Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Thanks ladies! Sorry we had an exciting weekend so I haven't been around. I think DF knew I was feeling bummed. He surprised me with dinner and a gold diamond cut rope chain with a "love" charm. It's not a baby but I sure do love it lol.

Xan- I just felt so torn so that made me feel even worse. I'm glad someone can relate so thank you. Glad you and DH are having fun!!

Leetie- Hope AF is long gone now so you can start fresh!

Dragonfly- Hoping O finds you soon!!

AFM- Someone needs to take these turtle candies DF brought me lol. Not sure if I've ever shared but I am overweight and feel that probably plays heavy into not getting pregnant so I've been dieting and losing weight but dang it I've cheated everyday since V-day lol. He got off work at 7am the day after v-day and brought me home a whole bag full of turtles because they were marked down. I love the thought but ahhhh they are so good and very tempting lol. Hope you ladies are all doing good! Also hoping this turn of events that has put me in a better mood will help me get back into the swing of things!!
Xan - I'm glad your scan went well but I hope they also figure out what is going on and you can get some answers (hopefully good ones) sooner than later.

Leetie - my DH says the same thing about the every other day Bding thing. We both went in for our appointment today and he was asking the doc why we can't have sex every day and she explained to him that the swimmers need time to replenish otherwise he's just "shooting blanks" ... which now he seems on board with it because he wants his sperm to "destroy" my eggs, lol. Never underestimate the male drive for competition!

Seems like AF hit everyone early. I'm on CD 19 but still have about a month left before I'll have AF again.

Our appointment today went well. I don't have to have surgery (yay) to remove anything. Doc actually thought both of my tubes spilled and the techs couldn't interpret the results properly because of positioning. I suppose that's good although I'm not really sure because I have the one scarred ovary so that side is kind of useless anyway. She gave me the rx for clomid so now I can look forward to being an even bigger neurotic nutjob next month ;)

TTC - You're allowed turtles every once in a while! Weight is such a difficult thing to struggle with. No matter what end of the spectrum you are in, it's an every day battle. I'm a "recovering anorexic" which I suppose is a for life thing. At my lowest I was 85 lbs. Now that I am a more normal 105-115 I feel fat all the time, even though I know I'm not. I can't keep scales in my house because of it. One of my GFs is the opposite, she hadn't been below 225 since she was in 9th grade and we've been a great support to one another, encouraging each other to eat or not eat and helping each other make plans/recipies etc. She's down to 195 now. And if it helps your worries at all she was able to become pregnant a couple years ago but she did have gestational diabetes, but her little boy is healthy and happy.Anyway, my point is I know what a struggle weight issues can be. I think it helps to not think of losing or gaining weight, but to create a healthy eating lifestyle that you can follow. If you want any suggestions for awesome, healthy tasty meals let me know! I love to cook and I'm happy to share.

How's dragonfly doing?
Ttc- I completely understand the weight thing. I'm over weight also. I've lost some in the last 6 months but I would still like to lose more. My biggest problem is I'm not motivated I don't work so I'm often just sitting watching tv. Our closest gym is really expensive. We used to go walking at an indoor place and we've talked about doing it again. And another thing is we are constantly feeding a lot of people my sil and her family usually eat at our house daily so we always plan large meals and a lot of the time its pasta. I have started drinking a fruit smoothie with almond milk and kale with flaxseed for breakfast every morning and I really love them but I know I need to cut back on the sweets more. I wouldn't consider myself obese even though the charts say I am I don't look it. I've always had large breast and wide hips even when I was smaller. But I know its not healthy and could be an infertility factor. But I try everyday to make healthier decisions and I'm going to keep trying and work harder at it.

Labgal - I would love some recipes :) I'm so happy to hear your appointment went well and dh is in the game now. I literally lol'd at him wanting to "destroy" your egg. I'm glad to know that your living a healthy lifestyle and I hope to take encouragement from you and do the same. So you will start clomid after you get AF this cycle?
Yes, I'll start clomid after af arrives on days 5-9. Then day 21 blood draw to confirm ovulation, and if it hasn't happened they will up the dose from 50 mg to 100 mg. If nothing after 3 months then we will do trigger shots but fingers crossed it doesn't come to that.

As for the recipies, here are some suggestions to start with. I'll post some more later :)
Breakfast is kind of generic so I typically don't do much for that beyond having a yogurt with as much fruit as possible. Fruit can get pretty expensive so I will often get it canned and mix in as much as possible. I also take dry cereal with me, typically a (measured) cup of quaker squares or something of the like. I put it in sandwich bags and snack on it throughout the day. On weekends and times when I can actually cook breakfast I'll make four eggs (DH and I split this) and scramble them with tons of veggies, broccoli, red pepper, mushrooms and tomatoes work well, as does spinach. Sometimes I put a cup of cheese, either chedder or mozzarella depending on what type of veggies I used. Add some whole wheat toast and viola! You can either steam the veggies seperate or mix them in with the eggs, but you'll want to drain the water from the veggies if you care about presentation otherwise it will turn your eggs gray...

I also do yogurt smoothies with two cups of yogurt, lots of strawberries and bananas.

Lunch is where I can really get cookin! (bwa bwa)...
One of my favorities is grilled chicken salads, which you can also make vegetarian if you perfer. I chop and marinade my chicken to suit the type of salad, so if you are feeling Asian, something like teriyaki, you can do BBQ sauce or if you want something more neutral I recommend covering the chicken with olive oil and putting my super favorite spice combination on it, "herbs de provence". I use those herbs in everything, including soups to make them really flavorful. You can get them online at Penzeys.com. Or locally at whatever spice retailor you have in the area.
For an Asian salad I use sugar snap peas, bean sprouts, mushrooms and peppers and edamame and carrots or some combination of those. You can marinate the mushrooms and peppers as well if you perfer them that way. I put a little bit of thai chili sauce on there and mix it around.
For BBQ, canned corn works well, along with onions (red or sweet vidalia), red pepper and carrots.
For Herbs de Provence I recommend slicing up an apple and pairing that with gorgonzola crumbles and almonds or walnuts.

I also do a lot of whole wheat, turkey wraps with lacy swiss cheese and a smidge of cranberry sauce. I also recommend making grilled/pressed sandwiches on Naan bread with sliced mozzarella and tomatos. I also recommend getting pita bread, lining it with hummus and filling it with shredded lettuce and whatever veggies and meat you might want.

One of my favorites is steaming1-1.5 lb chicken with the herbs de provence. Coat like the salad and stick them in the oven with a tablespoon of butter, cook at 375 for 50 minutes. Steam broccoli with chopped garlic and mix that in with coucous or rice pilaf.

My husband also loves this "tortilla pizza" I make. If I have time I throw everything in the crock pot and it comes out awesome. 1-1.5 lb chicken again, a can of black beans, two cans of corn & peppers (if you go in the mexican section of the supermarket they are usually paired together in one can), and a can of chiles. I cook the chicken and veggies together and line 2 large tortillas with enchilada sauce. When the chicken and veggies are done either in the crock after 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low after work, or a few minutes in the pan spread it over the torillas. Then add a cup of chedder jack cheese and bake in the oven at 400 for 15 minutes. Super tasty.

We do a lot of stir frys in the wok, and go to the asian store to get pad thai noodles. You can get them online a lot cheaper than at your standard grocery store.
Mix 1-1.5 lb meat with mushrooms, onions, broccoli and pepper (a combo of red and green/yellow). Soak a couple of bundles of pad thai noodles in water until they get soft while the meat and veggies are cooking.Add hoisin sauce and rice vinegar if you have it, but the later isn't necessary. Once the meat and veggies are done, add the noodles in and mix them around with everything. You don't want to drain the meat and veggies on this because they make a delicious pan sauce you can pour over everything at the end if you want.

My last suggestion for now is portobello mushroom burgers. I marinade them in teriyaki sauce all day and then grill them, add some canned pineapple atop and throw it on a whole wheat bun. The mushrooms are filled with the teriyaki flavor and are really awesome! You can slice up some sweet potatoes and put salt and pepper on them & bake for 40 min @ 375 or quarter small, red potatoes and cover them with sea salt or herbs de prodence & bake the same. OR you can cook up some rice pilaf and steam a pack of peas & carrots and throw them in.

All of these recipies are budget friendly and shouldn't cost more than ~$20, and make food for two. I'll post some more later, I'm totally slacking at work... :)
Weight issues here too. I am on the higher side of normal weight, especially since having hypothyroidism. I've gained about 10 pounds in the past 3 years or so and now have to watch what I eat (I used to trade being a less thin for eating what I wanted). Well, with the warmer weather there will be more fresh fruits and veggies, and DH and I have been going to the gym together. I saw the other day that if you exercise together it becomes a bit competitive and you burn more calories!

None of that for me for now- I was up all night with the stomach flu... today I'm sticking to chicken broth and ginger ale.
Hi Lab!! I'm glad things are looking up. I really hope clomid works for you. Glad DH is now on board and understands. Sometimes they just need things put into prospective plus the competitive side being awaken never hurts LOL. Thanks for the recipes. I'm always open to try new things but I'm so super picky. We have definitely taken it on as a healthy lifestyle instead of a diet because I was pushing the scales at 300lbs 3 years ago so I never want to go there again. Of course everyone says oh u can get pregnant being overweight and blah blah but the fact is I didn't WANT to be pregnant being that big. I seen all these women with cute pregnancy pics and I want that too so it has given me a lot of motivation. But sometimes I do still slip up. I'm not a sweets person though so that's a good thing. I'm a down south girl so fried food and lots of butter is the problem. I know what you mean about your weight being a forever life thing because once you suffer from a weight problem you have to work constantly to overcome it. Some people don't realize that it's just as bad being underweight as it is to be overweight but I'm glad you are maintaining and hope you continue to conquer that demon.

Leetie-I don't work either so sometimes it's very hard getting motivated. The good thing is I've begun utilizing the fact that I don't work to try out new recipes. I follow a lot of clean eating people on FB and they post different recipes, tricks and tips so that helps too. But still I have downfalls especially when I'm feeling incompetent I turn to food. Another thing that might help is avoid canned foods. When you are overweight you retain a lot of water so you have to avoid sodium. So many people look at sugar, fat, carbs and calories and totally overlook sodium. Canned veggies have 300-800mgs of sodium in them so I always buy frozen. I try to buy fresh but sometimes it's not in season or outrageous so I buy frozen and then the sodium is 0-20mg. I've learned to try to avoid the "inside" of the grocery store. I just shop the "outside" Meaning fresh veggies and lean proteins, avoiding box meals, seasonings, cookies, chips, u get the point. Hope that helps a little bit.

Xan- I can't wait for warmer weather!! Walking the treadmill can never compare to walking outside. It gets boring after awhile. I hope you feel better soon. That dang stomach flu is going around everywhere. Lots of friends in GA has it as well as here in WA. I'm a grouchy, terrible, snappy patient when I'm sick so I'm constantly taking vitamin c to up my immune system and hopefully avoid the crud lol.
Labgal, glad that you are getting on track. I hope clomid does the trick!

Have you guys seen the dash eating system? It seems really straightforward and pushes a lot of fruits and veggies, and includes some nuts, fats and even sweets.

We've been trying to get away from canned/processed foods. Instead of canned dressings, we mix mustard, olive oil, and vinegar and add a bit of salt and pepper. Sometimes we splurge on fancy oils (we recently found some walnut oil) or some different flavors and mix things up. DH also makes bread at home, which is better for your glycemic index. I love tomatoes and sometimes I buy cherry tomatoes and snack on them all day. But I am weak for flavorful, rich meals. Fortunately they are less enticing when it's warmer outside.

I'm feeling a lot better- I was feeling a bit weak and just ate a slice of bread. Hopefully the worst is over :)
labgal- I'm praying clomid works and your not on it long. Thanks for the food ideas i'm going to look up that seasoning you mentioned.

ttc- we dont normally eat food out of a can, and I try to avoid boxed food from the freezer isle. I know I need more of portion control and more veggies. I am also very picky I love broccoli, cauliflower and carrots cooked, I like the taste of peppers cooked but im a texture person if something is slimy or soggy it freaks me out lol.

xan- so glad your feeling better. That bug got some in my family but it only lasted maybe 12 hours. I'm going to google that dash eating systems. I also need to get in the habit of preparing meals a head of time so im not tempted to just go for junk when i'm hungry or want a snack. I can't wait for it to warm up I have major cabin fever.

afm- I still have a little bit of spotting mostly just old blood so i'm hoping af will be gone by tomorrow.
Xan- Glad you're feeling better! Never heard of the dash eating system. Not sure if it's the same but I've seen a lot of people use different dash seasonings but I've never tried them. Processed foods are such a problem! I'm a tomato lover too, I love cherry tomatoes, unfortunately I like them in ranch lol. I'm glad warmer weather is coming so I avoid "heavy" meals. Like pastas and smothered meats. I love grilled food.

Leetie- Hope AF leaves you soon! I'm like you I don't like slimy and soggy food. Texture is important lol. I'm so picky. If it looks or smells gross I can't eat it. I don't like cheese, well I do but only on pizza lol.

AFM-nothing is happening just waiting on something fun lol.
Ttc- are you temping or anything this cycle?

Dragonfly - How are you doing I seen ff gave you cross hairs. Also I seen on your journal that your dh was going to make an appt. for a SA. Do you go through your doctor for that or does he go through his? And I would imagine your insurance does'nt cover that right? If not do you know how much they charge where you are?

Hope everyone else is good. AF has been officially gone for a few days I really hope the vitex will shorten my cycles I dread having to wait so long to O.
Hi all. Quiet on the board. Not much to say here TTC-wise (4dpo), but I think there was some well timed bedding, though between the two of us recovering from various strains of the flu, who knows how that affects fertility.

Had a bunch of doctor's appointments and it seems like it's always one step forward, one step back. The hematologist officially told me I don't have a blood disease, which is great news because I don't want a bone marrow biopsy. Yesterday, however, I had a stress test and they couldn't get me to my target heart rate and respiration. From what I understand that means I am either an elite athlete (unlikely) or something else is going on. If it is that, I hope they can do something that will increase my odds of getting a bump. I have an appointment at the end of March so maybe no news until then.
Hey Xan that's great news you don't have a blood disease and won't need a marrow biopsy I've heard those are very painful. I don't know about the stress test hopefully its nothing major and they get it taken care of quickly. Maybe your good timed bd will do the trick this month. GL!
Hey ladies, sorry I've been MIA! Goodness I have some catching up to do!

Xan - I'm so glad to hear you don't have the blood disease and wont be needing a bone marrow biopsy! That's wonderful news :) I'm thinking of you and hoping the doctors can sort it all out so you can get your lovely bump asap!!

After FF gave me a dotted crosshair again I am apparently 9dpo so that's a little exciting, although I don't feel too hopeful. With FF switching around my O dates I lost interest in bd'ing and got frustrated so I doubt our timing was any good, but we'll see. My temps are flat lining, so that's new to me. I've taken my temps in the afternoon as well, just to be sure it's changing and it keeps telling me I'm in the 99's which is very high in my opinion. Maybe because I've been so busy?

I hope all is well ladies! Excellent about starting clomid soon, Labgal! I hope it's just what you need to get your bfp. :)
Hi dragonfly, that's weird your temps have been the same maybe its a good sign.
Xan - I wish I could offer something helpful. Its great that you don't have a blood disease but strange they couldn't get you to your target heart rate. Do they have any idea what might cause something like that? You're in my thoughts....

AFM , I don't know what to think. I'm on CD29 and I had a little bit of very light spotting earlier. I am more than perplexed as I haven't had spotting so early even when I first came off bcp, so wtf? I wasn't expecting it for another 6-10 days. I'm wondering if its related to the short daily workouts I've been doing all this month, but they have only been around 25 minutes each and nothing I'd call super strenuous... I really doubt its IB since the doc seemed so positive I don't ovulate... thoughts? I wouldn't say no to an early cycle after so many long ones, but I'm sick of being confused! I'm half laughing thinking now I'll spot for 2 weeks instead of one. Stupid. Body.
Leetie - it does feel very weird that it stayed the same so long, but it went up today so I'm alright with that. I hope it's good things.

Labgal - I don't know what to say about the spotting. I'm sorry you're body is being so confusing. Even if the doctor said you can't ovulate I'll keep you in my thoughts that maybe you can and it could be IB. Definitely hoping you don't spot for 2 week, that would be beyond crappy :(
Leetie- No I haven't done anything this month in terms of ttc. Just wait and see kinda logic I'm having lol. Hope vitex works for you!!

Xan-Glad to know you don't have a blood disease, hope they figure out the heart rate thing and it's not serious.

Dragonfly- 10dpo today eeek!! FX!

Lab- I know exactly how you're feeling. That's why I haven't done anything this month, no pills, no temping, no opks. Just relaxing and when I'm done being annoyed with my body I will start again. I hope things get figured out for you hun!

AFM- Still nothing haha. I haven't O'd judging by not having sore boobs yet but I am having some craziness in my lower tummy and lots of cm, who knows what it is but I guess it will make sense eventually when O or AF happens lol.
:hugs: labgal. I can imagine that you are looking forward to taking clomid! I'm sorry that you've had some bad news recently, but it'll be good getting rid of a few question marks and having shorter cycles.

Dragonfly- looks like you'll have your answer soon. Hopefully the high and steady temps are a good sign :)

Leetie, go go magic vitex!

TTC, hope you get some resolution soon.

AFM- 6 dpo, nothing to report on the TTC front. On the other front, a whole lot of weird things. All the doctors have been focusing on my fingernails that have developed lines and have developed a rounder shape. They asked me if my nails ever turn blue so I stopped painting my toenails and, low and behold, every morning they are quite blue! It feels good to have doctors on the right track, though it's a bit concerning to notice blue toenails.
Lab- I've read that if you don't O you body doesn't have anything to shed so you just spot. Have you asked your dr. about it? I hope it gets figured out and you can start the clomid soon.

Ttc- Maybe your body is just being weird and your getting ready to O but not going to have sore boobs lol. The cm sounds like a good sign though I hope your getting some bd in just in case :)

Xan- wow that's crazy. I'm so glad that the dr's are on top of things. I'm praying that it just brings you even more closer to your bump.

Afm- CD 15 nothing much going on still waiting to O.
still keeping up with you ladies. Wishing you all lots of baby dust and luck!

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