February...a month for Making Love & Making Babies!!!

Thanks Erin, I just feel like the stress could definitely take me out of the game this month but I really want more than anything to be pregnant. Trying to take it easy and remain calm. Just upset I did not visit her last week, I never thought I would never see her again.

Erin, so excited you are starting clomid today!

FBG, I think Erin is right. I looked through charts and the temps went up and down and they still got a bfp. I am in the habit of temping so I will keep it up and see what happens.

Beaglemom, it only takes one sperm to meet the egg! You were put in a tough situation with your doctors closed over a weekend and having bad weather. You did what you thought was best in your situation. They washed and put the best sperm close and waiting for your egg to be released, that seems like one heck of a chance to me! Fx'd.

Thanks for the back up. I think there is a good shot too. I just with my husband could get the job done as back up. He is just too stressed & feels the pressure. I wish I knew a way to help, but as I said before, I feel like I am doing everything I can. This weekend things were going well, but no finishing. So I decided if I O'd yesterday, maybe I still have a small window today. (thinking about the SMEP plan) So (please forgive the graphic detail of this situation) I bought a medical syringe...like for giving babies medicine. I plan to just do a dose of artificial insemination at home...use some preseed. If we can't get it done naturally, I just feel like I have to do something. It is going to be weird, but no more weird than the IUI.

I also seem to be having cramps today. I had an upset stomach earlier, but that seems to have passed.

Side note, I totally forgot to tell you...when they were doing the IUI the nurse said, this is going to sound crazy, but do you want to keep this (holding out the tube the sample was in). Me & my husband just started laughing & said NO! But I guess some people may want it for sentimental reasons.
Thanks for the back up. I think there is a good shot too. I just with my husband could get the job done as back up. He is just too stressed & feels the pressure. I wish I knew a way to help, but as I said before, I feel like I am doing everything I can. This weekend things were going well, but no finishing. So I decided if I O'd yesterday, maybe I still have a small window today. (thinking about the SMEP plan) So (please forgive the graphic detail of this situation) I bought a medical syringe...like for giving babies medicine. I plan to just do a dose of artificial insemination at home...use some preseed. If we can't get it done naturally, I just feel like I have to do something. It is going to be weird, but no more weird than the IUI.

I also seem to be having cramps today. I had an upset stomach earlier, but that seems to have passed.

Side note, I totally forgot to tell you...when they were doing the IUI the nurse said, this is going to sound crazy, but do you want to keep this (holding out the tube the sample was in). Me & my husband just started laughing & said NO! But I guess some people may want it for sentimental reasons.

Beaglemom, I can only imagine the frustration you must be feeling. I don't want to hurt your feelings or sound like a werido... but figured I would just toss out a possible suggestion - have you tried lighting some candles, wearing something sexy, completely focus on your hubby and try to get him to relax in the bedroom? (You totally don't have to answer this by the way). Last cycle I thought my DH was getting burnt out so I surprised him, he got home from work and I was practically naked and ready to pounce - got him in a different mood real quick. It is kind of like convincing him you want to jump his bones...not BD.

I think that is an awesome idea to do artificial insemination at home if needed. It would be a way to get extra swimmers and extra chances this cycle. I had extremely bad cramps the day that fertility friend said I ovulated.

Fx'd and I hope to see lots of bfps soon!
That's pretty much what I tried last night. I didn't pull out all the stops...but pretty much. It is hard because a lot of women on here say they don't tell him when because it causes pressure. But in my case, my husband is all over me about it. We were trying to time the IUI so he knew it was close & every day he would ask what my monitor said. So it's not like I could hide it. I also don't think it's fair to think we should hide it to help them out.

And then on the other side of things, it is really hard for me to put in a lot of effort. Believe me, I know how this sounds, but I am so stubborn. And basically if I get hurt, I don't want to be hurt anymore. And that is what this situation is like. It is like constantly being rejected. So I put up a protective shield & say you can't hurt me if I don't let you. And when I put in a ton of effort & still get rejected, it hurts more. I also get frustrated doing everything already. It is sort of like when you don't have clean clothes for work but your husband was home all day. So in the future, you start washing your own clothes but not his...because if he doesn't care unless it concerns him, then why should you?

I have talked with him about all of this, & it doesn't seem to help. We are trying to keep working at it...but honestly, ovulation time is not the time for these discussions. So I will have to make more of an effort to talk in a few days. The only thing that seems to put things in perspective for him are horrible ultimatums & I hate doing that. Part of me just wants to say it is too much for me to handle all alone so if this month doesn't work, I am done trying. And I know that would get his attention because I had to get him on my side about a baby (took a year & a half) & even after we started back he didn't seem all in. Now he is truly excited about it. He goes to the baby dept every day at work.

So the short answer is I am trying hard to let things slide & not get all over him about it...& also not feed in to my nature of lashing out & being vindictive. And just eating it & putting in more effort even if I don't think it's fair.

Ugh...sorry for dumping all that on you guys.
Sorry I didnt mean to sound negative about savvy or my chart. i just think its crazy that our carts seem to go in the same direction. we both have had our ups and downs different measurements but the same idea. Sorry i should have explained that a little better. i have my husbands cousins two boys here today so i am limited on typing. right now it is nap time so i have a little more time.

This weekend dh decided to buy a new camera. we spent an hour or two at the store taking to the sales guy who was very helpful and pleasant. we ended going back and buying it. got it home and the memory card we bought was bad darn it. we took it back and they were very nice replaced it and the sales guy made sure the new one worked before we left. when we got home dh said now you can get ur positive pregnancy test lol. he thinks hes so funny i will show him that bfp soon no doubt.

i am hoping to start testing maybe this weekend when dh is here. that way he can document. i dont have any symptoms but who knows.
Sorry I didnt mean to sound negative about savvy or my chart. i just think its crazy that our carts seem to go in the same direction. we both have had our ups and downs different measurements but the same idea. Sorry i should have explained that a little better. i have my husbands cousins two boys here today so i am limited on typing. right now it is nap time so i have a little more time.

This weekend dh decided to buy a new camera. we spent an hour or two at the store taking to the sales guy who was very helpful and pleasant. we ended going back and buying it. got it home and the memory card we bought was bad darn it. we took it back and they were very nice replaced it and the sales guy made sure the new one worked before we left. when we got home dh said now you can get ur positive pregnancy test lol. he thinks hes so funny i will show him that bfp soon no doubt.

i am hoping to start testing maybe this weekend when dh is here. that way he can document. i dont have any symptoms but who knows.

Oh not at all FBG! I didnt think you were being negative! I just wanted to make sure you girls knew you were fine, and totally still in the game. :)

I love getting new cameras... I used to upgrade mine every few years, and it's always so much fun getting a new gadget. And yes, your DH is right! Get that BFP, and you'll have tons to take pics of!

I got a waterproof camera for Xmas from my mom. Funny, because I originally wanted it because I was taking all these trips to Costa Rica, St. Lucia, Mexico, etc. and missing out on some good photo opps because I had a camera that couldnt get wet (swimming in waterfalls, snorkeling, etc.). So I decided I needed a really good waterproof one. Then when I got my BFP in Dec, I thought, ok well, even if I'm not taking another vaca any time soon, I can use it with my kid in the pool! Which is still what I'm thinking, since I'm hoping to get a BFP this month again. :winkwink:
Sorry I didnt mean to sound negative about savvy or my chart. i just think its crazy that our carts seem to go in the same direction. we both have had our ups and downs different measurements but the same idea. Sorry i should have explained that a little better. i have my husbands cousins two boys here today so i am limited on typing. right now it is nap time so i have a little more time.

This weekend dh decided to buy a new camera. we spent an hour or two at the store taking to the sales guy who was very helpful and pleasant. we ended going back and buying it. got it home and the memory card we bought was bad darn it. we took it back and they were very nice replaced it and the sales guy made sure the new one worked before we left. when we got home dh said now you can get ur positive pregnancy test lol. he thinks hes so funny i will show him that bfp soon no doubt.

i am hoping to start testing maybe this weekend when dh is here. that way he can document. i dont have any symptoms but who knows.

Oh not at all FBG! I didnt think you were being negative! I just wanted to make sure you girls knew you were fine, and totally still in the game. :)

I love getting new cameras... I used to upgrade mine every few years, and it's always so much fun getting a new gadget. And yes, your DH is right! Get that BFP, and you'll have tons to take pics of!

I got a waterproof camera for Xmas from my mom. Funny, because I originally wanted it because I was taking all these trips to Costa Rica, St. Lucia, Mexico, etc. and missing out on some good photo opps because I had a camera that couldnt get wet (swimming in waterfalls, snorkeling, etc.). So I decided I needed a really good waterproof one. Then when I got my BFP in Dec, I thought, ok well, even if I'm not taking another vaca any time soon, I can use it with my kid in the pool! Which is still what I'm thinking, since I'm hoping to get a BFP this month again. :winkwink:

Good idea. i don think it is water proof and even if it was i probably would still say no way after we got the cost of it. my goodness nice cameras are expensive.
That's pretty much what I tried last night. I didn't pull out all the stops...but pretty much. It is hard because a lot of women on here say they don't tell him when because it causes pressure. But in my case, my husband is all over me about it. We were trying to time the IUI so he knew it was close & every day he would ask what my monitor said. So it's not like I could hide it. I also don't think it's fair to think we should hide it to help them out.

And then on the other side of things, it is really hard for me to put in a lot of effort. Believe me, I know how this sounds, but I am so stubborn. And basically if I get hurt, I don't want to be hurt anymore. And that is what this situation is like. It is like constantly being rejected. So I put up a protective shield & say you can't hurt me if I don't let you. And when I put in a ton of effort & still get rejected, it hurts more. I also get frustrated doing everything already. It is sort of like when you don't have clean clothes for work but your husband was home all day. So in the future, you start washing your own clothes but not his...because if he doesn't care unless it concerns him, then why should you?

I have talked with him about all of this, & it doesn't seem to help. We are trying to keep working at it...but honestly, ovulation time is not the time for these discussions. So I will have to make more of an effort to talk in a few days. The only thing that seems to put things in perspective for him are horrible ultimatums & I hate doing that. Part of me just wants to say it is too much for me to handle all alone so if this month doesn't work, I am done trying. And I know that would get his attention because I had to get him on my side about a baby (took a year & a half) & even after we started back he didn't seem all in. Now he is truly excited about it. He goes to the baby dept every day at work.

So the short answer is I am trying hard to let things slide & not get all over him about it...& also not feed in to my nature of lashing out & being vindictive. And just eating it & putting in more effort even if I don't think it's fair.

Ugh...sorry for dumping all that on you guys.

I totally agree, I don't think I could lie and hide it from my hubby. Obviously your hubby knows you are around O time since you just did IUI. I guess my thought was just make it more fun for the guy. With SMEP I know we are going to BD every day, and this cycle I told my hubby my entire plan. Even though he knew Monday was the night, he didn't know I was going to surprise him early!

I am sorry that this hurts you so much. TTC is hard enough without issues. Again you don't have to answer, will your DH finish for you to do the insemination at home?

Never apologize for what you put here, this is to help you and everyone else who checks this thread. We are all in the ttc journey and we are here to support each other. I sometimes feel bad because I hate to reply with something that is hurtful or negative. I truly only mean to help and encourage.
My husband has a Canon EOS Rebel (I think). He loves it. He has really gotten in to photography lately. I took photography in high school. So he goes out on adventures all the time to take pictures. He says when we have a baby, he needs a good carrier so the baby can come with him. Also we are going to have A TON of photos. It will be ridiculous. We already go overboard with the dogs.

I know I have mentioned this before, but if you guys have a Once Upon A Child in your area, check it out. I know I am going too crazy buying baby stuff...but we went there & they had one of those back pack type carriers for the baby...I can't remember the brand, but it is like new...very good conditions. We paid $20 for it & that weekend they were having a 25% off everything...so after that I thik we spent like $16. We looked at amazon & the same brand on there was $50. It is basically a used clothing/accessory store (consignment). Their stuff is very good quality. And they have clothes for all ages of kids. When I do get pregnant, I am going to go nuts in that place!!!
Mine is actually the type that is made for water and other adventures. Its for scuba divers to take down with them when they go. It's actually "adventure proof". Funny that they call it that, but its crush proof and dust proof and all that. It's a little more rugged than a typical digital camera. But I was SO upset that I missed so many good photo opps in CR because I couldnt get my camera wet, so I decided then and there that I wanted one. And now I've already been thinking about how when my baby is old enough to go in a little floaty in our pool, I can go underwater and get pics of his/her little feet underwater. Crazy to think of these things when I dont even have a baby yet, I know. But I can't help it! :wacko:
beaglemom, I'm sorry that you have this to deal with. As if TTC isn't hard enough as it is, I know that just adds stress for you.

Great idea about the AI at home!!!

I love that you're already baby shopping, hehe! You'll always be able to tell us where all the best deals are. :)
That's pretty much what I tried last night. I didn't pull out all the stops...but pretty much. It is hard because a lot of women on here say they don't tell him when because it causes pressure. But in my case, my husband is all over me about it. We were trying to time the IUI so he knew it was close & every day he would ask what my monitor said. So it's not like I could hide it. I also don't think it's fair to think we should hide it to help them out.

And then on the other side of things, it is really hard for me to put in a lot of effort. Believe me, I know how this sounds, but I am so stubborn. And basically if I get hurt, I don't want to be hurt anymore. And that is what this situation is like. It is like constantly being rejected. So I put up a protective shield & say you can't hurt me if I don't let you. And when I put in a ton of effort & still get rejected, it hurts more. I also get frustrated doing everything already. It is sort of like when you don't have clean clothes for work but your husband was home all day. So in the future, you start washing your own clothes but not his...because if he doesn't care unless it concerns him, then why should you?

I have talked with him about all of this, & it doesn't seem to help. We are trying to keep working at it...but honestly, ovulation time is not the time for these discussions. So I will have to make more of an effort to talk in a few days. The only thing that seems to put things in perspective for him are horrible ultimatums & I hate doing that. Part of me just wants to say it is too much for me to handle all alone so if this month doesn't work, I am done trying. And I know that would get his attention because I had to get him on my side about a baby (took a year & a half) & even after we started back he didn't seem all in. Now he is truly excited about it. He goes to the baby dept every day at work.

So the short answer is I am trying hard to let things slide & not get all over him about it...& also not feed in to my nature of lashing out & being vindictive. And just eating it & putting in more effort even if I don't think it's fair.

Ugh...sorry for dumping all that on you guys.

I totally agree, I don't think I could lie and hide it from my hubby. Obviously your hubby knows you are around O time since you just did IUI. I guess my thought was just make it more fun for the guy. With SMEP I know we are going to BD every day, and this cycle I told my hubby my entire plan. Even though he knew Monday was the night, he didn't know I was going to surprise him early!

I am sorry that this hurts you so much. TTC is hard enough without issues. Again you don't have to answer, will your DH finish for you to do the insemination at home?

Never apologize for what you put here, this is to help you and everyone else who checks this thread. We are all in the ttc journey and we are here to support each other. I sometimes feel bad because I hate to reply with something that is hurtful or negative. I truly only mean to help and encourage.

I don't take anything you say in a bad way. I know you are asking tough questions to help. I told him the plan already. I called him when I had a minute. I think he was pretty upset about it. But I was very gentle when I told him & I just said we just really need to try to do something & it is basically the same as the IUI. I told him about the cramping & I just thought it was a good thing to try. So he wants to start out regular & just see what happens. The good news is we aren't as rushed...so we have some time (meaning his is home at night now). Usually if it doesn't work the first time I say just relax & we will watch tv or something & that gets his mind a little more clear. I think I need to go to this massage place & get some info. I looked online & they have like a monthly family plan. I think it would really help him out a lot.
Thanks Erin, I just feel like the stress could definitely take me out of the game this month but I really want more than anything to be pregnant. Trying to take it easy and remain calm. Just upset I did not visit her last week, I never thought I would never see her again.

Erin, so excited you are starting clomid today!

FBG, I think Erin is right. I looked through charts and the temps went up and down and they still got a bfp. I am in the habit of temping so I will keep it up and see what happens.

Beaglemom, it only takes one sperm to meet the egg! You were put in a tough situation with your doctors closed over a weekend and having bad weather. You did what you thought was best in your situation. They washed and put the best sperm close and waiting for your egg to be released, that seems like one heck of a chance to me! Fx'd.

Thanks for the back up. I think there is a good shot too. I just with my husband could get the job done as back up. He is just too stressed & feels the pressure. I wish I knew a way to help, but as I said before, I feel like I am doing everything I can. This weekend things were going well, but no finishing. So I decided if I O'd yesterday, maybe I still have a small window today. (thinking about the SMEP plan) So (please forgive the graphic detail of this situation) I bought a medical syringe...like for giving babies medicine. I plan to just do a dose of artificial insemination at home...use some preseed. If we can't get it done naturally, I just feel like I have to do something. It is going to be weird, but no more weird than the IUI.

I also seem to be having cramps today. I had an upset stomach earlier, but that seems to have passed.

Side note, I totally forgot to tell you...when they were doing the IUI the nurse said, this is going to sound crazy, but do you want to keep this (holding out the tube the sample was in). Me & my husband just started laughing & said NO! But I guess some people may want it for sentimental reasons.

So this may sound really stupid BUT how would you do IUI at home. Would you just out the semen in the syringe then insert it and push it in? lol I am just trying to see if this is something DH and I can do this cycle?
Sorry I didnt mean to sound negative about savvy or my chart. i just think its crazy that our carts seem to go in the same direction. we both have had our ups and downs different measurements but the same idea. Sorry i should have explained that a little better. i have my husbands cousins two boys here today so i am limited on typing. right now it is nap time so i have a little more time.

This weekend dh decided to buy a new camera. we spent an hour or two at the store taking to the sales guy who was very helpful and pleasant. we ended going back and buying it. got it home and the memory card we bought was bad darn it. we took it back and they were very nice replaced it and the sales guy made sure the new one worked before we left. when we got home dh said now you can get ur positive pregnancy test lol. he thinks hes so funny i will show him that bfp soon no doubt.

i am hoping to start testing maybe this weekend when dh is here. that way he can document. i dont have any symptoms but who knows.

Don't apologize! I actually think it is funny if you compare our charts, they are almost like twins (my temps are a bit higher on average), they follow the same pattern almost, your temp goes up...so does mine, your temp goes down...so does mine! Hoping all of this is good and we get our bfps soon!

I love cameras!! We have a super deluxe camera that is more for my business and then a regular digital camera too. I also love how the smartphones have decent cameras too, loved the first smartphone I got but over the years these cameras have really improved on them. Can't wait to see a picture of your bfp on your new camera!!
Mine is actually the type that is made for water and other adventures. Its for scuba divers to take down with them when they go. It's actually "adventure proof". Funny that they call it that, but its crush proof and dust proof and all that. It's a little more rugged than a typical digital camera. But I was SO upset that I missed so many good photo opps in CR because I couldnt get my camera wet, so I decided then and there that I wanted one. And now I've already been thinking about how when my baby is old enough to go in a little floaty in our pool, I can go underwater and get pics of his/her little feet underwater. Crazy to think of these things when I dont even have a baby yet, I know. But I can't help it! :wacko:

My husband wanted a water proof camera but I didn't want to spend a lot. So we did research & the lower priced ones were not good with pixels. Besides we had just bought a new smaller digital. So I went to amazon & found a water proof bag...it was about $10. Worked really well. Especially for just a small handheld camera that didn't cost much.
Thanks Erin, I just feel like the stress could definitely take me out of the game this month but I really want more than anything to be pregnant. Trying to take it easy and remain calm. Just upset I did not visit her last week, I never thought I would never see her again.

Erin, so excited you are starting clomid today!

FBG, I think Erin is right. I looked through charts and the temps went up and down and they still got a bfp. I am in the habit of temping so I will keep it up and see what happens.

Beaglemom, it only takes one sperm to meet the egg! You were put in a tough situation with your doctors closed over a weekend and having bad weather. You did what you thought was best in your situation. They washed and put the best sperm close and waiting for your egg to be released, that seems like one heck of a chance to me! Fx'd.

Thanks for the back up. I think there is a good shot too. I just with my husband could get the job done as back up. He is just too stressed & feels the pressure. I wish I knew a way to help, but as I said before, I feel like I am doing everything I can. This weekend things were going well, but no finishing. So I decided if I O'd yesterday, maybe I still have a small window today. (thinking about the SMEP plan) So (please forgive the graphic detail of this situation) I bought a medical syringe...like for giving babies medicine. I plan to just do a dose of artificial insemination at home...use some preseed. If we can't get it done naturally, I just feel like I have to do something. It is going to be weird, but no more weird than the IUI.

I also seem to be having cramps today. I had an upset stomach earlier, but that seems to have passed.

Side note, I totally forgot to tell you...when they were doing the IUI the nurse said, this is going to sound crazy, but do you want to keep this (holding out the tube the sample was in). Me & my husband just started laughing & said NO! But I guess some people may want it for sentimental reasons.

So this may sound really stupid BUT how would you do IUI at home. Would you just out the semen in the syringe then insert it and push it in? lol I am just trying to see if this is something DH and I can do this cycle?

I have decided there are no more stupid questions....just mean people who try to make you feel stupid.

So at home it is technically artificial insemination (I think) because I am using the syringe & inserted it into the vagina near the cervix. I will be on my back, hips raised, & (here comes graphic) I will use a vibrator to have an orgasm (Orgasm helps the cervix pull up the semen). I looked it up on google & the only thing to be sure of is that you are clean about it & no air in the syringe. This is a method used most with women who are trying on their own with donor sperm & same sex couples. The difference being usually they get a sample from a lab which has to then be thawed which requires more steps & precautions.

The difference with the IUI is the IUI should only be done with washed sperm. Which obviously I cannot do. And the IUI is Intrauterine Insemination...which means they take washed sperm & insert it directly into the uterus via the cervix with a catherter. This method bypasses the hostility the sperm would normally meet in the vagina & allows more sperm to go to the uterus & also stronger. The washing leaves you with a smaller count of only the best of the swimmers.
Sorry I didnt mean to sound negative about savvy or my chart. i just think its crazy that our carts seem to go in the same direction. we both have had our ups and downs different measurements but the same idea. Sorry i should have explained that a little better. i have my husbands cousins two boys here today so i am limited on typing. right now it is nap time so i have a little more time.

This weekend dh decided to buy a new camera. we spent an hour or two at the store taking to the sales guy who was very helpful and pleasant. we ended going back and buying it. got it home and the memory card we bought was bad darn it. we took it back and they were very nice replaced it and the sales guy made sure the new one worked before we left. when we got home dh said now you can get ur positive pregnancy test lol. he thinks hes so funny i will show him that bfp soon no doubt.

i am hoping to start testing maybe this weekend when dh is here. that way he can document. i dont have any symptoms but who knows.

Don't apologize! I actually think it is funny if you compare our charts, they are almost like twins (my temps are a bit higher on average), they follow the same pattern almost, your temp goes up...so does mine, your temp goes down...so does mine! Hoping all of this is good and we get our bfps soon!

I love cameras!! We have a super deluxe camera that is more for my business and then a regular digital camera too. I also love how the smartphones have decent cameras too, loved the first smartphone I got but over the years these cameras have really improved on them. Can't wait to see a picture of your bfp on your new camera!!

He purchased the Sony alpha 77. He told me to practice taking pictures today of his cousins kids but honestly i took five photos and decided it was easier to use my phone lol. i know he wont be mad but slightly disappointed i just dont have the right eye like he does.
I have decided there are no more stupid questions....just mean people who try to make you feel stupid.

So at home it is technically artificial insemination (I think) because I am using the syringe & inserted it into the vagina near the cervix. I will be on my back, hips raised, & (here comes graphic) I will use a vibrator to have an orgasm (Orgasm helps the cervix pull up the semen). I looked it up on google & the only thing to be sure of is that you are clean about it & no air in the syringe. This is a method used most with women who are trying on their own with donor sperm & same sex couples. The difference being usually they get a sample from a lab which has to then be thawed which requires more steps & precautions.

The difference with the IUI is the IUI should only be done with washed sperm. Which obviously I cannot do. And the IUI is Intrauterine Insemination...which means they take washed sperm & insert it directly into the uterus via the cervix with a catherter. This method bypasses & hostility the sperm would normally mean in the vagina & allows more sperm to go to the uterus & also stronger. The washing leaves you with a smaller count of only the nest of the swimmers.

Very cool, I can't wait to hear how it goes! You did make me laugh though, I read how the IUI has the washed sperm which you cannot do and I had to laugh picturing you washing the sperm off right after washing dinner dishes! :)
I don't take anything you say in a bad way. I know you are asking tough questions to help. I told him the plan already. I called him when I had a minute. I think he was pretty upset about it. But I was very gentle when I told him & I just said we just really need to try to do something & it is basically the same as the IUI. I told him about the cramping & I just thought it was a good thing to try. So he wants to start out regular & just see what happens. The good news is we aren't as rushed...so we have some time (meaning his is home at night now). Usually if it doesn't work the first time I say just relax & we will watch tv or something & that gets his mind a little more clear. I think I need to go to this massage place & get some info. I looked online & they have like a monthly family plan. I think it would really help him out a lot.

Thank you, I sometimes think I ramble too much and I don't want to make some feel uncomfortable or offend them in any way. I just figure if I answer or give advice it might be something someone never thought of before. I think anything you can do together, just helps you bond together. It would be nice for you to both go relax and get some messages together.
I have decided there are no more stupid questions....just mean people who try to make you feel stupid.

So at home it is technically artificial insemination (I think) because I am using the syringe & inserted it into the vagina near the cervix. I will be on my back, hips raised, & (here comes graphic) I will use a vibrator to have an orgasm (Orgasm helps the cervix pull up the semen). I looked it up on google & the only thing to be sure of is that you are clean about it & no air in the syringe. This is a method used most with women who are trying on their own with donor sperm & same sex couples. The difference being usually they get a sample from a lab which has to then be thawed which requires more steps & precautions.

The difference with the IUI is the IUI should only be done with washed sperm. Which obviously I cannot do. And the IUI is Intrauterine Insemination...which means they take washed sperm & insert it directly into the uterus via the cervix with a catherter. This method bypasses & hostility the sperm would normally mean in the vagina & allows more sperm to go to the uterus & also stronger. The washing leaves you with a smaller count of only the nest of the swimmers.

Very cool, I can't wait to hear how it goes! You did make me laugh though, I read how the IUI has the washed sperm which you cannot do and I had to laugh picturing you washing the sperm off right after washing dinner dishes! :)

I just realized all the typos I made with this post...I corrected them but sorry to sound crazy. I am at work & sometimes I am typing & listening or trying to hide what I am doing.

I don't really know how they wash sperm. It is very facinating. His sample was 12 million at about 54% motility. Then after the wash it was only a 1 million count but the motility was 75%. I have this crazy image of them with tweezers picking guys for the softball team.
haha beaglemom unfortunately i dont think there is tmi when it comes to ttc. do you put some preseed in the syringe and then the sperm so no sperm is left in the syringe and theres extra lube?

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