Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Xan - Thinking of you:hugs:

Leetie - I'm sorry you may not of ovulated, I hope that maybe you just didn't detect is or something:hugs:

TTC - Stress can delay O, don't worry about your flight. I know I freak out before plane rides too, but all will be alright :) Enjoy your time with family and think of how once you get off the plane you'll be with them! I get emotional about family around the holidays as well, it's going to happen though, for all of us :) We'll get our bfp's! I know your friends excitement is not meant to be a harsh intention toward your own TTC but I totally understand how hard it is to hear someone elses good news when we've all been trying for so long:hugs: Hang in there, you're time is coming.

Labgal - Oh dear, my heart aches for your friend who lost her brother. I pray that their hearts will heal from such a devastating loss. Glad to hear you got lots of bd'ing in though!! That's excellent news, fingers crossed for you:winkwink:

AFM: I don't remember what CD I'm on, and am too lazy to look for my ticker lol. But due date is Christmas eve and I know it's coming up fast as I frantically try to finish all the holiday shopping buzz. I think I'm getting a UTI or something. I'm having a lot of cramping pain around the front of my pelvis and in my low back with lots of cm, so I don't know if that's becoming an infection of some sort or what, but it's really really uncomfortable. Tonight is DH's Christmas party at work, hopefully the pains subside long enough to enjoy it. I may have to go into the doctors office tomorrow if it doesn't ease up though. My anxiety is causing a lot of issues for me but I'm trucking my way through it and hoping for the best. Lots of hugs to all you ladies:hugs::hugs:
Thanks Ladies. I really appreciate the nice thoughts.

Labgal, I'm sorry for your and your friend's loss. I've lost a couple of friends in their 20s to 30s and it is hard to even believe as it's happening. Add to it a different lifestyle- must be surreal. :hugs:

Dragonfly, hope you feel better. That's no fun when you're trying to feel festive...

TTC- I know what you mean about flights- when I lived out west I dreaded those cross-country flights. But they're never as bad as you think. Hopefully you can snooze.

Leetie, hope you're wrong about the O. If not, at least the holidays are a pleasant distraction.

AFM-I found out last minute my dad had to have surgery, partly diagnostic. The good news is that they didn't find anything bad. The bad news is he has to have more surgery next Thursday or Friday, as they couldn't complete the procedure. We're leaving to see my in-laws on Wednesday night. Even in my 30s I'm still a daddy's girl, so it's going to be hard being so far away.

Also, yesterday AF came and I had a really low day with everything going on and not being able to give my parents grandchildren I know they want. But now, back at home, I have some perspective and it's not so bad. Only 3 months since my surgery, my body needed a break. A fresh new cycle. These things take time.
Xan lots of prayers coming your and your father's way:hugs: I can only imagine how hard it must be knowing he'll have more surgery and that you'll be away. He'll be alright though and more than happy to see you when you return from your in laws:hugs: I'm also glad to hear that although you had a low day when af showed, you're now looking at it in a better outlook. I love that and wish to take example from it.
Labgal- I am sorry to hear about your friends brother. Its crushing when a young life is lost especially to something that could have been prevented. I pray for the families healing and also for you for being there for a friend :hugs:

Ttc-your allowed to be happy for someone and be sad at the same time. I think we should allow ourselves a pity part every one in a while and be able to selfishly cry. As long as its not to often . :hugs: I hope you feel better and have a great trip.

Xan- sorry AF showed and your dad has to have surgery. I'm glad your staying positive and I pray for a quick recovery for your dad. :hugs:

Dragonfly- I hope its not an infection and you feel better soon and you were able to have fun at the Christmas party. You never know maybe your body is preparing for a little sticky bean :winkwink:

Afm- I haven't had any spotting for a few days. I think AF is due this weekend. I am currently laying in bed sick, sore throat, fever, headache. I'm such a baby when im sick and I've been home alone all day with no one to make me tea or get me medicine. Dh should be home soon so he's going to have to make up for it lol.
Leetie - That sounds awful, I hope you're feeling better soon:hugs: Glad hubby will be home soon though.
TTC - I hate planes. They give me horrible anxiety and headaches, but once you land its worth it! Fx it goes smoothly for you!

I'm sorry to hear about your father needing surgery Xan, it's scary but thankfully it could be something more serious. I'm keeping you in my thoughts...

Poor sick leetie :( I'm making you a cup of soup from afar!

Dragonfly how are you?

AFM I think AF is starting as of yesterday, I had a couple spots - she's almost week earlier than the past few months, CD 31! As opposed to CD 36/37 and beyond... I'll take my victories where I can. I'm thinking it's because of not using opk and destressing? Whatever the reason its my shortest cycle since coming off BC so I'm happy about that
Thanks everyone! I'm feeling a lot better still have a cold but not as bad.

Labgal that made me laugh thanks. I hope that AF is a sign your cycles are getting regulated. Fx and baby dust for next cycle.
Labgal - glad to hear that your cycles may be fixing themselves up!! Although af came I hope that this new cycle is a fresh start and leads you to your bfp :)

Leetie - Boo on being sick, at least you're starting to feel better :)

AFM: The crazy hives I've broken out into right after the Christmas party are driving me nuts. Doc has decided either I ate something I'm allergic to or touched something strange (like silverware that didn't get rinsed properly or something). Well that's being taken care of, slowly. Saw my ticker is 9dpo already! Holy crap! Not testing tomorrow though, I have no tests:cry::haha: I'm holding out this time! Determined! Not really any symptoms to report... my nipples never got sore so I'm worried I didn't O.
Dragonfly that's strange have you ever had hives before? I hope they clear up soon. GL on waiting it out fx you did O and you get your bfp!
Dragonfly that's strange have you ever had hives before? I hope they clear up soon. GL on waiting it out fx you did O and you get your bfp!

I have but never this bad or this long. This time around I'm now on day 4 and I'm still red blotches with itching and burning. Definitely not shingles either, I made them make sure on that as I'm around my grandparents a lot. I managed to squeeze into my chiropractors office and the supplements she gave me is kicking it's butt though!

Today I've got a 2 pound bloat, literally. I got weighed at the doctors office and was 104 pounds and this afternoon I weighed myself because even though I'm in pj pants I feel like I'm going to burst out of them and now I weigh 106.5! I wonder if it's the medications I'm taking :(
Dragonfly I'm glad it isn't shingles I've heard those are extremely painful. I hope there's another reason for your bloat :winkwink:
Dragonfly I'm glad it isn't shingles I've heard those are extremely painful. I hope there's another reason for your bloat :winkwink:

I'm thankful it's not shingles too, I have also heard that they're super painful :( Today the hives look a lot better, and although still itchy, it's not as bad as it has been. Finally, relief!:thumbup:

10dpo already, I can't decide if I want to test on Christmas or wait to see if af is late:wacko: My mind is telling me I'm not pregnant and not to get my hopes up, and I really don't feel hopeful for this cycle. My boobs aren't even sore as they usually are after O and before af. But I'm hoping the bloat is good news lol. The bloat isn't as large today but I've still got a small tummy pooch haha
Glad you're feeling better Dragonfly!

Hope the holidays are treating all you ladies well, and that holiday magic turns into surprise bumps!

AFM- not sure what is going on, but I've been getting more and more nauseated. AF was a little odd this month, really only 2 days of flow. I'm out of town without any tests but something in the back of my mind is nagging at me that maybe there is more to this story. Very unlikely, I know. DH thinks I am nuts, telling me to drink more water :wacko:

Well nothing I can do here anyway, so we'll see when I get home :)
Dragonfly-maybe the lack of sore boobs is a sign. I would wait until the day after Christmas to test that way if it isn't positive you won't be upset on Christmas.

Xan- I hope your right. Fx there is something!

AFM Still have a cold but its getting better. AF is due today but no sign yet no sore boobs or spotting. I've had some O cramping and some wet cm not egg white so I took an opk 2 days ago there was light line. I skipped yesterday and did one today and its darker not positive but darker so maybe I'm going to O late that would mean a long cycle but I didn't keep up with my vitex very well this cycle. We will see what happens. Also my temps aren't very reliable since I've been sick and haven't slept well.
Hey ladies! Looks like I've missed a lot of cooties going around lol. Hope all you ladies are feeling better. Dragonfly when I broke out in hives they gave me steroids, prednizone or something like that and antibiotics and one caused me to bloat. Not sure what they gave you though. I have splotches all over my arms and legs. They put warm clothes all over my arms and wouldn't even let me leave the ER till it had went down some. I don't know what caused it but gosh it itched and then burned. Hope you are feeling better from the meds by now though.

AFM- I don't know what CD I am or anything lol. I haven't checked since I left WA. I still haven't O'd. I had cm but no sore boobs so I'm not counting that as O. I'm peeing an awful lot though if that counts for anything. I'm just relaxing this cycle though. My mother stresses me enough I don't need to worry about that too haha. Holidays are crazy in this house. My SIL being 8months pregnant has taken it's toll on me a couple times but I shook it off, but it's hard with staying in the same house as her. My other friend back in WA had a molar pregnancy. I had never heard of it before but apparently it's not a real pregnancy or something like that from what I was able to google. My heart really breaks for her. It was her first pregnancy so they took the test at the dr and got all excited and shared the news with their parents to find out 3 hours later on an ultrasound there was no baby. Well that about sums up my news. Big hugs to all you ladies and lots of baby dust!!
Leetie infected me! And I only gave her chicken soup over the internets! Been totally KOd here, missed half a week of work with wherever this insanely crazy cold/sinus infection.

I can imagine TtC it must be difficult having your SIL there. Its mixed - happy and sad at the same time. One of my coworkers just told me her 50 year old mother is pregnant again and she just gave birth last year...wtf? Makes me feel even more run over by a train than I already did.

Feeling kind of bummed today even though AF is over. Starting to feel perpetually "out" so to speak every month. Like I'm stressed or sick so I know it won't happen this month. Then from being sick I've lost nearly 10 pounds, which is also not good for ttc given that its made me look like a skeleton. Which is probably in turn affecting my mood... Just hoping dragonfly gets a bfp soon to give us all big smiles!

Dh and I going on vacation the second week in January so hopefully that will set me back right :)

How are you all?
Xan - I would drink plenty of water, but I would run out and get a test too, you never know! Especially with a weird af, my fingers are crossed maybe af was a fluke. When will you be heading home?

Leetie - That would be nice if the lack of symptoms would be a good thing. I resisted buying hpt's yesterday and it was hard not to! I plan to test after Christmas if no af. Maybe you're O'ing late, being sick can put your cycle off.

TTC - That's what I was given as well, so it was probably just the meds that made me bloat out so bad. The hives are finally clearing up and are almost gone. Although once your hives were mostly faded was your skin still sensitive to the touch? I feel like when anything bumps my skin where I had the hives it feels bruised. That's awful news for your friend :( My heart goes out to her, I hope that she gets another bfp soon and that there's a healthy growing bean inside.

Labgal - That sounds awful! I hope that your cold/sinus infection clears up quickly! That is insane about your coworkers mom, 50?! I didn't know that was even possible. Have a wonderful vacation in January! Really hope we all get bfp's asap. I'm not feeling very positive myself at the moment.

AFM: I'm still having twinges in my left side, and occasional cm. Still no breast tenderness, but this morning when I woke up I had mild cramping so I wonder if af will show up on time tomorrow.
Lab- That's exactly how I feel happy and sad. I mean honestly when I first found out I was so mad, like really raging mad because they live with my parents and neither of them work so my parents will be financially supporting this baby. I'm better now but I had such anger of how people that have nothing and won't be able to support babies just pop them out like it's nothing but people that are able to support them and want them so bad struggle. I've heard of women getting pregnant that late but I didn't think it was such an easy thing but WOW she just had one last year and now again. That's crazy!! I hope vacation is great for you 2 and you come back with a little growing souvenir lol.

Dragonfly- hope that's great news. I would want to test on Christmas but I would be bummed if it was negative too so maybe like you said I would try to wait. Can't wait to hear how the test turns out!! FX for you. And thanks about my friend, she is really upset. But she's keeping it to herself which isn't healthy I told her about bnb so maybe she will visit and discuss with some ladies how she is feeling. I haven't told anyone in my real life about me being on bnb but I really thought it would help her deal with what she's experiencing. I can't imagine having to abort my baby, I mean I realize they told her it's not an actual baby but still the thought of it is heartbreaking.

AFM- out of nowhere I'm bleeding. Not getting on my panties or anything but light pinkish/brownish blood when I wipe. I haven't even O'd to my knowledge so I don't know what the heck is going on lol. I haven't temped or anything since I had that weird cycle last month. According to FF I'm only on CD33 which is too soon to be having AF. I've never had that short of a period since I've started tracking. My shortest was 35 and that's when I took vitex regularly. Last month was 70, the month before was 42 then 51 the month before. Like I said I'm not sure what the heck is going on lol. Guess like everything else this cycle I'm just going to play it by ear and see what happens haha.

Tomorrow starts the crazy cooking and baking for me, how bout you ladies? Gosh I have so much to do, when I can no longer stand tomorrow night I will check in with y'all hehe.
Glad you're feeling better Dragonfly!

Hope the holidays are treating all you ladies well, and that holiday magic turns into surprise bumps!

AFM- not sure what is going on, but I've been getting more and more nauseated. AF was a little odd this month, really only 2 days of flow. I'm out of town without any tests but something in the back of my mind is nagging at me that maybe there is more to this story. Very unlikely, I know. DH thinks I am nuts, telling me to drink more water :wacko:

Well nothing I can do here anyway, so we'll see when I get home :)

FX'd for when you get home!! Make sure to let us know!!!!
TTC - I hope your friend will visit BnB. I had a friend who had a few mc's back to back and she kept it locked up for a little bit, but she finally got it out and was able to talk to people about it, I hope that your friend can find comfort in talking to someone:hugs:

If you haven't O'd yet maybe the light bleeding could mean O is coming? Some ladies get a few drops of blood when they're gearing up to O.

AFM: I'm still in, fingers are beyond crossed that I stay that way. Woke up with some cramping that has passed now. I have that feeling down below right before af starts but there's no cramps. Breasts still aren't sore, not complaining though lol.

Merry Christmas ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Praying we bring in the new year with bfps for all of us.

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