February & March 2022 miracles

@Trixiebell :hugs: I am sorry about the anxiety and fear from your boxing day MC. Cant be easy.

Ouf that didnt sound fun. Did it help to lay down? I know DS2 and this one moved low so much faster than DS1, like I'm always walking like I got a bowling ball I'm trying to keep in. DS2 I was 4cm and 100% dilated at 32 weeks, so. The feeling was prolly accurate. I think subsequent babies tend to know where to go faster haha!

Good news on the good GD reading!

I got mine back this morning. I do the 50g usually. DS1 I was flush to have to do the 75g (right on the upper limit) DS2 went over by 0.1 so had to do the 75g (which went great) and now I did the 50g last week and was waaaaaay below the limit which is new for me. At my 13 weeks blood drawn my thyroid was fluuuuush (4.15 for a limit of 4.20) so she had me re test it at the same time of the GD test and it went down to 2.92, so no issues there!
Happy New Year ladies! 2022 will be a good year for all of us :D:D

Well on Wednesday I started coughing like crazy then as the day went on I felt awful with cold symptoms so I decided to stay in and do a lateral flow test, it was negative. I did another 2 the next day and still negative but last night something was telling me to take another so I did and it came up positive straightaway.
I'm fine just feel like I have a bad cold and like any cold it is worst at night. It's a good job I decided to stay in when I started getting symptoms as I am on day 4 of self isolating.

So seen as I won't be going anywhere for the next few days, has anyone made a start on packing their hospital bag? I am so unorganised this time round, I don't even know what I took last time. I think I have everything I need to take for baby, it is just things for me that I still need to get.
Im sorry you got it @Trixiebell ! I hope it stays mild at least! :hugs: good thing on the early isolation!

My doc suggested strongly I take the booster since I'm eligible as a pregnant lady. Haven't done it yet...

I am sooo behind on my bag this time. With less than 10 weeks to go (I am sticking to my 37weeks haha)... Ive got nothing almost.

I've got some frida ice pack pad left over from DS2. Thats going in. I'm gonna need more. Slippers. Clothes. Lot of food (not sure what the daddy getting out of the room restrictions will be. At the moment its once youre in, not getting out or you cant come back in). My breast pump. Nursing pads. I like my bouncing ball, so I will take it even if they have some. Shampoo and all that. Many undies. Aaaand I can't think of anything else.

Im expecting to stay a few days. My 1st was borderline jaundice. My second had phototherapy. So usually its worse with each subsequent kid. And apparently hispanic children are more prone to it (DH is colombian). So no escaping it. Ds2 they let me go home within 24 hrs with a "decent but high" number. Then we went back 48hrs later for the phototherapy cause it kept rising. Dont think they will this time. I mean both would have been fine if they were 38weekers but the threshold for 37weekers is soooooo much lower.
Oh @Trixiebell get well soon love. How horrible having that and being pregnant I guess u can't take much.
Hopefully u just have a mild case hon. Hope u can rest. A lady in the Dec/Jan group has just had it too. She's feeling much better now tho and her due date is in 2 or 3 days so I'm glad she will be ok for labour.

I packed my bag at 32 weeks because with my 2 year old I had predominal labour from 33+6 weeks and was made to pack my bag at 34 weeks.
So I did it earlier but felt like it was sat there for ages but I think I was glad I did It because I totally cudnt be bothered the last few weeks.
My advice is get it done early so u know its all done then and can chill.

So so close now. Gonna be stalking u ladies like crazy hope u don't mind.
So exciting babies will be showing up supper soon. So exciting
Im feeling fine, just like a bad cold. I think I am definitely over the worst of it. I just have the annoying cough which seems to be worse at night and first thing in the morning.
Hubby has taken S out to the cinema today to get her out for abit as she has been stuck at home with me the last 2 days. I'm going to make the most of the time and get all the washing and itoning done so I can make a start on baby's clothes tomorrow and get that bit nearer to getting things ready. Least that is one good thing about self isolating, there is no excuse for not getting things done in the house.
So glad to hear it mostly feels like a bad cold! I still hope the cough goes away soon. Coughing pregnant (especially at the end) is noooot pleasant!

Thats good for S getting out of the house! Kiddos do tend to go crazy fast when they are stuck in the house haha.

Wow, I admire your motivation ! Haha. I say the same thing when I'm stuck in the house... and then I end up bumming around haha.

We got new restrictions again, curfew, everything closed. So my pregnant lady exercise classes are not starting up this week:( gonna miss that
Hi ladies, I am still battling with covid, currently on day 7 since symptoms started and day 5 since tested positive and the cough is doing my head in. All the cold symptoms have gone, it's just the cough. It hasn't been too bad during the day and like any other cough has been worse at night but tonight is the worst. It's now just past 2am and I'm obviously not meant to get any sleep tonight, all I have done is cough, coughed so much at times it has made me sick. I thought with being day 7 I would at least test negative but just done a test and still showing a faint positive so it's still very much in my system. With having GD there isn't much I can take either, my throat is sore from all the coughing so I have got a cup of the vimto winter spice that you drink hot in the hope it soothes it.
I've cancelled my 36 weeks midwife appointment on Thursday as I'm isolating until Saturday. I am hoping the cough will be gone by Tuesday as we have our next scan and find out what date baby boy will be born. I'm just hoping it isn't going to be one of those coughs that sticks around for ages as they usually do with me.
I hate having a cough so much. They always keep me awake at night the one thing that does help a bit. This is a bit of a weird one.
Do u have any Vicks VapoRub?
What u do is put a load on the bottom of ure feet and put some warm socks over the top.
Its such a old fashioned thing to do and it's what my nanna always did when we were kids but it does help.
Can u have any honey and lemon in hot water? Or is that not aloud with the GD.

I really hope the cough goes away hon and ure on tip top form for labor.
So exciting ure getting ure date soon.
Are u being induced or is it a section?
I got my date at 35+5 days but that was only because I had to keep going to day assessment for monitoring and bloods because of the itching. I was originally not getting my date untill 36+4 weeks but because I new I had to be induced at 37 weeks I was getting so panicky. So I ended up getting my date at 35+5. They booked me In for 37 weeks exactly but the hospital was so busy I had to wait for the next day. So I was 37+1.

Can't believe baby will be here so so soon. Hope that cough is long gone by then tho.
I hate having a cough so much. They always keep me awake at night the one thing that does help a bit. This is a bit of a weird one.
Do u have any Vicks VapoRub?
What u do is put a load on the bottom of ure feet and put some warm socks over the top.
Its such a old fashioned thing to do and it's what my nanna always did when we were kids but it does help.
Can u have any honey and lemon in hot water? Or is that not aloud with the GD.

I really hope the cough goes away hon and ure on tip top form for labor.
So exciting ure getting ure date soon.
Are u being induced or is it a section?
I got my date at 35+5 days but that was only because I had to keep going to day assessment for monitoring and bloods because of the itching. I was originally not getting my date untill 36+4 weeks but because I new I had to be induced at 37 weeks I was getting so panicky. So I ended up getting my date at 35+5. They booked me In for 37 weeks exactly but the hospital was so busy I had to wait for the next day. So I was 37+1.

Can't believe baby will be here so so soon. Hope that cough is long gone by then tho.
I have been putting vicks in hot water and then breathing it in with a towel over my head. I can have lemon in hot water but can't have honey which has been helping with the sore throat and halls sugar free lozenges.

I am now covid free just still have the cough which is worse at night and I keep having to get up to the toilet before I pee myself 3-4 times a night due to the force of the coughing.

I am exactly 36 weeks today and when I got back from the school run I went to the toilet to find a dark pink jelly like discharge. I rang midwife she said it sounds like I've lost my muscus plug. It doesn't mean that I will go into labour but it could do and just to keep an eye on things as it means something has changed.
I laughed right I best start packaging as I haven't even started yet!
Hubby is working a day shift today and I think he was hoping it meant I was going to go into labour very soon so he could get out of work.
Baby has been wriggling about and I'm just getting the usual pressure from baby moving but will keep you updated.
How are you ladies getting on?
We had 36 weeks scan yesterday and baby is measuring perfect, at the last scan he had had quite a growth spurt but not as much this time. He is currently estimated to weigh 6lb 10oz which is slightly lighter than S.
The sonographer showed up the heart beating away, head, arms, elbow, legs and feet. As always baby boy had his arm and hand over his face again so he is definitely leaving what he looks like until he is born.
I had a telephone call with the diabetic consultant, we were hoping to be told the date he will be born but at the moment they can only request it and have been given w/c 31st January. I asked about when we would know the actual date and hubby has to let work know as he is starting his paternity from the day he is born and also we need to let MIL know so she can book days off work to look after S.
I have a midwife appointment this afternoon so I will mention it to her and ask how long does it usually take to get a date.
Our baby boy has arrived.
About 2am Monday morning I got up to go to the toilet, got back into bed and had this really strange stomach ache then felt a pop and water gush. I rang MAC to explain what was happening and while I was on the phone contractions started and were roughly every 10mins. I rang hubby who was at work and MIL to come watch S.
I got to hospital just before 3am and was checked due to needing to have a cesarean, I was 6cm. They started to prep me for theatre and explained that due to how quickly I had progressed if by the time we get to theatre I was 10cm I would have to labour naturally so to prepare myself for thay as a possibility. When we got to theatre I was 8cm and luckily could have the cesarean.
Jack John was born at 05.09am on 17th January, weighing 6lb 6oz. Also photo with a very proud big sister.

20220117_163612.jpg 20220118_152443.jpg
Our baby boy has arrived.
About 2am Monday morning I got up to go to the toilet, got back into bed and had this really strange stomach ache then felt a pop and water gush. I rang MAC to explain what was happening and while I was on the phone contractions started and were roughly every 10mins. I rang hubby who was at work and MIL to come watch S.
I got to hospital just before 3am and was checked due to needing to have a cesarean, I was 6cm. They started to prep me for theatre and explained that due to how quickly I had progressed if by the time we get to theatre I was 10cm I would have to labour naturally so to prepare myself for thay as a possibility. When we got to theatre I was 8cm and luckily could have the cesarean.
Jack John was born at 05.09am on 17th January, weighing 6lb 6oz. Also photo with a very proud big sister.

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Awwww congratulations hon he is so cute.
First baby born in the group I wonder who will be next eeeek.
First baby! Congratulations!!!

He is absolutely adorable!! I am glad everybody is doing well!
I got my 3rd dose yesterday... and now DS1 tested positive for covid.
DS2 is still negative, so am I. DH had dose 3 a week ago.
Came back from my 30 weeks apt.
Lost 0.5lbs in a month. She wasnt happy. Im now at a total gain of 6.5lbs (my weight lets me gain between 25 and 35).

Then I mentionned that like my other two who are 37weekers, contractions had started. She checked my cervix. Effaced 100%. Started dilating. So much like the other two... Ive been put on rest. She says usually she says to take it easy until 34 weeks since thats a "good" premature but since everytime they lift my rest I pop a day after, she wants me to chill until 36weeks at least! So I had to cancel all my belly exercise classes.

Here we go for a long 46 days!
Our baby boy has arrived.
About 2am Monday morning I got up to go to the toilet, got back into bed and had this really strange stomach ache then felt a pop and water gush. I rang MAC to explain what was happening and while I was on the phone contractions started and were roughly every 10mins. I rang hubby who was at work and MIL to come watch S.
I got to hospital just before 3am and was checked due to needing to have a cesarean, I was 6cm. They started to prep me for theatre and explained that due to how quickly I had progressed if by the time we get to theatre I was 10cm I would have to labour naturally so to prepare myself for thay as a possibility. When we got to theatre I was 8cm and luckily could have the cesarean.
Jack John was born at 05.09am on 17th January, weighing 6lb 6oz. Also photo with a very proud big sister.

View attachment 1105588 View attachment 1105589
Congratulations! He is gorgeous!
Came back from my 30 weeks apt.
Lost 0.5lbs in a month. She wasnt happy. Im now at a total gain of 6.5lbs (my weight lets me gain between 25 and 35).

Then I mentionned that like my other two who are 37weekers, contractions had started. She checked my cervix. Effaced 100%. Started dilating. So much like the other two... Ive been put on rest. She says usually she says to take it easy until 34 weeks since thats a "good" premature but since everytime they lift my rest I pop a day after, she wants me to chill until 36weeks at least! So I had to cancel all my belly exercise classes.

Here we go for a long 46 days!

oh dear, I also should be putting on 25 to 35 and currently I’ve only gained 14 at 36w. Baby is between the 3rd and 7th centile
Came back from my 30 weeks apt.
Lost 0.5lbs in a month. She wasnt happy. Im now at a total gain of 6.5lbs (my weight lets me gain between 25 and 35).

Then I mentionned that like my other two who are 37weekers, contractions had started. She checked my cervix. Effaced 100%. Started dilating. So much like the other two... Ive been put on rest. She says usually she says to take it easy until 34 weeks since thats a "good" premature but since everytime they lift my rest I pop a day after, she wants me to chill until 36weeks at least! So I had to cancel all my belly exercise classes.

Here we go for a long 46 days!
i hope everything is okay for you!
I’m 36 weeks today!
Baby is still under the 10th centile so I’m having growth scans. I’m hoping that at my scan next week they make an exit plan for him as I’ll be 37w by then.
Everything else is going smoothly. We are still decorating our bedroom (plastering got done today, flooring and decorating and new furniture still to go in!) plus we still need to sort babies room

nothing quite like the last minute!
@loeylo not much longer for you!! We are also in the last minute prep! God there's always little things right? You must be so excited !

Yeah its funny. DS1 I gained 18lbs. He was 4th percentile. DS2 I gained 16lbs, he was like 8lbs almost for 37 weeks and 1 day hahahahahaha.

I didn't get a 30 weeks echo for the first time. So I have no clue where this baby is on the chart... Ive only gained 6.5lbs but as we can see with DS1 and DS2 it doesnt say much haha.

So I got my booster the 21st, (3rd dose), the next day, my 3yo tested positive for COVID. 2 days later. The 20months old then NINE days after them, me and DH tested positive (so that was last friday). Its been 6 days since, all Ive had was a headache the friday and a runny nose. Nose is gone now. Ds1 had a 4hr fever. Thats it. Ds2 had a sore throat 1 day. Dh coughed 1 day.

The kids are day 12 now. So they're out of the zone. We are 6 days since our tests so who knows but. We're doing good. I guess better now than in 6 weeks when I pop, it would be so complicated if I was positive then!
@loeylo not much longer for you!! We are also in the last minute prep! God there's always little things right? You must be so excited !

Yeah its funny. DS1 I gained 18lbs. He was 4th percentile. DS2 I gained 16lbs, he was like 8lbs almost for 37 weeks and 1 day hahahahahaha.

I didn't get a 30 weeks echo for the first time. So I have no clue where this baby is on the chart... Ive only gained 6.5lbs but as we can see with DS1 and DS2 it doesnt say much haha.

So I got my booster the 21st, (3rd dose), the next day, my 3yo tested positive for COVID. 2 days later. The 20months old then NINE days after them, me and DH tested positive (so that was last friday). Its been 6 days since, all Ive had was a headache the friday and a runny nose. Nose is gone now. Ds1 had a 4hr fever. Thats it. Ds2 had a sore throat 1 day. Dh coughed 1 day.

The kids are day 12 now. So they're out of the zone. We are 6 days since our tests so who knows but. We're doing good. I guess better now than in 6 weeks when I pop, it would be so complicated if I was positive then!
Nope - and my ticker is off by nearly a week! I’m actually due 2nd of March.
We (the adults) have somehow avoided covid so far, but my daughter has had it twice now! Unsure how we managed to avoid catching it abs I’m nervous one of us will have it for delivery.

what are the rules for visits etc where everyone is? I’m allowed two birth partners, and one visitor 9am-9pm every day, with a second visiting for one hour per day.

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