Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Leetie - I hope O finds you soon, at least your opks are dark so it must be coming.

Sadly didn't find anything at the consignment shop that really appealed to me, I'll just have to go shopping again later this week. Plenty of adorable little girl stuff!! But all the little boy stuff were sweat suits:wacko: Is that weird? I find it weird haha
Labgal, hope the good of the clomid outweighs the bad, and that the side effects wear off. That reminds me of before I get migraine headaches and I see halos around things. Not fun- the first time it happened I was really little and my mom said I was scared frozen and my skin was pale and my lips were blue. She almost took me to the emergency room.

Sweetie leetie, hope your O is right around the corner.

TTC, you do have a great outlook, and I chuckle reading your posts.

DH is out of town for work, and while he was there he started talking to the secretary at his office. She's originally from hawaii and she said that many times when there doesn't appear to be any cause for infertility it is male factor, and recommended some vitamins for him. I have to laugh because DH and I have really swapped gender roles on this thing. Nobody in my life outside of bnb knows everything, and though DH wants to talk to his family about it, I don't want anyone pitying us or giving unsolicited advice. I've told a few friends that we've been trying but no luck so far, but nothing about seeing a doctor etc. Meanwhile DH is gabbing with a secretary at work :) We'll see, he already ordered the vitamins!
Dragonfly - How did the appointment go? I'd have no problem getting any baby clothes at the thrift shop but I probably wouldn't get the sweat clothes either :)

Xan - I get migranes, too. It is a lot like that, but even more vivid. It's as though I could reach out and touch the color trails; they hang in the air like spiderweb clouds. Fortunately they seem to have subsided now that I am done with the pills for the month.

I've also heard that many cases of unexplained infertility end up being a male issue. So glad he's being proactive taking vits! I'm pretty sure Omega-3's are something they encourage for that, and I've also heard selenium.

O find you yet, Leetie?

How's TTC doing?

We're going to Vegas for a few days; leaving tonight. I should be O'ing while we are there so hopefully the relaxation does us good! No matter what, it will be nice to not be working. I've never been and I'm not a gambler, nor are we really going to be drinking much at all but we are staying at a place that has a really nice spa... I can't wait to see DH get a facial. Bwahaha.
Xan - That's great that he's talking to someone and awesome that she suggested some vitamins! Which ones did she suggest? Darn it, that's something I meant to ask my doctor yesterday:dohh: Thanks for the reminder:winkwink:

Labgal - Have a fantastic trip! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts that you and DH will make a Vegas baby:winkwink:

The appointment went better than I expected. The doctor is being super proactive and took enough blood out of me I felt light headed:haha: They're checking for pcos, hormone levels and any deficiencies I may have. She explained DH's SA results better and said everything is pretty close to normal although the morphology makes her curious so she's calling a colleague fertility specialist to get a second opinion on his results. Depending on how that phone call goes he'll either need to see a urologist or just get another SA done. And depending how my blood work looks I'll be starting femara next cycle! I told DH I want to try super hard and bd like high schoolers just in case we manage to fall pregnant before I go on medications.
Dragonfly- I like your spirit! Fx'ed you do it it all on your own and don't need a doctor's help, but if you do, that they troubleshoot and you get your bump quickly. Glad you had a good appointment :)

Labgal, hope you have a blast in Vegas. When we were out in California we used to do Vegas for thanksgiving because my Canadian parents always work on Thanksgiving and DH is not American. We always had a blast seeing the shows, enjoying the sunshine and fine dining and letting all our worries slip away. Actually it was there that we decided to start trying to have a baby. Funny to think back, but we were terrified that it would work on the first shot!

I'm still trying to get the name of the vitamins from DH. I guess it's something from hawaii.
Dragonfly - thats awesome the doctor is being proactive, I hope your bump is on the way soon! Did the doctor say why femara and not clomid? Just curious.

Lab - glad that side effect went away with the pills. Have fun in Vegas, praying for a safe trip and a surprise after your return.

Xan - that's funny your dh doesn't mind talking to someone about infertility. Mine cringes if I say anything in front of family. Most of them know we've been trying, a few know the extent. I hope whatever vitamins they are help.

Ttc - how are you doing?

AFM - my boobs have been sore on and off and I've had some wet cm the past couple days, so hopefully O will happen tonight or tomorrow.
I think I may have ovulated on Wednesday. My opks was pretty close to positive but I didn't have my normal O signs. But yesterdays temp was low and today's was higher than they have been this cycle. I guess I will know in a couple days if my temps continue to rise.
Xan - Whatever the vitamins are I hope they help out :)

Leetie - Hoping you O'd and got lots of bd'ing in! Fingers tightly crossed.

TTC - How are we doing?

Newlywed crossed my mind today, I hope she's doing alright:hugs:
Heyyyy ladies! Sorry I've been gone, bed shopping and school work so no free time. I hope you are all doing well.
Xan- that's funny that he's sharing and you don't. Hopefully the vitamins help!
Dragonfly- hope it happens before you have to start taking meds for it!!
Leetie- hopefully you O'd and have a sticky bean in the oven.

AFM- I only had AF for 1 day. The next day I had brown and then it was gone and still hasn't came back. I would say maybe IB but it really seemed like a regular AF so I was surprised when it was gone after one day and hasn't came back. Took a test 2 days later just to see and it was neg. Can't remember how long I was supposed to wait so who knows. Maybe AF was so short because we were on the go so much looking for a bed. The plus side we finally have a king size bed so I can actually sleep now. Sharing a queen size with 2 dogs a cat and DF was getting bad lol.
Ttc - a new bed that's great, we have a queen I would love a king but with both end tables it wouldn't fit and I really love the bed we have. I agree I only have 1 dog that's sleeps in bed ( Australian Shepherd) but she acts like she owns it lol. That's strange AF was so short, are you temping or anything this cycle?

AFM - I have a cold/sinus infection for the past 3 days so I think it messed with my temps they went up for 2 days and ff gave me cross hairs then it went back down today and it took them away. I really felt like I didn't O. I am on CD 32, so I'm still just waiting. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
The brand of vitamins is Fertility Blend, although I think they have all the same ingredients (Vitex,selenium, B vitamins etc.) as the other vitamin fertility brands. One thing is that they have iron, so I'm wondering if it's a good thing for me with high blood counts, but at least DH can take them.

The weirdest thing happened- Friday I didn't do much exercise. I walked down 6 flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator so I could talk to DH, but then forgot my train pass so had to walk back upstairs. I usually have to walk up/down 2 flights of stairs multiple times each day, so this is not unusual for me, and that was the sum total of my exercise for the day. Saturday morning I woke up feeling like I ran a few miles, the muscles in my legs ached so much, and they've been sore ever since. Walking up or down stairs is not fun at all, so I'm avoiding when possible. Anyone ever heard of anything like this? I'm worried because I'm supposed to go out of town Thursday...
Xan - Has your dh started taking the vitamins? Sorry I don't have anything helpful to say about your legs, but I hope they don't still hurt and it was just a one time thing.

afm- This cycle has been so screwy. FF gave me solid cross hairs for last Thursday then after 2 days of high temps my temp dropped and it took them away, then it went back up yesterday so it gave me dotted cross hairs. My temp was up higher this morning and AF just showed a few hours ago. my boobs just started being sore yesterday and I have no cramps. But its red red and its more than spotting. I don't know if I ovulated or not. my opk Wednesday was pretty dang close to positive, if I did O then my LP was only 5 days, that's not good. Well I hope everyone is having a good week happy hump day :)
Hey ladies, I'm back.

Dragonfly, I'm glad your appointment went well. Did you hear back anything more about your/dhs test results? Femera seems good! I've heard it has less side effects than clomid.

Xan , it's possible its just a build up of exercise you have been doing and those steps pushed you over the edge, or dehydration/ low potassium. I hope you feel better!

Leetie I'm sorry AF showed :( TTC, too, though I'd wait a week and test if it doesn't come back!

AFM I did indeed o while we were away. I can't describe the intensity of the cramps. Now I have some cramping and this intermittent tickling feeling in my pelvis/back area. Breasts starting to get sore. Got my day 21 bloods Saturday then AF or hopefully pg around the corner..
Sorry Leetie. Hope things are sorted out.

Labgal, congrats on the o, sorry it was painful.

Well, today my legs feel better, but I woke up with the flu. Guess my body was trying to slow me down. Crappy timing cause I think I'm o'ing. Guess I'll count the month out.
Labgal- Yay for O! praying you get your BFP this month!

Xan- Im sorry you have the flu, I really hope you get better fast.

afm- It is deff AF still not very crampy like I have been the last few cycles but not having cramps is pretty normal for me too. Temps went down, but they never got as high after O like usual.
Sorry for the flu, Xan. I had that a couple months ago and it stuck around for a while... I hope yours clears up quick! Never count yourself out!

Leetie - at least you're not having cramps. That's a relief.

Updates, Dragonfly?

AFM something like 5 DPO today, maybe 6. Had really vivid, emotional dreams last night. One where DH and I got in a massive screaming fight, one where I let someone put my hair in pigtails and they chopped it off while I wasn't paying attention, which was distressing as I have really long hair and I was crying and bemoaning having to go to the hairdresser for the JLaw (it just doesn't look good on me, I had that about 8 years ago). I also had one with my best friend in it where we were just laughing like crazy over nothing.

Otherwise the cramping is mostly gone, kind of just feels like I have a pulled muscle in my side. Extremely tired and thirsty but somewhat nauseous.
Hey ladies! Gosh it feels like ages since I've been on bnb. We went to spend time with family because a friend of BIL's was killed in a car accident :(

TTC - How strange about a one day period, did it ever come back? Exciting about shopping for the new bed, I hope you found a super comfy one!

Xan - Glad your legs are starting to feel better, but that really sucks about getting the flu. I hope that you get well fast!

Leetie - I'm sorry that af got you after such a screwy cycle :( I hope that your body is just clearing the way for next cycle to be much better. On the bright side at least you're not having to deal with cramps:thumbup:

Labgal - Glad that you O'd! I'm praying for a bfp for you!!

AFM: CD18 and waiting to O, my temps have been all over the place and I keep hoping that they just start dancing their way upward. We've been bd'ing as we please so it's been mostly relaxed. Picked up my Femara today, even though I wont be taking it until next cycle. Had a lot of cm and severe side pains today that when I found a dollar store opk while putting away laundry I took it and I think it may be close to a positive so we'll bd some more and I'll hope to get a crosshair in the next few days!
Lab - when do you plan on testing? Fx those are all good signs!

Dragonfly - so sorry to hear about your BIL's friend, I will say a prayer for his and your family. My fingers are crossed for this cycle but if not atleast you got your femara for next cycle yay!
Hey there ladies!
Xan-sorry you have the flu hope it's gone by now.
Leetie- sorry AF found you but luckily not terrible cramps to go with the dreaded witch
Lab- Hope those are all good signs, FX'd for you hun!!
Dragonfly- I'm so sorry to hear about BIL's friend. Hope you O soon followed by bfp so you don't even need the meds!

AFM- nope AF never came back. I haven't tested again to see if MAYBE, the slightest of maybes that I will get a bfp. I just don't wanna see another 1 line test ugh. The good news is I found out about the healthcare I was approved for at no cost to me and I have appointments next month to get a physical, a woman wellness exam and meet my new family practice dr and gyn. Honestly, I haven't been to the dr in so long I'm a little nervous.
Ttc - yay for insurance! I'm working on getting some so hopefully I will be able to make appointments soon. I get nervous just talking to people on the phone I will probably be a wreck when I actually have to go to one. I haven't been to a doctor in years either.

AFM - AF is gone yay.

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