Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Well atleast your LO wont get cold :haha: i learned to knit a scarves in school but never learned how to end them the class ended before she taught us lol. I should try youtube for something it would be fun. Im hoping O symptoms pick up too. My cp has been low soft and open the last 4 days oday it seems higher so fx it happens soon.

Newlywed :hugs: im so glad to hear your staying strong. And like dragonfly said im praying your next bfp sticks like super glue :)
Hi Ladies! Sorry for the long absence. I needed to get away for a bit and not think about TTC but I have been thinking of you all and checking up on you once a week :)

Newlyweds - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm hugging you a million times from afar. Here's hoping you get your sticky bean soon!

I have no idea what CD I am on because my focus is elsewhere this month, glad to see you guys are relaxing too :) I didn't do opk or anything this time around.

<3 you leetie. Hope your temping is getting easier!

Happy holidays to all of you lovelies !
Leetie - Haha that's true. What a crappy class!! How can they not teach you how to finish off? :haha: I bet youtube could help. Fingers crossed for you! I know nothing about cp but I'm hoping it gets up there!

Labgal - Hey! We've missed you. Glad that you've taken the time you need to be away from BnB and TTC:hugs:

AFM: Lots of cm today! I think this is good, I told DH as soon as he gets home from work we're going to dance:haha: I'm having some cramps in my thighs like af but lighter, don't know what that's about. And no side pains today, but had them the last 3 days so today might be O day?
Hey labgal :hugs: glad to hear everything is good and your taking it easy fx relaxing helps everyone!

Dragonfly baby dance time! Good luck!

Afm opk lines still not getting darker tonights was taken with very diluted pee i knew it wouldnt be darker but i think im getting some cm.
So tonight when me and dh got home from dinner we both had to pee so we went in the bathroom together and i took my opk with me. I use a red plastic cup to pee in and when dh saw me he starts cracking up and singing red solo cup. I was laughing and trying to pee at the same time. It was really funny. Just thought id share lol.
Hiiiiiiii ladies!! I'm so happy to see you around lab! Looks like most of us are just sitting back and relaxing this month just waiting to see what takes place. That's good though. Christmas brings enough stress why add to it. Hope all you ladies are doing well and lots of bd'ing is happening just in case hehe.

AFM - Can't wait to end my current class and be done with school till January starting next week. YAY! I had tons of CM but no sore boobs so I knew it was a false alarm like last cycle lol. But that's all for me!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!
Hey ladies just checking in. Hows everyone doing? Relaxing and bding I hope lol.

Afm been good still havent O'd but im keeping busy. Yesterday my MIL, SIL, and neice came over to bake cookies. My SIL is having a Christmas party Friday so I have that to look forward to. Well here is some :dust: for everyone.
Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.

I've been avoiding posting because I'm feeling superstitious... I had a IC that showed a line, but I'm so gun shy lately I don't believe it, and I want to wait on a real pregnancy test. I'm 11 dpo today, so I'm trying to hold off until 13 to use a real test.

To be honest, the tww has gone pretty fast this month. Busy at work and trying to get everything done for the holidays. We're going to see my in-laws for the holidays, including my sister in law and her 2 little ones (2,3 years old). She asked for clothes for the kids and I had a blast picking out tiny jeans, t-shirts and jackets.

How are you ladies doing? Liz_N, hope you've had a happy and healthy couple of months!
Xan fx its a real bfp! Cant wait to hear an update. That sounds fun shopping for the LO's clothes.
hey everyone. I've had a hectic and slightly scary week but I think things will be calming down this month and a half of next one. I have to take off work due to pregnancy issues (check journal for more details).

Xan- got everything fxed for you!!!
Hey ladies, finally making time to pop by the BnB again. I miss you!

Leetie - I giggled at your share of your hubby singing red solo cup. Have fun at SIL's Christmas party! Hope you O soon:thumbup:

TTC - I hope that you're O'ing soon as well!!

Xan - Fingers crossed super hard for you! Looking forward to when you'll be testing again :) Just a few more days.

Liz - I'm glad things are calming down, you definitely don't need all that stress with little bean growing! I'll be popping by your journal to catch up shortly :)

AFM: Still having cm, had more today than previous days so I'm not sure what that's all about. We haven't bd in 4 days so I'm not feeling too hopeful for this ovulation. I'm due Christmas Eve so today should have been 1dpo, and if that's the case then we missed it. We'll still bd tonight and hope for the best. I'm feeling a bit beside myself that I totally screwed up this cycle, we got so lax on it that the most important days we didn't even bd! It's really upsetting for me.
Dragonfly you never know you ths spermies still mightve been in there to catch the eggy. Fx!
No news is, well, no news. Dealing with some scary family things. Bump watch on hold.

Looking for some positive stories, OPK or BFPs :)
Dragonfly you never know you ths spermies still mightve been in there to catch the eggy. Fx!

Thanks Leetie, we bd last night so hopefully it will be in time... we'll just have to wait and see now.

No news is, well, no news. Dealing with some scary family things. Bump watch on hold.

Looking for some positive stories, OPK or BFPs :)

:hugs: I'm sorry to hear you're going through some family stuff, I hope that all is alright and clears up soon.
Xan I hope everyone is OK and everything gets better soon. We are here if you need to talk :hugs:

I'm pretty sure I am not going to ovulate this cycle. I started spotting yesterday and again today and my temps stayed low and my opks never got dark. I pray everyone else gets some good news soon!
Hey everyone! Looks like I'm not the only one with hectic stuff going on.
Liz I checked your journal, how scary!! But I'm glad you and baby are ok, don't feel bad for having to miss work, it's time to be selfish and do what you need to do for you and baby. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything continues to be good for both of you!
Dragonfly-glad you got a bd in there but the things I've read said that spermies can live for 5-7 days so fingers crossed for you!
Xan- hope everything is ok for you.
Leetie- sorry you didn't O, or maybe you had such a short window that you didn't catch it with tests. Hope this cycle is better for you!

AFM- Still no signs of O and I leave Monday for GA for 3 weeks. I'm not stressing it though because I'm stressed about everything else lol. I always freak out right before my flights, I always think the worst so that may be why O isn't happening. Major stress happening here. Plus I have a big project due for my Master's class on Monday so more stress added, and lastly my SIL is 8 months preg so I'm afraid of how emotional that is going to make me. I know it will happen for me when God is ready to bless me but Christmas has always made me very emotional for a family I just feel like I'm missing out on what everyone else gets to experience at Christmas. <sigh> Well I will end my pity party there and get to sleep. Big hugs ladies, so glad to have met all of you through this crazy journey. :hugs::hugs:
Hey TTC sorry your so stressed. I will pray for a safe trip and a nice smooth flight. Im completely there with you about Christmas time. Holidays in general suck in the TTC world. I'm so thankful and blessed for the family I have but like you said I feel like I'm missing out on so much more joy and happiness. But your right it will happen but waiting for it to is a pain lol FX that it happens sooner rather than later. Will you be able to get on bnb while your gone or are you taking a break from it?
Good afternoon ladies,

Sorry to read that things are turning hectic and stressful for most of you! The holidays can really exacerbate things. I think sometimes this time of year can trigger sickness and stress, or it just happens to be when things are revealed. I wish I had something better to report myself but I've been helping my girlfriend I've known since high school whose twin brother died a week and a half ago now of a drug overdose. The wake for a 27 year old was pretty rough. Weird because she is opposite of him in that she's very studious , got her masters etc, not into the drug thing. Hard for me to understand, harder for my friend and her mother and sister of course.

Hoping that Christmas brings a nice present though! Dh and I bd a lot this cycle.. A lot. I hope they were all still good spermies! Fx for all and many :hugs: around
Hi ladies! I'm having a really rough day today. I'm so sad about leaving DF and now a friend of ours just told me she's preggo. No one knows I'm even trying so she didn't have a clue she just wanted to share her excitement but it hit me so hard with already being sad about leaving. I need to be packing and finishing up school work and now I just want to go to sleep. I feel happy for her but I feel sad as well. Of course I want everyone to have babies but every time I find out someone else is preggo I just think why not me. I know I shouldn't be selfish. I have to try to get a grip on myself and get motivated to get things done ugh. I sure hope you ladies are doing better than me, I'll just be over here having my own pity party.
Hey TTC sorry your so stressed. I will pray for a safe trip and a nice smooth flight. Im completely there with you about Christmas time. Holidays in general suck in the TTC world. I'm so thankful and blessed for the family I have but like you said I feel like I'm missing out on so much more joy and happiness. But your right it will happen but waiting for it to is a pain lol FX that it happens sooner rather than later. Will you be able to get on bnb while your gone or are you taking a break from it?

Thanks so much! I will be around but probably not as much! I'm hoping after the holidays we will all be back around regularly like we all used to be. Glad to know I'm not the only one that feels that I'm missing something, I mean not that it's a good feeling to have but I'm glad that I'm not alone or selfish for feeling this way. I'm really struggling today. I'm trying so hard to hold back the tears right now. FX for you as well, hopefully it will happen for all of us sooner than later. I think I just have a difficult time with hearing people are preggo when they didn't have to try so hard, but I have to stop being like that because I don't know their journey they might have struggled just like we all have.

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