Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Oh I see haha, I've never tanned but I would feel weird going all nude for it:haha:

Best of luck to you on Thursday, I hope the doctor you see will be proactive. :hugs:It's stressful going to doctors, but it's another step toward your bfp. Write down any questions you have so you'll be sure to ask and take as much of your cycle history that you know with you.

You have to go nude if you don't want crazy tan lines hehe. I really hope so, I pray there is a bfp at the end of this crazy storm I've been going through! When they called they said all this stuff to write down and bring, feels like the first day of school or something LOL.
Xan - I hope your cardiologist gives you the thumb up, although it's strange that everything is in the normal range now. Hopefully that means your body is leveling out and you will get your bfp soon.

Dragonfly - are the dr.'s saying your hcg is low? I would think if they feared ectopic they would do an ultra sound right away. I am praying everything is perfect and your numbers will be great Thursday.

Ttc - Good luck at the doctors Thursday. I hope you get some answers and are closer to your bfp .

AFM - I woke up sick this morning. Fever, sore throat, head ache. So maybe sinus infection I've had a sinus head ache for a week now. Ugh I hate being sick especially close to O I had to discard my temp this A.M. hopefully it goes away soon.
Leetie- Thanks hun! I'm so nervous the closer it gets ugh.

I have a question totally off subject. My memory is really bad but I remember one of you live in WA. I had to sign up for a MyChart before my appointment tomorrow. There's ALL kinds of stuff that isn't mine attached to my name. I mean surgeries and tons of stuff that I've never had.That's so scary. What do I do? Now I'm wondering if that's affecting my credit. What if that person did all this stuff in my name and applied for credit stuff too. I don't have a clue about this stuff. I'm feeling super freaked out right now.
TTC - it'll be good :) that's crazy about the mychart having stuff you haven't done... I would definitely speak with someone at your doctors offixe , maybe it's a clinic error. I'm not sure how you would check.out everything else though. And btw, I'm in WA :)

Leetie - I hope you're feeling better fast before O shows up.

Had my blood taken, I'll find out tomorrow how its looking. I'm praying for good numbers. The lab tech who took my blood was awful! My arm still hurts where she poked me, I've never had it that bad. Woman needs to go back to school
TTC - it'll be good :) that's crazy about the mychart having stuff you haven't done... I would definitely speak with someone at your doctors offixe , maybe it's a clinic error. I'm not sure how you would check.out everything else though. And btw, I'm in WA :)

Leetie - I hope you're feeling better fast before O shows up.

Had my blood taken, I'll find out tomorrow how its looking. I'm praying for good numbers. The lab tech who took my blood was awful! My arm still hurts where she poked me, I've never had it that bad. Woman needs to go back to school

I thought it was you but I wasn't sure lol. Hopefully they will straighten the stuff out. It says Montana and Washington on MyChart. I hope it's just an error but DF is a nurse and said it's hooked to my SSN so it's not something that was easily done. It's 2am and I'm wide awake freaking out about tomorrow lol. My nerves are terrible. I ate and then had to take zofran so it didn't revisit me ugh. I want to sleep so bad. I twisted my back earlier so I have this terrible tightening feeling in the right side of my back. Nerves take a terrible toll on our bodies. No wonder people say relax and let things happen. Just seeing all the crazy things that have taken place today makes me have no doubt my nerves really mess with my body. I'm pray you get great news tomorrow. Sorry the lady was so horrible. How are the cramps doing now? Hopefully they are gone and everything is going smoothly for your little bean.
Hello ladies!

Right now I'm in bizzaro land. Yesterday my temps dropped by about 1 degree, and I started getting cramps. AF started last night, but it is the lightest period I've ever had. Also cramps only lasted a couple of hours. If it weren't for the low temps, I would be getting super curious. I'm wondering if, with the flu and all, I didn't O last month? Would that cause a light period? My temps were so wonky all month- yesterday when I put in my temps it took away my cross hairs, but then when I entered AF, I got them back. So weird!
TTC - Thank you, I still have them but they're not as bad. I think what is happening now is classified as "normal" as I haven't had the intense scary ones in two days now. Best of luck at your doctors appointment, I'm sorry you're a bundle of nerves, I get that way too:hugs: Let us know how it goes!

Xan - I'm super curious and not sure what to think... it could have been from the flu causing issue with O, but I've never had it give me a break from af:haha: Even more strange about your crosshair disappearing and reappearing. Wish I had a better idea for you:shrug: Are your temps near your cover line or just one degree down?
Yes, temps are around cover line. I should also say that my luteal phase was 11 days instead of the average 15. Maybe I'll buy some sticks and if my temps keep changing and AF stays away I'll pee on one!
Ttc - I don't know what a my chart is but I hope everything gets straightened out. Good luck today and take a deep breath in....now exhale...don't be so nervous :)

Dragonfly - FX for good blood results so glad to hear the cramping has eased.

Xan - Not Oing can cause a light AF or just spotting, but its strange that your LP was shorter. I hope you get some answers soon.

AFM - feeling better this morning compared to yesterday. I have an irritating dry cough. I swear I've had some sort of sickness every month for the last few months. I usually get maybe a cold and stomach bug through the winter but this winter has been bad. I need to take my vit C more regularly.
Yes, temps are around cover line. I should also say that my luteal phase was 11 days instead of the average 15. Maybe I'll buy some sticks and if my temps keep changing and AF stays away I'll pee on one!

That's very different. Fingers crossed af stays away so you can poas and have good news :)

Ttc - I don't know what a my chart is but I hope everything gets straightened out. Good luck today and take a deep breath in....now exhale...don't be so nervous :)

Dragonfly - FX for good blood results so glad to hear the cramping has eased.

Xan - Not Oing can cause a light AF or just spotting, but its strange that your LP was shorter. I hope you get some answers soon.

AFM - feeling better this morning compared to yesterday. I have an irritating dry cough. I swear I've had some sort of sickness every month for the last few months. I usually get maybe a cold and stomach bug through the winter but this winter has been bad. I need to take my vit C more regularly.

Thank you, I feel all fluttery waiting for the results. I probably wont get them until I'm off work:dohh:

Glad you're feeling better this morning! Sorry to hear you've been sick every month lately, definitely up that vit C intake! I've found powdered vitamin C mixed with a splash of water - although tastes awful - is super effective.
Dragonfly - I hate it when the techs butcher you on blood draws - I've had quite a few that have left a massive bruise on my arm that didn't go away for days. Ugh! I hope the results of your test are good! I'm sure they will be :)

TTC - that is very disturbing about those tests being on your chart... you can get your credit reports for free online once per year so I would look into that. If it has medical bills on it dispute as soon as possible and write a letter to each of the credit agencies explaining the situation. It's a headache but not impossible to clear up - my mom had to do it, someone in china stole her identity. I hope your doctor appointments go well!

Xan - I'm hoping that AF wasn't really AF! If she doesn't come back definately test!

Leetie - I'm sorry you are sick! I always recommend ginger to stave off things. It has a natural antibiotic quality to it that and has helped me a lot!
Dragonfly - we are usually good about taking vitamin C especially during the winter but for some reason we keep forgetting.

Lab - I didn't know ginger was useful like that thanks. How are you feeling? I think I asked but don't remember are you doing opks?
Hi ladies! So I discussed the things on MyChart with the Dr today and I will get it straightened out when I go in on the 18th. Today I had blood work done, pap smear and a physical. She said she seen blood when she did the pap smear but she said it could either be from the procedure or that AF is coming. I came home and wiped and pink blood. It's still early so I'm guessing it was from the pap. I haven't had any of that stuff done since I was a teen. I feel so much better now though. She was wonderful. I felt so comfortable I discussed a lot of things with her. It's such a relief that she was so great. My bp was a little elevated 132/90 but she said that could be related to how nervous I was. I sweated through the gown lol. I'm anxiously awaiting Dragonfly's news!! Praying everything is right on schedule and looking great!!
Lab - She was so mean! I've never had it hurt like that lol. that's an excellent idea for TTC to pull up a credit report, I hadn't thought of that!

Leetie - I'm awful at remembering to take vitamins:dohh: The only time I seem to take vitamin C is when I feel I'm getting sick haha.

TTC - I'm so glad you had a good doctors appointment and that you're comfortable with your doctor!! That's so excellent :) Yeah your high bp could definitely be from nerves. What blood tests is she running?

AFM: Blood is good! My hcg levels bounced up to 1121:happydance: I have to go back in on Saturday to get one more blood draw before they decide when my ultrasound will be. She said either a week from Saturday or two weeks.
Dragonfly- YAYYYYY!!! I was starting to worry since I hadn't seen you. Such great news! Today I met with my family dr. The blood work she is running is checking all my family history stuff. So she's checking my thyroid, liver, cholesterol, seeing if I have diabetes and other stuff I'm sure I've leaving out lol. My appointment on the 18th is with my ob/gyn. I'm sure I will freak myself out by then.

I was wondering if any of you have bled when you get a pap? Just wondering because it's been so long since I've had one but I don't remember bleeding afterwards but I've still got light pink when I wipe and it's been hours since my appointment. I'm only 9dpo. I'm cramping but she said I should expect some cramping.
Dragonfly!!! I just knew your numbers were going up. I am so glad for you and hope the next 9 months slip by!

AFM- AF came 24 hours after I first noticed blood. I was looking at my chart and it's quite possible that I O'ed earlier than Fertility Friend guessed, which would have put it right smack in the middle of when I had the flu. There's always next month.

This summer I'm going to try to reduce my stress a bit. My boss is almost 8 months along and summers are quiet anyway. Time to get back into yoga, swimming, walking etc. Then if a little bean doesn't stick I'll go for more help with another doctor.
Yay Dragonfly! So happy your levels are looking good! I knew they would be - its natural to fret and good that you were fretting for no reason :)

Leetie - I had stopped using opk because before the clomid it was telling me I'd have a 20+ day lap, which isn't right. I'm using them now because they are reliable with me actually OIng. Last LP was exactly 14 days. I'm going to start them tomorrow, 5 days since I've finished the meds. O is between 5-10 days after, but I doubt I'll get a + until Tuesday or wed, I think it was 8 or 9 days last time. Still, not that far away!

Xan I'm sorry af hit you - yoga is a good idea, and keep taking those vits ! I'm hoping relaxation will do you good.

TTC - I've never bled after a pap but I've heard it does happen to some people especially if you are nearing AF. Never heard of it associated with problems.

AFM... Allergies. Vicious allergies and I can't take my typical steroids for obvious reasons. I demand a bump in compensation! ;)
TTC - I'm glad that they're being thorough! And that's exciting you're going to see an ob/gyn soon, don't freak out - you already did the pap in my opinion that's the worst part!!:haha: I'm not sure if I've ever bled after one, always been super sore though... since it's been so long since you've had one maybe you're having some light pink because your body felt shocked by it.

Xan - Sorry af found you, cutting back on stress sounds good to me! I like your summer plan:thumbup: Praying it's just what you need to hit your bfp!!

Lab - Ugh, I heard someone mowing the lawn outside yesterday and was like "yep, it's sneezing time." I hope they don't keep you too miserable. Haha bump compensation:winkwink:

Thank you ladies for being so wonderful:hugs: I know I'm such a worry wart! I go back tomorrow for more blood draw and I'm trying so hard not to get nervous over it.:dohh: If DH didn't think I was crazy before I think he might go into shock over the next coming weeks!:rofl:
Ttc - so glad you liked your doctor and your going to the obgyn soon!

Xan - sorry AF came. We are waiting for the weather to get nicer so we can go walking in the mornings the indoor track doesn't open until 8am and dh leaves for work around then but were also thinking a out joining a gym that opens at 5am so hopefully we will both be on the track to healthier less stressed baby making bodies lol

Dragonfly - woot woot those are awesome numbers!

Lab - I think I will be Oing on Monday or Tuesday I've had some cm the last 2 days and my opks yesterday and today werent positive but getting darker. So maybe we will be in the 2 ww together although my LP is usually 1O days long lol.
Xan-Sorry AF found u!
Lab- HAHAHA! I agree you need a bump compensation lol. Hope the allergies straighten up.
Dragonfly- I think it's natural to worry after waiting so long. Poor DH I will pray for him hehe.
Leetie- Good idea about the gym. I've read over and over again that losing weight can really help trigger fertility. Less stress will help too.

AFM- The spotting is gone. I think it was just from the pap. I googled it and apparently a lot of women bleed afterwards. Other than that I'm just trucking along at 10dpo.

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