Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Good luck Newlyweds!! How exciting!!

Thanks ladies. As crazy as it sounds I'm way too excited over the 2 lines on FF lol. It's weird the things that excite you when you've never seen them before. I'm on 4dpo then. My temp should stay above coverline for a good chance of being preg right? My temp is still up today.
Newlywed deep breath in....now exhale...better? Lol i bet your really anxious to test in the AM. How was the rest of your day? From what ive read evaps shouldnt have color to them. I dont have any personal experience thats just what ive read on other forums. Im praying its your BFP!

Xan how long until you know the results from your blood test?
Well, no go for me :(

Disappointing, but I woke up this morning with lower temps, so I was sort of expecting it. Also had TSH and progesterone tests and waiting on those results.

Going out for tww sin night- wine & sushi & throwing caution to the wind.
Hi ladies !!! Ok, so I've been freaking out since this morning, so I decided to not pee/not drink anything after 1;00pm so I could test when I got home from work around 5:00pm. I tested with a first response and it was a BFP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe I'm typing this because I have only seen these things happen to other people, and pictures posted online. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow because I feel like it can't be real until they confirm it and I am so so so nervous. But after getting the positives if something happens now then I guess it is considered an early miscarriage ? But I really don't want to have to think about that. So trying to stay as positive as possible..
But if it can happen for me - IT CAN HAPPEN FOR ALL OF YOU !!!!
Trust me, I never thought I'd ever experience seeing that other pink line on a hpt. I have it kept it my nightstand and will probably keep it forever, lol.
But please keep me in your prayers & I will pray for all of you !!!!!

Dragonfly - Welcome to cd 6, you will be o'ing before you know it !! Do you have any special plans for this month ? I hope you can convince your dh to get checked out as well, it is nice to cover all bases so at least you can have peace of mind that everything is ok, or find out and fix anything if there is a problem. I will keep you posted !! I am not going to let my brain think negative thoughts yet, lol.

TTC - Wooohooo on entering the tww !!! So happy it finally showed up for you :) I always get super excited about positive opk's - they are definitely worth celebrating !! Get busy bd'ing :)

Xanzaba - Thank you for your advice ! I am still so nervous that something is not going to be right but I guess I will know between now and the next while. I will keep you all posted !
So sorry to hear about your month :( I really thought this was it ! Is the blood test accurate this early ? I am so bummed :( I feel really bad sharing my news right now because I know how upsetting bfn's are.. But like I said, if I can get another line then it is possible for anyone. As hopeless as it may seems, that time will arrive ! I will say an extra prayer for you, xoxox.

Leetie - I need those breathing lessons for sure !!!!! I have been doing some major freaking, hahah. I think I need to calm myself. Thanks so much for your insight. This test in the afternoon on the first response and the darker line showing up so fast really made me stop and think, could this be real ??? Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine !!! There is hope !

xoxoxoxxo ladies, I will post again tomorrow <3
Newlywed I'm so happy to hear about your bfp!!!!!!!!:hugs: I knew this was your month!! Keep us updated on how the doctor visit goes tomorrow but this is a definite positive and it's going to be the stickiest bean on the planet!!!! :happydance: No negative thoughts girl, only positive because you got a positive shining on that stick!!!!!!:happydance:
Hi ladies !!! Ok, so I've been freaking out since this morning, so I decided to not pee/not drink anything after 1;00pm so I could test when I got home from work around 5:00pm. I tested with a first response and it was a BFP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe I'm typing this because I have only seen these things happen to other people, and pictures posted online. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow because I feel like it can't be real until they confirm it and I am so so so nervous. But after getting the positives if something happens now then I guess it is considered an early miscarriage ? But I really don't want to have to think about that. So trying to stay as positive as possible..
But if it can happen for me - IT CAN HAPPEN FOR ALL OF YOU !!!!
Trust me, I never thought I'd ever experience seeing that other pink line on a hpt. I have it kept it my nightstand and will probably keep it forever, lol.
But please keep me in your prayers & I will pray for all of you !!!!!

Dragonfly - Welcome to cd 6, you will be o'ing before you know it !! Do you have any special plans for this month ? I hope you can convince your dh to get checked out as well, it is nice to cover all bases so at least you can have peace of mind that everything is ok, or find out and fix anything if there is a problem. I will keep you posted !! I am not going to let my brain think negative thoughts yet, lol.

TTC - Wooohooo on entering the tww !!! So happy it finally showed up for you :) I always get super excited about positive opk's - they are definitely worth celebrating !! Get busy bd'ing :)

Xanzaba - Thank you for your advice ! I am still so nervous that something is not going to be right but I guess I will know between now and the next while. I will keep you all posted !
So sorry to hear about your month :( I really thought this was it ! Is the blood test accurate this early ? I am so bummed :( I feel really bad sharing my news right now because I know how upsetting bfn's are.. But like I said, if I can get another line then it is possible for anyone. As hopeless as it may seems, that time will arrive ! I will say an extra prayer for you, xoxox.

Leetie - I need those breathing lessons for sure !!!!! I have been doing some major freaking, hahah. I think I need to calm myself. Thanks so much for your insight. This test in the afternoon on the first response and the darker line showing up so fast really made me stop and think, could this be real ??? Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine !!! There is hope !

xoxoxoxxo ladies, I will post again tomorrow <3

YAY!!! Congrats!! H&H 9 months hun!! How exciting, can't wait to see what the dr says. I can't wait to finally experience that but until then I will be happy for 2 lines on the OPK lol.
:happydance: Newlyweds- this is your time, and I am THRILLED for you. Can't wait to hear more.

Yours is an inspiring story and couldn't have happened to a nicer person. So no more nonsense about feeling bad sharing :hugs:

Hi ladies !!! Ok, so I've been freaking out since this morning, so I decided to not pee/not drink anything after 1;00pm so I could test when I got home from work around 5:00pm. I tested with a first response and it was a BFP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe I'm typing this because I have only seen these things happen to other people, and pictures posted online. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow because I feel like it can't be real until they confirm it and I am so so so nervous. But after getting the positives if something happens now then I guess it is considered an early miscarriage ? But I really don't want to have to think about that. So trying to stay as positive as possible..
But if it can happen for me - IT CAN HAPPEN FOR ALL OF YOU !!!!
Trust me, I never thought I'd ever experience seeing that other pink line on a hpt. I have it kept it my nightstand and will probably keep it forever, lol.
But please keep me in your prayers & I will pray for all of you !!!!!

Dragonfly - Welcome to cd 6, you will be o'ing before you know it !! Do you have any special plans for this month ? I hope you can convince your dh to get checked out as well, it is nice to cover all bases so at least you can have peace of mind that everything is ok, or find out and fix anything if there is a problem. I will keep you posted !! I am not going to let my brain think negative thoughts yet, lol.

TTC - Wooohooo on entering the tww !!! So happy it finally showed up for you :) I always get super excited about positive opk's - they are definitely worth celebrating !! Get busy bd'ing :)

Xanzaba - Thank you for your advice ! I am still so nervous that something is not going to be right but I guess I will know between now and the next while. I will keep you all posted !
So sorry to hear about your month :( I really thought this was it ! Is the blood test accurate this early ? I am so bummed :( I feel really bad sharing my news right now because I know how upsetting bfn's are.. But like I said, if I can get another line then it is possible for anyone. As hopeless as it may seems, that time will arrive ! I will say an extra prayer for you, xoxox.

Leetie - I need those breathing lessons for sure !!!!! I have been doing some major freaking, hahah. I think I need to calm myself. Thanks so much for your insight. This test in the afternoon on the first response and the darker line showing up so fast really made me stop and think, could this be real ??? Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine !!! There is hope !

xoxoxoxxo ladies, I will post again tomorrow <3

Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!!! So so so unbelievably happy for you! That's amazing! Happy and healthy 9 months newlyweds!
Newlywed how are you doing today? How did the appointment go? The suspense is killer, girl! I want to hear more about your bfp!!! :happydance:
YAY Newlywed got her :bfp: Congratulations! :happydance: I cant wait to here how your appointment went. What cycle are you on ttc? And wheres our BFP pic?
After all the reading I've done about charting at least I'm understanding it a little better. From what I've read the other two cycles I didn't O even though I had a pos OPK that's why I only had the 1 line on FF. Which gives me hope because last month everything was timed perfect and still no BFP so I was in a slump because of it so it's a little better knowing I didn't actually O so that's why no BFP. This month only DTD once in the time window because I wasn't sure if that was really a pos opk when the other one was far from it so my chances this month are very low but hopefully I continue to O next month. Time will tell!!

Sorry to keep you in suspense - I am back !!!!!
It is still so surreal, just like a dream !!!! So I went to the doctor yesterday and did a urine test and he also took basically all my blood to test, haha. I showed him my test and he was genuinely just as excited as us, it was so nice !
I called in the afternoon and my urine test confirmed POSITIVE !!!!!!!!!
I have an appointment on thursday to find out the results of the blood work, as your numbers in your blood are the most important.
So I am basically like a cat on a hot rock because I am sooo nervous that something bad will happen. But I going to try and stay as positive as possible !!
We have only told our parents yet and I'm not sure when we will finally share the news with family and friends. I think I'd like to wait until 8 or 12 weeks (even though that won't be easy).
But I feel perfectly fine ! Which is the odd part because I'm like "Am I really preggo???". But my mom said she was the same as well.

& I will definitely try and post a picture !!!!!!!!!! I will save this test forever, lol. Right now it is actually in the glovebox of my car because I brought it to the doc's office with me and as I was going to work I realized it was still in my purse !!! So I had to shove it somewhere, haha.

So if it can happen to us then it can 100% happen to any single one of you ladies !!
I was feeling so hopeless and convinced that I would never get to experience this feeling, and then bam! it happened !

With regards to looking for signs during the tww, it is really really difficult. If I had of gotten af this month instead then I still could have seen that coming as well, so don't stress yourself trying to figure out which it is- it's basically impossible to tell!

Here are the few things I did notice though:
- About 5 dpo my boobs seemed to feel and look slightly different, BUT, I thought it may have been my mind and then it did go away.
- Towards the end of my tww I've been having really sexual dreams !!!! Tmi, I know, but it really stood out to me because I never usually have them so often like that, lol.
- At 9dpo I had the tiniest spot of brown in my cm when I wiped. Not much by any means, but I did notice it that one time.
- Every now and then I would feel slightly queasy, but this was more so the first week after o.
- Most all my symptoms were gone time af was supposed to arrive. I had a bit of a heavy feeling in my stomach but nothing out of the ordinary.

But everyone is so different, you all will probably have different things when you get your bfp's.

Thank you ladies SO SO SO much for your kind words, it means more than you know !!!!

& Leetie - This was our 5th cycle ttc. The first 2 cycles we didn't use opk's or any other method. After that we started using opk's, pre seed (sperm friendly lube that I find a million times better than normal lube, and will definitely continue to use), and I started dh on vitamins (I had been taking them the whole time).

TTC n Hopeful - It is hard trying to figure out when is good, but it can happen with even just one time if the timing is right! Try to bd every couple of days that way you are bound to strike you o at some point, even if it surprises you. It will happen !!!!!

xoxooxox ladies
Newlywed I am truly happy and excited for you. I have already but I will continue to pray for a happy and healthy 9 months for you and your baby.

Ttc- Do you temp also just wondering (i just started opks this month havent had a positive yet) I hope your understanding your cycles better so if this isnt your month you will be able to time it perfectly next month. GL!!

Dragonfly what CD are you any special plans for this cycle of bd :winkwink:

Labgal how are you feeling what CD are you?
Congratulations Newlyweds! You must be over the moon. I can imagine your wait now is even harder than the tww :)

TTC- glad the temping is helping! It only takes one time to do the deed.

Well, AF struck me today. At least I didn't have to wait too long after the test. Next weekend we're going to get away for a much needed couple's weekend.
Newlywed I am truly happy and excited for you. I have already but I will continue to pray for a happy and healthy 9 months for you and your baby.

Ttc- Do you temp also just wondering (i just started opks this month havent had a positive yet) I hope your understanding your cycles better so if this isnt your month you will be able to time it perfectly next month. GL!!

Dragonfly what CD are you any special plans for this cycle of bd :winkwink:

Labgal how are you feeling what CD are you?

Yep I've been temping for 3 months but regularly for 2 months, I did it my first month too but not consistently. The first 2 months I only had the one line on FF so this month when I was confused about why the IC was neg and the FR was pos I decided to play around with FF and put in the pos OPK and bam I got the 2 lines on FF. I was way too excited over the 2 lines lol. So apparently my first 2 months even though I got a pos OPK my temps didn't confirm O but it did this month.

Xanzaba I guess you are right but we will see soon. I'm not feeling any symptoms at all so I don't think the one time worked. I'm only 6dpo so that could explain it lol.

Another thing that I realized is normally I get sore boobs around O and I didn't, the only normal thing I had was excessive CM so I've still be using the OPK's because I don't know whether or not to trust that was O :shrug:
Newlywed - This is the best news! Oh dear, glad you didn't take it to work with you!:haha: Praying for a happy and healthy 9 months for you:hugs: Keep us updated with how pregnancy is!!

Leetie - Today is CD9 for me and I'm going to begin my opk's this afternoon. I noticed this morning I had some cm already so maybe I'll be O'ing again early! And I got super feisty and had a quickie with DH before left for work:blush: I usually don't like quickies but as he was getting ready to go I couldn't help it!:rofl: Other than trying to bd as much as possible we'll be using opk's, although I feel like I should be doing something else too to improve our chances.

Xanzaba - I'm so sorry af showed up, but I am glad you didn't have to wait too long for it. Next weekend sounds like it'll be nice :)

TCC - Great that ff confirmed O, although surprised you didn't get sore boobs - maybe that's a good thing? How have your opk's been looking since getting the O confirmation from ff?
Newlywed - This is the best news! Oh dear, glad you didn't take it to work with you!:haha: Praying for a happy and healthy 9 months for you:hugs: Keep us updated with how pregnancy is!!

Leetie - Today is CD9 for me and I'm going to begin my opk's this afternoon. I noticed this morning I had some cm already so maybe I'll be O'ing again early! And I got super feisty and had a quickie with DH before left for work:blush: I usually don't like quickies but as he was getting ready to go I couldn't help it!:rofl: Other than trying to bd as much as possible we'll be using opk's, although I feel like I should be doing something else too to improve our chances.

Xanzaba - I'm so sorry af showed up, but I am glad you didn't have to wait too long for it. Next weekend sounds like it'll be nice :)

TCC - Great that ff confirmed O, although surprised you didn't get sore boobs - maybe that's a good thing? How have your opk's been looking since getting the O confirmation from ff?

Let's hope that it's a good sign lol. Wonder why I would be getting sore boobs both of those months and still no confirmed O though. As for the OPK's the second line is still almost invisible. I had done a digi the day after the pos FR and it had a pretty dark second line but not pos and I did a digi today too and the second line is much lighter. Not sure if the lines matter on the digi though?!
Sorry Xan :( I know its a big downer. Next month will be your month.

Hey Leetie :hugs: how are things coming with you, lovely?

CD 11 here, starting my OPKs tomorrow though I admit I did one yesterday because ive had ridiculous CM the past couple of days, more than I normally have during O time even. Additionally my sense of smell is crazy, another thing i get at O time. So of course I'm on Google - not a good idea as I then think maybe I have a hormone problem and am producing too much estrogen. Although I'm sure its nothing I already pity my gyno when I go in for my appointment in a couple of weeks rofl.

But this cycle seems to be speeding by - hope the tww is like that too!

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