Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - I hope that your body sorts things out soon so you know what's up.

Xan - How crazy about the blue nails! I'm glad to hear that your doctors are on top of things and on their way to figure things out.

Leetie - I hope that O happens for you soon :)

Liz - Good to hear from you! I'll have to pop over to your journal and see how you and your bubs are, happy 20 weeks!

AFM: 11dpo and temps are still up so I'm feeling hopeful. Although I've got awful cramps so we'll see what tomorrows temp holds
Thanks ladies! Luckily none of it is really bothering me, which is a good thing it's really nice not stressing but I love seeing how you ladies are doing!

Xan- did they say why they might be blue? That would be so crazy!! I haven't seen my real nails in over 15 years lol. Hope they figure things out for you!

Leetie- that would be awesome! Sore boobs are the worst. Yep lots of bd'ing. It's fun just doing it just because.

Liz- heyyyyy! Hope all is well.

Dragonfly- I've got my fingers crossed for you hun. I think if one of us finally get a bump it will give us all so much hope!!

AFM- Warning!!!! Maybe TMI but I have sore boobs, not sure if it's due to ummm well a little "rough" bd'ing hehe or if it's O so I think tomorrow I might actually get some opk's if they are still hurting. Other than that I'm just trucking along lol.
TTC - I hope that those sore boobs of yours are for both of those reasons!:haha: O and the exciting bd'ing you had!!

AFM: 12dpo and a bfn:cry: I'm having the worlds worst cramps but my temp was up this morning so I have no idea what today will bring.
Ttc - I hope the sore boobs mean you will O soon. I think mine are starting to get a little tender Fx for the both of us.

Dragonfly - I have really been praying that your temps will stay up and you will get good news this cycle. I will continue to, I really really hope that its still to early to test.
Dragonfly- sorry about the BFN, but the temps look good! Hope it was a false negative.

As for the blue toenails, I need to get some polish! Going down to Florida in a couple of weeks and my feet are NOT ready for sandals. :)
Thanks Xan. Scary about the blue toenails, do they know what's causing that? Thinking of polish for toenails, a pedicure sounds amazing.

AFM: 13dpo and another bfn. If my temps stay up I guess I'll have to buy more tests on Tuesday. Still having awful cramping and strange cm. It's still super creamy, and enough of it I keep checking my underwear to see if there's red or not... TMI... and today there's little clumps.
Dragonfly- they're not sure. It could be something harmless called Renaud's syndrome, or there could be another cause. I have an appointment on the 31st and we'll see what the doctor has to say. I doubt that it's something serious, but it'll be good to know the doctor agrees!
Xan - when your toenails are blue do they get numb? I have Reynaud's, my fingers and toes turn white, then yellow like a banana, then blue. I keep hand and toe warmers with me at all times just in case because if it gets too bad you can get Frostbite. Reynauds can be a circulation issue, due to stress or a first symptom of a connective tissue disorder, arthritis or lupus. They check me for lupus every year because of it. Did they test you?

TTC - its good to relax as much as possible! We can't control our bodies despite best efforts, so its best to let it do its thing!

AFM I am in total shock - got AF yesterday/ the night before! Only 1 1/2days of spotting. Cd31. It's strange because I also had a dream a few days prior to the spotting that I got my period early. We had my two closest girlfriends and their boyfriends of ten years over this weekend and we drank wine and played board games all night, then they stayed over at our house. It was an awesome last hurrah before starting clomid. I just picked the rx up from the pharmacy and will be starting it in 3 days. I hope it doesn't make me too crazy!

How are the cramps dragonfly? Temps still up?

How's sweetie leetie?
Hi labgal, maybe the HSG did some good! Now a little Clomid and hopefully you'll get everything sorted out. Fingers crossed for you :)

When my problems started I saw a rheumatologist, but everything came back normal. They said they couldn't rule out a inflammatory disease, but they couldn't find any evidence for it either. Ruling out polycythemia, they've been monitoring everything. The last things they are checking are heart and lung problems.
Xan - I hope that it's not serious.

Labgal - That's exciting that af showed early! I'm hoping that with a shorter cycle and starting up clomid you'll get your bfp soon :)

AFM: 14dpo and my temp went down, I had a small cry this morning with frustation but I'm holding onto some small hope that maybe af still wont show. Could it be possible? No tests for me today, I'm waiting to see if the witch will show and what tomorrow will hold.

At this point I've been given two options. I originally had an appointment with a new gyno next week, but when I called this morning to ask what would be involved and what proactive options the doctor held, the woman I spoke basically told me it wasn't her job and I would have to see the doctor to find out. It was upsetting and I felt beside myself. Then I remembered that I had a voicemail from a small women's clinic close by to our home that had mentioned they received a phone call from my primary doctor saying we were trying and having no luck and if I wanted an appointment to call them back and set something up. Not only did they care when I called but they had a nurse call me back and go over everything that they'll be doing in the first and second appointments. It sound very proactive and I feel a desire to see them instead of the gyno who "takes" our insurance. DH wants me to see the gyno though. Thoughts ladies? Who would you see?
Dragonfly :hugs: Hopefully the temps shoot back up. Fx.

I'd say keep your appointment with the gyno for now. These things get expensive, and if the other place does not take insurance that could be a long, costly road. It may just have been one nurse, and the doctor could still be fabulous.

BUT, if the doctor is not fabulous and you get the same feeling, don't go somewhere that stresses you out. You could go to the clinic and let them know you really like the vibe but that they don't take your insurance, and see if they have any recommendations. I know when we switched over our insurance, we had a month gap and they offered us options that were not much more than we paid after insurance.

Good luck finding the right place!
Labgal- your night with friends sounded like so much fun. Just what you needed before you start clomid. I hope it doesn't give you major side effects and works fast. That's awesome you didn't have to wait forever for AF to show.

Xan - where are you in your cycle?

Dragonfly - I am praying your temps go back up. I'm sorry you were feeling frustrated this morning. I'm frustrated for you. If this isn't your month I pray that your dr. will do something for you quickly. I agree with Xan I would go to what the insurance pays for and see what they say and how you feel with them and go from there.

Afm - Saturday I was having a little bit of O pains, slightly sore boobs and a little bit of wet cm, but the next day it was gone and still nothing today. I am CD 18 ive O'd as late as CD 33 before so I could still have a while but I really hope it doesn't take that long again.
I have to agree with Xan, Dragonfly.

Medical bills can pile up when TTC, its probably best to try to go somewhere that your insurance takes. Try them out despite the gruffness on the phone - if you hate the doc then switch!
It is so true that the costs go up and up. I could especially see in DH's face when I explained the two options. I would jump for the insurance route and try them first of course, if I knew insurance would cover it. As we stand right now, our insurance really blows and has a massively high deductable so it will be out of pocket anyways. Not to mention they don't support fertility tests or treatments at all unless deemed "medically necessary". I wish I could have spoken to a nurse like I did at the other clinic, all I got was a office worker who didn't want to suggest anything helpful. Since the offices are all closed now, I'll call our insurance company tomorrow and ask what is seen as being able to be covered and what isn't and maybe that will help out with the deciding, because if they wont cover diddly I may as go where I feel more welcomed.

Xan - Yay for being 9dpo! You're almost through, praying for good news.

Leetie - I really hope you don't have to wait too much longer with waiting to O. With the cm and slight sore boobs maybe your body is gearing up for O and it'll happen soon :) Fingers crossed!
Looks like a lot has happened here over the weekend!
Lab- sounds like your weekend was a little like mine, lots of fun!!
Xan- YAY!! FX'd for you!
Leetie- hope you are gonna O soon, I know how bad it sucks to wait for O.
Dragonfly- I'm still holding out hope for you. I agree that if your insurance won't cover what you need anyway and you have to pay out of pocket anyway go where they were welcoming but I would say at least try out the gyno, sometimes those nurses are just a pain and it doesn't reflect how the dr is.

AFM- I never made it to get the opk's but I still have super sore boobs. Unfortunately we went out to the casino this weekend because it was a friend's birthday and long story short I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I don't even remember most of the night, total craziness but everyone says I was lots of fun lol. I guess tomorrow I might go get some opk's and see where I stand.
Xan - yay for 9dpo, well today I guess would make it 10 dpo yay! How are you feeling so far?

Dragonfly - I hate insurance it all confuses me with the deductibles and out of pockets. I hope you find out some info that helps with your decision.

Ttc - Sorry you had a bad hangover but I'm glad you had fun. GL with the opks I started them again yesterday.

I know it's different everywhere you live but does anyone know how much an SA cost without insurance? I called 2 urologist offices and neither of them had any idea how much it cost. Just curious I figured if it wasn't anything crazy we could do that just to know for sure.
Dragonfly - I think it's considered medically necessary if you are DX as infertile. I know those are the codes my office is using.

Sounds like fun TTC , I hope you're feeling better!

Leetie a SA isn't usually covered no matter what but it costs about 200, give or take.

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