Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Everything looks right on track, xan! That's great, nice HB and a good size! I'm sorry the tech freaked you out. S/he should keep their opinions to themselves. Mine always says the doc makes all the calls not them. Its great your doc doesn't seem as worried.

Yay leetie! Glad the hsg went well! You're definitely on your way to a bfp!!
Excellent news Leetie!! :) Definitely on your way to bfp!

Xan - Reading Lab's post made me realize all my u/s techs never gave me answers either, they always say the doctor will call. Although my last tech was super friendly and told me everything. Thinking about it more gets me fuming that they scared you like that:grr:
Thanks y'all!
Xan-OMG! What a horrible person to freak you out like that, stress doesn't help the situation but I'm glad your doctor could clear things up for you!!
Leetie- I'm so jealous you escaped without all the pain I had lol. BUT I'm so excited that everything looked great and now you just have to wait for a follow up.
Dragonfly- YAY for the stroller. I would just put some tape on it and not even worry about it!

AFM- Things did get better and I finished my jewelry displays. I was able to officially sign up tonight after the systems switched over to the new system. I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time lol. I have such a fear of failure but deep down I really think it will do well. I would love for you ladies to check it out. My pic is on there so no more anonymity for me lol. I'm glad y'all refer to us as friends as well. That's nice. I will have to space out my site because I'm not sure if they allow us to post other web pages. So just put it all together, no spaces.
paparazziaccessories . com/27400
Aw, thanks ladies!

Leetie- I had a dream last night that you were pregnant with twins and that you had predicted it! Hopefully I have psychic, pregnant woman juju :)

TTC- I'm really excited for you, and I'm definitely going to take a closer look at some jewelry! I love all the positive energy you have recently and I know that will help you getting your BFP.

AFM- It was actually the radiologist who talked to me. The tech said she couldn't tell me anything, except she gave me the heart rate and left the measurements up when she left the room. She brought the radiologist who, the more I think about it, was just a jerk. The first thing he said was "I hate to be the conveyer of bad news but...". Then later he said "It could go either way". Then he said "I only read the images, your doctor will tell you what it means". Well, I knew I had this in the past, so it wasn't exactly news, and if he can't interpret the images, why is telling me what's going to happen. Ugh. I talked to the doctor after and he was very reassuring and said that the pregnancy was progressing and that the radiologist "over-cooked" it and that resting probably made the bleeding worse.

Well, I ended up breaking down and telling the whole story to a friend and co-worker who had a baby about a year ago. It turns out his wife had the same doctor. She called him once (he gives his cell phone # to all of his patients) and asked if it was a bad time. He said no, but he was in the movie theatre and the movie was going to start in 5 minutes, so she should be quick. I really appreciate doctors that don't panic and have a austere, sensible demeanor, so this is probably the doc for me! Plus his bow ties and silly jokes are refreshing.
TTC - Love that it's all coming together for you! All the excitement and positive energy is definitely going to bring you to your bfp, I agree with Xan :)

Xan - That's surprising that the tech brought in a radiologist, after my u/s my results were read by a radiologist then my doctor would call with the info. I hope your next ultrasound wont be anywhere near that same doctor who was a crab. So glad that your doctor is very chill and takes the time to hear you out and give reassurance.
Thanks everyone!

Ttc - I can't wait to get home and check out your site. Fear of failing is natural but i have no doubt in my mind that you will do great.

Xan - I really hope you have psychic pregnant woman juju because that would be awesome :) I agree with Dragonfly I hopeb your next ultrasound is with someone great. And your doc sounds perfect.
Thanks ladies!! I can't wait to hear your feedback. It's doing well so that excites me!!

Xan- I surely hope you don't have to see that loser again. Some people are just hateful jerks!!

AFM - I don't have a clue what dpo I am. I really do think I O'd based on the ewcm and the sore boobs. If I didn't this would be my first cycle that I didn't in the 14 months I've been tracking it. From reading trusty Mr Google apparently it misses a lot of peaks because we take it with fmu. Idk but I'm crossing my fingers tight. Tonight when I told DF I was probably about 9-10dpo so I would know in a couple of days whether I start the crazy meds and his eyes got big lmbo. Wish us luck!!!
Ttc - I love the sight! I browsed a little and the necklaces are super cute. Lol to dh's reaction, Fx you won't need it.
Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!

TTC- how're you doing? I bet the tww is much easier to get through with all of your work.

Leetie, if I remember correctly, it's a while until you expect to O. Hope you're keeping yourself occupied in the meantime.

Labgal, Dragonfly. Hope you are enjoying your 2nd trimesters. Any new cravings, aversions, symptoms? I'd love to hear how much better it is in the 2nd trimester :)

AFM- I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I had some bleeding after the ultrasound, then nothing over the weekend. The doc said to go back to my usual amount of activity, so I went into work yesterday. I had some dark spotting that got brighter, and then I passed a clot, bigger than any AF clot, and now I have no more bleeding. From what I've read, passing a clot can be a sign that it is righting itself, and I still feel very much pregnant, so hopefully this is the beginning of the end of my troubles. I'll check back in this afternoon/evening with any updates.
Xan - I have about 2 weeks or better before O. I hope everything goes great at the doctor.

How is everyone else?
TTC - Lol at DF's reaction, fingers are tightly crossed no crazy meds will be needed!

Leetie - Hope you're keeping busy while waiting to O, fingers so tightly crossed this is the last wait.

Xan - Looking forward to reading how your doctors appointment. I really hope the clot was your body fixing whatever is going on with the bleeding so you don't have to worry anymore!

afm: I had homemade chili last night that didn't settle, even after I woke up this morning I could still feel something sitting in the back of my throat. I've finally managed to eat breakfast but that was just plain icky. My food aversions are the same so I'm thankful for no new ones yet. Second tri I would definitely say is better, but this whole "second wind" thing is a lie, I so nap more than I did last tri:haha:
TTC - keeping my fx you'll get a bfp this cycle and won't have to start the clomid!

Xan - Keep us updated on how your doctor's appointment goes! I hope that you don't have any more bleeding so that you can stop worrying!

I'm definately more tired than I was in first tri, and I thought I was tired then! Working full time is really draining, by the end of the day I feel dizzy and like I'm dreaming. We haven't cooked anything at home in like two weeks because I just don't have the energy and DH doesn't want to make me wait an hour because we already get home past 7 as is and I'd likely fall asleep in the meanwhile, lol.

I'm really getting you to look forward to second tri, huh!?

But on the plus side, starting about 17 weeks I have had no where near the nausea as previously! Prenats still make me sick and I will get occasional waves, but it's not the constant that it was.

Leetie - are they doing any other tests or are you just going to start clomid next cycle?

Dragonfly - Chili isn't good for heartburn! Hehe! When is your baby shower going to be? Mine is Oct 5th. I'll be 6.5 months, which is a bit earlier than I would have liked, but my cousin's wedding is at the end of Oct when I'll be 7, and then the holidays, which is too complicated for everyone as they are already traveling.
Lab - Yeah the chili was a mistake lol. I'm not sure when my baby shower will be, but my MIL is looking at October too because with the holidays coming up it gets too chaotic. How many people are you inviting? Just family I feel like my list is too large and am tempted to ask my Mom if she would do a second shower with just her side because I feel stressed lol, is that weird?
I think we have about 50 people that are coming... which is only a bit smaller than our wedding was. Eek! I don't think having two showers is weird, especially if there are any personality clashing type things involved, or you just feel more comfortable that way.
Oh no, more tired? We have friends in town, and I came home from work around 6:30 to meet up for dinner. When they told me they wanted to go to a place a mile away (walking) I nearly broke down and cried. I bit the bullet and went, but when I got home at 8:45 I apologized and went directly to bed. I didn't even wait to say goodnight to the dog (boy, was she in a tiff this morning!)

It's been awesome having friends in town to distract myself, and the dog has been so soothing. DH has really been amazing taking care of her through all of this...
Lab - no new tests for me that I know of. Dh has another SA next Tuesday and I scheduled my follow up for the same day to save us a trip. That sucks your still so tired, at least the ms has eased up.

Dragonfly - chili sounds yummy but I'm sorry it made you feel icky. Hopefully your second wind will kick in soon.

Xan - I don't blame you for going straight to bed when you got home, I'm sure puppy will forgive you.

My sister the one who is a year and a day younger than me just found out she is pregnant. It sucks because she lives in Colorado but I'm happy for her. Her and her husband are great parents to their 3 year old son so I know she will do great with another. They were NTNP, so it wasn't a huge surprise. I just hate the first thing she asked was if I was mad at her lol I just told her she was supposed to wait for me but hopefully I will be right behind her :)
Leetie, your sister is lucky to have you. Hope she has a happy, healthy 9 months.

Dragonfly- I can imagine that would be stressful. The party is for you, so do what feels best for you. The last thing anyone wants is to stress you out. Even if they are not considerate enough to think it through in advance, if you were uncomfortable they would feel bad. Most of my friends from work have had work and friend/family separated parties, so I don't see why this would be different. And if you phrased it like "if there are too many people, we won't have time to celebrate it together!" then it might take any edge off.

AFM- my appointment went very well. My favorite doctor of all time brought out the transabdominal ultrasound and immediately found the fetus and the heart rate! He explained that the risk is that the bleed is close to the placenta, but he showed me the bleed and the (developing) placenta on opposite sides, so he is cautiously optimistic. He's sending me to a hematologist to watch my blood levels (I have high red blood cell counts) and to see if my condition could be contributing. The only down side is that I have to cancel a trip to Boston for next week :( I was really looking forward to it because I was going to stay with a good friend who has been having some tough life and family issues. And it's my favorite city, especially in the fall. But, there will be plenty of time to go there in the future when it is safer.
Lab - That's about what my list is as well and it kind of stresses me out to be surrounded by so many lol. So I'm hoping to get it split into two to be less busy.

Leetie - You're so sweet, it's great your sister has you. Wishing her a healthy and happy 9 months! And that you'll be brewing a cousin soon too:winkwink:

Xan - Glad to hear your doctor was able to see everything forming and that the bleed is on the opposite side. He may still be cautious, but it is still great news :) There's always time to go later, for now take care:hugs: of both you and baby!!
Leetie - you WILL be right behind her! Congrats to your sister, I hope she has a happy and healthy 9 months. :)

Xan - It's good the bleed is on the opposite side of the placenta. Is there anything they can do to get it to stop or ease up? So glad to hear the doctor is optimistic! When is your next checkup?

Boston will still be here for you! (I say here because you ladies know I live in the area, well, between Boston and Providence). It's beautiful in the spring, too!

AFM, I forgot to mention I went to one of my best girlfriend's son's second birthday this week. He is so darn cute, it's ridiculous. Then she texted me when she got home with a positive pregnancy test. I couldn't believe it because she told me that they were done having kids. I kind of suspect she got pregnant because I am, she said quite a few things like "I wish we had gotten pregnant at the exact same time but at least we are pregnant together now."... which is somewhat odd, but I'm happy for her, and it will be nice to have a close friend whose child will be only a few months apart. Today is our birthday (hers and mine), but I have no plans to speak of. DH showered me with gifts before I went to work. He always goes crazy with presents, and they are all so thoughtful, so that was nice. :)

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