Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - I hope your friend will visit BnB. I had a friend who had a few mc's back to back and she kept it locked up for a little bit, but she finally got it out and was able to talk to people about it, I hope that your friend can find comfort in talking to someone:hugs:

If you haven't O'd yet maybe the light bleeding could mean O is coming? Some ladies get a few drops of blood when they're gearing up to O.

AFM: I'm still in, fingers are beyond crossed that I stay that way. Woke up with some cramping that has passed now. I have that feeling down below right before af starts but there's no cramps. Breasts still aren't sore, not complaining though lol.

Merry Christmas ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Praying we bring in the new year with bfps for all of us.

I really hope she does too. I can't imagine the pain she is feeling. Especially being so excited and getting it all taken away in 3 hours time. I'm sure Christmas will be extremely emotional for her I just hope she takes my advice and finds someone to talk to about it, bnb helps more than so many people know.

It's more than just a few drops though, it's like I'm spotting that's why I'm like hmmmmm what's going on here. Today still the spotting nothing on the pad.

You are going to test after Christmas? Fingers crossed super tight for you!! It would be so amazing if all of us got BFPs soon, hey one can dream right.

AFM-I'm so tired I want to crash. Waiting til midnight because DF will be calling to tell me Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas like he does every year lol. We talked and next year I'm staying home with him. It's so stressful and upsetting not being with him even though I'm with my family it's like a piece of me is missing so next year I'm staying at home and celebrating with him. In other news I'm still spotting, no cramps, no sore boobs nothing. I'm still confused as heck but still just playing it out and see what happens. Merry Christmas Ladies!!!
Hi ladies-merry x-mas!

Dragonfly- fx!

I know what you mean about feeling it's unfair. SIL has been with her husband for 5 years and has 2 kids-2 & 3. We went to visit a cousin who has been having trouble conceiving and she started talking about how people she knows say they want a baby but still party and how they should try harder. Part of me was boiling with anger, part of me felt like she just has no idea what she's talking about. She doesn't know we're trying, so I said nothing.

Over 2 years TTC, I just can't put my life on hold indefinitely. Limit exercise, but get enough. Avoid certain foods, but don't stress about it. Avoid stress at work. And none of it has helped! Sometimes I wonder if I want a baby or if I just want to not have wasted these past 2 years.

I just got some potentially good news on a job I applied for. My applications are cyclical, so if this job doesn't pan out I may need to think about how pregnant I would be next fall/winter. I may take all my energy I put into this and make sure I'm in a good place for my job next year. Not that if something happened in the meantime I'd be sad :)
As awful as it is, if it must happen I would rather it be sooner than later when it comes to finding out such news in a pregnancy.

Oh it's more like spotting, how weird:shrug: Maybe you just have some stuff from last cycle working it's way out? Although that would be brown and you said it's red. Our bodies can be so confusing!

Thank you, I'm really holding out hope. DH got excited tonight because he said it's not after midnight and officially Christmas and af didn't show yet. But tonight I'm having more cramping and having some wetness down there that I keep checking to see if it's af or not. Really worried what tomorrow will bring.

Sorry DH is at home and you're so far away from him. It is hard being away from family during the holidays but I would definitely rather be with my hubby than far away without him. Hope he'll be calling soon.

Merry Christmas ladies! My kitty is trying to eat my MIL's ribbon:dohh:
Hey everyone I hope you all had a great Christmas. I'm sad its over but glad at the same time Christmas tends to be more stressful than it should. But we had a great Christmas and family came over for dinner it was fun.

Labgal- I'm sorry you've been so sick. Here's some hot soup I sprinkled some baby dust in it. :) they need more food smilies lol.

TTC - I've had spotting mid cycle before for no reason. But its strange if you've never had it before I Dont know what causes mine did you try google ?

Xan- how are you feeling? Did you ever test? I know how you feel about wasting time. Sometimes I think do I actually want a baby or do I just feel like I'm supposed to then I hold my baby nephew and wonder how I couldn't want one of my own. You just have to do what's right for you gl.

Dragonfly - did your hives Clear up and did you test yet? Fx if you haven't!

AFM still no AF I was really busy and kept forgetting to do opks I had a lot of cm for a few days but my temps still are low. Just going to wait and see I guess.
Hey everyone I hope you all had a great Christmas. I'm sad its over but glad at the same time Christmas tends to be more stressful than it should. But we had a great Christmas and family came over for dinner it was fun.

Labgal- I'm sorry you've been so sick. Here's some hot soup I sprinkled some baby dust in it. :) they need more food smilies lol.

TTC - I've had spotting mid cycle before for no reason. But its strange if you've never had it before I Dont know what causes mine did you try google ?

Xan- how are you feeling? Did you ever test? I know how you feel about wasting time. Sometimes I think do I actually want a baby or do I just feel like I'm supposed to then I hold my baby nephew and wonder how I couldn't want one of my own. You just have to do what's right for you gl.

Dragonfly - did your hives Clear up and did you test yet? Fx if you haven't!

AFM still no AF I was really busy and kept forgetting to do opks I had a lot of cm for a few days but my temps still are low. Just going to wait and see I guess.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas as well! No I haven't googled but I plan on it later lol.
AFM- Still just spotting. Im still lost as what is going on. It's just when I wipe that's why it doesn't make sense I think this is day 4 or 5 of spotting and it's never happened before. I've spotted the day before AF but never this long and still no AF, no cramps and no sore boobs. if it's AF I'm surely not complaining about the no cramps and sore boobs though lol.
Leetie - This Christmas definitely felt more stressful on this end, ready to bring on the new year :) Thank you, yes my hives finally cleared up. Today is the first day with no itching! My skin is still a little sensitive, but I can deal with that more than itchiness lol. Fingers crossed! Maybe not using opks will be the trick:winkwink:

TTC - Careful on Dr Google haha, I always find the worst things:haha: So weird that you're still spotting, have you done any tests or plan to do any soon?

AFM: No af and hit a bfn this morning :( Feeling pretty bummed and not sure what's going on with this stupid cycle. I didn't feel very positive anyways since we were so relaxed this cycle. DH thinks I should test again tomorrow and that my pee just wasn't concentrated enough because I was peeing all night from how much tea I had before bed:shrug: I might wait 2 days before testing instead though.
TTC - if it is just when you wipe I wouldn't count it as AF I hope you find some good answers.

Dragonfly - Sorry for the bfn. If you can I would wait 2 days fx! Glad your hives are cleared. There is now a stomach virus going around and I'm really hoping I Dont get it. I usually get it around the holidays so far OK though.
Merry Christmas to all my ladies :) a bit late, I know. I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Ttc that is strange. I also spotted occasionally throughout my last cycle. I feel like have exactly zero idea about my body, lol. Hopefully it means something good & fertile for you.

Xan I know what you mean. I can feel my focus kind of shifting too; I have some goals and work things that I am figuring out that are becoming important to me, not that TTC isn't but... you know.

Maybe a bfp for dragonfly later today? :)

Leetie - Still no af, I didn't test this morning either. I'll test tomorrow if she doesn't show by this evening. I had cramps when I woke up but they were gone by breakfast:wacko: Hope you stay away from the stomach virus! I'm the worst at those lol

Labgal - That would be nice!:) I'm going to hold out until tomorrow though, I had cramping this morning so I'm a bit skeptical over using another test. The dumb box only came with two.:dohh:

Xan - Hope you're doing well! Lots of luck on getting your bfp soon:hugs: And that would be excellent if you got the job you're going for, something will definitely come along and be the perfect fit for you and future bubs!:thumbup:
FX'd for you dragonfly!! Hope that icky stomach bug doesn't find it's way to you leetie. At this point Lab I'm just as confused at my body as you are at yours lol.
AFM- I never did google and see what it was all about. Been so busy. I stopped spotting. AF never fully came. I don't know what all that was about but I'm going to test when I get back home. I don't want to do it here and hopefully when I get home I will have drawn a better conclusion by then LOL. I have 2 weeks left though, we'll see if I make it. My SIL is 36 weeks today so it was kind of emotional for me but I was ok, she's young and excited so I'm happy for her but I did still find myself feeling annoyed so I just pushed those thoughts out of my mind. I really think I only feel that way because they neither one have jobs and they rely solely on my parents for everything so my parents will be supporting the child and it's not like they have tons of money to be able to comfortably take on that role so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Hope you ladies are doing well and looking forward to bringing in the new year. If y'all don't get bfp's before the year ends hopefully y'all will get them in the new year!!
Hi everyone- happy holidays! Dragonfly, Leetie, Labgal, TTC- any news?

AFM- 3 dpo, give or take. I never ended up using HPT. Never got a positive OPK this month. I ran out of tests one day before we came back, but the line was getting darker. Then I had O pains on the plane back, and higher temps since. Had some well timed bd'ing, so we did our part. The rest is out of our hands :)
:hugs:TTC I hope you get your bfp very soon.

Xan - fingers are crossed that all your efforts lead to good results!

AFM: brown spottig started early this morning, I'm having sharp pains in my lower abdomen that make me double over in pain and its not nice. I think af will be here tomorrow morning at the latest.
Dragonfly - sorry you started spotting. I hope your feeling ok. :hugs:

Xan - I hope the 2ww goes fast FX for good news!

TTC - hopefully your brother and SIL will step up after the baby comes and get jobs. Dh's nephew and niece in law are like that they finally got jobs their baby is 15 months they still rely on his parents for everything but its a start. Glad to hear your sporting stopped maybe its a good sign.

Labgal - how are you feeling? Are you doing anything this cycle?

AFM - I'm CD 37 ff gave me cross hairs (that's what its called right?) It says I O'd Friday so I am 3 dpo according to it. I'm not 100% sure I did but I will take it. My bbs have been sore off and on since Friday and I had cramps off and on Saturday. I keep feeling like AF is going to start. Who knows guess I'm playing the waiting game as usual lol. Anyone have fun plans for New Years?
af came in full force last night as I was getting ready for bed, at least I now have an answer and can move on with this new cycle.

Leetie - That's excellent you got the crosshairs and already 3dpo! Fingers are crossed for you :)
Leetie- I sure hope they step up. They had the 36 week appointment today and now have to go to the dr every week. It's sad that she's really not into the pregnancy. She doesn't seem to show any emotion about it. Now my brother is so excited but not her. I think she might be getting scared. She's only 23. She's due Jan 25th. And YAY for crosshairs. I got so excited when I got mine for the first time last cycle. fx'd for you!

Dragonfly- sorry AF found you hun.

Xan- the wonderful waiting game lol. fx'd for you!

AFM- spotting still gone but now cm ugh. I keep thinking it's AF but just cm. I'm confused as to if I count that as AF or just some random spotting? Still no sore boobs or anything. So strange. The only thing I'm noticing is peeing every 2 hours because I can get enough to drink and I went to bed at 8pm last night when normally it's about 3-4am (I'm a nightowl since DF works nights) other than that I'm just like la la la la la wonder what's going on la la la la la lol.
Thanks ladies. Fx'ed for all of us.

Dragonfly, sorry to hear that AF caught you. New year, new cycle!

TTC- tired and peeing a lot- sounds promising!

Leetie, we're tww buddies this time :)
Xan - Yay! Hopefully I will make it without AF showing early and it would be awesome if we both got bfp. One can dream right :)

TTC - dh's nephew is 21 and his wife is 19. They are very young and immature. They live in his parents basement and his mom has the baby 90% percent of the time even at night. We love them and want them to have a good life but we can't force either of them to do anything. Its frustrating that they take their little boy for granted when we all would kill for what they have. At least I get to see him often we all live on the same street. Dh's whole family does. Both his sisters their families and his mom and dad.

AFM - this morning ff gave me solid cross hairs now they are dotted. Idk why I didn't change any info. I'm not to worried about it. I keep getting cramps and feeling like AF is coming and my bbs are sore.
Xan - Yay! Hopefully I will make it without AF showing early and it would be awesome if we both got bfp. One can dream right :)

TTC - dh's nephew is 21 and his wife is 19. They are very young and immature. They live in his parents basement and his mom has the baby 90% percent of the time even at night. We love them and want them to have a good life but we can't force either of them to do anything. Its frustrating that they take their little boy for granted when we all would kill for what they have. At least I get to see him often we all live on the same street. Dh's whole family does. Both his sisters their families and his mom and dad.

AFM - this morning ff gave me solid cross hairs now they are dotted. Idk why I didn't change any info. I'm not to worried about it. I keep getting cramps and feeling like AF is coming and my bbs are sore.

Sadly a lot of parents take for granted what all of us would give anything to have. Hopefully they mature and do better as they grow up. You are right forcing them won't work most times it makes it worse. As for the cross hairs it probably changed based on information you added today. Maybe your temp or cm. I'm not sure.
TTC - She may be worried about things as the due date gets closer, but that's great that the father is super excited. Maybe this baby will bring on lots of good life changes for them. Lots of peeing and being tired sound good to me, fingers are still crossed for you on this end:thumbup:

Leetie - Fingers crossed! Not sure about the crosshair change:shrug: Either way, I hope it's leading up to good news.

Xan - Hope you're doing well and that the tww is going by fast!

AFM: AF is leaving early this cycle and I wont complain. I've begun temping and plan to get OPK's when I near CD20. Praying that 2014 brings us all babies!

Happy New Years ladies!:)

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