Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Xan - I hope you have recovered from your flu! That is so awful :( I love seeing little kids around christmas, they get so excited! It's adorable. I'm glad your niece loved her things.

Leetie - I'm still not great at reading charts... but you had a dip! Do you think you O'd early maybe?

TTC - Yay for O! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get a new year BFP!

AFM, I'm still around. LO is a mommy's boy already, he doesn't want to leave! I've had some contractions every day for 2-3 hours but they never get really regular or strong enough for me to say this is it. I had some spotting on friday night that I hoped was my show, but also nothing. I'm 39 weeks, so my doctor is going to do a sweep on wednesday if he's not here. I'm starting to get kind of discouraged and feeling like he's going to have to be induced. The thought of induction scares me. They talked about it last appointment, so I guess I'll get more info on it Wednesday.
Ttc - Yay for O! I hope you catch that egg!

Lab - I don't think it was an O dip just a weird temp. I'm praying your little one makes an appearance soon and you won't have to be induced.
Lab - awwww man! I felt sure LO had came. I'm hoping inducing is not necessary!!

Leetie - what day are you on now? Getting close to O?

AFM - I got my smiley last night. DF was gone to work but I attacked him this morning hahaha. We didn't bd yesterday at all :( my smiley is gone but the lines on the digital are still really strong identical to last night's. I know they say the lines don't matter but I still look lol. I did a dollar tree one too and it's a definite instant positive still so I will attack DF when he wakes up this evening and hope that's enough. Fingers crossed and praying!!
Lab- hopefully baby-boy-o is just preparing in advance, and you won't have to be induced.

TTC- yay for O! Hopefully all that bedding will be for a good reason.

Leetie- I'm in the same boat. Temps all over the place with traveling (warm weather, sleeping in) and wine. For some reason red wine always makes my temps shoot up.

AFM- I think the stomach flu delayed my O. CD 15 and no O pains at all. Yesterday I had EWCM and I had my sights set on DH for a couple of days. Let's hope all that bd'ing comes in handy :)
Sickness can def delay O. I hope you are feeling normal again, Xan.

TTC - keeping my fx for you.

Leetie - you and Xan have such similar charts this month. It's crazy. Have any New Years plans?

I wonder how Dragonfly is doing with her LO...

I had an appointment today. Nothing much has changed. Still dilated 1-2, baby still engaged, still 50% effaced. My bp is great, LO HR is good. I got nervous about the sweep at the last minute so I am going to have it done on Monday to give him a little more time to come on his own. I'm 39+3 now, I'll be 40+1 on Monday. It just makes sense to me to wait until his due date. If he doesn't come by a week from Monday they'll do US and schedule induction sometime during the week of the 12th. Come on, little man!
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been quiet. Amelia is doing fantastic, she's up to 8 lbs 2 oz at her last appointment. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! DH's family always gets nutty during the holidays so I never got onto a computer until now! Whew. LO keeps me busy, think she's going through a growth spurt because she's feeding all weird today and refuses to be put down. Its tough because DH is super sick right now so he cant help with her and most friends/family in the area are out of town so I can't call anyone. But we're making it.

Lab - I hope your LO shows up soon so you don't have to be induced!! I know lots of people who have had sweeps work :thumbup: And it sounds like your body is prepping for labor so I pray the sweep works out!

Xan - Fingers are crossed! O can definitely set back O:)

Leetie - I hope your chart gives you an O date soon!

TTC - Fingers crossed and hope the attacking..... I mean bd'ing... went well:winkwink:
Happy New Year ladies.

Dragonfly- you're a pro! Hope Amelia gives you some rest and that DH feels better soon.

Lab- I bet the little guy is just settling down and will be here any day. I can't believe that Monday is his due date!

The stomach flu was sudden and horrible, but it left just as quickly. Feeling 100% normal again.

AFM- DH and I lamed out on New Years. Neither of us can ever stay awake until midnight, and we really just wanted to cuddle indoors with the puppy, where it is warm. We got some more, um, cuddling in last night. Still no real signs of O yet, so we're doing what we can, just in case :)
Xan - I'm glad your feeling better stomach bugs suck. Cuddling with puppy sounds better than staying up for the ball anyway. Fx you O soon.

Dragonfly - Sounds like your doing a great job. I hope DH gets better soon so you can have a little break.

Lab - praying little one comes soon! You must be so anxious to meet him already.

Ttc - I hope your fiancé attacks pay off :)

Afm - temps are all over the place. No sign O is anywhere near just kind of going with the flow.
Lab - he's comfy in there. He's waiting till the last possible minute lol.

Dragonfly - awwww totally understandable. Glad things are going well. I have no doubt u can handle it! Hope DH feels better soon.

Xan - yayyyy for ummmm cuddling lol. Hope O finds you soon!!

Leetie - ahhhh hope O finds you soon. What cd are you on?

AFM - I'm 5 dpo. I have to call the Dr tomorrow to see when to go take my progesterone test. DF and I stayed in too. I made lots of snacks. Do any of you have any new years traditions? Me, I took the tree down on the 31st (out with the old, in with the new) today no washing clothes or sweeping. We ate cabbage for wealth in the new year and black eyed peas for luck. I know some people think it's craziness but we always have cabbage and black eyed peas every year all my life. Hope you all had a great new years! One of my reps in my jewelry business had her baby 6 weeks early but she's doing well. I think it's pretty cool to have a new years birthday!! More good news I got a certificate in the mail congratulating me on making Director status with my business. (It means u have 3 personally sponsored reps below you) I actually have 4 and a few more want to sign up. So exciting. I think this will be my year!! .
I hope everyone had a grand new year :)

Dragonfly, great to hear that Amelia is doing well! Sounds like you two are really bonding, so sweet! I hope your dh is feeling better.

Leetie - doesn't look like you've o yet, but I know you are being relaxed this cycle which is good. Hopefully you and DH have gotten some nice snuggles and you time in over the holidays.

Xan - sounds like a wonderful new years! Its funny how holidays can just become a day where you're like... Ahhh... We get to spend some time together! Rather than "where's the party"?

TTC - congrats on your business! Your new years traditions sound quite nice :) did you go in to take your test yet?

AFM, little man is on borrowed time now. I had my membrane sweep this morning at 9. It went ok, it was mostly uncomfortable, not really painful. Hsg was worse when I had that done. I had a lot of bleeding a couple hours later that kind of freaked me out, big red clots of blood that soaked through the pad the ob gave me, but now I'm just spotting. Baby moving around fine so it seems like it was just my "bloody show" , but I'm monitoring. Here's hoping I'm in labor within 48 hours. Next week I'll have to have ultrasounds and tests to male sure the placenta is still working and fluid levels are good, and they'll schedule induction for 17th latest I believe.
Ttc - We always have sauerkraut on new years day. When is your progesterone test?

Lab - I hope it happens soon. I'm glad the sweep wasn't painful.

Xan & Dragonfly hope you ladies are well.
Lab - I would freak too. I'm a worrier anyway and that would be horrible ahhhh. I hope it's almost baby time!!

Leetie - how are things going??

AFM - I did my test yesterday. I had been getting same day results so I was thinking the worst when still no results today. I finally called and it was because the Dr isn't in but the fertility nurse called back with results 25.62!!!! Yayyyy! I was so relieved. Now to wait to test, seriously who am I kidding. Y'all know I tested already lol. Negative but I'm only 9dpo. Fingers crossed and praying that it's so high because there's a LO forming in there!! I'm just excited that the number was high. She was very excited and happy with that number. Above 10 means u ovulated.
Ttc - that's an awesome number! Fx you get your bfp soon.

Afm - FF gave me dotted crosshairs. I really doubt them but I guess we will see what tomorrow's temps look like.
TTC- way to O!

Leetie, hope that fertility friend knows best :)

Lab, Dragonfly, hope the babies aren't giving you grief.

AFM- out of town for work, and somehow I got myself so overwhelmed I didn't realize that I'm 5 dpo. I missed the puppy's first day seeing snow :( On the other side, I missed the snow and freezing temps. Glass half full!

It's great being here and catching up with friends/co-workers. But every once in a while I run into someone I told about the pregnancy and have to explain what happened, and that's a bit awkward, especially in work settings. It's getting to the point that it seems like it was a dream, not something that actually happened. Oh well, maybe the next time I see them I'll be as big as a house and no explanations will be necessary.
Yayyy for cross hairs Leetie! Hopefully it's right. Crossing fingers for u!!

Xan - love your way of seeing things hehe. I'm sorry things are awkward but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you are pregnant again. Fingers crossed for you!!

AFM - thanks ladies! Hope that's a good enough number to be the beginning of a sticky bean. Test still bfn but hopefully that's because I'm 10dpo. I won't be bummed unless I hit 12dpo and still negative :(
Hey ladies!
I just came to vent so I can say it and feel better lol.
So a close friend told me that her Dr is starting her on clomid today. Now I'm excited to have someone to discuss it with in real life ya know BUT here I sit having a pity party. A part of me is so worried she will get lucky first try and here I am cycle 4 ugh. I tried to convince myself I only feel like that cuz I know she's drinking and popping pills as well as doing an occasional drug but even if that weren't the case I think I would still be feeling selfish. I don't know maybe I'm just emotional. I will take a test when I wake up. It will be 11 dpo so hopefully I will have a positive test and all these feelings will go away so I can support and help my friend instead of being selfish having my own pity party. Thanks for listening. I'm Headed To bed. Night.
TTC- :hugs: I understand your frustration- this roller coaster can test the best of us! But if she's starting clomid, then she's struggling too. I hope she stops the drinking and pill popping, for her sake and the baby's.

Anyway, I'm sure soon you'll be glowing, and that will inspire her to clean up her ways :)
Xan - thanks for that Xan. It could be that the roller coaster of not being able to get pregnant has led to that. She's never expressed that but I don't know her struggle. Hopefully she will clean up her act and we can go thru this together, supporting one another.
Ttc - I'm sorry your feeling that way but it is natural. There are so many people around me right now that are pregnant and no one understands at all what we go through on a monthly basis. But I try my best to be happy for them. I hope you get your bfp soon and you can help and guide your friend to better herself.

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