I know the feeling. And I know your story about your MIL drifting away a bit when your BIL had his 1st baby, so I'm sure this 2nd one felt like a bit of a smack in the face. I'm truly sorry you're feeling like this. Well, you just wait... when you finally have your little baby in your arms, your MIL will come running back. Although it doesnt sound like she deserves you! But I know you'd like to have that closeness back. As for the OPKs, don't worry... remember your last cycle... didnt they do the same thing? They got lighter, and then you went from a really light one to a super dark pos one practically overnight, right? Thats probably going to happen again this cycle. I know you didnt want to O late again since it made your LP short, but you've been taking B6, which is supposed to lengthen the LP, right?? So even if you don't O until cd17 again, hopefully the B6 will help. Chin up girly!! If the B6 doesn't work, then you know you could talk to your Dr about your LP, and they can fix that for you, no problem! :)

Erin, thanks for always being so positive and encouraging! You are right, my opks were getting lighter before I got my positive one last month...I was mad I threw them away so I couldn't compare/remember. I just spent a while looking at the old January threads to realize that what I thought was true, but glad you confirmed it too. Unfortunately I just started the B6 so I doubt it will help much this cycle but I am hoping last cycle maybe my LP could have been cut short due to my Grandmothers passing.

I want to add that I am happy for woman that get a bfp, especially woman here that struggle and really deserve that bfp. Just upset right now because I feel like DHs family has pushed us away because we don't have grandchildren for them...hard to explain my feelings and it makes me feel like an awful person for being so upset.

I think everything you are feeling is natural. We are upset, mad, angry, frustrated, betrayed (by our own bodies), overwhelmed all at the same time. I feel the same way. I felt this way on Saturday when DH and I went to visit his family. We knew that his cousin and girlfriend (now fiancé) were expecting. What we were not expecting was that the entire time that we were visiting that his cousin would show off their ultrasound and for him to continue to ask people if they saw anything between the legs. He was swearing that he saw something. We left shortly after. It was like he was rubbing it in our faces. We only stayed like 20 min. And the family had already been visiting chatting, so why would you pick the time that DH and I are there to show your ultrasound off?! We were so upset and angry. My point is that we all feel the same way that you do. I can personally identify with your story because my MIL doesn't come around much at all. But she is always at my SIL house visiting the grandkids. She doesn't understand what we are going through and doesn't over much support. Hang in there and cry if you need to cry. It is better to have it out than to have the neg. energy bottled up inside. I have also excused myself from family activities that have to do with babies like parties and showers. I would rather have my sanity that feel like crap the entire time sitting through it.
Also, I just want to say that at any given point in our cycles, hormones are going through us, so when you want to cry, just blame it on the hormones :) We go through so much stress & anxiety, so when you add just our basic body chemistry, it is a perfect storm. I have been on the verge of tears ever since yesterday morning...my husband called to ask if I wanted to go to lunch & I almost said no...but he knows I don't want to talk about it so he helps me keep my mind off it. I know by tomorrow or the next day I will be feeling so much better...the hormones will be leaving my body...then I get to replace it with clomid hormones!!! It never ends.
I am not too scared of all the meds with an RE...it is just the process. For 1 they are about an hour away & 2 if I have 3 failed unmonitored IUIs, I am scared they will try to make me go straight to IVF. And I really just don't think I should do that without at least 1 monitored cycle. I am in NC & the weather is def starting to turn around. Lots of rain last night but the sun seems to be wanting to come out. I am excited for spring.

Savvy, I am sorry about the pregancy announcement. I think it is awful your MIL decides the one providing grandbabies is more of a priority. I myself am nervous in how my mom will react. She has a tendancy to see negative before positive & also sees these life steps as bittersweet, but only the bitter shines through at first. I really hope she is super excited because I will be so upset otherwise. She did that to me when I announced my engagement. She was sad I was getting married because I am the youngest & I also don't think she is a fan of marriage in general. But she came around, but that first sting is hard to get over.

As for some positivity...I think you are stressing too much on the opks. And believe me, this is from my own personal hell I create for myself every month. I don't think that just because it gets lighter means you are on the downward slope. That clear as day pos is on it's way. And remember what we said before...stress delays O which is what delays AF. I am so sure that I def stressed myself into a later O last month. I am not sure if you are able to drink on your diet, but if you can, please have a glass of wine tonight & remember I will be drinking with you ;)

Erin, I am def more positive about this cycle. No damn snow & I am confident of a pos opk mid week. So my timing will be much better. Hopefully after AF, I can go ahead & start trying to get my husband in a better mind set sexually so we can have more backup. And honestly, I think it would just help in general with our moods & stress. I am so excited about your cycle day. I was so count up counting my days, that I didn't realize O has come & gone for you. So good luck testing & don't feel bad...I don't think any of us really hold out until 14 dpo like we should.

Last night my library had a book sale...so cheap & I am a total book whore. So I grabbed a bunch of pregnancy books. They were like $1 each & very good quality.

I have to say being on clomid gives me another set of days to be excited about...so I count down to CD 5 then to O...so it helps pass the time.

Ugh, bossman is in my ear...back to work ;)

Thanks Beaglemom, I know I am too stressed over some silly opks! I do have my bases covered and we are following along with SMEP no matter what the opks tell us. I remember last month I thought I was out and than I got the blazing positive opk. I guess I was just hoping it would be earlier than last month. I am really thinking and hoping that my LP was just shortened last month due to my Grandmothers passing, I am determined to get my bfp this cycle.

It is hard to deal with the inlaws, I am sensitive and my feelings get hurt over stupid things. It just seems like since SIL got prego with #1 they are always spending time with them. I have invited them over for dinner or on Holidays and they always "can't make it" - we live 30 minutes away...SIL/BIL live 4 hours away and they are always driving there on holidays. I guess I feel left out. What really hurt the most was when my Grandmother passed away they didn't even come to the funeral home. I know people are busy but the amount of friends and family that showed was overwhelming, yet they were no where to be found. Ugh I am sorry I ramble on and on...thanks girls for listening. Even if no one reads this, it seems to help "let it out". I hate to complain and talk bad about my inlaws in front of my DH.

What an awesome deal on some good books! I always forget about the library having "free" books to borrow.
I think everything you are feeling is natural. We are upset, mad, angry, frustrated, betrayed (by our own bodies), overwhelmed all at the same time. I feel the same way. I felt this way on Saturday when DH and I went to visit his family. We knew that his cousin and girlfriend (now fiancé) were expecting. What we were not expecting was that the entire time that we were visiting that his cousin would show off their ultrasound and for him to continue to ask people if they saw anything between the legs. He was swearing that he saw something. We left shortly after. It was like he was rubbing it in our faces. We only stayed like 20 min. And the family had already been visiting chatting, so why would you pick the time that DH and I are there to show your ultrasound off?! We were so upset and angry. My point is that we all feel the same way that you do. I can personally identify with your story because my MIL doesn't come around much at all. But she is always at my SIL house visiting the grandkids. She doesn't understand what we are going through and doesn't over much support. Hang in there and cry if you need to cry. It is better to have it out than to have the neg. energy bottled up inside. I have also excused myself from family activities that have to do with babies like parties and showers. I would rather have my sanity that feel like crap the entire time sitting through it.

Thanks for not making me seem so insensitive. It has just been a rough couple of weeks and this news doesn't help especially when I would have been 16 weeks yesterday, if I didn't have my m/c. Geez your story sounds a lot like my inlaws. We got together to celebrate Christmas late. We hadn't seen our niece since she was born, BIL drove in for the weekend. We were told to come by around 2pm so we could spend time with our niece before a few other family members would be there for dinner around 5. I was excited to play with my niece and brought a bunch of toys for her. We get there and they are all sleeping...BIL, SIL and niece...we spent 3 hours chatting with my inlaws...then everyone else shows up, aunts, uncles and cousins. They all finally get up and join the party passing my niece around. SIL lets an Aunt feed her, another Aunt burp her and doesn't talk to me at all. Of course no one knew we are ttc or had a m/c but no one talked to us, they all just wanted to play with the baby. It just hurt my feelings that we gave up our Saturday to spend time and actually see our niece and we never got to hold her or anything.

It isn't very nice that your cousins were making such a big point of being prego. I told my hubby that when we do get our bfp I am not making a huge deal...I know there are woman who are honestly hurt and upset and I don't want them to feel as bad as I have been feeliing. Your MIL sounds like mine...it is hard because we were so close the last 10 years and it is hard to have that taken away over grandchildren.
Also, I just want to say that at any given point in our cycles, hormones are going through us, so when you want to cry, just blame it on the hormones :) We go through so much stress & anxiety, so when you add just our basic body chemistry, it is a perfect storm. I have been on the verge of tears ever since yesterday morning...my husband called to ask if I wanted to go to lunch & I almost said no...but he knows I don't want to talk about it so he helps me keep my mind off it. I know by tomorrow or the next day I will be feeling so much better...the hormones will be leaving my body...then I get to replace it with clomid hormones!!! It never ends.

It is true, I blame a lot on my hormones. I don't want to stress over this situation, it is what it is and I need to move on. I can't make family/friends not get prego and I should be happy for them because from what I have learned...having a baby is a true miracle. The first few days of AF is always hard, stay strong and look forward to a successful IUI in a few weeks!

I want to thank everyone here for offering support and advice, I guess sometimes it is okay just to have a good cry. If I didn't have my m/c I would have been 16 weeks yesterday, I think that made it harder for me. It will be our turn soon, we will get our bfp and get to share our good news. My fx'd for every girl here. :baby:
Beaglemom I def. see where you are coming from with them might wanting to send you straight to IVF but like you said I just wouldn't let them. I think 1-3 monitored cycles (if the unmonitored don't work) would be a good number to move onto another form of treatment. And that stinks that its an hour away too.

ERosePW I am no self control so I know that I will probably test 14dpIUI so see. Then if - I will test again 16dpIUI. But I hope it is a BPF! But my temps have been low. Should I be worried? I feel hopeful after talking with the nurse but temps. make me doubtful.
Beaglemom I def. see where you are coming from with them might wanting to send you straight to IVF but like you said I just wouldn't let them. I think 1-3 monitored cycles (if the unmonitored don't work) would be a good number to move onto another form of treatment. And that stinks that its an hour away too.

ERosePW I am no self control so I know that I will probably test 14dpIUI so see. Then if - I will test again 16dpIUI. But I hope it is a BPF! But my temps have been low. Should I be worried? I feel hopeful after talking with the nurse but temps. make me doubtful.

Well, your temps did rise at first, but the drop back down does confuse me a bit... Would it be possible to call your Dr office and tell them you are still concerned, and ask them to do an U/S to confirm? Usually they can see the follicle that you O from, and the fluid. Would that be an option, just to put your mind at ease?
Beaglemom I def. see where you are coming from with them might wanting to send you straight to IVF but like you said I just wouldn't let them. I think 1-3 monitored cycles (if the unmonitored don't work) would be a good number to move onto another form of treatment. And that stinks that its an hour away too.

ERosePW I am no self control so I know that I will probably test 14dpIUI so see. Then if - I will test again 16dpIUI. But I hope it is a BPF! But my temps have been low. Should I be worried? I feel hopeful after talking with the nurse but temps. make me doubtful.

Well, your temps did rise at first, but the drop back down does confuse me a bit... Would it be possible to call your Dr office and tell them you are still concerned, and ask them to do an U/S to confirm? Usually they can see the follicle that you O from, and the fluid. Would that be an option, just to put your mind at ease?

I might call and ask about the temp. being low still but I am kind of scared because my RE said not to temp. because it is a daily reminder that your not pregnant and by not temping it takes some stress away. But here I am still temping... I cant help it. I need to know what exactly is going on! And the nurse didn't say for sure I was preggo just that it was a good sign and I would love to do another ultrasound but it is $325. Which is not in the budget at this time :(
Beaglemom I def. see where you are coming from with them might wanting to send you straight to IVF but like you said I just wouldn't let them. I think 1-3 monitored cycles (if the unmonitored don't work) would be a good number to move onto another form of treatment. And that stinks that its an hour away too.

ERosePW I am no self control so I know that I will probably test 14dpIUI so see. Then if - I will test again 16dpIUI. But I hope it is a BPF! But my temps have been low. Should I be worried? I feel hopeful after talking with the nurse but temps. make me doubtful.

Well, your temps did rise at first, but the drop back down does confuse me a bit... Would it be possible to call your Dr office and tell them you are still concerned, and ask them to do an U/S to confirm? Usually they can see the follicle that you O from, and the fluid. Would that be an option, just to put your mind at ease?

I might call and ask about the temp. being low still but I am kind of scared because my RE said not to temp. because it is a daily reminder that your not pregnant and by not temping it takes some stress away. But here I am still temping... I cant help it. I need to know what exactly is going on! And the nurse didn't say for sure I was preggo just that it was a good sign and I would love to do another ultrasound but it is $325. Which is not in the budget at this time :(

Drs that tell their patients not to temp really kinda irritate me... they should leave it up to the individual. Some people it stresses out big time. Other people, like me, it really doesnt stress much at all, especially since its giving me a good image of what's going on in my body. And my Dr was like "Oh Great!" when he heard I was temping, because he said just because a woman is getting positive OPKs, doesn't mean she's O'ing for sure. He used my charts to help him determine his next steps for me. The IUI isn't cheap, so if I were you, I'd be temping too. Don't be scared to call and tell them your feelings. You're paying them enough money. Have you ever done any research on whether the shot you take could just keep your temps from rising? Maybe that's why the RE said not to temp...?

Oh, and temping isn't my daily reminder that I'm not prego. Waking up with a flat belly every morning, or seeing a new pregnant person on FB, is my daily reminder that I'm not prego! ha! If anything, temping is my daily reminder that I'm being proactive, and that I'm gonna be there soon. :)
Beaglemom I def. see where you are coming from with them might wanting to send you straight to IVF but like you said I just wouldn't let them. I think 1-3 monitored cycles (if the unmonitored don't work) would be a good number to move onto another form of treatment. And that stinks that its an hour away too.

ERosePW I am no self control so I know that I will probably test 14dpIUI so see. Then if - I will test again 16dpIUI. But I hope it is a BPF! But my temps have been low. Should I be worried? I feel hopeful after talking with the nurse but temps. make me doubtful.

Well, your temps did rise at first, but the drop back down does confuse me a bit... Would it be possible to call your Dr office and tell them you are still concerned, and ask them to do an U/S to confirm? Usually they can see the follicle that you O from, and the fluid. Would that be an option, just to put your mind at ease?

I might call and ask about the temp. being low still but I am kind of scared because my RE said not to temp. because it is a daily reminder that your not pregnant and by not temping it takes some stress away. But here I am still temping... I cant help it. I need to know what exactly is going on! And the nurse didn't say for sure I was preggo just that it was a good sign and I would love to do another ultrasound but it is $325. Which is not in the budget at this time :(

Drs that tell their patients not to temp really kinda irritate me... they should leave it up to the individual. Some people it stresses out big time. Other people, like me, it really doesnt stress much at all, especially since its giving me a good image of what's going on in my body. And my Dr was like "Oh Great!" when he heard I was temping, because he said just because a woman is getting positive OPKs, doesn't mean she's O'ing for sure. He used my charts to help him determine his next steps for me. The IUI isn't cheap, so if I were you, I'd be temping too, OR at least having them do an u/s afterward to be able to confirm that they can see that you did. Don't be scared to call and tell them your feelings. You're paying them enough money. Have you ever done any research on whether the shot you take could just keep your temps from rising? Maybe that's why the RE said not to temp...?

That is exactly what I was thinking about the shot not making my temp. go up. I did call but no call back yet. I am about to call back to see if I get the nurse. My RE is um different lol. I love him but he is very much about the relaxation and centering your chi. He is always telling me to relax and shut my eyes lol. And that is something that I have a hard time doing. I was actually reading the success stories on his website just now and saw one from the couple that we are good friends with on there. They are actually the ones who recommended him to us. She was like don't go anywhere else around here go to Dr. Chin. I was like ok, ok already LOL
I agree Erin on the temping. I watched a video of a couple in consultation. The dr told her to temp & she said she used to & it really stressed her out & he basically put the brakes on & said he wasn't moving forward if they weren't ready to do what they need to do. I think that is nuts. Just bc she doesn't want to stress out with temping doesn't mean she doesn't want to move forward & it also doesn't mean there aren't things he can do. My dr didn't seem to have an issue with me not temping...I got the impression of good for you if you do, otherwise who cares? I think it is important your dr is on the same page with you. You shouldn't be dismissed if you say no to temping & you should also not be discouraged to do something that doesn't hurt one way or the other. I actually have thought about temping this cycle, but I just forgot about it this morning. He was also a male dr & I just don't feel comfortable with someone telling me about my uterus if you don't even have one. But I have heard some women who don't like female drs, so again to each his own.
Here is just a few thoughts of mine...my new doctor told me I didn't need to temp or waste my money on opks. He told me "just have well timed sex" and based off my cycles of 24-26 days he told me aim between CD7-12. Well if I followed his advice I would never even have a chance. The last two cycles I have temped and used opks and last cycle I got a + opk on CD16/CD17 and my temp rose to show I O'd on CD17. This cycle I am already on CD14, no + opk or temp rise yet...well if we stopped BDing I would totally miss my fertile time this cycle too. Seems to me like I paid this joker a lot of money for some bad advice, he obviously doesn't know when I ovulate - he didn't even want to run a single test...even when I mentioned my hubby's hernia surgery and how the doctor told him it could cause fertility issues...hmmm...I am on the fence about switching doctors right now.

I never temped before because I found it confusing. Luckily for me, Erin was able to explain and made it sound simple and quick. I am so glad I started, it gives me peace of mind and that is what this nervous nellie needs. I am sure everyone here can tell I am a very nervous/anxious person and the "unknown" adds more stress to my day. As much as I just complained about the opk's in the past day or two...I love them. They will help me hopefully pinpoint ovulation...I just need to work on my patience now! But I can see how some woman would be stressed about it and if that is how you feel about temping or opks then I would tell the person to skip them.

I love female doctors, they seem more compassionate. Most of them listen more and I feel like I really connect. Unfortunately the only doctor I could get in with quickly after my m/c was male and the one I mentioned above with the not so great advice. I have done a bit of research and might try to transfer to a different doctor.

Misaacs, I hope you are able to talk with your doctor and get some advice why the temps are changing so much. Could it be from a med you are taking?
Yep, I agree with both of you totally. And I love that my Dr basically supports any decision that I make. He is completely indifferent about temping, but when I told him I was, he seemed happy to view my chart and have a look at my cycles. Temping also kept him from having to run any tests on me to see if I was ovulating or not. So he was happy, but at the same time, he wouldn't have cared if I wasn't temping either. I find the charts useful too, because I can go back to an old chart to compare what type of CM I was having on a certain day or something, and there is no way i would remember any of that stuff without having it in a chart! Ha!

savvy, i'm glad it's been helpful for you... I get nervous sometimes when I recommend it to someone, because I'm afraid they're gonna be someone who it just causes undue stress for, and I'd hate to be responsible for their stress! A friend of mine who is also TTC, has been listening to me talk about it for a while now, so she decided on her own to try it this month. And i'm just scared that she's gonna hate it and end up stressing all month long. So i'm really glad that you find it useful!
Misaacs, keep us posted if you talk to your Dr. I hope they'll be able to put your mind at ease. :flower:
Ok...yeh your doctor may be an idiot...lol...sorry. But how are you supposed to figure anything out if you are not tracking anything? You could use the so-called fertile signs...but he didn't even mention any of that. My dr loves that I have the monitor & we are relying solely on a pos opk. The only reason I can think to give the advice he did is because he thinks you are over stressing & seeking help too soon. But that is your decision to make. I feel lucky that I do not have too many issues with my dr & I got lucky by just choosing her out of the phone book...well, not really. My friend recommended the office, but I just picked my dr because she was available in the list online...it is not the same dr as my friend. I have been seeing her for about 7 years...just annual until we started trying again. I especially love the nurse there. When she calls me back I just feel like she knows it's me & not just returning a random phone call. She always says good luck & she told me sorry yesterday that the IUI didn't work. I think sometimes drs just get caught up in the business of being a dr & not the patients. I hope you can find one you like & trust. It is so important because you will be relying on this person to help grow & deliver a life.

I am also thinking of my next IUI & if I will tell my boss anything specific. I know he thinks something strange is going on. This time I am just going to tell him once I have the IUI scheduled. And if it conflicts with something at work, he will just have to deal with it.
Ok, so NOW I have officially lost it. I dont know what's wrong with me this month, I am usually MUCH more chill during the TWW (or at least, as chill as a person can be while TTC). I am 8dpo today, so I went to Google Images, and googled "9dpo BFP", just in case I decide to test again tomorrow! I wanted to see pictures of girls' HPTs that have gotten them early, so that I could have some hope that I might too. Tons of girls get them, urgh.

Someone talk me down from this ledge!!! LOL

Seriously, I dont even need to be testing at all right now. I need to be waiting until the weekend. And after this morning, I had thought to myself that i would not test again until as close to 14dpo as i can get. And here I am now googling images of 9dpo BFPs??? UGH. I exited the page and came straight back here. I didnt get a BFP until 14-15 dpo back in December, but then again, that ended in a m/c, so I dont know that I can really go on that. But regardless, even before that, I was usually pretty good about at least waiting until 11-12dpo.
beaglemom, that's a tough spot.... i know bosses do start to get a little curious or suspicious. My manager knows everything, but I told her because I knew I might be running out here and there for a test or just to have a chat with my Dr. But then again, I dont think I would've felt quite as comfortable telling my boss if it was a man. I think you've said you guys are really cool with each other though, so I bet it would be fine.

I was glad my manager knew, because while I was having my m/c, there was NO way I wanted to step foot in this office and have to see people and talk to people like nothing was going on. The thought of the faces that would pop into my office wanting to just chat or even talk work stuff was enough to put me over the edge. So I called my manager and told her I'd be working from home for a few days, and she totally understood and told me how sorry she was and everything. Plus I had a couple more Dr. appts after that, which I knew I'd have to be gone for as well. So for me, it's just so much easier.

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