Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

11 dpo today and for the past couple of days I've been breaking out like crazy. It could just be the weather changing, but I literally have acne on my cheek, chin, nose, and back! Hopefully it is a good sign...
Ohh Xan, I hope it's a good sign for you! Do you normally get breakouts toward the end of your cycle? Will you be testing at all?

I started the clomid today...I would say that so far, side effects aren't terrible. It's made me a bit lightheaded, but not so much that I would say I could not drive or anything of the like. As the day has progressed I'm feeling more like a rampant, tyranical bitch but I think it's legitimate work related stress and not the clomid. I have massive piles of work and for some reason everyone wants to interrupt me and ask me to do their jobs so my work keeps growing...grr.
Labgal, I usually get one pimple a day or two before AF arrives, but nothing like this.

Hope your co-workers start behaving. I also had a run in with a co-worker today. They showed up 20 minutes late, forcing me to do their job. They didn't even apologize- they just casually said they were helping someone else out. So I left earlier than usual to work from home. I decided to walk home to get over being annoyed, but 10 minutes into my walk I got a call that they couldn't figure out how to start a project and needed me to come back.

I had a cup of hot chocolate and a slice of king cake, however, and now I'm feeling better :)
Xan - I am praying that the acne is a good sign. Any plans to poas?

Lab - yay for first day of clomid! Ugh to stupid co workers.
Xan- hope that's a great sign!!
Lab- that sucks about the co-workers but glad everything went ok with the clomid!
Hi ladies,

Just checking in with my favorite TTC group. Hope everyone is doing well. Leetie, where are you on your cycle?

Everyone else, fx for an easy, early O!

AFM- 14 dpo here. I've been kind of a jerk, I have to admit. I know it, and I can't help it. Feeling very punchy. Well, that's either AF coming or it's not. Expecting AF on Monday or so, so not too long to go. Hope DH can take me like this for a couple of days. He's off for work again soon, and to tell the truth, I'm kind of looking forward to it :) Nothing like a little me time to ground me.

Also have sore boobs and a some left-over acne. Feeling so ugh. Hopefully there's a good reason for it...
Sorry you are feeling grumpy, Xan! Your LP is over 14 days? They say a 14-16 day LP is ideal, so that's a good thing you got going on! I'm really hoping that this is your month!

I'm on day 4 of clomid. Tomorrow is my last day taking it; then I should supposedly O in 5-10 days. I'm a bit crampy and get kind of spacy/lightheaded toward the end of the day but so far I'm not a total psychopath! Though I've read that tends to kick in around/post O...Doing OPKs this month after my last pill per the doc so time will tell...
Xan- Do you normally have sore boobs close to AF? I only get them from O so maybe that's a good sign! I've got my FX'd tight for you!! Hope your me time helps you feel better.

Lab- I don't have a clue about clomid so I'm hoping that whatever it's doing it's working!!

AFM- not much to report. I took an opk last night because I was out and seen them lmbo. YES I'm weird. I forgot to get them when I had the sore boobs so I was curious how they would look now a week later. Pretty dang close to positive so that was strange. I'm giving my AF till next weekend to show up then I will test.
Thanks ladies. Labgal, according to FF my luteal phase is on average 15 days. It's good to know that's supposed to be good, although it's frustrating to be told you have "unexplained infertility". If they knew what was wrong, they would know what to fix.

TTC- I usually get slightly sore, bigger boobs before AF, but this is a little more than usual.
Xan - I am praying the grumpiness and sore boobs are a good sign.

Lab - yay for last day of clomid I am praying you ovulate soon.

Ttc - do you know what cycle day your on? that's strange the opk was close to positive.

Dragonfly - how are you? I seen AF showed I am really sorry I hope you get some answers from your dr.

AFM - still no O. I didn't until CD 28 last cycle I'm on CD 23 I think so hopefully this week.
Xan - Hoping these are good signs!! Fingers and toes are crossed!

Labgal - Fingers crossed that this round of Clomid does it for you. Sounds like you didn't have too awful of side effects :thumbup: Bring on the ovulation!

TTC - How strange, my fingers are crossed that your interesting opk leads to better news.

AFM: CD7 and tomorrow is my appointment with the women's clinic I've decided to give a try since insurance isn't going to cover anything even if I go to their preferred people. DH's SA came back but they didn't really go over it with us so I'm hoping the clinic can do that.
Xan - I am praying the grumpiness and sore boobs are a good sign.

Lab - yay for last day of clomid I am praying you ovulate soon.

Ttc - do you know what cycle day your on? that's strange the opk was close to positive.

Dragonfly - how are you? I seen AF showed I am really sorry I hope you get some answers from your dr.

AFM - still no O. I didn't until CD 28 last cycle I'm on CD 23 I think so hopefully this week.

According to FF I'm on CD45 and I was guessing 5-7dpo until it seems AF is here. Seriously I can't help but laugh, my body is totally crazy haha. Hope you O soon!!
Xan - Hoping these are good signs!! Fingers and toes are crossed!

Labgal - Fingers crossed that this round of Clomid does it for you. Sounds like you didn't have too awful of side effects :thumbup: Bring on the ovulation!

TTC - How strange, my fingers are crossed that your interesting opk leads to better news.

AFM: CD7 and tomorrow is my appointment with the women's clinic I've decided to give a try since insurance isn't going to cover anything even if I go to their preferred people. DH's SA came back but they didn't really go over it with us so I'm hoping the clinic can do that.

Hey there stranger!! Hope you are doing well, and I hope you get lots of good news and good vibes tomorrow at the women's clinic. Can't wait to hear how it goes!!
TTC - Love your attitude over your wacky cycle, I admire how positive you stay!

I've got butterflies thinking of going to the clinic tomorrow, I wish DH could go with me but he's working. :(
Dragonfly- glad you are going to see the people you like, and that you will get some good answers. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :)

AFM- AF hit as expected today. I had cramps for the past few days, so I was kind of expecting it, but still sucks. Enjoying some wine and going to eat something I've been avoiding for the past 2 weeks (blue cheese, sushi...)

As for the other health stuff, still no answers. The doctor said that my stress test was more or less normal, and that I probably am younger and in better shape than the average person getting a stress test, so that explains not getting up to my target heart rate. I've been getting those annoying aches in my arms and legs again, so not sure what is going on. I remember the last time I had the aches I was irritable, so maybe the grumpiness is caused by the aches. At least all the worst stuff has been ruled out. Next I'm going to the cardiologist, so maybe they'll find the cause.
Xan - I'm sorry af showed up, definitely enjoy yourself all those foods you've been avoiding! Sushi is a hard one for me lol. I'm glad to hear that the worst of it have been ruled out, even though they're still puzzled. Keeping you in my thoughts that your body gets healthy and no more aches!
Dragonfly - Good lunch at the dr.s I hope you get some answers.

Ttc - Sorry AF showed :hugs:

Xan - Sorry AF showed, enjoy your avoided foods. Glad to head your stress test was normal, hopefully the cardiologist will give you answers.

Lab - how are you doing?
Xan I'm sorry you got AF... Enjoy the sushi! I'm hoping this next cycle is the bump for you!

Dragonfly, let us know how your appointment went! I hope they get you on a good track!

Having some uncomfortable side effects from the clomid. At night I'm seeing tracers, like when you move your hand quickly and see that trail. Outlines of colors around things. I had a panic attack when it first started but I guess its not uncommon..

On the plus side I'm having a lot of ewcm, I've never had real ewcm so I'm happy about that!

Thinking of leetie & TTC and sending good vibes to you both!
Labgal - Sorry about the uncomfortable side effects, I hope they don't last long! Exciting that you're having ewcm though!! :)

Getting butterflies about my appointment today. A friend of ours is having their second baby have his first birthday, they've asked for only clothes and shoes because he doesn't fit his brothers and they have no room for toys. There's a consignment shop a couple blocks down from my appt.... is it horribly tacky to get used clothes for a babies birthday? I'm extremely picky about thrift shopping so I wont be getting anything that looks bad or anything. :shrug: What do you ladies think?
Lab - I would of had a panic attack also I didn't know that could be a side effect. That's great you have ewcm I've heard clomid makes some women really dry.

Dragonfly - I see nothing wrong in buying from a thrift shop, especially for kids. They out grow things so fast. I would wash it before I gave it to them though just in case they don't.

Afm- CD 26, my opks have been dark not positive but really close for about 3 days. But my boobs aren't sore, I haven't had any O pains and very little cm. I guess I will see what happens.

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